Olena Trynus

This article researches the problem of self-education organization by young teacher of Ukraine in the end of XIX – beginning of XX century, this period is characterized by the development of national education, finding innovative aspects in solving problems of teachers’ development and self-identity, improving their own career, gaining the pedagogical mastery, formation of teacher professional self- education. It has been determined that organizing factor of pedagogical self-education was a non-compliance of coordination between the state needs to provide Ukrainian folk school by quality pedagogical trained personnel and insufficient training of graduates of educational institutions. The views of famous scientists and educators (M. Vahner,    R. Viler,    F. Helbke,    V. Ivanovskiy,    O. Muzychenko,    I. Ohienko,Y. Chepiga) of the study period (including – some unknown ones in scientific circles) on the nature of young teacher self-education activity, leading its study forms andtools have been analyzed. Based on analysis of scientific studies it has been found that self-education of young teacher has two main functions – education (as a tool to overcome the shortcomings of professional training, acquisition of professional experience) and educational (the spiritual development of the individual, self- improvement, knowledge, worldview, that dependent on reflection of the state professional development and improvement). It has been determined that the most successful self-education forms of young teacher are collective and individual ones, namely: reading, observation, consultation, lectures, exchange of experiences, mutual communication etc. Self-education organization is characterized by time of all educational congresses; visiting educational museums; temporary educational courses studying for teacher training and Ukrainian Pedagogical Academy; attending the young teacher school meetings and school teachers' council. The effective products of self-education of young teacher have been characterized. For example: monographs, textbooks and manuals of leading Ukrainian and foreign educators; foreign and comparative educational researches; annual training edition, lectures on psycho- pedagogical subjects; mobile educational exhibitions. Summarizing conclusions on perspective areas of implementation progressive experience of young teachers self- education on study period have been made, including the use of scientific and methodological potential scientists of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 155 ◽  
Anders Buch ◽  
Vibeke Andersen

It is characteristic of much professional work that it is performed in ambiguous contexts. Thus, uncertainty, unpredictability, indeterminacy, and recurrent organizational transformations are an integral part of modern work for, e.g., engineers, lawyers, business consultants, and other professionals. Although key performance indicators and other knowledge management systems are used to set standards of excellence for professionals, the character of professional work is still flexible, open to interpretation and heterarchical. The very successfulness (or unsuccessfulness) of the work is established in a complex work context where various goals, interests, and perspectives are mediated, altered, contested, mangled, and negotiated in a process of sense-making. The work context is heterogeneously populated by various actors (e.g., the customer, the manager, the colleagues) and actants (e.g., quality systems and technical equipment) that give “voice” to (conflicting) interpretations of what constitutes successful work. Thus, the professionals must navigate in a very complex environment where the locus of governance is far from stable. These characteristics of professional work seem to have implications for the way professionals make sense of their work and their own identities. The identity work of professionals is interwoven with their professional training and career background. With an academic training and a professional career, the individual typically identifies with the profession’s values and adopts a certain way of seeing and approaching the world. This professional outlook typically will constitute the basis of the individual’s appraisal of the work and lay out a horizon of expectations in relation to fulfillment, self-realization, and job satisfaction. In this way, the construction of self-identity becomes the yardstick for the individual’s sense-making and, a fortiori, for the individual’s sense of meaningful work. In this paper, we will claim that the ambiguity involved in professional work becomes a potential strain on the identity construction of the employees engaged in professional work and a potential source of enthusiasm and self-fulfillment. On a conceptual basis, the paper develops three interpretative frameworks that are useful in understanding how professionals deal with ambiguity in professional work. To illustrate this point, the paper refers to qualitative material from a research project conducted in six Danish knowledge-intensive firms. Referring to this empirical material, we discuss how professionals perceive and relate to their work and the role played by professionalism in this relation. Drawing on neo-institutional theory our paper discusses how professionals draw on different frameworks of meaning in order to stabilize their identities.

Oliver Leaman ◽  
Clive Nyman

Anti-Semitism is a form of racism which sees Jews as a dangerous and despicable group in society. It has solid philosophical sources in the work of German Idealism which emphasized the distinctiveness of Judaism and how it has been superseded by Christianity. Both Kant and Hegel made a sharp distinction between Judaism and what they regarded as more rational religions, and they questioned the capability of the Jewish people for playing an integral role in the state. Sartre used the notion of anti-Semitism to show how a sense of self-identity is created by the attitudes of others towards the individual and the group. That is, what makes Jews Jews is the fact that there is anti-Semitism, and there is nothing that Jews can do about anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is a problem for the anti-Semites themselves; anti-Semitism, by Sartre’s account, is in fact an attempted solution to the difficulties of taking free and authentic decisions. Anti-Semitism has played an important role in Jews’ self-definition, in attitudes to the State of Israel and to the religion of Judaism itself.

О. Сафаралиева ◽  
O. Safaralieva

Humanization of the modern national education inevitably entailed changes to the requirements for the individual nature of the competence of professionals working with the child. From the teacher it is required to create a very special environment, in collaboration with the child. It increases the relevance of the professional transformation of the modern teacher and changes in their professional training. Practice shows that many established professionals pedagogical ideas of Montessori discovers the true foundations of the humanistic paradigm of education. Training of Specialists in Montessori system allows them not only to obtain new skills, but also the personality and self-modifying self-development. The course of professional and personal self-development Montessori teacher turns from simple to complex, from cognition to interpersonal and internal communication. In this sequence, each stage of the program appears as an element of the whole process of personal development.

T. Łapian

The emergence and development of socio-cultural animation are closely related to the state of modern society and contemporary culture. Animation has become a response to their deficiencies and deficiencies, for the needs that our post-industrial society cannot satisfy. The development of civilization, which led to industrialization and urbanization, meant that the social structure underwent a radical transformation. Traditional forms of community life and the types of lasting relationships related to them have disappeared, and their place was replaced by individualistic culture focused on the individual and its self-fulfillment. The way we live has become increasingly dependent on the one hand on the state, with its ubiquitous institutions, and on the other hand on market mechanisms, increasingly aggressively entering all possible areas of social life. Many outstanding humanistic psychologists, such as Maslow, Perls, Rogers and Fromm, demanded action to transform the human individual. It was postulated to strive to develop in the individual such qualities as: openness, flexibility, the ability to make conscious choices, intrsteer, creativity, skepticism towards positively understood science and technology, striving for authenticity, treating life as internal changes, autonomy, caring for others, ecological sensitivity, independence, ability to self-organize into self-sufficient institutions, spiritual development. The theme of animation requires an interdisciplinary approach, as it concerns many areas of human life. Seen from a social perspective, it is associated with such phenomena as: enriching social and cultural life forms, inspiring people to creative life and creative activities, reviving local communities and various groups and environments, discovering the unrealized potentials of both individuals and groups. On the other hand, from the pedagogical perspective, you can see a range of methods in animation that can help you deal with contemporary educational and educational challenges. The publications have rich thematic literature that goes beyond Central Europe. The topic raised was not fully exhausted; this text is one of the components of the monograph being created, which will describe the overall profile of the animator and leisure time animation.

Poluliashchenko Iurii

As part of the research, a retrospective analysis of scientific developments on various aspects of professional training of future teachers was made. The state of development of theoretical and methodological bases of professional training of future teachers of physical culture in General and professional readiness for the formation of Patriotic values in particular was revealed. Research in the field of organizing the process of Patriotic education of children and young students, both national and foreign experts, was highlighted.The main goal was to study the theoretical and methodological foundations of developing a system of professional training of future physical culture teachers to form Patriotic values of students in a modern educational institution. Important issues of professional training of future teachers was highlighted. The importance of using modern newest technologies, methods, and educational innovations was proved, using the accumulated national and foreign experience in training a professional. The importance of forming professional competencies of future physical culture teachers was revealed. According to the results of the study, it has been established that recently the interest of national and foreign scientists has only increased in the context of improving the process of forming the professional readiness of future teachers for teaching activities in today's conditions. As part of the scientific search, we have found that in foreign literature in the context of professional training of future teachers, as well as improving the professional activities of teachers-practitioners, scientific developments on the use of information technologies are carried out using Facebook for the professional development of teachers and students of pedagogical specialties. By identifying the state of development of theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of future physical culture teachers in General and professional readiness to form Patriotic values in particular, it is established that the scientific achievements of modern national and foreign teachers are mainly focused on such problems as: search for new forms and methods of training in the preparation of future teachers of physical culture in the context of educational reform and increasing requirements for relevant specialists (L. Nikiforova); improving and modernizing the content of professional training of students of physical culture in the conditions of European Integration of national education (P. dzhurinsky, S. Burdyuzha); improving the process of training future specialists in physical culture with the help of innovative approaches and its humanization (R. Akhmetov, V. Shaversky); orientation of the content of professional training of future teachers of physical culture and the use of various forms and methods of training in the field of formation of their readiness to educate physically, mentally, spiritually and socially healthy citizens of Ukraine (L. Sushchenko); development of conceptual provisions for training future specialists in the field of physical culture and sports (N. Stepanchenko); research on the level of confidence and self-efficacy of physical education teachers (E. Öncü); adaptation processes of future physical culture teachers in real conditions of teaching physical culture in secondary education institutions (W. Zayed, M. Zguira, N. Souissi, N. Bali);problems of self-regulation of future teachers of physical culture (S. Kudin) and others.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 277-285
Світлана Заболоцька

Аналізується вплив дорослого на розвиток духовності учнів в навчально-виховному процесі. Охарактеризовано розвиток духовності учнів та різні різні її прояви. Акцентовано увагу на духовній позиції самих вихователів та визначеність їхніх ідеалів, розвиток духовних цінностей, релігійної свідомості та самосвідомості особистості. У статті здійснено ґрунтовний теоретичний аналіз дослідження проблеми особливостей духовного розвитку особистості у сучасній психолого-педагогічній науці. Автором проаналізовано основні аспекти поняття духовності, розглянута його структура та види. Наводиться перелік особистісних характеристик рис людини, які засвідчують міру наявності у неї духовності. Зазначається, що становлення духовності нерозривно пов’язане з саморозвитком, а одиницею аналізу духовності є ціннісні орієнтації особистості. Обґрунтовано значення цієї тематики (проблематики) для духовного розвитку особистості майбутнього педагога. Визначено проблеми та перспективи подальших досліджень розвитку духовності особистості майбутніх педагогів. Influence on adult spiritual development of students in the educational process. The characteristic spiritual development of students and different its various manifestations. The attention to position themselves spiritual teachers and certainty of their ideals, the development of spiritual values, religious consciousness and self-identity. The article presents a detailed analysis of the theoretical study of the problem characteristics of spiritual development of the individual in contemporary psychological and educational science. The author analyzes the main aspects of the concept of spirituality, the structure and types. A list of personal characteristics of the human qualities that show as available in her spirituality. It is noted that the formation of spirituality is inextricably linked to self-development, spirituality and the unit of analysis is the value orientation of the individual. It is proved the importance of this theme (issues) for the spiritual development of the person of the future teacher. Identify the problems and prospects of further development of the research of spirituality of the person of the future teachers.

Politeja ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (4(61)) ◽  
pp. 503-533
Aneta Dawidowicz

National Education and Educational Ideals in the Political Thought of the National Party (1928-1939) In the period of the Second Polish Republic, educational issues constituted a subject matter of interest to Polish political thinkers. Nonetheless, such issues were often perceived differently by the diverse ideological and politicalfactions. According to such political entities, the interwar period was marked by the destabilisation of the previously existing social, political and cultural order, giving rise to a new reality. Visions of creating a “new,” “better,” more moral and socialised man began to appear in statements of almost all political circles. Such projections, however, entailed the rather disturbing prospect of far-reaching interference in the lives of all citizens, including their privacy. The postulate of changing the individual in order to meet the emerging “higher” objectives, social needs, and “lofty” principles, was put forward. The National Party developed a comprehensive educational programme. The aim of national education was to build a strong nation, and to prepare the society for an independent nation and functioning of the state. The principal categories of the National Party’s political thought included work, creation, and action. The condition of Polish society was also thoroughly analysed, with the ideal Pole being depicted as a hard-working, thrifty, conscientious and diligent person, dedicated to the nation and affairs of the state. Active and constructive attitudes were widely promoted, along with social responsibility, readiness to make sacrifices, self-determination and subordination to the individuals responsible for the implemented goals. National education was expected to give rise to “a definite Polish type” that would embody the truly Polish character and indigenous values cultivated from generation to generation by the natively Polish population. Its emergence would be possible by imposing adequate discipline and hierarchy.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-149
Alsu Shamilievna Aizatullova

This paper examines public authorities role in public education organization in the Simbirsk province in the second half of 19th - beginning of the 20th century. The state structures, the Russian Orthodox Church and other confessions managed the state-religious education in the country. The author examines the role of public authorities in the organization of state-religious education of people. The Ministry of National Education and the Holy Synod were responsible for it on the state scale. In the provinces this work was coordinated by the guardianship of the school districts, directorate of education and provincial and district councils. In secular educational institutions educational work was organized by the directorate of public schools, who controlled the educational work of school teachers and effective forms and methods use. The main responsibility of the national education directorates was joint Russian-Tatar schools opening, Russian classes opening in Islamic schools and compulsory Russian language study in Tatar schools. An important goal was to tighten control over the school activities. There was Orthodox missionary fraternity. These organizations were responsible for the same questions. Provincial directorates of national education had to coordinate all state-religious activities done by teachers, religious priests and missionaries. Thus, the system of the state-religious education management was complex, diverse; its parts copied each other, so it led to its activity efficiency decrease.

2020 ◽  
pp. 69-75
Shu-Fen Chi ◽  
Yung Chuan

In the current context of educational content renewal, there are increasing demands on the competence of future teachers. Reforms in secondary education also require changes in the vocational education of future teachers. The relevance of improving the professional competencies of future teachers is also conditioned by the integration of national education into the global educational space. In this article the essence of such definition as “collaboration”, some features of organization of collaborative learning environment in the integral pedagogical process of the university are considered. The efficiency of creation of collaborative educational environment for revealing potential possibilities and professional competences of future teachers is revealed. The main emphasis is made on the importance of the facilitator's position in the organization of students’ collaborative activities. The influence of collaborative environment on the success of future teachers is justified.In the age of rapid development of knowledge-intensive technologies and comprehensive expansion of the information space, there is an urgent need to develop the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, because in the realities of modernity there is a separation and isolation of a person from society, a crisis of spiritual development, the problem of lack of humanity is raised acutely, there is an alienation of young people from national and cultural values. In this connection, the society faces urgent tasks of development and preservation of human capital on the basis of renewal of the content of education, rethinking of its new humanitarian paradigm.

N. Yevtushenko

The emergence and development of socio-cultural animation are closely related to the state of modern society and contemporary culture. Animation has become a response to their deficiencies and deficiencies, for the needs that our post-industrial society cannot satisfy. The development of civilization, which led to industrialization and urbanization, meant that the social structure underwent a radical transformation. Traditional forms of community life and the types of lasting relationships related to them have disappeared, and their place was replaced by individualistic culture focused on the individual and its self-fulfillment. The way we live has become increasingly dependent on the one hand on the state, with its ubiquitous institutions, and on the other hand on market mechanisms, increasingly aggressively entering all possible areas of social life. Many outstanding humanistic psychologists, such as Maslow, Perls, Rogers and Fromm, demanded action to transform the human individual. It was postulated to strive to develop in the individual such qualities as: openness, flexibility, the ability to make conscious choices, intrsteer, creativity, skepticism towards positively understood science and technology, striving for authenticity, treating life as internal changes, autonomy, caring for others, ecological sensitivity, independence, ability to self-organize into self-sufficient institutions, spiritual development. The theme of animation requires an interdisciplinary approach, as it concerns many areas of human life. Seen from a social perspective, it is associated with such phenomena as: enriching social and cultural life forms, inspiring people to creative life and creative activities, reviving local communities and various groups and environments, discovering the unrealized potentials of both individuals and groups. On the other hand, from the pedagogical perspective, you can see a range of methods in animation that can help you deal with contemporary educational and educational challenges. The publications have rich thematic literature that goes beyond Central Europe. The topic raised was not fully exhausted; this text is one of the components of the monograph being created, which will describe the overall profile of the animator and leisure time animation.

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