scholarly journals Media Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Materi Bangun Datar dan Bangun Ruang Berbasis Web

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-45
Lalu Puji Indra Kharisma ◽  
Yunita Happy Yana

Mathematics lessons at the elementary level in the opinion of most students are still considered difficult because of the large number of calculation formulas that must be learned and use logic in analyzing and completing calculations. The learning model currently applied is the lecture learning model by means of one-way communication where the educator is active while the students only function their senses of sight and hearing. The conventional learning model mentioned above is considered to be less exploring students' knowledge insights during the teaching and learning process. If the student's concentration is less than optimal, then the student will have difficulty accepting the material being taught at that time, especially mathematics lessons with material two-dimentional figure and geometry, considering that the material must be systematic and requires a lot of practice questions to deepen mathematical concepts and problems. Therefore, mathematics is not enough to just be studied in class. Students must learn independently outside the classroom. So that we need a media that can help students in learning outside the classroom. With the current development of information technology, especially in terms of internet use, it has an impact on changes in learning system patterns, This change in the pattern of the learning system makes the learning process more creative because learning resources are not only carried out from inside the classroom but can be done outside the classroom and discussed in the classroom together. This is the impact of the rapid development of internet technology. Therefore, the author aims to create a mathematics learning media with material two-dimentional figure and geometry web-based for elementary schools.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Usmadi Usmadi ◽  
Hayatul Hasanah ◽  
Ergusni Ergusni

This study is motivated by the issues found in observations at school, where the daily teaching activities carried out by teachers show that; teaching and learning activities are classical, the teacher only stands or sits in front of the class, the direct relationship between the teacher and students is rare, and students tend to behave passively, such as coming, listening, reading and writing. To overcome this issues, the researchers conducted a research by applying a three-step type of cooperative learning model interview in learning mathematics in the class. The purpose of this study is to reveal the activities and learning outcomes of students after applying the three-step interview type cooperative learning model. From the results of the study it was found that the learning activities of students during the application of the three step interview cooperative learning model increased at each meeting. Thus it can be concluded that the mathematics learning outcomes of students with learning by applying a three-step interview type cooperative learning model is better than those who do not apply the techniques.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-92
Dina Fitria Murad ◽  
Daffa Fauzan Basukiputra ◽  
Michael Hendra Wijaya ◽  
M Iqbal Fauzi

The purpose of this study was to develop a learning model by utilizing chatbot technology that was integrated with LINE's chat media for the Indonesian C-based PKBM package C program. The learning model that was built functioned as a support system for learning media to independently learn access to learning materials, discussion and work on the questions and discussion of National Examination exercises distributed from a content management system (CMS) through a program. The research method is composed using the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The analysis is done by identifying the problems of the learning system business processes that are running. The results of this study are chatbot-based learning models that are integrated with the LINE chat application which contains the distribution of material, practice questions, discussion to an evaluation of student learning that will help the teaching and learning system in Indonesian-powered PKBM.

2007 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Henny Lim

Bina Nusantara University is a university with a rapid development of its e-learning system in the teaching-learning process and Chinese Department is one department using the e-learning system. This research was done to find out the role e-learning in improving the students’ interest in studying Chinese language. Data were collected by interviewing lecturers and distributing questionnaires to 120 students. Then, the data were tabulated and analysed. The result of the research shows that the respondents are familiar with Binusmaya – the e-learning system used – but they seldom use it because they do not think of its benefit. Thus, it can be concluded that Binusmaya does not both support the students of the Chinese Department in the teaching and learning process and in improving the students’ interest. 

Rini Fajarini ◽  
Sukron Romadhon

Abstrac The student learning model during the COVID 19 pandemic must be done virtually, a model of distance learning between teachers and students.  Among them only utilize the network and also learning media such as E-learning and also WA Group. With the various obstacles experienced by teachers when going to do the teaching and learning system, it certainly spurs teachers to be creative in the teaching and learning process. On the other hand, the student's response to the material delivered by the teacher in online learning, becomes a challenge for teachers when there are obstacles in the teaching and learning process of students at MTsN 3 Pamekasan. This study uses qualitative approach with descriptive type. Sources of data obtained through interviews, observations, documentation and information obtained from teachers and students. While checking the validity of data is done through the extension of participation, perseverance of observation and triangulation. The results showed that the creativity of IPS teachers in running the Self-Learning Work Unit system, students are also directed to know more about COVID 19 by researching the environment and making a map of the distribution and prevention methods. Last asked to make a simple report in the form of mind mapp or learning model through youtube. The response of students in online learning will be in the same direction as the teacher's response, if the teacher's response is good it will increase the student's learning spirit. Furthermore, there are factors inhibiting teacher creativity in online learning, namely: networks, devices and knowledge of students. In addition, the supporting factor is the willingness of teachers to stay aware and learn about the learning media used as material for achieving effective and efficient learning. Keywords: teacher creativity, e-learning, learning media             Abstrak Model pembelajaran siswa dimasa pandemi COVID 19 harus harus dilakukan secara virtual, model pembelajaran jarak jauh antara guru dan siswa.  Diantara mereka hanya memanfaatkan jaringan dan juga media pembelajaran seperti E-learning dan juga WA Group. Dengan berbagai kendala yang dialami guru ketika akan melakukan sistem belajar mengajar, tentu memacu guru untuk kreatif dalam proses belajar mengajar. Disisi lain respon siswa terhadap materi yang disampaikan guru dalam pembelajaran daring, menjadi tantangan bagi guru ketika terdapat hambatan-hambatan dalam proses belajar mengajar siswa di MTsN 3 Pamekasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif. Sumber data yang diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan informasi yang diperoleh dari guru dan siswa. Sedangkan pengecekan keabsahan data dilakukan melalui perpanjangan keikutsertaan, ketekunan pengamatan dan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kreativitas guru IPS dalam menjalankan sistem Unit Kerja Belajar Mandiri, peserta didik juga diarahkan untuk lebih mengetahui tentang COVID 19 dengan meneliti lingkungan dan membuat peta persebaran serta cara pencegahanya. Terakhir diminta membuat laporan sederhana berupa mind mapp atau model pembelajaran melalui youtube. Respon siswa dalam pembelajaran daring akan berbanding searah dengan respon guru, jika respon guru baik maka akan meningkatkan semangat belajar siswa. Selanjutnya ada faktor penghambat kreativitas guru dalam pembelajaran daring yaitu: jaringan, perangkat dan pengetahuan siswa. Selain itu, faktor pendukung yaitu adanya kemauan dari guru untuk tetap mengetahui dan belajar terhadap media pembelajaran yang digunakan sebagai bahan tercapainya pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien. Kata Kunci: kreativitas guru, e-learning, media pembelajaran

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-14
Rani Nidya Wati ◽  
Arif Supriyadi

This study aims to: (1) Describe the activities of learning Mathematics of VB graders at SDN-1 Sabaru Palangka Raya in the 2016/2017 Academic Year on the implementation of the Round club model assisted by Monopoly Game Smart media, (2) Improving the learning outcomes of Mathematics in VB class students in SDN-1 Sabaru Palangka Raya Academic Year 2016/2017 after the implementation of the Round club model assisted by Smart Game Monopoly media. The type of research used by researchers is Class Action Research (CAR) with research subjects of all VB class students at Sabaru Palangka Raya SDN-1, totaling 22 students. Data collection techniques in this study use observation and tests. Data analysis uses qualitative data analysts. And quantitative. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Activity of VB class students at SDN-1 Sabaru Palangka Raya in the 2016/2017 school year in Mathematics learning after applying the Round Club learning model assisted by Monopoly media Smart Games are better, because students are active, enthusiastic , listen to the teacher's explanation and be enthusiastic in following the learning process. The results of the teacher observation on teaching and learning activities were carried out by observer I and observer II during the Mathematics learning process in the first cycle. The common aspect of teacher activity was 3.61 in the excellent category, and the universal element of students was 3.40 in the very type. Well. (2) There is an increase in Mathematics learning outcomes by applying the Round Club learning model assisted by Monopoly Game Smart media on V-B grade math subjects at SDN-1 Sabaru Palangka Raya in the academic year 2016/2017. This is indicated by the learning outcomes seen through the class average in the first cycle which is equal to 78.63, and the completeness percentage of students in classical is 100%, from the predetermined provisions, namely for KKM of 65 and completeness criteria in traditional 85%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 161-174
Syaifuddin Syaifuddin

So far, the methods used by teachers in the learning process tend to conventional teaching methods which only includes students come , sit, write material that has been written by the teacher on the board , listening to the teacher explaining the material and do the work , using the lecture method . The impact, learning tends to be passive and bored quickly. This kind of learning situation is almost no opportunity for students to express their creativity, so the quality of the quality of learning also becomes low. Constructivism learning model seems to be one of the answers to these problems. Therefore, in this learning model students are preferred. Teaching and learning process in constructivism model student centered more colored than teacher centered. Constructivism model is more empowering for the class as a learning centered not for teaching; not teaching process but learning process. This is in accordance with the curriculum 2013, is autenthic assessment; assessment process and results.

2021 ◽  
pp. 13-18
Frederica Rosabel Ramli ◽  
Fikri Hakim ◽  
Ria Anggelina Hutabarat

Technology has experienced very rapid development at this time and has brought changes and has a positive and negative impact on human life. One of the fields currently contaminated by technological developments is the field of education, especially in Indonesia, where at first the learning system was still manual-based and is currently developing into an online learning system. It is clear that various levels of schools and universities have used technology to support their learning process and apply it. One of the uses of technology in the field of education is learning management systems (NGOs) such as e-learning. The use of e-learning as a learning medium has a function to improve the quality of student learning and help improve student understanding in learning. However, there are still many schools that have not implemented e-learning in their teaching and learning process, such as high school (SMA). Therefore, the design of this e-learning application web design is expected to help several schools that require an online learning system that is user friendly so that schools can be better prepared to follow current development trends.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 9
Theresia Warsini

The problem that underlies this research is the lack of collaboration and mathematics learning outcomes of students of class IX C of SMP N 4 Sumbang. This can be seen if students have difficulty in understanding the material, students tend to be quiet and do not want to cooperate with friends, even though the cooperation of students is very necessary to achieve the success of teaching and learning. To create student cooperation in the learning process, a learning model is needed. One such learning model is the TAI (Teams Assisted Individualization) type of cooperative learning model, where the model is oriented towards collaboration, both mentally, attitudes, and socially. The purpose of this research is to find out the improvement of cooperation and learning outcomes in mathematics through the application of cooperative learning models in the form of sequence and series TAI material. This research is a Classroom Action Research. Learning tools, namely syllabus, lesson plans, teaching materials, and worksheets. While the research instrument is the description test and observation sheet. The subjects of the study were 22 students of the IXC class at SMPN 4 Sumbang. Data sources come from teachers and students. Data collection techniques are by observation, and tests. The study was conducted in December 2017 until April 2018. The subject and time of the study were chosen because the researcher taught in the class and the implementation time was adjusted to the lesson schedule. The research procedure begins with problem identification, action planning, implementation of actions and observations, and analysis and reflection. The results showed that the ability of student cooperation, from the first cycle the percentage of student cooperation with the category of "quite good" 27% and the category of "good" by 73% to the category of "good" 54% and the category of "very good" by 45% in the second cycle. Student learning outcomes in the first cycle obtained an average of 72.18 with a classical completeness of 59.09% and an increase in the second cycle an average value of 80.36 with a classical completeness of 81.82%. From these results it is recommended that teachers be able to clarify the process of assessing the ability of students to collaborate in the learning process, so that the implementation of learning can run smoothly. While students are advised to increase collaboration so that individual and group learning outcomes can be achieved to the maximum.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-26
Andri Kosiret ◽  
Fariani Hermin Indiyah ◽  
Dwi Antari Wijayanti

Background. Distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the landscape of mathematics learning as a whole. One of the mathematics learning models that offer new concepts in distance learning is generative learning model. The Aim of the Research. This study will evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of generative learning models in improving students' mathematical understanding abilities. The appropriate research method to test the effectiveness is quasi-experimental design because the class being experimented with is not changed, so that it does not have much effect on overall learning stability. The research sample used cluster random sampling technique where class X MIPA 3 was the experimental class while class X MIPA 2 was the control class. The research instrument used was a test of students' ability to understand mathematical concepts in the material of Logarithmic Equations as many as seven essay questions. Conclusion. There is an effect (high) of the generative learning model on the ability to understand students' mathematical concepts applied to the distance learning system at Al-Azhar 19 Ciracas Islamic Senior High School logarithmic equation material with a significance level of α = 0.05. Contribution. This study offers a new concept for the application of distance learning mathematics by implementing a generative learning model which in this study has contributed positively to student understanding

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 198-217
Juliansyah Juliansyah ◽  
Khana Wijaya ◽  
Muchlis Muchlis

Along with the development of internet technology, e-learning began to be developed. Thus encouraging the authors to maintain the quality of education by applying e-learning at Pratiwi Prabumulih Vocational High School. E-learning is one of the tools to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of performance in the teaching and learning process. E-learning is a web-based system developed using the PHP programming language, HTML document types and MySQL to manage databases. The research method used is the system development method, namely the waterfall method. The system design method with a functional approach is described using UML (Unified Modeling Language). With the web-based e-learning system, the teaching and learning process can be accessed in all places anytime and anywhere without time restrictions. E-learning supports functions/features (upload and download) of data in the form of document content. E-learning is also able to display online questions or exams and score results so that it helps in the learning process

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