2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 503-509
Arbresha Zenki-Dalipi

Living in the information technology era, each day more and more is recognized a symbiotic relationship between technology and youth. Given the desire and willingness of young people to shape their actions according to the opportunities offered by the technology, the government sets a strategic priority for transforming the education in order to ensure youths to achieve and attain the skills of the 21st century.This research describes the most important aspects that underline the impact of applying ICT(Information Communication Technology) in the subject of mathematics as well as the effectiveness of learning the same subject through application of the contemporary practice. This study examines the research questions through a quantitative research approach. Participants included 113 fourth and fifth graders and 18 teachers at primary school “Ismail Qemali” in Gostivar.In addition to answering the research questions, the results also reflect the implications of the findings. The summarized and analyzed results provide justified suggestions. They show that ICT facilitates the achievement of mathematical concepts and at the same time enables learning to be more sustainable. Despite the fact that the application of technology has proven to be beneficial for both students and teachers in the teaching process, ICT in today's practice in most cases is still used only in preparation for teaching rather than being an integrated part of the teaching practice. As an evolving process, the teaching of mathematics dictates using ICT. However even though it is evidenced that there is an improvement in this direction, yet it cannot be said that teachers are sufficiently competent to make effective use of ICT-based technology and resources.

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-92
Ivon Kristin Nip ◽  
Suyanto Suyanto ◽  
Made Siti Sundari

The purpose of this study is to examine and to analyze the impact of Investment, Education, Population Growth, Primary Export, and Manufacturing Export to Economic Growth of 24 countries in Asia. The data analyzes under the total 24 countries and disaggregate grouped on developing countries and developed countries. This study utilizes a quantitative research approach and the method of analysis is data Ordinary Least Square (OLS) for panel data. 24 countries in Asia for period 2004-2013 are used as the sample set. The result indicates that Investment, Population Growth, and Manufacturing Export have significanteffect on Economic Growth in developing country. In addition, Investment, Education, and Primary Export significanteffect on Economic Growth in developed country. The results imply lead a country must give support to the government for improve climate and policies investment as well as improve the education system and quality to encourage sustainable economic growth.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Eni Susilawati

The research objective is to analyze the impact of the participation of online  ICT teacher training to increase the number of accessibility the learning content of features in Rumah Belajar. This research used the quantitative research approach with descriptive quantitative analysis methods to be able to describe how the increase in accessibility features of Rumah Belajar and utilization in learning in school. Samples were selected in this study are all online training participants at 15 locations online training that has been conducted by Pustekkom in 2015 and 2016 in 2015. The data was collected using a questionnaire and a list of open questions in accordance with the purpose of research. The results showed that 1) online ICT teacher training participants, after completing the Pustekkom  training online  using become more motivated to access other feature in Rumah Belajar; 2) The order of the percentage of the intensity level of accessibility to the other features of Rumah Belajar are: Sumber Belajar 23%, BSE 23%, Bank Soal 21%, Kelas Maya 13%, Lab Maya 6%, Karya Guru 4%, Wahana Jelajah Angkasa 4%, Peta Budaya 4% and Karya Komunitas 2%, and ICT training online using the application PKB Rumah Belajar can be used as a reference for efforts to develop a web-based learning applications, in particular for the development of Rumah belajar portal belongs Pustekkom Kemendikbud. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk menganalisis dampak keikutsertaan diklat online  TIK guru Belajar terhadap peningkatan jumlah aksebilitas konten pembelajaran pada fitur-fitur rumah belajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode analisis kuantitatif secara deskriptif untuk bisa menggambarkan bagaimana peningkatan aksesbilitas fitur-fitur rumah belajar dan pemanfaatannya dalam pembelajaran di sekolah. Sampel yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah semua peserta diklat online  pada 15 lokasi diklat online yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Pustekkom pada tahun 2015 dan 2016. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan daftar pertanyaan terbuka sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) peserta diklat online TIK Guru, setelah mengikuti diklat online Pustekkom, menjadi lebih termotivasi untuk mengakses fitur-fitur lainnya dalam Rumah Belajar; 2) Urutan prosentase tingkat intensitas aksesbilitas terhadap fitur-fitur Rumbel selain Pengembangan Keprofesian berkelanjutan (PKB) adalah: Sumber Belajar 23%, Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE) 23%, Bank Soal 21%, Kelas Maya 13%, Lab Maya 6%, Karya Guru 4%, Wahana Jelajah Angkasa 4%, Peta Budaya 4% dan Karya Komunitas 2%; dan 3) diklat online TIK menggunakan aplikasi PKB. Rumah belajar bisa dijadikan referensi bagi upaya pengembangan aplikasi pembelajaran berbasis web, khususnya bagi pengembangan portal Rumah Belajar milik Pustekkom Kemendikbud.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 78
M. Zainuddin

This research to analyze the impact of closure policy Teleju brothel by Pekanbaru govermentin 2010. Guidelines for works are Pekanbaru Local Regulations No. 12 of 2008 on Social Order-liness. Closure this brothel inflicts positive and negative impact for society.The research wasconducted to obtain early stage formula for the government to take action against the prostitu-tion activities. This research uses policy research approach with a qualitative method, becausein prostitution activities and prohibition by goverment is an assessment that needs to be done byanalyzing documents and unstructured interview.The results showed that after the closing of the Teleju brothel have an impact on the deploy-ment of a prostitution and affect the economy of the surrounding residents. Government seeksto tackle prostitution in Pekanbaru by moving the brothel, conduct regular raids and providetraining. The effort is considered to be less than the maximum because the handling is not basedon the root of the problem and not programmed properly. There are several causes of failure ofgovernment to overcome the prostitution problem in Pekanbaru, including: policy content isless focus on the prostitution problem, the government did not proceeds with data, lack of finan-cial support, contra productive programs between local government with the police and TNI,and the policy object is difficult to be given understanding.

2017 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-100
Svetoslav Georgiev ◽  
Emil Georgiev

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse the evolution of top management’s understanding of product quality in Bulgaria since the end of communism. The study examines three specific areas: top management’s understanding of the term “quality”; top management’s understanding of the relationship between quality and business performance; and top management’s understanding of the impact of job position on quality. Design/methodology/approach The paper relies on a quantitative research approach by using data from a survey of 186 companies in Bulgaria. Findings The paper suggests that senior managers in Bulgaria continue to base their understanding of “quality” on a single approach (*a characteristic of the communist era), with the product-based and the user-based approaches currently being the two most common ones. At the same time, surprisingly enough, this study claims that senior management in Bulgaria is currently well aware of the importance of quality as a dimension of firm’s competitiveness, and is also highly conscious of its roles’ impact on product quality. Research limitations/implications The results of this study are exclusively based on the case of Bulgaria and must be treated with caution in the case of other former communist states from the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region. Practical implications This paper has relevance for both managers and companies doing business in Eastern Europe. Originality/value This is the first paper to provide detailed analysis of the evolution of the understanding of “product quality” in CEE since the end of communism. Moreover, this paper applies, for the first time, Garvin’s five approaches to defining quality within a practical context.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 21
Fayyad Amin Odeh

This piece of research was specifically carried out in the field of translation pedagogy. It aims to measure the impact of attending and participating in translation conferences on translation education as perceived by a random sample of thirty-three translation instructors working at several universities in different countries. To this end, quantitative research method was employed in the study to yield answers to a couple of research questions. On this, the instructors were reached online to participate in responding to a researcher-made questionnaire of 18 - closed items. An SPSS analysis (version 24) was used to interpret the data elicited from the aforementioned research instrument. Having the data processed, the findings revealed that attending and participating in translation conferences is to be considered a major source for university translation programs to develop the implementation of translation didactics and pedagogies. Moreover, positive attitudes were developed in the study towards the practicality of integrating what could be seen innovative of translation conferences proceedings into translation education at the tertiary level. In the light of the study's findings, the researcher presents a number of pedagogical implications that would be taken into consideration to overhaul the existing university translation programs. Finally, a glance at some practical ideas is made for future research to explore new horizons in translation education in various teaching contexts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-31
Ade Suherman ◽  
Tetep Tetep ◽  
Asep Supriyatna ◽  
Eldi Mulyana ◽  
Triani Widyanti ◽  

The purpose of this study is to analyze and explain public perceptions of the implementation of social distancing during the pandemic as the implementation of social capital. This study was motivated by the phenomenon of the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in a number of countries, including Indonesia. This condition not only affects the economic condition of a country, hinders social interaction among the community, and also has an impact on the health condition of every human being. To avoid the wider spread of Covid-19, the government was forced to adopt social distancing and physical distancing policies in the form of staying at home, working from home, studying, and worshiping at home. This research approach is descriptive qualitative. The data of this research is the impact of social distancing for the community in Tarogong Kidul District, Garut Regency. Sources of data come from several communities with a total of 50 respondents. Collecting data in this study using interview techniques, record, and continue to take notes. The results of the research can be concluded that with the implementation of social distancing in the pandemic period, at least the community can implement social capital which includes informal values ​​or norms that are shared among members of an interrelated community group, which is based on the values ​​of beliefs, norms and networks social and they respect each other, the development of social capital is the creation of increasingly independent groups of people who are able to participate more meaningfully. Social capital can solve citizens' problems, especially with regard to strengthening friendship, repairing and maintaining public service facilities because it has advantages and is the most appropriate, even though there are other social capital in the community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 340-349
Vini Wiratno Putri ◽  
Ketut Sudarma

The aims of this paper is to analyze the effect of the relationship between knowledge and on green management and its implication on competitive advantage and sustainable performannce. This study used a quantitative research approach that explains the phenomenon by collecting numerical data analyzed using structural equation modelling (SEM) with the WarpPLS program application. The population in this study were small or medium business owners (general managers) in the industrial sector in the city of Semarang. Knowledge and green management have a significant effect on competitive advantages and competitive advantages has a significant effect on the sustainability performance. It means that the knowledge and green management simultaneously shows a significant effect on competitive advantages and sustainability performance. The application of green management will also improve sustainability performance. The originality of this study is on the testing of simultaneous relationships between the factors making up the application of green management, namely knowledge as well as the impact of green management implementation on sustainability performance.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 475-481
Kajal Kotecha ◽  
Wilfred Isioma Ukpere ◽  
Madelyn Geldenhuys

The traditional advantage of using Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) to enhance work flexibility also has a drawback of enabling academics to continue working even after regular working hours. This phenomenon has been referred to as technology-assisted supplemental work (TASW). Although TASW enhances academics’ work productively, they also have a negative impact on their family-life. The impact TASW has on academics and on higher education institutions can be understood by measuring the phenomenon properly by using a reliable and valid scale. The aim of this study is too validate a newly developed TASW scale by Fenner and Renn (2010). This study adopted a quantitative research approach and used an online survey to gather data. The sample included academic from a higher education in South Africa (n = 216). The results indicate that the TASW is a valid and reliable measure of technology among the sample of South African academics.

Tô Thị Kim Hồng ◽  
Trần Thị Diễm Thúy

Nowadays, environmental protection is an urgent problem which raises top concerns. Besides, green consumption is a trend encouraged to be widely implemented in many countries in the world, including Vietnam. However, in the reality of Vietnam, changing green consumer behavior in choosing products has been negligible and insignificant. With a diversified and varied population structure, Ho Chi Minh City is selected to analyze the impacts of demography and other related factors on green consumption behavior in the market. The quantitative research method is mainly used with the analysis of multiple correlation and linear regression. The results retrieved from 312 survey samples show that regarding demography, educational level, and marital status influence green consumption behavior. Besides, the results also show and measure the impacts of other factors, namely attitudes, subjective standards, environmental concerns, unavailability of green products on the green consumption behavior of consumers in Ho Chi Minh city. With the aim at promoting green consumer behavior in Ho Chi Minh City, there is a need for a change requiring the cooperation of all the Government, Enterprises, and consumers in stepping up propaganda, raising public awareness; simultaneously, orienting economic development activities associated with sustainable environmental protection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 197-208
Agung Dinarjito ◽  
Dinar Arisandy

The COVID-19 pandemic has given an impact on the health of banks in Indonesia, one of which is the West Java and Banten Bank (BJBR). This study aims to assess the health of BJBR before and during the covid-19 pandemic and to find the intrinsic value of BJBR shares that can be used as an evaluation of the company's performance. This research is a descriptive quantitative research. BJBR health analysis was carried out using the Risk Based Rating or RGEC and the intrinsic value analysis was carried out using the Dividend Discount Model (DDM). The authors used data from the 2018-2020 of BJBR financial statements. The results showed that in general, the soundness of BJBR was very healthy and the intrinsic value of BJBR's shares was Rp. 1,659.33 or BJBR's share price is currently sold below its intrinsic value. This research is expected to provide information on the impact of the pandemic on banking, especially BJBR so that the Government and the Financial Services Authority can provide support to banks. In addition, this research can be used as a reference by investors who are interested in BJBR shares. Pandemi covid-19 telah memberikan dampak pada kesehatan perbankan di Indonesia, salah satunya Bank Jawa Barat dan Banten (BJBR). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk menilai kesehatan BJBR sebelum dan selama pandemi covid-19 serta untuk mencari nilai intrinsik saham BJBR yang dapat digunakan sebagai evaluasi kinerja perusahaan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Analisis kesehatan BJBR dilakukan dengan menggunakan Risk Based Rating atau RGEC dan analisis nilai intrinsik dilakukan dengan Dividend Discount Model (DDM). Penulis menggunakan data laporan keuangan BJBR tahun 2018-2020. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum, tingkat kesehatan BJBR adalah sangat sehat dan nilai intrinsik saham BJBR adalah Rp1.659,33 atau harga saham BJBR saat ini dijual di bawah nilai intrinsiknya. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi dampak pandemic terhadap perbankan, khususnya BJBR agar Pemerintah dan Ototritas Jasa Keuangan dapat memberikan dukungan kepada bank. Selain itu, penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai acuan oleh investor yang tertarik saham BJBR.

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