Winsy A. Tarumingkeng ◽  
Tri Oldy Rotinsulu

ABSTRAK Pemerintah Provnisi Sulawesi Utara disaran­kan dalam peningkatan IPM melalui Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan pengentasan kemiskinan sesuai dengan sembilan agenda prioritas Presiden dalam Nawa Cita pada program 3 (tiga) membangun Indonesia dari pinggiran dengan memperkuat daerah dan desa dalam kerangka negara kesatuan dan program 5 (lima) meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia Indonesia melalui peningkatan kualitas pendidikan dan pelatihan dengan program Indonesia Pintar, serta peningkatan kesejateraan masyarakat dengan program Indonesia Kerja dan Indonesia Sejahtera dengam mendorong land reform.Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode penghitungan kuadran terkecil (ordinary least square) dimana Indeks Pembangunan Manusia sebagai variabel dependen dan digunakan dua variabel independen yakni Belanja Modal dan Tingkat Kemiskinan. Data yang diteliti meliputi kemiskinan, pertumbuhan ekonomi, realisasi belanja modal, dan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data panel yaitu gabungan time series dan cross section. Dimana berdasarkan penghitungan semakin tinggi belanja modal yang dikeluarkan maka akan meningkatkan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia. Kata kunci : Belanja Modal, Tingkat Kemiskinan dan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM)ABSTRACTNorth Sulawesi Provincial Government is expected to increase HDI through Infrastructure Development and poverty alleviation in accordance with the nine priority agendas of the President in Nawa Cita in 3 (three) programs to build Indonesia from the periphery by strengthening the regions and villages within the framework of the unitary state and the 5 (five) improve the quality of human life of Indonesia through improving the quality of education and training with Smart Indonesia programs, as well as improving community welfare with Indonesia Work Program and Prosperous Indonesia dengam encourage land reform.In this research, the smallest quadrant calculation method (ordinary least square) where Human Development Index as dependent variable and used two independent variables namely Capital Expenditure and Poverty Level. The data studied include poverty, economic growth, capital expenditure realization, and Human Development Index. The type of data used is panel data that is a combination of time series and cross section. Where based on the calculation the higher capital expenditures incurred will increase the Human Development Index. Keywords: Capital Expenditure, Poverty Rate and Human Development Index (HDI)

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Hamonangan Nasution ◽  
Eko Wahyu Nugrahadi

Quality of Human Resources in developing countries and poor countries is a very serious issue to be addressed . When the quality of human resources do not keep pace with the progress of time involved will lead to underdevelopment , poverty and unemployment which in turn trigger the overflow gap , inequality and adversity . This study aims to look at and determine how much influence Number of Qualified Persons , Budget Development, Real Gross Domestic Product and Shopping Structural Transformation of the Human Development Index in Mandailing Natal Regency . Used in measuring and analyzing time series data       ( time series ) in the form of quarters in the period 2003 : Q1 - 2012 : Q4 . Data analysis using OLS ( Ordinary Least Square ) which is multiple regression . The results showed RHQ variable positive and significant effect on the HDI Mandailing Natal district , ABP variablespositive and significant effect on the HDI Mandailing Natal Regency ,any one significant negative effect on the HDI in Mandailing Natal Regency is Shopping Structural Transformation , while variable GRDPCP positive and significant impact on HDI of Mandailing Natal Regency. in α = 5%. The result of the regression model of HDI policy is R-squered=0,8967 whereas the presence of the model is R-squered BTS= 0,8907 in Mandailing Natal Regency, after the classic test. This means that in thebase stations are very well organized affect HDI, whereas if done deviation will adversely affect the HDI.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Hamonangan Nasution

Quality of Human Resources in developing countries and poor countries is a very serious issue to be addressed . When the quality of human resources do not keep pace with the progress of time involved will lead to underdevelopment , poverty and unemployment which in turn trigger the overflow gap , inequality and adversity . This study aims to look at and determine how much influence Number of Qualified Persons , Budget Development, Real Gross Domestic Product and Shopping Structural Transformation of the Human Development Index in Mandailing Natal Regency . Used in measuring and analyzing time series data       ( time series ) in the form of quarters in the period 2003 : Q1 - 2012 : Q4 . Data analysis using OLS ( Ordinary Least Square ) which is multiple regression . The results showed RHQ variable positive and significant effect on the HDI Mandailing Natal district , ABP variablespositive and significant effect on the HDI Mandailing Natal Regency ,any one significant negative effect on the HDI in Mandailing Natal Regency is Shopping Structural Transformation , while variable GRDPCP positive and significant impact on HDI of Mandailing Natal Regency. in α = 5%. The result of the regression model of HDI policy is R-squered=0,8967 whereas the presence of the model is R-squered BTS= 0,8907 in Mandailing Natal Regency, after the classic test. This means that in thebase stations are very well organized affect HDI, whereas if done deviation will adversely affect the HDI.

Ambya Ambya

Human development index (HDI) is one of the benchmarks used to see the quality of human life as measured by looking at the level of human life quality of education, health and economy. This study aims to determine the effect of government spending from the education, health and capital expenditure sectors as well as income on the human development index. The data used is a secondary data in 7 districts in Lampung Province period of 2013-2018 which was obtained from the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance (DGFB Ministry of Finance) and the Central Statistics Agency (CSA) in Lampung province. The results of the analysis show that the government spending in the education sector and capital expenditure have a positive and significant effect on the human development index while the health sector spending as well as income have a negative and significant effect on the human development index.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Uni Sari ◽  
Harianto ◽  
A. Faroby Falatehan

Health as a component of the Human Development Index (HDI) has a life expectancy rate as its indicator. Increased life expectancy can raise HDI. An allocation of health budget can increase life expectancy. The results of regression analysis on the health budgets of regencies/towns to influence the life expectancy rate showed that indirect expenditure, direct personnel expenditure, capital expenditure, and spending on goods and services had a significant and positive effect on life expectancy rate. One objective of this study is to formulate strategies that can be used to improve life expectancy through a budget allocation. Several alternative strategies have been formulated and put into a sequence from the highest value. The strategy of the first priority selected is the strength-opportunity strategy with its minor strategy, namely, giving financial assistance to the Regency/Town governments through budget allocations with the right target, time and amount as well as supervision over its implementation with the main focus to reduce mortality.The next strategy of the first priority is to increase cooperation with the private sector. Another strategy that has been formulated for the West Java Provincial Government to carry out is to consider the order of priority and time of implementation.Keywords: life expectancy, budget, health, Human Development Index ABSTRAK Dimensi kesehatan sebagai salah satu komponen Indeks Pembangunan manusia (IPM) memiliki Angka Harapan Hidup (AHH) sebagai indikatornya. Meningkatkan AHH dapat meningkatkan IPM. Alokasi anggaran kesehatan dapat meningkatkan AHH. Hasil analisis regresi yang dilakukan terhadap anggaran urusan kesehatan kabupaten kota dalam mempengaruhi AHH, menunjukkan bahwa belanja tidak langsung, belanja langsung pegawai, belanja modal, dan belanja barang jasa berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap AHH. Salah satu tujuan penelitian ini adalah merumuskan strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan AHH melalui alokasi anggaran kesehatan. Beberapa alternatif strategi telah dirumuskan kemudian diurutkan berdasarkan nilai yang tertinggi. Strategi prioritas pertama yang terpilih yaitu strategi strength-opportunity dengan strategi kecilnya yaitu memberikan bantuan keuangan kepada pemerintah kabupaten/kota sesuai dengan alokasi anggaran yang tepat sasaran, tepat waktu dan tepat jumlah disertai dengan pengawasan pelaksanaannya dengan fokus utama menurunkan tingkat kematian. Strategi prioritas pertama berikutnya adalah meningkatkan kerjasama dengan pihak swasta. Strategi lainnya yang telah dirumuskan dapat dilakukan Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat dengan memperhatikan urutan prioritas dan pengaturan waktu pelaksanaan.Kata kunci: Angka Harapan Hidup, anggaran, kesehatan, Indeks Pembangunan Manusia

2017 ◽  
Andysah Putera Utama Siahaan

Local revenue is intended to finance infrastructure and basic public services that have not reached a certain standard to accelerate regional development. Capital expenditure is to increase public facilities. No part of the Capital Expenditure used for operational costs such as the construction of travel expenses and so on. Human Development Index is a measure of comparison of life expectancy, education and standard of living for all countries around the world. Human Development Index is used to classify whether a country is a developed country, developing or underdeveloped countries and also to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life. If a public facility can be met, then people feel comfortable and be able to run their business efficiently and effectively so that in the end will create a healthy life and a longer life expectancy as well as partially and simultaneously improve the quality of education and standard of life of the community. Data were collected from 33 District Municipality (25 districts and eight cities) in the district/cities of North Sumatera. The sample used in this study were 22 district/cities (15 District and 7 Cities), from 2005 to 2009. Moreover, the fiscal independence level affects indirectly to the Human Development Index.

Syntax Idea ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (7) ◽  
pp. 1523
Andhita Astriani ◽  
Muchtolifah Muchtolifah ◽  
Sishadiyati Sishadiyati

Development is included in the tools used to achieve success in building the nation. Human development can be seen from the level of quality of human life in an area with a size that can be seen from the human development index. The purpose of this research is to test the influence between Youth, Youth, Economy, and Clear Capital Expenditure Human Development Index in Nganjuk District in 2010-2019. Which method in this study quantitative method with samples in this study is Nganjuk Regency in 2010-2019. Research data which data at that time data from the Central Bureau of Statistics East Java Province and directorate general of financial balance. In the result of the creation, it is concluded that: 1) Districts are high and flat against HDI. 2) No government is not beber against HDI. 3) Economy Is Not High On HDI. 4) Capital Expenditure is not good timing outside the HDI.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 120
Windhu Putra

The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of government spending - for building infrastructures, education and health - on economic growth and Indonesian community welfare that reside along the borderline during the period of 2007 to 2014. The data used in this research is panel data. Applying estimation model of Ordinary Least Square (OLS), this research indicates that government expenditures for infrastructures and education created significant effect oneconomic growth while the expenditure for healthcare did not significantly affect the economic growth. However, in the case of people welfare, government spending on infrastructure and economic growth showed a significant effect on it, butthe government spending for education and healthcare had insignificant impact on human development index.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Marwah Masruroh ◽  
Retno Subekti

Human Development Index is one of the indicators to measure the success of a region in the field of human development sector. There are several factors that affect Human Development Index, such as life expentancy, the literacy rate, the average length of the school, and the index of purchasing power. The aim in this paper is to analyze the relationship between factors that affect Human Development Index in Yogyakarta using regression analysis. One of the assumptions of classical regression is not going multicollinierity. Multicollinierity cause misinterpretation of regression coefficients with Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. One method used to overcome multicollinierity is Partial Least Square (PLS). The result of Human Development Index data analysis showed there was a high correlation between the predictor variables or in other words going multicollinierity, so using PLS method, we obtained adjusted R2 of 99.3% Human Development Index variables can be explained by the four predictor variables. By using PLS method, multicollinierity resolved in the problem of violation in the linear regression assumption. Keywords: IPM, OLS, regression, PLS.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Adriwati Adriwati

Human development is a development paradigm that puts human (population) as the focus and final target of all development activities, namely the achievement of control over resources (income to achieve decent living), improvement of health status (long life and healthy life) and improve education. To see the success rate of human development, UNDP publishes an indicator of Human Development Index (HDI). This study discusses the achievements of human development that have been pursued by the government. The problem analyzed in this research is the difference of human development achievement in some provincial government in Indonesia. This paper aims to compare the achievements of human development in some provincial governments seen from the achievement of human development index of each province. Research location in Banten Province, West Java and DKI Jakarta.Keywords:Human Development Index, Human Development Achievement

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Miftakul Khoiri ◽  
Syapsan Syapsan ◽  
Sri Endang Kornita

Terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang berbeda pada sumber daya di setiap daerah, yaitu investasi, tenaga kerja dan teknologi sebagai faktor pembentuk output perekonomian daerah. Penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan antara investasi dalam bentuk Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA), Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN), belanja modal pemerintah, angkatan kerja dan ekspor dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Tujuan penelitian adalah melihat pengaruh besarnya faktor-faktor tersebut terhadap Pertumbuhan ekonomi di Provinsi Riau 2000-2018. Untuk kepentingan khusus penelitian dengan tujuan melihat pengaruh krisis keuangan global tahun 2008 terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi maka dimasukkan variabel dummy krisis keuangan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode regresi berganda log-log linier dan data time series. Model diestimasi dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PMA, PMDN, angkatan kerja dan ekspor signifikan positif mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi yang diukur dengan nilai Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB). Begitu juga dengan dummy krisis keuangan global meskipun berlangsung singkat ternyata berpengaruh terhadap PDRB di Provinsi Riau. Namun demikian ditemukan bahwa belanja modal pemerintah tidak signifikan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan PDRB.There are some problems in resources of the regions, namely investment, labour force, and technology as the component factors to make the output of the region’s economy. This study aims to analyze the relationship between investment as consist of foreign direct investment (FDI), private investment, government capital expenditure, labour force, export and economic growth to the gross regional domestic product growth of regency in Riau Province 2000-2018. For the specific purpose of describing global financial crises in 2008 influence the economic growth, we put the dummy variable of the financial crisis in the model. This research is quantitative descriptive with the multiple regression model of log-linear and time series method using Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The study shows that government capital expenditure is statistically not significant to affect the gross regional domestic product growth. FDI, private investment, labour force and export is statistically significant to affect the gross regional domestic product growth. As well as a dummy of the global financial crisis is statistically significant to affect the gross regional domestic product growth.

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