Erika Kress

O artigo se inscreve no rol de investigações que privilegiam a abordagem qualitativa dos fenômenos educacionais. Nele, busca-se responder qual o impacto da utilização de estratégias de construção do hipertexto em ambiente virtual na formação de leitores competentes de textos literários canônicos por meio de uma pesquisa-ação, conforme Thiollent (1997). A concepção de leitura literária, segundo Santos (2009), serve para o entendimento de que o leitor não é um ser passivo na leitura da obra, trabalhando para significar o texto que ele tem em mãos, a partir de suas experiências de vida. Do outro lado, busca-se trabalhar com a acepção do hipertexto, conforme Ribeiro (2011), entre outros, e sua conexão a ideia de agência (Snyder, 2002). Os dados foram obtidos por meio de questionários aplicados a alunos do ensino técnico de nível médio oferecido pelo CEFET-MG no campus Varginha, quando da construção coletiva de uma edição digital da obra Triste Fim de Policarpo Quaresma, de Lima Barreto.Abstract:The article is part of a series of investigations that favor the qualitative approach of educational phenomena. In this paper, we attempt to answer the impact of the use of strategies of hypertext construction in virtual environments in order to form readers of canonical literary texts through an action research. The conception of literary reading is used to understand that the reader is not a passive being in the act of reading, and that he signifies the text he has at hand from his life experiences. On the other hand, we work with the conception of hypertext and its connection to the idea of agency. The data were obtained through questionnaires applied to secondary technical education students offered by CEFET-MG on the Varginha campus, during the collective construction of a digital edition of “Triste Fim de Policarpo Quaresma”, by Lima Barreto.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Noriah Mohd Ishak

The aim of the current study is to examine the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations of the gifted students from Hadhramout Gifted Center HGC in Yemen, and to investigate the impact of these intrinsic and extrinsic motivations on their giftedness development. A qualitative approach was adopted; data has been collected through an open- ended questionnaire that was prepared by the researcher and distributed among a sample of gifted students who were chosen purposively from HGC. The interpretative phenomenological method has been used to analyze the data using, Atlas ti. The results indicate that the majority of the participants consider it interesting to explore new things, and experience curiosity and desire to achieve their goals as their intrinsic motivations. Whereas, the minority consider preference to serve the community, competition preference and self-confidence as their intrinsic motivations. On the other hand, half of the participants consider rewards as their extrinsic motivation, whereas 40 % of them consider exams scores, verbal praise, parents and environment as their extrinsic motivations. Regarding the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations on the development of giftedness, the majority of the participants believe that intrinsic and extrinsic motivations affect positively the development of their giftedness development. Finally, based on the findings, some recommendations were provided. 

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-239
Paul Sopčák

In this paper, I discuss claims according to which literary reading may initiate a form of reflection that leads to “a shift in understanding” (e.g., Miall, 2006, p. 145). I focus particularly on reflection on one’s own finitude and draw on phenomenology to distinguish between two current models of “shifts in understanding” through reading literature: one involves shifts in abstract beliefs and the other involves shifts in embodied and experiential understandings. I argue that for some readers the engagement with literary texts not only moves them from the denial of death to the understanding of their own finitude, but that it also affords them an embodied experience of this finitude, as opposed to an abstract acknowledgement of it. I begin by describing the difference between knowing about one’s death and the experience of one’s finitude. I then present a phenomenological alternative to current suggestions for how literary texts may initiate “a shift in understanding.” Finally, I present a series of empirical studies that investigate readers’ engagements with texts dealing with human finitude.

Thesis Eleven ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 072551362199098
Shad Naved

The article argues that a critical encounter with pre-modern literatures from the national past is long overdue under the impact of a globalized discourse of sexuality. Its effects are already felt at the level of both pedagogy and literary reading, one reconstituting the other, in the ‘global classroom’, a self-conscious pedagogical space imagined by the new educational policy to bring about a globally accredited cultural homogeneity. The case study comes from teaching erotic poetry at an Indian university, from the joint literary complex of Hindi and Urdu in South Asia, a theme uncomfortably located in national culture not just because of its sexuality but its association with non-national linguistic elements which the article terms ‘Indo-Islamic’. The overlapping of the sexual modern with the Indo-Islamic resurfaces a tension in the nationalized body of literary writing in Hindi/Urdu, the major ‘national’ languages of South Asia. This encounter of erotic poetry in old Hindi and Urdu with globalized sexuality, the article shows, offers a chance to reflect on how literary studies are being reshaped by the assumptions of a monolingual, monocultural global sexuality in our nationalist times.

1997 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-130 ◽  
E. J. WRIGHT ◽  
P. SALT ◽  

Thirty-seven families who had a child between the ages of 8 and 15 (mean age = 12.0 years) and had at least one parent who had experienced a recent episode of affective disorder were assigned randomly to one of two psychoeducational interventions. The interventions (clinician-facilitated or lecture-group discussion) were designed to prevent childhood depression and related problems through decreasing the impact of related risk factors and encouraging resiliency-promoting behaviors and attitudes. They were similar in content but differed in the level of the children's involvement and the degree to which the families' individual life experiences were linked to the educational material. Assessments included standard diagnostic and social functioning instruments and interviews designed specifically for this project to assess behavior and attitude change. Each parent and child was individually assessed by separate assessors who were blind to information about the other family members. Parent participants in both groups reported being satisfied with the intervention. Clinician group participants reported a significantly larger number of overall changes, as well as higher levels of change regarding communications about the illness with their children and increased understanding by the children of their illness. Significantly more children in the clinician group also reported they gained a better understanding of parental affective illness as a result of their participation in the project.

Faedur Rohman

مستخلص البحث:ينطلق هذا البحث من مشكلة التي يواجهها طلاب قسم تعليم اللغة العربية بجامعة محمدية تانجرانج، حيث صعوبتهم على ممارسة التعبير الشفهي. ويهدف هذا البحث لكشفها، ولوصف الخطة الاجرائية عما يتعلق بتدريس التعبير الشفهي بالطريقة الاتصالية وأثرها في ترقية كفاءة التعبير الشفهي لطلاب قسم تعليم اللغة العربية في جامعة محمدية تانجرانج. هذا البحث بحث نوعي، ويُخْتَصّ هذا البحث في دراسة حالة لأنها يُقَصّده الباحث لمعرفة المشكلة التي يواجهها الطلاب في التعبير الشفهي ومراحل تدريسه بالطريقة الاتصالية التي تجري في الفصل وأثرها شاملا وعامقا. وتشير نتيجة هذا البحث: الأول، أن المشكلة التي يواجهها الطلاب في تدريس التعبير الشفهي هي: أ). قلة التدريبات اللغوية الشفوهية، ب). قلة حفظ المفردات الموضوعية، ج). قلة التواصل بين الطلاب باللغة العربية، د). قلة اهتمام بالمواد المدروس، هـ) أن التعبير الشفهي الذي يمارسه الطلاب غير منتَظِم. الثاني، أن تدريس التعبير الشفهي بالطريقة الاتصالية على ثلاث مراحل إجرائية، وهي الخطة، والتنفيذ، والتقويم. والثالث، إن استخدام الطريقة الاتصالية فعال في ترقية كفاءة التعبير الشفهي.الكلمات المفتاحية: تدريس، التعبير الشفهي، الطريقة الإتصالية AbstrackThis research departs from the problems faced by the students of the Arabic Language Education Department of Muhammadiyah University in Tangerang in the ta'bir syafahi (verbal expression) practice. The purpose of this study was to reveal the problems faced by students in teaching ta'bir syafahi and also the procedures for using communicative methods in teaching ta'bir syafahi and their effectiveness in improving ta'bir syafahi competencies in Arabic Language Education students at Muhammadiyah University in Tangerang. This study uses a qualitative approach; and including the type of case study because researchers want to know deeply and comprehensively about the problem ta'bir syafahi experienced by students, the stages of teaching, and the impact of the application of communicative methods in ta'bir syafahi learning. The results of this study indicate that: First, the problems faced by students of the University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang in teaching ta'bir syafahi include: a). lack of oral language training, b). treasury of thematic mufradat is still minimal, c). the intensity of Arabic communication is still lacking, d). lack of attention to the material being taught, e). less systematic in conveying ideas. Second, the procedure for applying communicative methods in ta'bir syafahi includes three things, namely: a). Planning, b). Implementation, c). Evaluation. Third, the use of communicative methods is effective in improving the competency of ta'bir syafahi.Keywords: Communicative Method, Teaching, Ta'bir Syafahi  

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 348
Darto Wahidin

ABSTRACT This study aimed to described the transformation of the batik creative industry and identified the impact of the transformation of the batik creative industry in order to increased the resilience of batik fabric crafts in Giriloyo Hamlet, Wukirsari Village, Imogiri District, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta.This type of research used a qualitative approach, the research design used was phenomenology. The determination of the informants in this study was carried out by means of a purposive sampling that was chosen with specific considerations and objectives. Data obtained from various sources namely, observation, in-depth interviews, documentation, and online studies. Data analysis in this study refered to the interactive analysis model proposed by Miles and Huberman.The results of this study found that the transformation that occurred in Giriloyo batik could be seen from the development of Giriloyo batik before and now that caused the transformation in the Giriloyo batik fabric craft. Forms of transformation that occured in the grip, motives, colors, marketing, and economics. During this time entrepreneurs and craftsmen in transforming the craft of batik cloth were facing various kinds of challenges. The results of transformation could be seen in the development of Giriloyo batik motifs and colors that had experienced combinations. The impact of the Giriloyo batik motif transformation on the resilience of batik fabric crafts could be seen from the increased production of batik fabrics and a more secure welfare. However, on the other hand there was pollution caused by the waste of the batik industry and the plagiarism of batik cloth. The strategy in increasing the resilience of Giriloyo batik fabric craft was carried out to faced the onslaught of batik originating from abroad, so that Giriloyo batik fabric craft could survive and be competitive.ABSTRAK             Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan transformasi industri kreatif batik dan mengidentifikasi dampak transformasi industri kreatif batik dalam rangka peningkatan ketahanan kerajinan kain batik di Dusun Giriloyo, Desa Wukirsari, Kecamatan Imogiri, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.            Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, desain penelitian yang digunakan fenomenologi. Penentuan informan dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara purposive sampling yang dipilih dengan pertimbangan dan tujuan tertentu. Data diperoleh dari berbagai sumber, yakni observasi, wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi, dan studi online. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini mengacu pada model analisis interatif yang dikemukakan oleh Miles dan Huberman.Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa transformasi yang terjadi pada batik Giriloyo dapat dilihat dari perkembangan batik Giriloyo dulu dan sekarang yang menyebabkan terjadinya transformasi pada kerajinan kain batik Giriloyo. Bentuk transformasi yang terjadi pada pakem, motif, warna, pemasaran, dan ekonomi. Selama ini pengusaha dan perajin dalam mentransformasi kerajinan kain batik tersebut menghadapi berbagai macam tantangan. Hasil transformasi bisa dilihat pada pengembangan motif dan warna batik Giriloyo yang telah mengalami kombinasi. Dampak dari adanya transformasi motif batik Giriloyo terhadap ketahanan kerajinan kain batik dapat dilihat dari adanya peningkatan produksi kain batik dan kesejahteraan yang lebih terjamin. Namun, di sisi lain terjadinya pencemaran akibat limbah industri batik dan adanya penjiplakan kain batik tulis. Strategi dalam peningkatan ketahanan kerajinan kain batik Giriloyo dilakukan untuk menghadapi gempuran batik yang berasal dari luar negeri, agar kerajinankain batik Giriloyo tetap bertahan dan dapat bersaing.

Al Bara ◽  
Faisal Affandi ◽  
Ahmad Salman Farid ◽  
Datuk Imam Marzuki

This study explains how effective advertising marketing is in three print media in Mandailing Natal. Several print media such as the Waspada Daily, representatives of the Mandailing Natal bureau and Mohganews, stated that the impact of the Covid 19 outbreak on the effectiveness of advertisements in the print media mentioned above. On the other hand, the print media Madina Post revealed that the Covid 19 pandemic had little impact on the advertisements served through the advertising column in its print media. This study uses the principles of a qualitative approach, using the SOR theory as an acronym for Stimulus-Organism-Response which has an impact on the Covid 19 pandemic outbreak. Namely, humans whose souls include components; attitudes, opinions, behavior, cognition and conation.

Luis Donatello ◽  
Virginia Galán ◽  
Julia Velisone

This paper aims to explore the impact of recent transformations in the socio-religious field, in the economic and political spheres – more specifically, those derived from the processes of religious deinstitutionalization. The current literature on the subject has elaborated at least two hypotheses regarding this topic: one characterizes the current scenario in terms of neo-Pentecostalization of the world, while the other is oriented more towards concepts such as spirituality. We concentrate on a case study that synthesizes the religious dimension with politics and economics: the field of Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR. In empirical terms, we set out to study the first International Congress of Social Responsibility (CIRS), which took place in October 2013 in Argentina. Two results can be highlighted from our study: on the one hand, CSR involves networks that express an area of social power that concentrates different resources. On the other hand, there is a range of values that go from spirituality to “NGO-ism”, and that is characterized by different ways of collective construction centered on the individual as an agent of transformation.

CounterText ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-113
Shaobo Xie

The paper celebrates the publication of Ranjan Ghosh and J. Hillis Miller's Thinking Literature across Continents as a significant event in the age of neoliberalism. It argues that, in spite of the different premises and the resulting interpretative procedures respectively championed by the two co-authors, both of them anchor their readings of literary texts in a concept of literature that is diametrically opposed to neoliberal rationality, and both impassionedly safeguard human values and experiences that resist the technologisation and marketisation of the humanities and aesthetic education. While Ghosh's readings of literature offer lightning flashes of thought from the outside of the Western tradition, signalling a new culture of reading as well as a new manner of appreciation of the other, Miller dedicatedly speaks and thinks against the hegemony of neoliberal reason, opening our eyes to the kind of change our teaching or reading of literature can trigger in the world, and the role aesthetic education should and can play at a time when the humanities are considered ‘a lost cause’.

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