scholarly journals Isolasi bakteri probiotik dari organ pencernaan ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio)

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Sintia S. Bella

The study aimed to isolate probiotic bacteria from the digestive organs of goldfish taken from Fish Hatchery, Tateli.  As much as 1 g of the intestine was crushed, put in 9 mL NaCl and centrifuged twice at 1000 rpm for 10 minutes. The supernatant was removed and diluted at a concentration of 10-2 - 10-3, then spread on the surface of the MRS media. The bacteria were incubated at 280C for 24-48 hours in the Incubator. The Gram Stain test found that the isolated bacterium was gram positive, biochemical tests found that bacterium isolated from the gut of carp was Lactobacillus sp. while pathogenicity test found that there was no mortality of fish until the 14th day after the challenge test.  So that it could be concluded that the bacteria obtained could be used as probiotics.Keywords:  probiotic, Lactobacillus sp., Gram Stain, pathogenesity

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 243
Jeane T Sumaraw ◽  
Henky Manoppo ◽  
Reiny A. Tumbol ◽  
I.F.M Rumengan ◽  
Henny A. Dien ◽  

The objective of this research was to obtain probiotic bacteria isolated from the digestive tract of catfish Clarias batracus, to evaluate its effect on growth performances and survival rate of carp. After purified, the bacteria was identified through biochemical tests and selection was carried out through proteolytic, amylolytic, cellulolytic, tests as well as pathogenicity test. Probiotic candidate was administered orally to fish at different concentrations. The fish were fed for 30 days respectively as much as 3% of body weight per day with feeding frequency of two times a day. The results showed that addition of probiotics into feed significantly increased growth performance but not survival rate.Keywords: Probiotic, Clarias batracus,  growth performance, aquaculture. ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bakteri probiotik yang diisolasi dari saluran pencernaan ikan lele Clarias batracus, dan mengevaluasi pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup benih ikan mas. Bakteri probiotik diidentifikasi melalui uji biokimia dan seleksi dilakukan melalui proteolitik, amilolitik, tes selulolitik dan patogenisitas. Kandidat probiotik diberikan pada ikan secara oral dengan konsentrasi berbeda Pemberian pakan berprobiotik berlangsung selama 30 hari sebanyak  3% dari berat badan per hari dengan frekuensi pemberian dua kali sehari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan probiotik ke dalam pakan secara signifikan meningkatkan kinerja pertumbuhan namun tidak memengaruhi kelangsungan hidup benih ikan mas.Kata kunci : Probiotik, Clarias batracus, kinerja pertumbuhan, budidaya

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Mulyati Mulyati ◽  
Suryati Suryati ◽  
Irfani Baga

The study aims to isolate, characterize, and examine probiotic bacteria's inhibitory ability against Vibrio harveyi bacteria, both in-vitro and in vivo. Methods used in the study consist of 1) An Isolation of Candidate Probiotic Bacteria, 2) An Antagonistic Test of Candidate Probiotic Bacteria in vitro, 3) An Identification of Bacteria, 4) A Pathogenicity Test of Candidate Probiotic Bacteria, 5) An Antagonistic Test of Candidate Probiotic Bacteria against V. harveyi in vivo. According to the isolation of candidate probiotic bacteria, there are 18 isolated candidate probiotic. After being tested for its inhibitory ability in vitro, there are 8 isolates with zone of inhibition as follows: isolate MM 7 from intestine (22 mm), isolate MM 6 from intestine (12 mm), isolate MM 10 from sea water (10 mm), isolate MM 5 from intestine (9 mm), isolate MM 4 from intestine (8 mm), isolate MM 3 from intestine (7 mm), isolate MM 2.2 from intestine (7 mm), isolate MM 2.1 from intestine (7 mm). Eight genera of the candidate probiotic bacteria is derived from Portunid crab, they are Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, bacillus, vibrio, Alcaligenes, Lactobacillus, micrococcus. Before proceeding the V. harveyi bacterial challenge test in vivo, three potential isolates consisting of MM6, MM7 and MM10 as the probiotic bacteria are pathogenicity-tested against V. harveyi. The survival rate of Portunid crab on pathogenicity test using MM6, MM7 and MM10 generates 91.11-100%, while the control generates 100% survival rate. Variance analysis result through post-hoc Tukey's Honest Significant Difference (HSD) test at 95% confidence interval indicates that isolate MM7 and MM10 are significantly able to increase hatchling Portunid crab's survival rate.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Intan A. Novitarizky ◽  
Henky Manoppo ◽  
Sammy N.J. Longdong

The objective of research was to isolate the probiotic bacteria from intestine of carp.  Isolation was performed by weighing 1 g of intestine, crushed and inserted in a reaction tube containing 9 mL of NaCl then centrifuged. Supernatant was taken and spread over the agar medium by scatter method. The bacteria-stocked medium was then incubated in an incubator at 28°C for 24-48 hours. The growing colonies were re-isolated on the agar medium to obtain pure colonies. The bacteria were then identified by morphological observation, resulting pigment and gram staining. Five nile tilapia (sized 8 – 10 cm) were used in pathogenicity test and placed in the aquarium. Fish were injected with 0.2 ml of Lactobacillus solution containing 1x107 CFU/mL via intraperitoneal injection. The results showed that the bacteria Lactobacillus sp had rod-shaped characteristics, white pigment and gram positive and  not pathogenic, which means it can be used as probiotic for aquaculture.Keywords : Lactobacillus sp, carp, probiotic, pathogenicity test

2009 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 95 ◽  
Widanarni Widanarni ◽  
I. Tepu ◽  
Sukenda Sukenda ◽  
Mia Setiawati

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bakteri probiotik yang mampu menghambat pertumbuhan Vibrio harveyi mengggunakan metode kultur bersama. Sebanyak 51 isolat kandidat probiotik berhasil diisolasi dari larva udang dan lingkungan pemeliharaannya di Balai Pengembangan Benih Ikan Air Payau dan Udang (BPBILAPU), Pangandaran serta hatcheri udang PT Biru Laut Khatulistiwa dan tambak udang intensif di Lampung. Dari total isolat tersebut setelah diseleksi secara in vitro menggunakan metode kultur bersama dipilih 3 isolat kandidat probiotik yang paling potensial dalam menekan atau menghambat pertumbuhan V. harveyi MR 5399 RfR yakni 1Ub, P20Bf, dan 10a. Ketiga isolat tersebut selanjutnya digunakan pada uji patogenisitas dan uji tantang pada larva udang windu. Hasil uji patogenisitas dengan konsentrasi bakteri 106 CFU/mL menunjukkan bahwa ketiga isolat tersebut tidak bersifat patogen pada larva udang windu. Hasil uji tantang pada larva udang juga menunjukkan bahwa ketiga isolat tersebut mampu meningkatkan sintasan larva udang windu. Nilai sintasan larva pada perlakuan yang selain diinfeksi dengan V. harveyi MR5399 RfR juga ditambah probiotik 1Ub, P20Bf, dan 10a masing-masing adalah 90,0%; 86,7%; dan 78,3% sedangkan pada perlakuan yang hanya diinfeksi dengan V. harveyi MR5399 RfR tanpa probiotik nilai sintasannya hanya mencapai 73,3%. Populasi bakteri V. harveyi pada perlakuan dengan penambahan bakteri probiotik lebih rendah dibanding perlakuan tanpa probiotik, hal ini menunjukkan kemungkinan adanya kompetisi antara bakteri V. harveyi dengan 1Ub.This research was aimed to obtain probiotic bacteria that can be used to inhibit the growth of Vibrio harveyi using co-culture method. This method succeeded in isolating 51 probiotic bacteria candidates from shrimp larva and their rearing environment in Balai Pengembangan Benih Ikan Laut Payau dan Udang (BPBILAPU), Pangandaran and shrimp hatchery of PT Biru Laut Khatulistiwa and intensively managed shrimp pond in Lampung. After in vitro selection of the total isolates using co-culture method, three most potential probiotic bacteria candidates in inhibiting or suppressing growth of V. harveyi MR 5399 RfR bacteria were chosen. The three isolates were then used in pathogenicity and challenge test in tiger shrimp larva. Results of pathogenicity test at the concentration of 106 CFU/mL bacteria showed that the three isolates were not pathogen to tiger shrimp larvae. Challenge test results in shrimp larvae also showed that the three isolates could increase survival rates of tiger shrimp larva. Larva survival rate value of treatment using V. harveyi MR5399 RfR with 1Ub, P20Bf, dan 10a probiotic were 90.0%, 86.7% dan 78.3%, respectively; whereas infection treatment merely using V. harveyi MR5399 RfR without probiotic only gave 73.3% survival rate. V. harveyi population in treatment with addition of probiotic bacteria were lower than that of without probiotic. This suggested the existence of possible competition between V. harveyi and 1Ub bacteria.

1958 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-71 ◽  
Thomas D. Brock

The bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects of salmine on various bacteria have been studied. Salmine has more bacteriostatic activity against Gram-positive than against Gram-negative bacteria. It is bactericidal in water but not in broth, and this bactericidal action occurs against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. It has been shown that salmine causes agglutination of washed suspensions of certain bacteria and this agglutination is not correlated directly with the Gram stain. Salmine causes an increase in the turbidity of washed cells of all bacteria, Gram-positive and Gram-negative, and differs in this respect from the solutes sodium chloride and glucose, which affect only Gram-negative species.A comparison has been made of the effects of salmine and polymyxin and it has been concluded that salmine may also act by attachment to the bacterial surface.

2012 ◽  
Vol 554-556 ◽  
pp. 1400-1405
Yan Duan ◽  
Wen Rui Guo ◽  
Lin Su ◽  
Yue Ying Guo ◽  
Ye Jin

A total of 69 gram-positive, catalase-negative strains isolated from Inner Mongolia traditional meat sausages were characterized in respect to their technological properties, including acid production, salt and nitrite tolerance, gas, slime and H2S production, hydrolysis of arginine and biogenic amine production. All of the isolated strains decrease the pH below 5.0 after 24h of cultivation. All isolates are able to grow with 6.5% NaCl or with 150mg L-1NaNO2and 51 isolates are able to grow with 10% NaCl. All isolates don’t produce gas and slime. 54 isolates don’t produce H2S. 23 isolated strains don’t produce NH3 from arginine, and 40 isolates don’t produce biogenic amine. Consolidation of these results, 8 strains show the best technological properties to be used as starter culture for sausage production. The bacterial selected are then subjected to biochemical tests using the API 50 CH and they are identified as 6 Lactobacillus planarum and 2 Lactobacillus curvatus.

2013 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. e113-e116 ◽  
Kanchana Manickam ◽  
Andrew Walkty ◽  
Philippe RS Lagacé-Wiens ◽  
Heather Adam ◽  
Barbara Swan ◽  

INTRODUCTION:Staphylococcus aureusbacteremia is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. In theory, reducing the turnaround time in reporting of methicillin-resistantS aureus(MRSA) among patients with bactermia could assist with the rapid optimization of antimicrobial therapy.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of MRSASelect(Bio-Rad Laboratories, USA), a chromogenic medium, in the early detection of MRSA from blood cultures growing Gram-positive cocci in clusters, and to confirm that routine use of this medium would, in fact, reduce turnaround time for MRSA identification.METHODS: The present study was conducted at three microbiology laboratories in Manitoba. Between April 2010 and May 2011, positive blood cultures with Gram-positive cocci in clusters visualized on Gram stain were subcultured to both MRSASelectand routine media. MRSA isolates were identified using conventional microbiological methods from routine media and using growth with the typical colony morphology (pink colony) on MRSASelectmedium.RESULTS: A total of 490 blood cultures demonstrating Gram-positive cocci in clusters on Gram stain were evaluated.S aureuswas recovered from 274 blood cultures, with 51S aureusisolates (51 of 274 [18.6%]) identified as MRSA. MRSASelectmedium had a sensitivity of 98%, a specificity of 100%, a positive predictive value of 100% and a negative predictive value of 99.8% for the recovery and identification of MRSA directly from positive blood culture bottles. In addition, use of MRSASelectmedium was found to improve turnaround time in the detection of MRSA by almost 24 h relative to conventional methods.DISCUSSION: These data support the utility of MRSASelectmedium for the rapid identification of MRSA from positive blood cultures. Further clinical studies are warranted to determine whether the improvement in turnaround time will result in a measurable reduction in suboptimal antimicrobial therapy and/or improvement in patient outcome.

2020 ◽  
Stephen Shei-Dei Yang ◽  
Chun-Chun yang ◽  
Yi-Shen Chen ◽  
Shangjen chang

Abstract BackgroudTo compare the performance of the new flow cytometer UF-5000 with UF-1000i (Sysmex, Kobe, Japan) and Gram stain in predicting the bacterial patterns in urine samples MethodsWomen with symptoms suggestive of urinary tract infection were enrolled. Mid-stream urine sample was collected for gram staining, urine analysis and urine culture. Bacterial patterns were classified though UF1000i (none, cocci bacteria or rods/mixed growth), UF-5000 (none, cocci, rods or mixed growth) and Gram stain. Results Among the 102 samples, there were 10 gram-positive cocci, 2 gram-positive bacilli, 66 gram-negative rods, and 24 mixed growth. The sensitivity/specificity of the UF-1000i was 81.8/91.1% for gram-negative rods and 23.5/96.9% for cocci/mixed. The sensitivity/specificity of the UF-5000 was 80.0/88.2% for gram negative rods and 70.0/86.5% for gram-positive cocci.ConclusionsThe UF-5000 demonstrated the good sensitivity and specificity for Gram-negative bacilli bacteria and demonstrated an improved sensitivity for detecting Gram-positive cocci.

Sensors ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (8) ◽  
pp. 2570 ◽  
Milica Mirković ◽  
Sanja Seratlić ◽  
Kieran Kilcawley ◽  
David Mannion ◽  
Nemanja Mirković ◽  

Cocoa and dark chocolate have a wide variety of powerful antioxidants and other nutrients that can positively affect human health. Probiotic dark chocolate has the potential to be a new product in the growing number of functional foods. In this study, encapsulated potential probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum 564 and commercial probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum 299v were added in the production of dark chocolate. The results show very good survival of probiotic bacteria after production and during storage, reaching 108cfu/g in the first 60 days and over 106cfu/g up to 180 days. No statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) in chemical composition and no major differences in the volatile profiles between control and experimental chocolate samples were observed, indicating no impact of probiotic bacteria on compositional and sensory characteristics of dark chocolate. The sensory evaluation of control and both probiotic dark chocolate samples showed excellent sensory quality after 60 and 180 days of storage, demonstrating that probiotics did not affect aroma, texture and appearance of chocolate. Due to a high viability of bacterial cells and acceptable sensory properties, it can be concluded that encapsulated probiotics Lb. plantarum 564 and Lb. plantarum 299v could be successfully used in the production of probiotic dark chocolate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Temesgen Oljira ◽  
Sefawdin Berta

The yield of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is extremely threatened by different diseases in Ethiopia. The objective of the study was isolation of wilt-causing pathogens and susceptibility test of local growing pepper. Eighteen pepper farming fields were selected for disease assessment study. The samples of Mareko Fana, Dubi, and Mitmita local cultivar pepper’s pods, seeds, leaves, stems, and roots were collected, surface sterilized, and cultured on potato dextrose agar (PDA). Selective peptone pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) agar medium was used for fungus. Similarly, for bacteria isolation, nutrient agar (NA) was used. Morphological and biochemical tests revealed eleven fungal isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. that were isolated. The pathogenicity test confirmed nine of them were virulent to Mareko Fana, Dubi, and Mitmita local pepper. It is confirmed that Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. is the pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. capsici. Besides, Ralstonia solanacearum was identified as a bacterium pathogen causing complex pepper wilt disease. The highest mean PDI was registered in Remuga Keble (93.0%) and the lowest in Buyi Keble (58.3%). Similarly, the highest mean PSI was recorded in Buyi Keble (87.0%) and the lowest PSI (54.5%) was registered in Tawlla Keble. Among 60 seeds, Mareko local pepper inoculated by F. oxysporum f. sp. and R. solanacearum shows the highest susceptibility of 55 (91.0%) and 30 (50.0%), respectively. However, Mitmita local pepper was registered as the lowest susceptibility to both F. oxysporum f. sp. and R. solanacearum of 28.3% and 30.0%, respectively. Based on the finding, it can be concluded that pepper wilt was caused by a complex of fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. capsici and bacteria Ralstonia solanacearum sp. in the study area. So, it is recommended that an integrated disease management approach should be implemented to manage the complex diseases of the site.

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