scholarly journals Pengaruh latihan fisik akut terhadap kadar protein urin pada mahasiswa angkatan 2015 Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Paul Y. Limuria ◽  
Hedison Polii ◽  
Vanda D. Doda

Abstract: Acute physical exercise is an exercise that is performed in a short time, it was performed only for a few minutes or <30 minutes. Physical exercise will cause some changes in the body, such as increased levels of urinary protein. Increased levels of urinary protein generally occurs in people with kidney disease, so that medical practitioners are often mistaken about this. This is because when doing physical exercise occurs decreases blood flow to the kidneys and cause disruption of glomerular and renal tubular function. This situation is not dangerous because it is only temporary, and reversible. In the previous studies, there is still controversy about the effect of acute physical exercise on levels of urinary protein. Based on that, researchers interested to know the impact of acute physical exercise kinds of anaerobic (sprint) towards levels of urinary protein. This study used an experimental design on one group pre-post test. Subjects were 30 male students who are in the Faculty of Medicine Sam Ratulangi. Urine protein levels assessed before and after sprint. The results obtained were processed using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test. On the results, there was a significant increase of urinary protein (p = 0,00) after performing an acute physical exerise (sprint).Keywords: urine protein, acute physical exercise, studentAbstrak: Latihan fisik akut adalah latihan yang dilakukan dalam waktu yang singkat, sekitar beberapa menit atau <30 menit. Latihan fisik akan menyebabkan beberapa perubahan dalam tubuh, seperti peningkatan kadar protein urin. Peningkatan kadar protein urin umumnya terjadi pada orang dengan penyakit ginjal, sehingga tenaga kesehatan sering keliru akan hal ini. Peningkatan kadar protein urin terjadi karena pada saat melakukan latihan fisik aliran darah menuju ginjal berkurang dan menyebabkan terganggunya fungsi glomerulus dan tubulus ginjal. Keadaan ini tidak berbahaya karena hanya bersifat sementara, dan reversibel. Pada penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya masih terdapat kontroversi tentang pengaruh latihan fisik akut terhadap kadar protein urin. Hal ini membuat peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan fisik akut jenis anaerobik (sprint) terhadap kadar protein urin. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian eksperimental dengan rancangan pre-post one group test. Subjek berjumlah 30 orang mahasiswa laki-laki yang berada di fakultas kedokteran universitas sam ratulangi. Kadar protein urin dinilai terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan sprint, setelah melakukan sprint kadar protein urin dinilai kembali. Hasil yang didapatkan diolah dengan menggunakan uji Wilcoxon Signed Ranks. Pada hasil penelitian didapatkan peningkatan yang signifikan (p = 0,00) kadar protein urin setelah melakukan latihan fisik akut (sprint).Kata kunci: protein urin, latihan fisik akut, mahasiswa

Valentina Bucciarelli ◽  
Francesco Bianco ◽  
Francesco Mucedola ◽  
Andrea Di Blasio ◽  
Pascal Izzicupo ◽  

Background: Menopause is associated with negative cardiovascular adaptations related to estrogen depletion, which could be counteracted by physical exercise (PhE). However, the impact of total adherence-rate (TA) to PhE and sedentary time (SedT) on cardiometabolic profile in this population has not been elucidated. Methods: For 13-weeks, 43 women (57.1 ± 4.7 years) participated in a 4-days-a-week moderate-intensity walking training. They underwent laboratory, anthropometric and echocardiographic assessment, before and after training (T0–T1). Spontaneous physical activity (PhA) was assessed with a portable multisensory device. The sample was divided according to TA to PhE program: <70% (n = 17) and ≥70% (n = 26). Results: TA ≥ 70% group experienced a significant T1 improvement of relative wall thickness (RWT), diastolic function, VO2max, cortisol, cortisol/dehydroandrostenedione-sulphate ratio and serum glucose. After adjusting for SedT and 10-min bouts of spontaneous moderate-to-vigorous PhA, TA ≥ 70% showed the most significant absolute change of RWT and diastolic function, body mass index, weight and cortisol. TA ≥ 70% was major predictor of RWT and cortisol improvement. Conclusions: In a group of untrained, postmenopausal women, a high TA to a 13-weeks aerobic PhE program confers a better improvement in cardiometabolic profile, regardless of SedT and PhA levels.

2020 ◽  
Vol 222 (4) ◽  
pp. 637-645 ◽  
Bernard Surial ◽  
Bruno Ledergerber ◽  
Alexandra Calmy ◽  
Matthias Cavassini ◽  
Huldrych F Günthard ◽  

Abstract Background Replacing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) with tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) improves renal tubular markers in HIV-infected individuals but the impact on estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) remains unclear. Methods In all participants from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study who switched from TDF to TAF-containing antiretroviral regimen or continued TDF, we estimated changes in eGFR and urine protein-to-creatinine ratio (UPCR) after 18 months using mixed-effect models. Results Of 3520 participants (26.6% women, median age 50 years), 2404 (68.5%) switched to TAF. Overall, 1664 (47.3%) had an eGFR &lt;90 mL/min and 1087 (30.9%) an UPCR ≥15 mg/mmol. In patients with baseline eGFR ≥90 mL/min, eGFR decreased with the use of TDF and TAF (−1.7 mL/min). Switching to TAF was associated with increases in eGFR of 1.5 mL/min (95% confidence interval [CI], .5–2.5) if the baseline eGFR was 60–89 mL/min, and 4.1 mL/min (95% CI, 1.6–6.6) if &lt;60 mL/min. In contrast, eGFR decreased by 5.8 mL/min (95% CI, 2.3–9.3) with continued use of TDF in individuals with baseline eGFR &lt;60 mL/min. UPCR decreased after replacing TDF by TAF, independent of baseline eGFR. Conclusions Switching from TDF to TAF improves eGFR and proteinuria in patients with renal dysfunction.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. e0127767 ◽  
Qing Ye ◽  
Shi-qiang Shang ◽  
Ai-min Liu ◽  
Ting Zhang ◽  
Hong-qiang Shen ◽  

2017 ◽  
Blanca Marin Bosch ◽  
Aurélien Bringard ◽  
Maria Grazia Logrieco ◽  
Estelle Lauer ◽  
Nathalie Imobersteg ◽  

AbstractRegular physical exercise enhances memory functions and neurogenesis in the hippocampus, an effect partially mediated by BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor). Acute exercise promotes the release of endocannabinoids (especially anandamide, AEA), which enhance BDNF release and improve hippocampal plasticity in rodents. How acute exercise affects BDNF and AEA levels and influences memory performance in humans remains to date unknown. Here we combined blood biomarkers, behavioral and fMRI measurements to assess the impact of acute physical exercise on associative memory and underlying neurophysiological mechanisms. For each participant, memory was tested after three conditions: rest, moderate or high exercise intensity. A long-term memory retest took place 3 months later. At both test and retest, memory performance increased after moderate but not high intensity exercise or rest. We also show that memory benefited from exercise-related increases in both AEA and BNDF levels: AEA boosted hippocampal activity during memory recall, while BDNF enhanced hippocampal memory representations and long-term performance.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Dezi Ilham ◽  
Afriwardi Afriwardi ◽  
Eti Yerizel

Abstrak Latihan fisik yang berlebihan dapat meningkatkan produksi radikal bebas di dalam tubuh. Peningkatan radikalbebas ini kalau tidak dinetralisasi oleh antioksidan di dalam tubuh, maka terjadilah stres oksidatif yang dapatmenyebabkan terjadinya peroksidasi lipid, sehingga menghasilkan produk senyawa F2-isoprostan yang dapatberdampak terhadap berbagai masalah kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pengaruhpemberian susu coklat terhadap kadar F2-isoprostan. Penelitian ini merupakan eksperimental pre and post test controlgrup design terhadap 36 siswa atlet, yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi. Subjek dibagi dua kelompok yaituyang diberikan perlakuan susu coklat dan kontrol susu putih. Susu diminum setelah latihan fisik rutin atlet sebanyaksatu kali sehari selama 15 hari. Kadar F2-isoprostan dinilai sebelum dan sesudah secara ELISA. Data dianalisisdengan paired sample t-Test, bermakna bila p<0,05. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rerata kadar F2-isoprostan sebelumperlakuan pada kelompok susu coklat adalah 65,98±14,61 pg/ml dan sesudah perlakuan adalah 45,55±13,74 pg/ml.Rerata kadar F2-isoprostan sebelum perlakuan pada kelompok kontrol susu putih adalah 54,24±20,44 pg/ml dansesudah perlakuan adalah 48,80±20,23 pg/ml. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh ada pengaruh yang bermakna dari reratakadar F2-isoprostan sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan baik pada kelompok perlakuan susu coklat dan kelompok kontrolsusu putih.Kata kunci: latihan fisik, radikal bebas, F2-isoprostan, susu coklatAbstract Excessive physical exercise can increase the production of free radicals in the body. The increase in freeradicals if not neutralized by antioxidants in the body and it caused oxidative stress which can cause lipid peroxidation,resulting in F2-isoprostane product compounds that can affect a variety of health problems. The objective of this studywas to determine the influence of milk chocolate on F2-isoprostane levels. This study was an experimental pre andpost test control group design to the 36 student athletes, who meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The subjectswere divided in two groups: the treatment given milk chocolate and white milk is given control, drunk after a routinephysical exercise athlete, once a day for 15 days. F2-isoprostane levels were assessed before (pre) and after (post) byELISA, the data were analyzed by Paired Sample t-Test, significant if p <0.05. The results showed average levels ofF2-isoprostane before treatment group was 65.98 ± chocolate milk 14.61 pg / ml and after treatment was 45.55 ±13.74 pg / ml. Average F2-isoprostane levels before treatment in the control group was 54.24 ± white milk 20.44 pg /ml and after treatment was 48.80 ± 20.23 pg / ml. There is a significant influence on the mean levels of F2-isoprostaneboth before and after treatment in the treatment group and the control group of milk chocolate and white milkKeywords: physical exercise, free radicals, f2-isoprostane, milk chocolate

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Gina Irene Ishak

Abstract: Physical exercise stimulates sweat from inside the body to transfer the heat out of it. Sweat consists of both water and electrolytes, including chloride ion, so if the excretion of water and electrolytes is not corrected can disturb the body’s homeostasis and health. This study aimed to determine the differencesof serum chloride levels before and after light intensity physical exercise. This study was a pre - experimental with one group pretest – posttest design. There were 30 respondents obtained by using purposive sampling method. The respondents did a brisk walk on a treadmill at 50-63 % heart rate maximum intensity for 30 minutes. Blood was taken before and after the exercise in order to examine the levels of serum chloride. The results of this study were processed by using Wilcoxon test. Averagely, the level of serum chloride before exercise was 106,23 ± 2,208 mmol/L, and 106,90 ± 1,9 mmol/L after exercise. Statistical test result showed p = 0,007. It is concluded that there is a significant difference on the levels of serum chloride before and after light intensity exercise in the students of Medical Faculty Sam Ratulangi University. Keywords: Serum Chloride, Exercise , Light Intensity.     Abstrak: Latihan fisik memicu pengeluaran keringat untuk memindahkan panas dari dalam tubuh ke lingkungan. Keringat terdiri dari air dan elektrolit, termasuk ion klorida, sehingga jika elektrolit dan air yang keluar dari tubuh tidak dikoreksi dapat menganggu homeostasis tubuh dan kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar klorida serum sebelum dan sesudah latihan fisik intensitas ringan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pre-eksperimental dengan pendekatan one group pretest-posttest design. Sebanyak 30 responden yang diambil menggunakan metode purposive sampling, melakukan jalan cepat diatas treadmill dengan intensitas 50-63% denyut jantung maksimum selama 30 menit. Pengambilan darah dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah latihan guna pemeriksaan kadar klorida serum. Hasil penelitian diolah menggunakan uji Wilcoxon.  Hasil menunjukkan rerata kadar klorida sebelum latihan 106,23±2,208  mmol/L dan 106,90 ± 1,9 mmol/L setelah latihan. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan  p=0,007. Disimpulkan  bahwa  terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan kadar klorida serum sebelum dan sesudah latihan fisik intensitas ringan pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi. Kata kunci: Klorida Serum, Latihan Fisik, Intensitas Ringan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 104-135
L. Novoselova

In this article, an attempt is made to determine the legal status of the human body (organs and tissue) both while a person is alive and after a person dies. The article discusses the points of view of various authors in relation to the possibility of considering the human body, its organs and tissue, after their separation from the body, as objects of a person’s property rights, and also as an object of a person’s non-property rights. The article argues the impossibility of qualifying the human body and the organs that were not separated from it during life as parts – and perhaps critical parts – of the existence of the total human being, as objects of real (property) rights including the rights of the persons themselves. The human body as a single object is a personal non-property benefit. The organs and tissue separated from the body may be considered objects of real rights, but on several conditions: if they were indeed separated from the body and if the person gave permission for this in a will. The specific characteristics of the legal status of the separated organs and tissue of a human being are analyzed as things (possessions) with limited turnover. The specific characteristics of the legal status of the organs and tissue separated from the body as possessions in limited turnover are reviewed as well as the impact of personal non-property rights on this status. The main focus of the article is on the legal status of the human body and the organs separated from it after death in view of the fact that transplantology and postmortem organ donation are becoming more and more widespread. This issue is analyzed in terms of the body as a whole and as it applies to the organs and tissue that are not used for transplantation. The proposal is to base our analysis on the status of the human body after death which as a rule cannot be the object of property rights. The human body is disposed of within the framework of the protection of the personal non-property rights of the deceased, including the right of physical inviolability that covers the organs and tissue separated from the body. The article characterizes the legal nature of living wills when people give instructions as to the procedure of their burial and other means of handling their body, including donation of their bodies to science. The article examines the possibility of the right of ownership to organs and tissue separated from the body after death. This right can exist if a complex legal construct is present, including a direct or assumed living will of the person. The specific characteristics of living acts concerning the possibility of after-death organ and tissue harvesting for further use, including for transplantation purposes, and the differences between such acts and last wills are determined.

Circulation ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 137 (suppl_1) ◽  
Donna Arz ◽  
Michael McClain ◽  
Kathy Quach ◽  
Joseph Sky ◽  
David Steinhorn ◽  

Introduction: The association between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and cardiovascular disease has been established. Complementary and integrative medicine (CAM) modalities are commonly underutilized due to their mixed results and need further evaluation. Empathetic Touch therapy is a holistic healing tool, which incorporates integrative medicine techniques such as energy healing, acupressure, craniosacral therapy, shamanic healing, aspects of Chinese medicine and spiritual care to promote wholeness in the body, mind, and spirit. The purpose of this study is to analyze symptoms of stress, anxiety, pain, and depression in a primarily veterans affairs population suffering from PTSD and voluntarily undergoing Empathetic Touch therapy sessions at a non-profit organization called the Forgotten Soldier Program. Hypothesis: We assessed the hypothesis that Empathetic Touch therapy will reduce feelings of anxiety, stress, pain, and depression. Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of 424 participants from the Forgotten Soldier Program who completed surveys before and after an approximately 1-hour session of Empathetic Touch therapy (November 7, 2013 through August 11, 2017). Self-reported scores on a scale of 0 to 10 for feelings of stress, anxiety, pain, and depression were collected before and after every therapy session. The change from baseline was determined and analyzed using a paired t-test. Results: Across a cohort of 424 individual patients, a total of 1,359 individual sessions were included for analysis. Self-reported feelings of stress (n=1267), anxiety (n=1223), pain (n=1275), and depression (n=416) were reduced by 3.27±3.34, 2.98±3.53, 2.44±3.66 and 1.46±3.7 (all p-values <0.001), respectively. No significant adverse events related to Empathetic Touch therapy were reported. Conclusion: Empathetic Touch therapy significantly reduces feelings of stress, anxiety, pain, and depression. Alternative and integrative modalities need to be further incorporated in a holistic treatment of patients. Assessing the impact of Empathetic Touch therapy on cardiovascular endpoints is warranted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-65
Hanna Prószyńska-Bordas ◽  
Katarzyna Baranowska

The aim of the paper was to investigate health aspects of high altitude trekking such as preparation for the physical exertion during trekking at high altitude, the impact of mountaineering on the daily life before and after the expedition, the effect of high-mountain conditions on health and well-being. It was found that in the pre-departure period trekkers commonly train to ensure that they are physically fit for the expedition. They train alone or under the supervision of a trainer. Self-prepared workouts may turn out to be insufficient due to the lack of appropriate training plans. The most challenging aspects of high altitude trekking for the body include carrying too heavy equipment, dealing with illegibly marked routes, wearing inappropriate clothing, having an unbalanced diet, not having enough water, which can lead to dehydration and infections. Misconduct by other people poses a risk. The specific type of effort involved in mountaineering requires balanced nutrition in terms of both micro- and macro-elements. To find the right combination, one has to either experiment or seek advice from a dietitian. However, relatively few people consult a nutrition coach. Among sanitary problems, the most serious one is inappropriate human waste disposal, the resulting lack of drinkable water. Some of the observed problems result from insufficient regulations regarding the conduct in the mountains and from trekkers’ lack of awareness regarding good practices in such extreme conditions.

2020 ◽  
Marta Ołpińska-Lischka ◽  
Karolina Kujawa ◽  
Janusz Maciaszek

Abstract Objective: Sleepiness caused by poor sleep hygiene may increase the risk of injuries and damages during physical activity. Individual data so far indicate a generally better static postural stability of women regardless of sleeping conditions. The main aim of this study was to assess the impact of sleep deprivation on postural stability according to gender after 24 hours of sleep deprivation. Methods: Participants included 83 students (36 men and 47 women). Postural stability was measured with eyes open and closed eyes before and after sleep deprivation. Data from posturographic platform were used to assess postural stability objectively. Results: The type of test determined the size of observed changes in postural stability. The data suggest that women are better able to cope with the effects of sleep deprivation than men. Conclusion: Postural control system is very important in sport and in physically active people. The results show that men are more sensitive to sleep deprivation than women because they had higher COP path length values in tests. Less postural stability of the body due to sleep deprivation indicates a higher risk of injury during physical activity.

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