2019 ◽  
pp. 25-28

В статье приводятся данные молочной продуктивности и состава молока коров черно-пестрой породы, потребляющих сенаж из люцерны, заготовленный с применением разных доз закваски. При заготовке сенажа использовали препарат в концентрации рабочего раствора 2, 4 и 6 л на 1 т консервируемой массы. Опыт, заложенный в СПК-колохоз «Алга» Чекмагушевского района Республики Башкортостан, проводился в период 2017—2018 гг на коровах черно-пестрой породы. Были сформированы 4 группы  животных по 12 голов. В контрольной группе (I) коровы получали основной рацион, включающий сенаж без консервантов. Животные II—IV опытных групп потребляли сенаж с консервантом в указанных выше дозах. Рацион коров состоял из сена и сенажа люцернового, силоса кукурузного, свеклы кормовой, ячменя, овса, жмыха подсолнечного, патоки кормовой. Анализ полученных данных указывает на эффективность использования биологического консерванта в дозе 4 л рабочего раствора на 1 т массы. Данная дозировка обеспечивает увеличение удоя коров за 120 дней лактации по сравнению с контрольными сверстницами на 240,14 кг (8,97%; Р<0,001); удоя за 100 дней лактации — на 164,4 кг (7,27%; Р<0,001); среднесуточного удоя за 2-й мес лактации — на 2,14 кг (8,69%; Р?0,001); 3-й — на 2,37 кг (10,86%; Р?0,001); 4-й — на 3,44 кг (18,11%; Р?0,001). В молоке подопытных животных наблюдается увеличение концентрации сухого вещества на 0,24 п.п.; жира — на 0,11 п.п.; белка — на 0,05 п.п.; лактозы — на 0,04 п.п.The paper presents the data of milk yields and milk composition in cows of the black and motley  breed, fed alfalfa haylage preserved with  the use of yeast based product. When harvesting haylage, the drug was used in the concentration of 2, 4 and 6 liters of the process solution  per 1 ton of the preserved mass. The experiment was conducted on “SPK [Agricultural Production cooperative] Alga” farm of Chekmagushevskiy district of the Republic of Bashkortostan during 2017-2018. Cows of the black and motley breed were used in the experiment. The animals were divided into four groups, 12 heads each. The first control group consisted of cows fed the basic diet, including haylage without preservatives. Animals of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th test groups consumed haylage with preservatives at the specified doses. The diets comprised hay and haylage of alfalfa, corn silage, beet fodder, barley, oats, sunflower seed meal, feed molasses. Analysis of the obtained data showed that the biological preservative was efficient at a dose of 4 liters of the process solution per 1 ton of mass. This dosage provides an increase of 240.14 kg (8.97%; P<0.001) in milk yield of cows per 120 lactation days, and an increase of  164.4 kg (7.27%; P<0.001) in milk yield per 100 days of lactation compared with the control group animals. The average daily milk yield rose by 2.14 kg (8.69%; P<0.001) for the second month of lactation, by 2.37 kg (10.86%; P<0.001) for the third month, by 3.44 kg (18.11%; P<0.001) for the fourth month of lactation.  An increase of 0.24 pp in the concentrated dry matter, of 0.11 p.p. in fat, of 0.05 p.p. in protein and of 0.04 p.p. in lactose is reported in the paper.

2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 50-65
MA Baset ◽  
KS Huque ◽  
NR Sarker ◽  
MM Hossain ◽  
MN Islam

A total of 160 cows, 10 cows in each of native (local cow) and crossbred (local × Holstein Friesian) origins differing in lactation were used in 2×2×2×2 factorial experiment using Randomized Block Design (RBD) to evaluate milk yield and composition of cows considering regions (good & poor feed base region), seasons (dry: Nov.–Feb. 2009 & wet: Jun.–Oct. 2009), genotypes and lactation. A “good and/or poor feed base” region was classified based on the availability of quantity and quality roughages throughout the year. The study revealed that the daily milk yield and 4% FCM of cows under good feed base condition were 6.76 and 6.49 kg, respectively and under poor feed base condition were 3.67 and 3.31 kg, respectively. Feed base region did not affect on milk fat and it was observed that the milk protein, lactose, solids-not-fat (SNF), minerals and total solids under good feed base condition were 37.9, 54.9, 100.9, 6.3 and 140.6 g/kg, respectively, whereas, under poor feed base condition the values were 36.3, 52.9, 98.0, 6.1 and 135.2 g/kg, respectively. Season did not affect milk yield and composition except minerals (6.5 g/kg vs. 5.9 g/kg). Genotypes significantly (p?0.01) influenced daily milk yield, the milk protein and minerals. Lactation did not affect milk yield and the milk protein, but influenced the fat, lactose, SNF, minerals and total solids. The interaction of feed base regions and seasons significantly (p?0.01) influenced milk yield and the milk fat and SNF. The milk protein and lactose was influenced by the interaction of feed bases region, seasons and lactation. Milk yield negatively correlated with fat per cent. The percentage of fat significantly (p?0.01) correlated with protein, lactose, SNF, and minerals %. The percentage protein correlated with lactose, SNF and minerals. Lactose % significantly (p?0.01) correlated with SNF%. It may be concluded that milk yield and composition depends on feed base region, genotype and lactation of cows. Season did not influence milk yield and the composition. Milk yield negatively correlated with the percentage of fat, protein, lactose, SNF and milk composition strongly correlated with each other.Bangladesh J. of Livestock Res. 19(1-2): 50-65, Jan-Dec 2012

K. V. Kireeva ◽  
I. A. Pushkaryev ◽  
N. M. Kostomakhin ◽  
T. A. Litvintseva

In order to effectively provide the body of cows with energy during the increasing the milk yield without the risk of acidosis, progressive animal breeders of the Altai Territory include wet flattened corn grain in the composition of concentrated feed. The question of the expediency and economic effectiveness of using wet flattened corn grain for cows of various physiological groups – first-calf heifers and mature animals continues to be debatable. Therefore, a comparative assessment of two options for feeding wet flattened corn grain to cows under the conditions of the Altai Territory is considered promising in modern animal husbandry and is of great practical interest. The purpose of the work was to identify the optimal and economically feasible option for using wet flattened corn grain in the rations of lactating cows. When using wet flattened corn grains in an amount of 7,1 % of the nutritional value of the ration the first-calf heifers during the period of increasing the milk yield, productivity has increased by 20,9 %. The average daily milk yield was 17,3 kg, which significantly exceeded the indicator of the control group (P > 0,95). The inclusion of wet flattened corn grains in the ration of mature cows in the amount of 1 kg for 30–35 days before calving, then 4,5 kg from 15 to 75 days after calving allows us to get the average daily milk yield of 30 kg or 20,3 % higher than that of the control group of herdmates (P > 0,95). The effectiveness of the use of wet flattened corn grain had significant indicators: the total profit from the sale of dairy products of the first-calf heifers of the experimental group amounted to 16 251,3 rubles/head, and from the sale of milk of mature cows of the experimental group it was 30 346,43 rubles/head.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 84-86
P. K. Madke ◽  
Devendra Pal ◽  
Satya Prakash ◽  
Anant Kumar

A field study was conducted in Ghaziabad District to observe the effect of mineral mixture feeding on milk yield in Buffalo. Animals were selected randomly from 5 villages of Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh viz. Muradnagar, Noorpur, Kanoja, Kusalia, and Badka. 20 Buffaloes were selected in their 2nd and 3rd stage of lactation and divided into two groups of 10 animals each. First group (T) was fed with 60 gm mineral mixture daily till 90 days of lactation. Other groups (C) of 10 animals were not fed additional mineral mixture, which is farmers practice in that particular area. The farmers were not fed scientific method of feeding. They could not added proper quantity of mineral mixture in balance ration. To keeping in mind a trial was conducted in Ghaziabad District since 2016-17 to 2017-18. Milk yield of these animals was recorded by their owners and these values were averaged for fortnightly interval. Milk production parameters like average daily milk yield, peak yield and total milk yield were compared between treatment and control groups. It was observed that average daily milk yield, peak yield and total milk yield were found significantly (P less than 0.05) higher by 11.04, 12.37 and 11.61% in mineral mixture fed group than control group. On the basis of this, it is recommended that continuous feeding of mineral mixture bettered performance of milk yield in buffaloes.

2006 ◽  
Vol 57 (4) ◽  
pp. 377 ◽  
J. E. Morgan ◽  
N. M. Fogarty ◽  
S. Nielsen ◽  
A. R. Gilmour

Milk production and milk composition were studied in 520 primiparous Merino crossbred ewes that were the progeny of 30 sires from several maternal crossing breeds including Border Leicester, Coopworth, Finnsheep and East Friesian. The ewes were born in 3 years (1997, 1998, and 1999), with 3 sires used in every year to provide genetic links. The crossbred ewe lambs were randomly assigned to autumn or spring joining groups and mated to Poll Dorset rams to lamb at 12 or 19 months of age. Ewes were milked on 3 days during their first lactation at approximately 3, 4, and 12 weeks after lambing. On each milking day, each ewe was initially injected with oxytocin, milked out by machine, and then hand-stripped. This procedure was repeated approximately 4 h later, with the milk weight and time recorded to extrapolate to daily milk yield, and composition of the milk was determined. Daily milk yield was analysed using REML mixed models procedures and 3 measures of milk production were predicted: peak milk yield at 21 days of lactation, total milk yield from 21 to 90 days of lactation, and length of lactation (days for daily yield to decline to 600 g/day). Milk composition traits (%fat, %protein, %lactose) and proportion of machine milk yield were analysed with similar models. Sire breed, number of lambs born and suckled, season, and ewe weight gain from mid-pregnancy until lamb weaning were all significant (P < 0.01) for daily yield, which declined from 2.1 kg/day at 21 days to 0.7 kg/day at 90 days of lactation. The Finnsheep-cross ewes had lower peak milk yield (1.84 ± 0.08 v. 2.09–2.19 ± 0.1 kg/day) and lower total yield of lactation (21–90 days) than all the other breed-cross ewes (78 ± 3 v. 92–107 ± 5 kg). The East Friesian-cross ewes had significantly longer lactations (128.8 ± 10.9 days) than the Border Leicester (98.1 ± 4.4 days) and Coopworth (93.7 ± 4.2 days), with the Finnsheep-cross ewes the shortest (80.1 ± 3.1 days). The East Friesian-cross ewes had the greatest and the Finnsheep-cross ewes the least total yield of lactation (107 ± 5 and 78 ± 3 kg, respectively). There were significant differences in peak milk yield for ewes bearing and suckling single lambs, twin-born and single-raised lambs, and twin-born and raised lambs (1.86 ± 0.04, 2.03 ± 0.09, and 2.37 ± 0.07 kg/day, respectively). There was a significant decline in daily milk yield with increasing ewe weight gain from mid-pregnancy to lamb weaning (–18.1 ± 4.2 g/kg). All the components of milk composition changed from the peak of milk production at 3 weeks to the end of lactation. The East Friesian-cross ewes had significantly lower milk %fat (by approx. 1 percentage point) at both 21 days and 90 days of lactation than ewes by all other sire breeds. The 30 sire progeny mean deviations for daily milk yield ranged from –292 to +276 g/day, with considerable ranges between sires within the sire breeds. The implications for lamb production and breeding programs are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 282 ◽  
pp. 07020
I.M. Donnik ◽  
O.S. Chechenikhina

The use of the method of correlation-regression analysis as the most widespread method of statistical processing of experimental data makes it possible to organize the selection of animals according to the leading characteristics of productivity. A positive and high correlation was established between milk yield and milk yield in all groups of studied animals (r = from 0.64 to 0.90), and between milk yield in 305 days of lactation and the highest daily milk yield - only in groups of Reflection Sovering and Montvik Chieftain cows. (r = 0.65 to 0.92). Cows of the Vis Back Aydial line have higher correlation coefficients between indicators of milk composition (r = from 0.72 to 0.91, depending on the trait). The calculation of the regression coefficients showed that in the studied groups of animals with an increase in the coefficient of constancy of lactation, the coefficient of milk production and the indicator of the highest daily milk yield per unit, the amount of milk for 305 days of lactation increased by an average of 1.63 - 221.04 kg.

D.R. Sharipov ◽  
O.A. Yakimov ◽  
I.Sh. Galimullin ◽  

The technological properties of the udder of cows have been studied under the conditions of using a robotic milking system. The research material was Holstein cows in the peasant (farm) economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, serviced by "Astronaut A4" robotic milking from "Lely Industries N.V.". A method for selecting cows for robotic milking has been developed. At the same time, in the herd, first, cows of the 1st lactation at 2-4 months of lactation are assessed according to the duration of milking and animals with duration of milking from 3 to 6 minutes are selected. Then, cows are selected from this group, whose lactation intensity indicator at 2-4 months of lactation exceeds the average value of this group by 0.5 sigma (M + 0.5σ), where M – the arithmetic mean of the indicator; σ – the standard deviation of the indicator. The proposed selection method makes it possible to form a breeding core and increase the milk yield in 305 days of lactation in the group of first-calf cows by 9.5 % (P˂0.01), daily milk yield – 14.4 % (P˂0.001), the milk flow rate – 33 % (P ˂ 0.001) and reduce the duration of cows' stay in the boxing by 17.5 %, the duration of milking cows – 21.7 %. When using this method, the efficiency of using robotic technology for milk production is increased.

2021 ◽  
Vol 212 ◽  
pp. 137-142
E.I. Anisimova ◽  
P.S. Katmakov ◽  
A.V. Bushov ◽  

The paper presents results of studies on evaluating Simmental cows for machine milking suitability. It was found that 78.7% of cows had a bowl-shaped udder, round - 14.7% and goat - 6.6% of cows at ‘agricultural production cooperative “COMBINE”. Bowl-shaped cows are more productive. Their milk yield was 4724 kg for 305 days of lactation with a fat content of 3.97% and a protein content of 3.30%. Their udder index was 47.7%. As for cows with a rounded udder shape, milk yield per lactation was 4246 kg with fat and protein content of 4.08 and 3.26% , respectively, and an udder index of 46.1%. Cows with a goat udder shape were characterized by low milk yield (3181 kg) and the worst parametres of milk fat content (3.88%), milk protein (3.20%) and udder index (2.2%). Approximately the same pattern is observed in the herd of the agricultural cooperative “Abodimovskiy” with slightly worse parametres of cow productivity. The intensity of milk production of cows of agricultural production cooperative “Abodimovsiy” with a bowl-shaped udder was 1.42, round - 1.35 and goat - 1.18 kg / min. Cows with a rounded udder shape had higher milk flow rate, which was equal to 1.65 kg / min, with a bowl-shaped one - 1.24 and with a goat udder shape- 1.09 kg / min in agricultural production cooperative “Combine”. No relation was found between udder index and milk composition. There is also no conjugation between the intensity of milk flow and fat and protein content for udder quarters and for the udder as a whole, whereas a positive correlation was found between the intensity of milk flow and daily milk yield.

2019 ◽  
pp. 23-25

Изучены функциональные свойства вымени коров голштинской породы австралийской селекции, выращенных с использованием повышенных норм выпойки молока и добавлением пробиотического препарата целлобактерин . В сельхозпредприятии Краснодарского края, на потомках импортного скота голштинской породы австралийской селекции, завезенного в 2008 году. Для проведения опыта от нетелей линии Рефлекшн Соверинг 198998 получили телят и сформировали 4 группы подопытных телочек по 16 голов (n64): I контрольная, II, III, IV опытные. Животные были аналогами по происхождению, живой массе и возрасту. Различие между группами заключалось в технологии их выращивания. Телки контрольной группы выращивались по технологии принятой в хозяйстве, а животных II, III и IV опытных групп кормили опытными рационами. В состав кормовых рационов телочек опытных групп входило неодинаковое количество кормов животного происхождения и пробиотический препарат. После отела было установлено, что коровы опытных групп превосходили сверстниц I контрольной группы по обхвату вымени на 0,83,0 см. По 3 лактации различия по изучаемым промерам подопытных групп составили 1,33,5 см. При изучении промеров глубины вымени по 1 и 3 лактации установлена такая же закономерность по их увеличению, как и по обхвату вымени. Наиболее высокие суточные удои установлены у коров III группы 26,2 кг, превосходство над сверстницами контрольной группы по этому показателю составило 4,3 кг, или 19,6. По скорости молокоотдачи животные контрольной группы уступали сверстницам опытных групп. Индекс вымени во всех группах был достаточно высоким, и составлял по 1й лактации 44,846,2, по 3й 45,347,4. Суточные удои коров по 3 лактации возросли. Доказана зависимость между величиной вымени и удоем за лактацию. Интенсивное выращивание подопытных телок с добавлением пробиотического препарата положительно отразилось на увеличении у них промеров вымени, когда они стали коровами, что способствовало повышению удоев с 1по 3 лактации. Установлено, что коровы опытных групп по 1 лактации превышали сверстниц контрольной на 1,44,3 кг. По 3 лактации превышение составило 1,45,4 кг. Установлено, что коровы опытных групп превосходили сверстниц I контрольной группы по функциональным свойствам вымени.Functional properties of udders of Holstein cow breed of Australian selection grown with the use of increased norms of milk feeding and the addition of Cellobacterine probiotic preparation were studied. Research was carried out on the basis of agricultural enterprise located on the territory of Krasnodar region using the offspring of Hostein cow breed of Australian selection imported in 2008. 4 groups of test cow calves consisting of 16 animals (n64) received from Reflection Sovereign bred heifers 198998 were formed to carry out the experiment. There was group I which was used as control, and groups II, III, and IV which were used as test groups. Animals had similar origin, live weight and age. The groups were differentiated by growth technology. Cow calves from the control group were grown according to the traditional technology, and animals from group II, III, and IV received experimental feed. Nonuniform quantity of feeds of animal origin and probiotic preparation were included in feed rations of cow calves from test groups. After calving it was found that test cows were superior to animals from control group I in udder circumference by 0.83.0 cm. During the third lactation period the differences according to the studied measurements of test groups amounted to 1.3 3.5 cm. Analysis of udder depth measurements during the first and the third lactation period showed the same tendency towards increasing as during the analysis of udder circumference. The highest daily milk yield was registered in the cows from group III 26.2kg, the superiority to the cows from the control group in this parameter amounted to 4.3 kg or 19.6. Milk flow speed of control group animals was inferior to that of the cows from test groups. Udder index was rather high in all of the groups and during the first lactation period amounted to 44.846.2, the third Daily milk yield increased during the third lactation period. The dependence of the size of the udder on milk yield per lactation was proved. Intensive growth of test cow calves with the addition of probiotic preparation positively influenced the increase in udder measurements when they became grown cows, which facilitated the increase in milk yield from the first to the third lactation period. It was found during the first lactation period test group cows were superior to the cows from the control group by 1.4 4.3 kg. The increase amounted to 1.4 5.4 kg during the third lactation period. It was also found that test group cows were superior to the cows from the control group in terms of udder functional properties.

2007 ◽  
Vol 47 (6) ◽  
pp. 658 ◽  
C. R. Stockdale

The lasalocid supplement, Bovatec, was fed to dairy cows at 300 mg of active ingredient for ~3 weeks precalving to up to 16 weeks postcalving in a pasture-based system. Sixty primiparous cows and 120 multiparous cows were allocated to equivalent control and lasalocid groups based on expected calving date, size and previous production history. To facilitate the feeding of the lasalocid, it was mixed with maize silage (~1 kg DM/cow.day) and fed as one feed on a concrete feed pad early in the morning each day before calving and before the afternoon milking during lactation. The control group received the maize silage without lasalocid. Otherwise, the feeding of both groups was exactly the same. The key response associated with adding lasalocid to the diet differed between the primiparous and multiparous cows. Although the average daily milk yield responses to lasalocid were not significant (P > 0.05) at 1.1 and 0.6 kg/cow for the primiparous and multiparous cows, respectively, significant (P < 0.05) increases in the milk yield of the primiparous cows were consistently recorded between weeks 5 and 15 of lactation. With the multiparous cows, there was a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in the circulating concentrations of serum β-hydroxybutyrate in those fed the lasalocid, with this being related to a tendency (P = 0.087) for these animals to maintain higher body condition scores for much of the early lactation treatment period. There were no other treatment differences of biological importance.

2009 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 24 ◽  
R. A. Afolayan ◽  
N. M. Fogarty ◽  
J. E. Morgan ◽  
G. M. Gaunt ◽  
L. J. Cummins ◽  

Milk production and milk composition were measured in 1056 crossbred ewes managed under pasture grazing in a lamb production system. Most ewes were milked on three occasions at ~3, 4 and 12 weeks of lactation. The ewes were the progeny of mainly Merino dams and 91 sires from several maternal crossing breeds including Border Leicester, East Friesian, Finnsheep and Coopworth. The ewes were born over 3 years and run at three sites where they were joined naturally to meat rams. Most of the ewes were first parity (autumn-joined at 7 months of age and spring-joined at 14–17 months of age), with the remainder second or third parity. The cohorts of ewes and sites were linked genetically by three common maternal sires. The 4-h oxytocin-induced milking procedure was used to estimate daily milk production and milk samples were analysed for composition (fat%, protein% and lactose%). Daily milk yield and milk composition traits were analysed using restricted maximum likelihood mixed models procedures. The sire breed of crossbred ewes was significant for milk yield (P < 0.01), fat% (P < 0.01) and lactose% (P < 0.05). There was a significant (P < 0.01) interaction of sire breed × days of lactation, mainly due to the relatively higher milk yield of the East Friesian and White Suffolk cross ewes compared with the other crosses, at the end of the lactation. The East Friesian cross ewes had lower milk fat% than the other cross ewes. Ewes suckling multiple lambs had 29% higher peak milk yield than those bearing and suckling single lambs (P < 0.001). There was an increase in peak milk yield of the ewes from first to second parity, and third parity ewes had a greater decline to the end of lactation causing a significant interaction (P < 0.001). The overall decline in milk yield from peak to late lactation was –21.2 ± 0.7 g/day. Separate analysis showed a significant increase in milk yield with ewe pre-joining weight (regression 6.1 ± 1.8 g/day.kg). The estimate of heritability for daily milk yield was 0.24 ± 0.04 at 90 days of lactation and 0.10 ± 0.02 at 21 days of lactation. The estimates of heritability for the milk composition traits were generally moderate. Estimates of genetic correlations between measurements early and late in the lactation for milk yield and most composition traits were high. The within ewe by stage variance component estimates of repeatability were moderate to high for milk yield, fat% and protein%, with lactose% being low.

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