scholarly journals Metodología para el desarrollo de la fuerza explosiva del despegue bajo el aro

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Mario Fernando Gudiño Lara

Este trabajo investigativo tiene gran importancia desde el punto de vista social, por lo que se debe solucionar lo antes posible esta situación problémica, por lo que implica el desarrollo de la fuerza explosiva de los músculos extensores de las piernas para rendimiento deportivo de los basquetbolistas, ya que el rebote bajo el aro puede ser una acción ofensiva o defensiva, que permite anotar un tanto o evitar que el contrario anote un tanto respectivamente. Es por ello, que el autor de esta investigación se propuso como objetivo diseñar una metodología para el desarrollo de la fuerza explosiva a través de los ejercicios con pesas que contribuya al incremento del despegue del rebote bajo el aro en los basquetbolistas. Para dar cumplimiento a este objetivo se utilizarán los siguientes métodos de investigación: e inducción deducción, análisis-síntesis, análisis de fuentes documentales y el método del criterio de expertos. PALABRAS CLAVE: basquetbolistas; fuerza explosiva; rebote bajo el aro. Methodology for the development of the explosive force of the take-off under the hoop ABSTRACT This investigative work is of great importance from the social point of view, so this problem situation must be solved as soon as possible, which implies the development of the explosive force of the extensor muscles of the legs for the sports performance of basketball players. since the rebound under the rim can be an offensive or defensive action, which allows to score a goal or prevent the opponent from scoring a goal respectively. It is for this reason that the author of this research set out to design a methodology for the development of explosive force through exercises with weights that contributes to increasing the take-off of the rebound under the hoop in basketball players. To fulfill this objective, the following research methods will be used: and induction deduction, analysis-synthesis, analysis of documentary sources and the method of expert judgment. KEYWORDS: basketball players; explosive force; bounce under the rim.

2012 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-130
Rafael Böcker Zavaro

This article sets out the results of research which aims to determine the characteristics of fishing development in the province of Tarragona, from the social, territorial and economic point of view, as well as the perspective of the public policies implemented for this sector. It considers the role played by the various social, economic and institutional agents, and the importance of sustainable and responsible management of fishing. The research method we have chosen is the case study. The comparative analysis of the seven fishing ports in the south of Catalonia is even more significant in that each one has different sales volumes. The techniques used for gathering information were: the semi-structured interview, non-participant observation and the use of secondary statistical and documentary sources.

2010 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 9
Emilio Pradilla Cobos

Resumen: En el neoliberalismo y su globalización parece inobjetable que las teorías que explican la problemática urbana y las políticas públicas que pretenden resolverla tienen validez universal, objetivos homogéneos, eficacia general y pueden adquirirse en el “libre mercado mundial” intelectual o gubernamental. Una visión alienada de estos procesos, generalizada a casi todos los actores sociales e ideologías políticas parece justificarlo. Pero el largo proceso histórico de mundialización del capitalismo, sus impactos diferenciales en los territorios del mundo, y la evolución de los sistemas urbanos muestran heterogeneidades y desigualdades históricas que hacen que las teorías y políticas armadas en los países hegemónicos y los organismos multinacionales sean inaplicables, ineficaces y contraproducentes en América Latina y otras regiones. Su aplicación solo reproduce el atraso, la inequidad y la desigualdad que analizan o combaten. Abogamos por la descolonización de las teorías y las políticas urbanas y su construcción regional crítica y consecuente con nuestras realidades concretas y las necesidades de la mayoría de nuestra población. Palabras clave: América Latina; globalización; teoría; políticas; colonialismo. Abstract: At the neoliberal globalization it is assumed that the theories, private practices and policies set to solve the urban issues are universally valid and efficient, independently from the geography, demography, history, development level, culture and physical configuration of each city. This could be justified by an alienated vision of this process, a vision that is widespread among the social stakeholders. However, in the long term and thanks to the uneven global village concept of capitalism and its different impact on the territories, social structure, cultures, systems and urban morphologies, they have lead to heterogeneities and inequities that make theories, practices and policies implemented in several countries and multinational organisms unenforceable, inefficient and adverse for undeveloped regions around the world. Its implementation reproduces the development delay, contradictions, inequity and inequality that they analyze or avoid. We advocate the decolonizing of urban theories, practices and policies for Latin America and for building them from a critical point of view that takes into account the reality and needs of our population. Keywords: Latin America; globalization; theory; politics; colonialism.

1996 ◽  
pp. 159-167
Immanuel Etkes

This chapter focuses on the zaddik. The bulk of the scholarship concerned with the position of the leader in hasidism has been focused on the ideology, usually referred to as the doctrine, of zaddikism rather than on the social institution of the zaddik. There are two principal reasons for this preference. First, for the past few decades, the academic study of hasidism has been dominated by the late Gershom Scholem and his students, all of whom have approached the subject primarily from the point of view of the history of ideas. Second, while the religious teaching of hasidism has been preserved in an abundance of primary literary sources, the documentary sources for the study of hasidism as a social movement have been scarce. It is therefore not surprising that much of the discussion on the doctrine of the zaddik has been conducted without reference to the socio-historical phenomenon of zaddikism. As a result, the relationship between doctrine and social institution has not been addressed in a systematic way. Scholars have tended to view the theory as a blueprint for social action—a programme by which the institution of the zaddik was ultimately shaped in reality. The chapter then examines the relationship between the theory and practice of zaddikism.

José García-Valdecasas Campelo ◽  
Amaia Vispe Astola

Resumen: La psiquiatría actual contribuye a configurar una cultura donde muchos malestares que podrían explicarse desde el punto de vista social son entendidos como problemas individuales subsidiarios de tratamiento farmacológico o psicoterapéutico. Esta situación se sostiene claramente por los beneficios obtenidos por diversos agentes que participan en ella: beneficio en términos económicos para la industria farmacéutica, beneficios en términos de prestigio para los profesionales, beneficios en términos de desresponsabilización para pacientes o familias, etc. Sin embargo, consideramos que los perjuicios, tanto para los sujetos individuales atrapados en esta red, como para la sociedad en su conjunto, son terribles. Señalaremos ejemplos de cómo aparece la psiquiatría en medios de comunicación y obras de la cultura popular y nos plantearemos que algo deberíamos intentar hacer en busca de un cambio emancipatorio, tanto desde un punto de vista individual como social. Palabras clave: psiquiatría, cultura, industria farmacéutica, psicoterapia, cambio social. Abstract: Current psychiatry helps to shape a culture where many discomforts that could be explained from the social point of view are understood as individual problems that need pharmacological or psychotherapeutic treatment. This situation is clearly supported by the benefits obtained by various agents involved in it: economic benefit for the pharmaceutical industry, benefits in terms of prestige for professionals, benefits in terms of patients or familias rejecting all responsibility, etc. However, we consider that the damages, both for the individual subjects caught in this network, and for society as a whole, are terrible. We will point out examples of how psychiatry appears in the mass media and works of popular culture and we will consider that something we should try to do in search of an emancipatory change, both from an individual and social point of view. Keywords: psychiatry, culture, pharmaceutical industry, psychotherapy, social change.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 412-437
Luís Francisco Munaro

A proposta deste artigo é estudar a contribuição literária de um grupo de intelectuais manauaras durante os anos de construção nacional no Governo Provisório e no Governo Constitucional de Getúlio Vargas (1930-1937). Foram selecionados seis nomes que participaram mais ativamente da esfera pública amazônica: Aurélio Pinheiro, Anísio Jobim, Araújo Lima, Carlos Mesquita, Ramayana Chevalier e Arhur Reis, todos homens de imprensa com ativo trânsito nos jornais e produção de livros. Do ponto de vista da análise textual, pretende-se entender como estes autores ponderaram a identidade regional e negociaram a filiação da região no projeto nacional, tratando a Amazônia como um termo relevante do ponto de vista social e político, orientado para o presente e com componente de planejamento futuro.    PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Elite intelectual; Amazonia; Esfera Pública; Manaus; Getúlio Vargas.     ABSTRACT The proposal of this article is to study the literary and journalistic contribution of a group of Manauara intellectuals during the years of national construction in the Provisional Government and in the Constitutional Government of Getúlio Vargas (1930-1937). Six names that participated more actively in the Amazon public sphere were chosen: Aurélio Pinheiro, Anísio Jobim, Araújo Lima, Carlos Mesquita, Ramayana Chevalier and Arhur Reis, all of them press men with active traffic in the newspapers. From the point of view of the textual analysis, we intend to understand how these authors pondered the regional identity and negotiated the affiliation of the region in the national project, treating the Amazon as a relevant term from the social and political point of view, oriented to the present and with planning component.   KEYWORDS: Intellectual Elite; Amazonia; Public Sphere; Manaus; Getulio Vargas.     RESUMEN La propuesta de este artículo es estudiar la contribución literaria y periodística de un grupo de intelectuales manauaras durante los años de construcción nacional en el Gobierno Provisional y en el Gobierno Constitucional de Getúlio Vargas (1930-1937). Se seleccionaron seis nombres que participaron más activamente en la esfera pública amazónica: Aurelio Pinheiro, Anísio Jobim, Araújo Lima, Carlos Mesquita, Ramayana Chevalier y Arhur Reis, todos ellos hombres de prensa con activo tránsito en los periódicos. Desde el punto de vista del análisis textual, se pretende entender cómo estos autores ponderaron la identidad regional y negociaron la filiación de la región en el proyecto nacional, tratando a la Amazonia como un término relevante desde el punto de vista social y político, orientado hacia el presente y con componente de planificación futura.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Elite intelectual; Amazónia; Esfera Pública; Manaus; Getúlio Vargas.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 109
Daniel Moreno Moreno

RESUMEN  Una filosofía de la mente à la Santayana explicaría el origen del animal humano a partir del orden de la materia. El funcionamiento social del cuerpo-cerebro que ha permitido su supervivencia lleva implícita la apertura de un ámbito nuevo —que es pero que no existe— llamado tradicionalmente: alma, conciencia o mente. Cuando ese nivel se explica desde el materialismo, se entiende tanto su origen como su especificidad no contaminada —destacando incluso el brillo del espíritu, tan atractivo para poetas y místicos—. Se evitarían así gran parte de la paradojas de la filosofía de la mente.   PALABRAS CLAVE: materia, psique, espíritu, idealismo, materialismo, filosofía de la mente, Lucrecio, Santayana    ABSTRACT  Santayana’s philosophy of mind could explain the origin of the human animal from out of the order of matter. The social functioning of the body/brain nexus that has allowed it to survival implicitly carries with it the opening up of a new realm —it is but it does not exist— traditionally designated in a variety of ways: soul, conscience, mind. When this realm is explained from a materialist point of view, both its origin and its untarnished specificity are understood —highlighting even the gleam of the spirit, so attractive to poets and mystics. In this manner, a large portion of the paradoxes found in the philosophy of mind could be avoided.    Keywords: matter, psyche, spirit, idealism, materialism, philosophy of mind, Lucretius, Santayana 

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Besin Gaspar

This research deals with the development of  self concept of Hiroko as the main character in Namaku Hiroko by Nh. Dini and tries to identify how Hiroko is portrayed in the story, how she interacts with other characters and whether she is portrayed as a character dominated by ”I” element or  ”Me”  element seen  from sociological and cultural point of view. As a qualitative research in nature, the source of data in this research is the novel Namaku Hiroko (1967) and the data ara analyzed and presented deductively. The result of this analysis shows that in the novel, Hiroko as a fictional character is  portrayed as a girl whose personality  develops and changes drastically from ”Me”  to ”I”. When she was still in the village  l iving with her parents, she was portrayed as a obedient girl who was loyal to the parents, polite and acted in accordance with the social customs. In short, her personality was dominated by ”Me”  self concept. On the other hand, when she moved to the city (Kyoto), she was portrayed as a wild girl  no longer controlled by the social customs. She was  firm and determined totake decisions of  her won  for her future without considering what other people would say about her. She did not want to be treated as object. To put it in another way, her personality is more dominated by the ”I” self concept.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Sina Saeedy ◽  
Mojtaba Amiri ◽  
Mohammad Mahdi Zolfagharzadeh ◽  
Mohammad Rahim Eyvazi

Quality of life and satisfaction with life as tightly interconnected concepts have become of much importance in the urbanism era. No doubt, it is one of the most important goals of every human society to enhance a citizen’s quality of life and to increase their satisfaction with life. However, there are many signs which demonstrate the low level of life satisfaction of Iranian citizens especially among the youth. Thus, considering the temporal concept of life satisfaction, this research aims to make a futures study in this field. Therefore, using a mixed model and employing research methods from futures studies, life satisfaction among the students of the University of Tehran were measured and their views on this subject investigated. Both quantitative and qualitative data were analysed together in order to test the hypotheses and to address the research questions on the youth discontentment with quality of life. Findings showed that the level of life satisfaction among students is relatively low and their image of the future is not positive and not optimistic. These views were elicited and discussed in the social, economic, political, environmental and technological perspectives. Keywords:  futures studies, quality of life, satisfaction with life, youth

Oksana Galchuk

The theme of illegitimacy Guy de Maupassant evolved in his works this article perceives as one of the factors of the author’s concept of a person and the plane of intersection of the most typical motifs of his short stories. The study of the author’s concept of a person through the prism of polivariability of the motif of a bastard is relevant in today’s revision of traditional values, transformation of the usual social institutions and search for identities, etc. The purpose of the study is to give a definition to the existence specifics of the bastard motif in the Maupassant’s short stories by using historical and literary, comparative, structural methods of analysis as dominant. To do this, I analyze the content, variability and the role of this motive in the formation of the Maupassant’s concept of a person, the author’s innovations in its interpretation from the point of view of literary diachrony. Maupassant interprets the bastard motif in the social, psychological and metaphorical-symbolic sense. For the short stories with the presentation of this motif, I suggest the typology based on the role of it in the structure of the work and the ideological and thematic content: the short stories with a motif-fragment, the ones with the bastard’s leitmotif and the group where the bastard motif becomes a central theme. The Maupassant’s interpretation of the bastard motif combines the general tendencies of its existence in the world’s literary tradition and individual reading. The latter is the result of the author’s understanding of the relevant for the era issues: the transformation of the family model, the interest in the theory of heredity, the strengthening of atheistic sentiments, the growth of frustration in the system of traditional social and moral values etc. This study sets the ground for a prospective analysis of the evolution the bastard motif in the short-story collections of different years or a comparative study of the motif in short stories and novels by Maupassant.

Iván Cisternas Villacura

  RESUMEN El presente artículo es una reflexión sobre la práctica del trabajo social en el rol de perito social forense dentro del sistema de administración de justicia, donde su labor se funda en mediar entre la realidad del periciado –sujeto del que se debe dar cuenta en una investigación judicial– y quien requiere de los antecedentes necesarios para que el “Juez” dicte sentencia, lo que habitualmente genera un “conflicto de interpretaciones”. En tal sentido, es relevante discutir las dificultades que deben enfrentar las y los trabajadores sociales, en cuanto a la comprensión de una realidad cada vez más compleja, y al conflicto que se genera entre las interpretaciones de los mundos de vida de las personas y los requerimientos del sistema judicial chileno. Palabras clave: Pericia judicial social forense - Trabajo Social Pericial - Conflicto de interpretaciones. A compreensão dos conflitos de interpretação na prática do perito social forense RESUMO O presente artigo é uma reflexão sobe a prática do trabalho social no rol de perito social forense dentro do sistema de administração de justiça; onde seu labor funda-se em mediar entre a realidade do periciado – pessoa de quem se deve dar conta numa investigação judicial – e quem precisa dos antecedentes necessários para que o “Juiz” determine sentencia o que habitualmente, gera um “conflito de interpretações”. Neste sentido, é relevante discutir as dificuldades que devem enfrentar as e os trabalhadores sociais, em quanto á compreensão de uma realidade cada vez mais complexa, e ao conflito que se gera entre as interpretações dos mundos de vida das pessoas e aos requerimentos do sistema judicial chileno. Palavras chave: Pericia judicial social forense - Trabalho Socia Pericial - Conflito das interpretações. Understanding the conflicts of interpretation in the social forensic expert practice ABSTRACT This article is a reflection on social work practice in the social role forensic expert plays in the legal system, where their job is based on mediating between ‘periciado’ – individual who is being charged during a trial at the court and requires the necessary case background for the ‘Judge’ to deliver judgment, which usually generates a “conflict of interpretations”. In this view, it is relevant to discuss the difficulties faced by social workers, in terms of understanding an increasingly complex reality, and the conflict that emerges among the interpretations of the life of people and Chilean legal system requirements. Keywords: Forensic Social Legal Expertise - Forensic Social Work – Conflict of interpretations

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