scholarly journals Reconstruction of law criminal development on victims of restoration as form of renewal Criminal law

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-181
Muhammad Salam Amrullah

The crime of rape carried out by people, experiencing a development in criminal law, the formulation of offenses in the Criminal Code makes the criminal act, does not give a sense of justice to victims where the threat of punishment is relatively small and there are multiple interpretations of legal norms, while victims suffer a psychological loss which makes the victim lose his identity. In addition, the scope of the multi-interpretive criminal reparations is due to the unclear norms which regulate, for example, the category of rape itself. This research is a normative legal research that examines relevant laws and regulations and conceptualizes the law as the norm. From the results of the study found the unclear norms stipulated in article 285 of the Criminal Code, which resulted in the application of law enforcement to victims resulting in legal uncertainty, an increasingly broad category of actions while the legal norms did not specify the actions of the rape, from the results of the research the revision of the Criminal Code as a form of renewal of criminal law specifically article 285..

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-39
Efraim Mbomba Reda ◽  
I Nyoman Putu Budiartha ◽  
I Made Minggu Widyantara

Progressive law puts forward the sociology of law rather than legal certainty which is the focus of legal positivism. In Indonesia, this law was coined by Satjipto Rahardjo. This study aims to determine the formulation of progressive law in future criminal law, and to determine the actualization of the concept of progressive law in regulating corruption in Indonesia. The research method used is a normative legal research method with statute and conceptual approaches. The technique of collecting legal materials in this study is a descriptive method that aims to obtain the meaning of reality related to the problems to be discussed and solved in this study. The results show that in the current Criminal Code Bill, progressive law has been regulated, to be precise in Article 2 paragraph (1) and (2). Progressive law is also regulated in Law no. 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power. Then, the actualization of progressive law in regulating corruption in Indonesia is a judge with the powers that take into account the sociological context of society in making decisions. Judges, prosecutors and lawyers can certainly discuss together in eradicating corruption. Efforts are also being made to reconstruct and redefine the power of law enforcement. This arrangement can also encourage the KPK to be more progressive in eradicating corruption, as well as building law enforcers who have morality so that they can become role models and increase public participation, for example by forming NGOs in preventing or fighting corruption in various agencies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
I Wayan Suardana ◽  
I Made Walesa Putra

Nusa Penida is an island which located on southeast of Bali and separated by the Badung Strait. By a variety of tourist pulling magnets to come to Nusa Penida, it also gives effect to the occurrence of crime. The purposes of the research are to develop the science of law, especially in the field of criminal law and to know and study the type and frequency of crime in Nusa Penida Tourism Area so that it can be constructed effective countermeasures formulation. The method used in the achievement of research objectives, methods of approach Juridical Empirical, namely legal research by way of existing facts approach by way of conducting observations and research through in-depth interviews of the object research. The result of the research shows that there are many types of criminal acts in Nusa Penida area, the most often frequency is the persecution of 24 reports, then theft of 12 reports, then another conventional crime based on data obtained from 2014 until 2017, crimes of a conventional type as stipulated in the Criminal Code and there are crimes that are classified as specific criminal acts such as narcotics abuse. Some obstacles are the existence of darknumber by reason; the omission of the community such as perceiving such acts as cock fighting, seeing guests using addictive drugs, there is also not want to take a risk by  reporting an incident, even the police sometimes do not take action or ignore a suspected incident is a crime because it avoids the occurrence of threats to the apparatus itself. Criminalization committed against such crimes as stipulated by the Criminal Code, namely Article 351, 362, 184, 338, 406, 385, 310, 187, 303, 368 and 285. However, there are also crimes threatened with the provisions of the law outside the Criminal Code : Law No. 23 of 2004 on Elimination of Domestic Violence and Law No. 22 of 2009 on Road Traffic and Transportation. There are other obstacles in relation to law enforcement in Nusa Penida crime, which is still unclear authority between Nusa Penida Police Station and Klungkung Police because of the type of crime they handled.

Rechtsidee ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Roby Satya Nugraha ◽  
Sri Ayu Astuti

The purpose of this legal research is to explain the first discussion, namely how to implement law enforcement against criminal conspiracy (samenspanning) which has been regulated in the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code. Second How is the imposition of sanctions for criminal conspiracy charges regulated in the Criminal Code in case Number: 293K / Pid / 2016. This type of research is normative research which is descriptive-analytical in nature, using secondary data with data collection techniques through library research and processing data qualitatively, it is concluded that law enforcement against criminal conspiracy is carried out by penal measures, penal measures are one of the efforts to enforce the law or all actions taken by law enforcement officials that focus more on eradication after a crime is committed under criminal law, namely criminal sanctions which constitute a threat to the perpetrator. The stages in this way include investigation, further investigation, prosecution, and so on, which in this case is part of criminal politics. The functionalization of criminal law is an effort to tackle crime through rational criminal law enforcement with the aim of creating the fulfillment of a sense of justice and efficiency. The imposition of sanctions Criminal sanctions imposed if a person has been proven to have committed a criminal act of treason can be punished with a criminal sentence contained in Article 106 of the Criminal Code with the threat of life imprisonment or twenty years in prison.

Narwanto Narwanto ◽  

This thesis addressed the issue of election criminal law enforcement in the era of simultaneous general election in 2019. Based on data released by The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) there were 2,724 reports and findings of alleged violations of election crimes, which continued with the investigation of 582 cases, closed at the investigation stage there were 132 cases, then closed at prosecuting 41 cases, and ajudicated by the court in 319 cases. Meanwhile, based on the Indonesian Legal Roundtable (ILR) data from the whole cases in electoral crime, 170 cases or 53% were sentenced to conditional or probation. The method of this research is used normative legal research methods (normative juridical). Data research compiled based on suited laws and regulations through statutory approach, case approach, historical approach, comparative approach, and conceptual approach. Furthermore, normatively the data is analyzed based on applicable regulations as positive legal norms by interpreting and constructing statements contained in documents and applicable laws. The results of this study are to reveal and analyze the law enforcement applied in handling election crimes that occurred in simultaneous general elections in 2019. Analyzing the formulation of criminal law in tackling more effective general election crimes for the future through the formulation definite regulations, fair, not multi-interpreted and attend to all parties in equal rights of each individual before the law in order to establish a general election which honest and fair as well as legitimate

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 58
Dian Alan Setiawan

The current draft of the Criminal Code is inseparable from the idea that the legal characteristics in Indonesia are the adoption of the societys social order which is reflected in the living code of cultural values and social life in Indonesian society which is heterogeneous and plural. The existence of cultural values as a developing law in the society cannot be denied its role in a basic framework for the arrangement of national criminal law in the future. The problem examined in this research is formulated into the following questions: What are the influences of cultural values on the renewal of criminal law? What are the implications of Pancasila values on the development of the current criminal law? The method used in this research was normative legal research method where the law is conceptualized as a method. This research is a legal research using a conceptual and legislation approach that will review the related law. The results of this research provide an understanding to pay attention to the characteristics of criminal law in Indonesia in accordance with the characteristics of Indonesian citizen which is based on the philosophy of Pancasila. It needs to be emphasized since the future renewal of the Criminal Code is expected to be valid in a long term period so that the renewal needs to be done carefully and thoroughly, starting from its substance and structure, legal cultural values, to legal validity. Those aspects should be carefully considered so that the renewal of the Criminal Code is in line with law enforcement efforts which correspond to the societys demands in the reform era. Lastly, this research is expected to provide input to governments, especially to the related lawmakers and law enforcement officers, to make improvements and enhancements in the provisions concerning the influence of Pancasila values on the renewal of criminal law.Konsep Rancangan KUH Pidana yang ada sekarang ini tidak terlepas dari pemikiran bahwa karakteristik hukum di Indonesia merupakan adopsi dari tatanan sosial masyarakat yang tercermin dalam tata laku hidup nilai nilai budaya dan kehidupan sosial dalam keragaman masyarakat Indonesia yang heterogen dan plural. Keberadaan nilai nilai budaya sebagai hukum yang berkembang di masyarakat tidak dapat dipungkiri peranannya dalam suatu kerangka dasar penyusunan hukum pidana nasional di masa yang akan datang. Rumusan masalah yang ditelaah dalam penelitian ini apakah pengaruh nilai nilai budaya terhadap pembaharuan Hukum Pidana ? Apakah implikasi nilai pancasila terhadap perkembangan hukum pidana saat ini ? Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif, dimana hukum dikonsepkan sebagai kaedah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum dengan menggunakan pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan perundang-undangan yang akan meninjau kembali Undang-Undang terkait. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman agar memperhatikan karakteristik hukum pidana sesuai dengan ciri khas kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia yang hidup berdasarkan falsafah Pancasila. Hal ini perlu ditekankan karena pembaharuan KUH Pidana ke depan diharapkan dapat diperlakukan dalam jangka panjang sehinga perlu digarap dengan cermat dan teliti substansi maupun struktural, nilai budaya hukum, sampai validitas hukum (daya berlaku). semua itu dimaksudkan agar pembentukan KUH Pidana yang baru tersebut tidak menjadi sia-sia dengan upaya penegakan hukum yang sesuai dengan tuntutan masyarakat dalam era reformasi. Simpulan dan saran dalam penelitian ini diharapkan memberi masukkan kepada pemerintah terutama kepada para pembuat undang-undang dan para penegak hukum terkait untuk melakukan penyempurnaan dan perbaikan dalam ketentuan mengenai nilai-nilai pancasila yang memberikan pengaruh terhadap pembaharuan hukum pidana

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 149-174
Mokhammad Najih

Criminal law enforcement in Indonesia has always been a very crucial and the sexiest issue. Almost 35 years the idea of criminal law enforcement has been carried out and so far several concepts of the National Criminal Code have been born which continue to experience developmental dynamics that are quite interesting to study. The desire to realize a better criminal law and be able to fulfill the aspirations of the people is the ideal criminal law politics (penal policy). National Criminal Law must have characteristics that are typical of Indonesia, authentic and original, encompassing customary law, systems of values ​​and beliefs, characteristics of modern states and international values. Pancasila as the source of all sources of law, which has not received serious attention needs to be used as a recommendation for the paradigm of penal reform. Pancasila has at least the main principles that must be implemented in all formulations of criminal legislation. These principles are among others, principles based on the source of religious values (Godhead / Divine God), the value of humanity (humanism), the value of unity and peace, the value of democracy and the value of social justice. Therefore, Indonesian criminal law must have values that are based on Pancasila, both in the form of legal norms (addresaat norm), on the types of acts that are regulated (straafbar), in the form of punishment or sanctions (straafmaat), as well as regulatory aspects and implementation of law enforcement  law (formal law).

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 1202
Ni Luh Ketut Dewi Yani Putri

Tujuan penulisan ini untuk memenuhi dan melengkapi persyaratan untuk memperoleh gelar Magiter Ilmu Hukum pada Fakultas Hukum Universitas Udayana. Tujuan khusus dari penulisan ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pembuktian serta yurisdiksi kejahatan mayantara dalam persidangan dan konstruksi hukum dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan merupakan metode penelitian hukum normatif melalui pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konsep. Teknik yang digunakan melalui studi kepustakaan yang diperoleh langsung dari bahan hukum primer berupa peraturan perundang-undangan dan literatur hukum yang terkait. Hambatan proses pembuktian dan yurisdiksi cyber crime yakni belum diaturnya alat bukti elektronik secara sah dalam KUHAP, masih diperdebatkannya kesaksian de auditu, serta sulit menemukan saksi yang berkompeten dalam menyaksikan kegiatan cyber crime. Mengenai yurisdiksi dalam kegiatan cyber crime juga perlu diatur kembali mengingat sangatlah sukar untuk memastikan dimana kejadiannya, kapan dilakukannya dan bagaimana perbuatan pelakunya, mengingat kejahatan ini merupakan global crime yang tidak jelas yurisdiksinya di samping berkaitan dengan cyber space yang pelakunya tidak kasat mata. Adapun Kebijakan Terhadap Kejahatan Mayantara (Cyber Crime) yakni melalui  modernisasi hukum pidana adapun beberapa alternative seperti Menghilangkan beberapa pasal- pasal pada Undang- Undang Cyber Crime yang tidak dipakai lagi (usang), Mengamandemen KUHP, Mengamandemen KUHAP, Mengamandemen Undang-Undang Teknologi Informasi, Dalam Pembuktian cyber crime aparat penegak hukum terutama hakim harus berani melakukan “rechtsvinding”. The purpose of this writing is to fulfill and supplement the requirements for the Magiter degree of legal sciences at the Faculty of Law of Udayana University. The specific purpose of this writing is to know the evidence and the jurisdiction of crime between the law in the trial and the construction of laws in Indonesia's laws and regulations. The method used is a normative legal research method through a statutory approach and a concept approach. Techniques used through literature studies obtained directly from the primary legal material in the form of legislation and related legal literature. The barriers to the proving process of cyber crime and jurisdiction are not in the legitimate electronic proof tool in the criminal CODE, still in the testimony of De Auditu, and difficult to find witnesses who are competent in witnessing cyber crime activities. Regarding the jurisdiction in cyber crime activities also need to be rearranged considering that it is difficult to ensure where the event, when it does and how the perpetration, considering this crime is a global crime that is unclear its jurisdiction in addition to the cyber space that the perpetration of invisible eyes. The policy on Cyber Crime is through the modernization of criminal law as some alternative such as eliminating some of the articles on Cyber Crime laws that are not used anymore (obsolete), amend KUHP, amend KUHAP, amend the Information Technology law, in proving Cyber Crime law enforcement officials, especially the judges must dare to do "rechtsvinding".

Yulia Monita ◽  
Elizabeth Siregar ◽  
Dheny Wahyudi

Law Enforcement Problems including corruption, both prevention and eradication of corruption are not only the duty of law enforcers, but the duties of all parties including the public, community participation in the prevention and eradication of corruption have been regulated in many laws and regulations in Indonesia, this matter is interesting in detail, whether the regulation of community participation is still not appropriate so that the public does not know it or still needs a deeper analysis of the provisions of the articles on community participation so that the community is more optimal in playing an active role in efforts to prevent and eradicate corruption. Based on the explanation, the problem in this research is: How are the Settings and Forms of Community Participation in the Prevention and Eradication of Corruption in the Perspective of Laws in Indonesia? To answer this problem, the type of research used in this study is the type of normative legal research that is a type of research that examines matters that are theoretical, principles, conceptions, legal doctrines and legal norms relating to community participation in the framework of prevention and combating corruption in the perspective of legislation in Indonesia. While the legal materials used are primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The results of this study will analyze legally the rules and forms of community participation in the prevention and eradication of criminal acts of corruption in various laws and regulations in Indonesia. There are several regulations that still need to be improved in the formulation of norms so that they can be more understood and understood by the public. Recommendations from this research are the arrangement and forms of community participation in the prevention and eradication of criminal acts of corruption in various laws and regulations in Indonesia must have a good norm formulation and need to be socialized to the public so that people know and participate, so the formulation of norms in the legislation is not only contained in legislation but can be applied by the community in the context of preventing and eradicating criminal acts of corruption in the perspective of legislation in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
I Made Suastika Ekasana

<p><em>Pratima Theft Crime is part of the crime of theft or crimes against property or objects that are sacred and sacred or sacred and sanctified which are related to symbols of God, Goddesses, Bhatara-Bhatari and their manifestations. Pratima theft is part of a crime against property as regulated in Book II of the Criminal Code and is also regulated in Hindu Law as Corah or Asteya in Article 6 in conjunction with Articles 336 - 343 Astamo dhyayah Weda Smrti (Manawa Dharmasastra) in conjunction with Articles 51 - 70 Ekodaco dhyayah Weda Smrti (Manawa Dharmasastra). Corah or Asteya is part of Hindu legal norms in the field of Criminal Law or Kantaka Sodhana. The problems studied in the writing are, Are Hindu law norms in the field of Criminal Law included in the national legal system in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia? What are the factors causing the rampant theft of pratima in Bali Province ?. Using the normative legal research method, the conclusion obtained is that the legal norms of Pratima Theft are regulated in the legal system of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. support each other in the administration of the State. The Pratima Theft legal norms are part of the Criminal Law Norms including one of the Areas of Hindu Law which is one of the recognized religious laws in Indonesia, therefore the Pratima Theft legal norms as one of the religious laws (Hinduism) are automatically included as part of and regulated in the legal system in the Republic of Indonesia. Factors causing pratima theft include human factors, environmental factors, educational factors, social interaction factors and opportunity factors.</em></p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Crime, Theft, Pratima, Hindu Law, Criminal Law.</em></p><p align="center"> </p>

Т.Л. Магомадова ◽  
З.Л. Магомадова

В статье рассматриваются уголовно-правовые нормы, содержащиеся в гл. 26 УК РФ, устанавливающие ответственность за экологические преступления с точки зрения определения причин их низкой применяемости в судебной практике. Выделены наиболее актуальные уголовно-правовые проблемы, раскрыт ряд вопросов эффективности применения норм об ответственности за экологические преступления и проиллюстрированы ключевые моменты примерами правоприменительной практики, предложены пути законодательного их разрешения. The article discusses the criminal law contained in Sec. 26 of the Criminal Code, establishing liability for environmental crimes in terms of determining the causes of their low applicability in judicial practice. The most relevant criminal law problems are highlighted, a number of issues of the effectiveness of the application of the rules on liability for environmental crimes are revealed, key points are illustrated with examples of law enforcement practice, and ways to legislatively resolve them are proposed.

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