scholarly journals Analisis Air Limbah Pertambangan Emas Tanpa Izin Desa Bakan Kecamatan Lolayan Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow

Jurnal MIPA ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 6
Puspita R. Gani ◽  
Jemmy Abidjulu ◽  
Audy D. Wuntu

Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis kualitas air limbah yang berasal dari Pertambangan Emas Tanpa Izin (PETI) di Desa Bakan Kecamatan Lolayan Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow. Parameter yang diukur adalah pH, padatan tersuspensi total (TSS), tembaga, kadmium, zink, timbal, arsen, nikel, kromium, merkuri, dan sianida. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada empat lokasi di sepanjang aliran air limbah buangan dari lokasi pertambangan emas. Nilai hasil pengukuran selanjutnya dibandingkan dengan Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup No. 202 Thn. 2004 tentang Baku Mutu Air Limbah Bagi Kegiatan Penambangan Bijih Emas/Tembaga dan Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup Republik Indonesia Nomor 5 Thn. 2014 tentang Baku Mutu Air Limbah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai pH di satu lokasi pengambilan sampel dan nilai TSS di dua lokasi pengambilan sampel berada di luar nilai baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan, sedangkan konsentrasi sianida dan semua logam yang dianalisis masih berada di bawah ambang batas yang ditetapkan.A research aimed to analyze quality of wastewater from Unlicensed Gold Mine in Bakan Village Lolayan District Bolaang Mongondow Regency has been conducted. Parameters examined were pH, total suspended solid (TSS), copper, cadmium, zinc, lead, arsenic, nickel, chromium, mercury, and cynide. Sampling was performed at four locations along the flow of wastewater sourced from unlicensed gold mine. The results were then compared to Decree of the Minister of State for the Environment No. 202 Yrs. 2004 on the Quality Standard of Waste Water from Gold/Copper Ore Mining Activities and Decree of the Minister of State for the Environment No. 5 Yrs. 2014 on the Quality Standard of Waste Water. The results showed that pH value at one location of sampling and TSS value at two locations of sampling were beyond the predefined quality standard, while the concentration of cyanide and all metals analyzed were below the prescribed threshold.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 265
Indriyati Indriyati ◽  
Joko Prayitno Susanto

Soya bean sauce waste water is a high organic wastewater and has dark color, thereforeit is difficult to degrade it biologically and also in getting clear color.Base on as mentioned above, it is tried to process it with coagulation and flocculationuse Aluminum sulfate and PAC which is added to wastewater with several dosesvariation of Alumunium sulfate: (100, 200, 300. 250) ppm and PAC with doses (50,100, 150, 200) ppm.Experiment result shows that the experiment which use Aluminum sulfate and PAC ascoagulant could give a good quality of processing and suitable with the threshold ofwastewater. The application of floculant Aquaklir 240 could help the performance ofcoagulant that can be seen from the turbidity, suspended solid and flock size form.

2018 ◽  
Vol 67 ◽  
pp. 04006 ◽  
Irfan Aditya ◽  
Sutrasno Kartohardjono

Wastewater generated from the tofu industry usually still contains high organic pollutants that can contaminate the surface water. Therefore, it should be treated properly before it can be disposed to the environment. This study aims to evaluate the combination of coagulationflocculation and ultrafiltration methods in treating the wastewater from tofu industry. Based on the preliminary tests, the wastewater from tofu industry have pH, total dissolved solid (TDS), total suspended solid (TSS), turbidity and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 3.4, 870 - 1080 mg/L, 370 mg/L, 446 FAU and 7954 mg/L, respectively. The coagulant and membrane used in this study were Poly aluminum chloride (PAC) and the ceramic membrane, respectively. Experimental results showed that the best pH for coagulation-flocculation process is at pH of 7.0, and this pH was then used for ultrafiltration process. The flux of the ultrafiltration membrane increased with increasing the trans membrane pressure due to increasing driving force. The observed parameters such as TSS and turbidity of wastewater decreased drastically after experiencing ultrafiltration process and met the National Environmental Quality Standard. However, the COD of water produced in the ultrafiltration process was still high and did not meet the National Environmental Quality Standard.

2018 ◽  
Vol 73 ◽  
pp. 05018
Nurcholis ◽  
Dirwan Muchlis

The purpose of this research is to know the contamination of waste water that happened in slaughterhouse (RPH) city of merauke. Data were obtained based on surveys and field observations and the sample used was RPH water waste each in repeat as many as 6 replications. Data analysis was done descriptively by comparing the result obtained with the standard of quality which have been determined. The results showed that the contamination of waste water all exceeded the quality standard except at pH value. The ALT content of wastewater in RPH 2790 x 104 and contains E. Coli and Salmonella microbes. The high content of BOD, COD, TTS, Ammonia and microbial contamination is thought to be due to the absence of wastewater treatment installation (IPAL) at RPH in accordance with the standard. Proper handling of ammonia waste can reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.

2014 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 73 ◽  
Lieke Riadi ◽  
Whenny Ferydhiwati ◽  
Liok Dimas Sanjaya Loeman

Limbah industri tekstil di area pinggir kota Surabaya mempunyai karakteristik perbandingan COD dan BOD = 5.57. Limbah jenis ini sulit untuk dibiodegradasi. Studi ini mempelajari tekonologi elektrokoagulasi untuk mengolah limbah tekstil dengan menurunkan intensitas warna, Total Suspended Solid (TSS) dan Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). Percobaan batch pada suhu kamar dilakukan untuk mempelajari pengaruh pH, jarak elektroda terhadap penurunan warna,TSS dan COD dan membandingkan biaya operasinya jika menggunakan pengolahan kimia.Effisiensi penurunan tertinggi untuk warna (91.96%),  TSS (49.17%), dan COD (29.67%) terjadi pada pH awal 4.0 dan jarak elektroda 2 cm dengan  elektroda Al/Al. Waktu optimum penurunan intensitas warna dalah 10 menit. Laju penurunan COD adalah : -dC/dt = 0.0053 C +0.056 , dengan C adalah konsentrasi COD. Jumlah sludge yang dihasilkan daripengolahan elektrokoagulasi  3.4 % lebih kecil dibandingkan menggunakan bahan kimia. Biaya yang digunakan untuk pengolahan dengan elektrokoagulasi 52.35 % lebih murah dibandingkan jika menggunakan koagulasi dengan bahan kimia ( tawas). Kata kunci : elektrokoagulasi, penurunan warna, penurunan TSS, laju degradasi COD, imbah tekstil Abstract Waste water from textile industry which is located in one suburb of Surabaya city as characteristic which the ratio of COD to BOD was 5.57. This type of waste water is difficult to be biodegraded. This study investigated elektrokoagulasi technology to treat textile waste water by removing color, total suspended solid, and Chemical Oxygen Demand. Batch experiment at room temperature was carried out to study the effect of pH, electrode distance for color, TSS and COD removal. This study also tried to compare the operation cost between elektrokoagulasi and chemical processes. The best removal efficiencies by Al electrodes was 91.96 % for color, 49.17 % for TSS and 29.67 % for COD which were under initial pH 4.0 and electrodes distance 2 cm. The optimum operation time for color removal was  found 10 minutes.The COD degradation rate was - dC/dt = 0.0053 C +0.056, with C= COD concentration. Sludge result from elektrokoagulasi was 3.4 % less than that by chemical treatment.The operation cost for elektrokoagulasi is 52.35 % less than that for chemical coagulation. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 253
Siswanta Kaban ◽  
Husnah Husnah ◽  
Siti Nurul Aida

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kualitas air Sungai Musi tahun 2007 sampai dengan 2008 di bagian tengah dan hilir berdasarkan pada sumber polutan. Empat belas stasiun pengambilan contoh ditetapkan sebagai sumber polutan seperti industri maupun pemukiman penduduk, dan referensi yang jauh dari industri maupun pemukiman yang digunakan sebagai pembanding. Pada setiap stasiun, pengambilan contoh dilakukan 3 kali waktu pengambilan, yaitu bulan April, Juni, dan Januari yang dapat mewakili 3 musim yang berbeda pada tahun tersebut. Beberapa parameter diukur in situ sementara beberapa lain dianalisis di laboratorium dengan standar methods (AWWAWEF, 2005). Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa industri yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan kelapa sawit dan karet cenderung menurunkan kualitas perairan di Sungai Musi. Kandungan logam berat dalam sedimen di Sungai Musi relatif rendah dengan kandungan Cr+6 dan Pb yang tertinggi masing-masing 13,481 dan 1,747 μg per g. Curah hujan cenderung menurunkan beberapa parameter fisika dan kimia kualitas perairan. Potensi pencemaran cenderung ditemukan di bagian hilir Sungai Musi, karena sebaran industri dan intensitas pemanfaatan perairan cukup tinggi di bagian sungai tersebut. Study in order to know distribution of pollution source and its effect on water quality of the middle and down stream of Musi River was conducted in April and June 2007 and January 2008. Fourteen sampling sites were selected based on the pollution source and the minimal degradation site (reference sites). Parameters observed were pollution source distribution and water and sediment parameters such as physical and chemical parameters. Water sample was collected at 0.5 m from water surface by using Kemmerer water sampler while sediment samples were taken by using Ekman grab. Some of the parameters were analyzed in situ while the rest were analyzed in laboratory. Results indicated that oil palm and rubber industries were mostly the pollution source in Musi River. Potential pollution source was mostly found in the middle and down stream of Musi River since most of pollution source and high water utilization found in this area. Water quality parameters except total suspended solid and biochemical oxygen demand, were still in the range that can be tolerated by the aquatic organisms. Rain fall tends to decrease water quality of the river. Concentration of heavy metal such as Chrom (Cr+6) and plumbum in the sediment were in still in low concentration with the highest concentration reaching 13.481 and 1.747 μg per g respectively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-22
Nassereldeen Ahmed Kabashi Abuelfutouh ◽  
Mohamed Jamie ◽  
Abdurahman Nour ◽  
Noor Illi Fuad

This study focuses on rainwater harvesting quality at the Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). As development is progressing over the years in Malaysia, there is also an increasing number of environmental issues and those issues are getting worse day by day. At present, Malaysia is blessed with plentiful annual rainfall that represents approximately 314 mm of monthly rainfall but there is no evidence that this rainwater is redirected for daily usage. To pursue a more sustainable development, rainwater harvesting has been recognized as one innovative solution. The IIUM Gombak campus is located in a hillside area that is a suitable study area to perform rainwater harvesting, which can be used as an alternative water supply in the future and reduce utility bills for water used on the campus. Firstly, a suitable study area for rain water harvesting around KOE, IIUM was determined before collection of data to determine the storage capacity needed. This study includes the estimation of rainwater quantity that can be harvested in one year. The quality of rainwater in terms of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH, total suspended solid (TSS), turbidity, and microbial count were studied. Data analysis showed that the values of BOD, COD, pH, TSS, turbidity, and microbial count were in the range of 2 - 3.2 mg/l, 22.5 – 42.5 mg/l, 5.9 - 6.5, 20 mg/l, 9 -11 NTU, and between 200 -260 cfu/ml, respectively. This indicates that the harvested rainwater is acceptably clean but not suitable to be used as drinking water. ABSTRAK: Fokus kajian ini adalah pada kualiti air hujan yang ditadah di Fakulti Kejuruteraan, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM). Sejajar dengan pembangunan pesat di Malaysia, isu alam sekitar juga semakin bertambah dan menjadi semakin teruk hari ke hari. Pada masa sama, ketika ini Malaysia dirahmati dengan hujan yang mencurah setiap tahun, dengan kuantiti bulanan sebanyak 314 mm air hujan dan tidak ada bukti penggunaan air hujan ini bagi kegunaan harian dsb. Bagi memenuhi keperluan kelangsungan pembangunan, penadahan air hujan dikenal pasti sebagai satu penyelesaian inovatif. Kampus UIAM Gombak terletak di kawasan pinggiran bukit yang sesuai bagi menjalankan kajian tadahan air hujan. Ianya boleh digunakan sebagai bekalan air alternatif pada masa depan dan mengurangkan bil utiliti bekalan air dalam kampus. Terlebih dahulu, kawasan kajian yang sesuai dikenal pasti berdekatan Fakulti Kejuruteraan, UIAM bagi mengumpul air hujan sebelum data dikumpulkan bagi mengenal pasti kapasiti pengumpulan yang diperlukan. Kajian ini juga menganggar kuantiti air hujan yang boleh ditadah dalam satu tahun. Kualiti air hujan dikaji dari segi keperluan oksigen biokimia (BOD), keperluan oksigen kimia (COD), pH, jumlah pepejal terampai (TSS), kekeruhan dan bilangan mikrob. Analisis data mendapati nilai BOD, COD, pH, TSS, kekeruhan dan bilangan mikrob berada dalam julat 2 - 3.2 mg/l, 22.5 – 42.5 mg/l, 5.9 - 6.5, 20 mg/l, 9 -11 NTU dan antara 200 -260 cfu/ml, masing-masing. Ini menunjukkan air hujan yang ditadah adalah boleh diterima sebagai bersih tetapi tidak sesuai dijadikan sebagai air minuman

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-24
Lisa Adhani ◽  
Wahyu Kartika ◽  
Dovina Navanti

Canteen is a producer of domestic liquid waste that has the potential to cause pollution. Likewise with the student canteen, it has the potential to produce waste that causes environmental pollution if it is not treated properly. The use of Montecarlo software in this study is to support quantitative analysis in predicting potential pollution from Ubhara canteen waste with Crystall ball prediction. The results of laboratory analysis in the form COD, BOD dan TSS, showed that the quality of the canteen waste water did not meet the requirements for wastewater quality standard based on Ministry of Environment Decree No. 112 of 2003. Supported by the results of CB Predictor simulations showing the potential of pollution of the Ubhara canteen waste water to the environment continues to increase significantly, also seen from the Double Exponential Smoothing Method, producing MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation) 170.82, Theil's U 0.9951, and Confidence Interval Lower 5% and Upper 99.5%.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Rosye H.R. Tanjung ◽  
Hendra K. Maury ◽  
Suwito Suwito

Digoel river have an important role to the human activity and environment in Boven Digoel Regency. Increasing of human and industrial activity around the watershed of Digoel River were suspecious to cause the degradation water quality in Digoel River. This research was done to monitor the impact of the industrial activity to the quality of water in outlet of waste water treatment plant(WWTP) of PT. Korindo to the water quality of Digoel River. Parameter analised are the physical, chemical, organic chemical, microbiology and metal content in water. Analysis of the water quality accordance to PP Nomor 82 Tahun 2001 about water quality managementand water pollution and Permen LH Nomor 5 tahun 2014 about the quality of waste water.The monitoring was conducted in three months at five sampling stasion (river upstream, river down stream, outlet WWTP plywood, outlet WWT workshop, outlet WWTP palm oil) in Districk Jair. The rsult showed, parameter of BOD, COD, phospate, phenol and total coliform in Digoel River exceeded class I of water quality standards. Outlet of plywood WWTP have two parameters that exceed the quality standard which were TSS 15.67 mg/L and phenol 13.33 mg/L.The outlet of WWTP workshop have four pameter exceeded the quality standard which were TSS (383.67 mg/L), oil/fats (502.0 µg/L), phenol (11.0 µg/L), and zinc (21,000 mg/L). IPAL oil WWTP outlet have two parameter sexceeded the quality standars which were oil/fats (313.0 µg/L) and total coliform (> 979 cells/100 mL). The result indicating  that the status of water quality of Digoel River are categorized as “lightly polluted”. Therefore based on utilization, it was categorized as class IV water quality that can be used for irrigating, planting and other purposed that meet the requairement of water qualiy in this class, while for other uses need necessary processing. In order  not to  increase the pollution in the Digoel river the WWTP of industry around Digoel River should improved their treatment, so that waste water discharged to the Digoel River not exceed the stanards quality.Key words: water quality, digoel river, status of water quality, pollutant index.

Rahmat Eko Sanjaya ◽  
Rilia Iriani

Tanipah village is a coastal village in Kecamatan Aluh-Aluh, Kabupaten Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan and a tidal area of sea water. Tanipah villagers utilize river water for daily needs, so the quality of river water is a major concern. The results of this research are expected to be informations for the community about quality of river water in Tanipah. This research is a survey research and the analysis was conducted in-situ and ex-situ. The analysis was done by comparing the test result against the predefined quality standard. River water temperature in Tanipah ranges from 28<sup>0</sup>C – 33,6<sup>0</sup>C and has no taste and no smell. Turbidity of 54,8 NTU, indicating river water is not feasible for consumption. Dissolved oxygen is 5,9 mg/L and is in the mild contaminated category. The COD and BOD value respectively 17,03 mg/L and 6,70 mg/L, exceeds the limit of the class I water quality standard. The pH value is at 7,33, indicating that the pH is normal. The iron concentration is 1,71 mg/L, exceeds the maximum permissible level for drinking water quality. Other metals likes Mn, Pb, Cu and Cd, are within thresholds for the waters. River water in Tanipah village based on the value of dissolved oxygen, is in category of light contaminated. Thus, in general, river water in Tanipah village can only be used for class III water, as irrigation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 455
. Mustaruddin ◽  
Lalu R. T. Savalas ◽  
Pandu Saptoriantoro

<em>The development of tourism activities in industrial scale since 2004 in the region of Gili Sulat and Gili Lawang have caused problem to local fishermen for catching reef fish. The objective of this research was to analyse the preeminent fishing gears of reef fish, the contamination types of tourism industries to fishing ground, and the degradation pattern of reef fish catch as an effect of tourism industry activities. The method used in this research was scoring method, quality standard test of water to fishery activities, and exponential regression model. The results showed that preeminent fishing gears of reef fish in the region of Gili Sulat and Gili Lawang were handline (F<sub>gab</sub> = 2.000) and fish trap (F<sub>gab</sub> = 1.556). The contamination types of tourism industries which bothering fishing ground of reef fish were total suspended solid (TSS), garbage, detergent, and timbal (Pb). The degradation pattern in quantity of reef fish catch (Y<sub>1</sub>) by activities of tourism industry (X) was formulated with moel Y<sub>1</sub> = 31.574e<sup>-0.305X</sup> (R<sup>2</sup>=0.403, p=0.000). The degradation pattern of reef fish catch by activities of tourism industry (X) in the form of value of reef fish catch (Y<sub>2</sub>) and figuring waste in reef fishing (Y<sub>3</sub>) was formulated with model Y<sub>2</sub>=474823e<sup>-0.236X</sup> (R<sup>2</sup>=0.206, p=0.012), and Y<sub>3</sub>=1.296e<sup>0.329X</sup> (R<sup>2</sup>=0.071, p=0.156).</em>

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