scholarly journals Políticas de integração curricular para a educação básica e profissional

Silvia De Siqueira ◽  
Leticia Ramalho Brittes ◽  
Juliana Mezomo Cantarelli

Resumo: Esta pesquisa busca desenvolver uma análise discursiva da produção curricular dos cursos destinados à educação básica e profissional no âmbito do Instituto Federal Farroupilha. Interroga-se sobre os movimentos de integração e desintegração curriculares nos cursos de modalidade de ensino integrada. Busca-se analisar como tais movimentos, por meio de práticas articulatórias, produzem sentidos na organização do trabalho docente, especificamente no que tange ao processo ensino-aprendizagem. O desenvolvimento desta pesquisa justifica-se pelos desafios e dificuldades diárias que docentes, gestores e estudantes enfrentam na construção de uma educação efetivamente integral, conforme os pressupostos democráticos que orientam a proposta de integração nas normativas em vigência. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo que se sustenta nas contribuições das teorias educacionais desenvolvidas por Apple, Beane e Stephen Ball; da teoria discursiva de Ernesto Laclau e Chantal Mouffe. Como contexto de análise, a pesquisa parte da Lei 9.394/1996 e análise das principais políticas públicas educacionais para a educação básica e profissional. Espera-se como resultado a geração de oportunidades para o desenvolvimento de currículos efetivamente integrados que se sustentem em propostas engajadas com a redução das desigualdades sociais, oferecendo meios de acesso, permanência e sucesso escolares para os estudantes. Considera-se que a integração curricular está ligada ao conceito mais amplo de educação democrática. Portanto, ela parte dos problemas reais que incitam a participação dos estudantes na exposição das suas próprias experiências com vistas à produção de um currículo justo que se abre à amplitude e apelo às práticas democráticas, configurando-se como um aspecto crucial da concepção do currículo.Palavras-Chave: Integração curricular, Políticas educativas; Trabalho docente.CURRICULAR INTEGRATION POLICIES FOR BASIC AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATIONAbstract: This research aims to develop a discursive analysis of the curricular production of the courses focused on basic and professional education in the scope of the Federal Institute Farroupilha. It investigates the movements of curriculum integration and disintegration in the courses of integrated education. It seeks to analyze how these movements, through articulatory practices, produce meanings in the organization of teaching, especially in teaching-learning processes. The development of this research is justified by the daily challenges and difficulties that teachers and students face in the construction of a fully integrated education, according to the democratic presuppositions which guide the proposal of integration in the current regulations. This is a qualitative study based on the contributions of the educational theories developed by Apple, Beane and Stephen Ball; and the discursive theory of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. As a context, the research analyzes the Law 9.394/1996 and the main public educational policies for basic and vocational education. Among the results, the generation of opportunities for the development of an effectively integrated curriculum is expected to be sustained by proposals engaged in reducing social inequalities, providing means of access, permanence and success for students. Curricular integration is considered to be linked to a wider concept of democratic education. Therefore, it comes from real problems which lead to the participation of students in the exposition of their own experiences in order to produce a fair curriculum which is opened to the amplitude and appeal of the democratic practices, seen as a crucial aspect of the curriculum conception.Keywords: Curricular integration. Educational policies. Teaching work.

Regina Venckienė ◽  
Miglė Dedelytė

Analysis of scientific literature and educational documents showed that integrated education, providing grounds for manifestation of multipartite intelligence, creates the background for all subjects to serve as the linking part of education. Qualified knowledge of relationships between subjects and their integration help the students to use their abilities and give sense to learning, facilitate better memorization of the necessary information, deepen, broaden and correlate knowledge and abilities, stimulate learning motivation, develop students’ ability to communicate and cooperate, allow qualitative distribution of learning time, and encourage the teachers to work as a team. The analysed scientific works are devoted to integration methods, levels and models and discuss the problems and possibilities of integrated education. Yet there is lack of research works dealing with generalization of experiences of teachers giving integrated lessons in comprehensive schools, possibilities of cooperation with other interested parties, highlighting the merits and demerits of integrated lessons and most popular didactic methods and teaching/learning strategies, attitude of teachers towards integrated lessons, and correlation of integrated lessons with dynamics of teaching/learning results. Analysis of scientific literature and educational documents served as a basis for formulation of the present research issue: the attitude of geography teachers towards the integrated lessons emphasizing the above-mentioned aspects. The conducted survey showed certain general positive and negative aspects of work in integrated lessons, revealed the opinion of geography teachers as to the possibilities of integration of geography lessons with other lessons, pointed up teaching/learning methods applied in integrated lessons, and helped to find the correlation between the integrated lessons and dynamics of obtained teaching / learning results. Generalized results revealed that almost all teachers of geography give on the average 2–3 integrated lessons per year. The integration of geography lessons with mathematics, economy, history, biology and informatics was most successful. The greatest difficulties occurred at attempts to integrate with physics and Lithuanian language. It is gratifying to know that during the integrated lessons geography teachers rather intensively cooperate with colleagues in planning lessons and developing teaching/learning strategies. The request to score own integrated lessons from 1 to 5 points (1 – bad, 5 – excellent) showed that the average score of all respondents is 4. The pointed reasons of low scores and demerits of integrated lessons were as follows: poorly coordinated subject programmes, lack of confidence or competence to give integrated lessons, lack of students’ interest in such lessons, inadequate timetable for integration of lessons, lack of time to prepare for integrated lessons, contradictory attitudes of teachers, and reduced possibilities of individual learning. The pointed out positive aspects of integrated lessons were as follows: encouragement of motivation and active participation during lessons, increased interest in subjects, widening of world outlook, improvement of teachers’ competences, and development of communication abilities of teachers and students. The survey data also revealed one more positive aspect: a possibility to apply wide spectrum of methods in integrated lessons. Teachers of geography pointed out that they not only used the known classical methods but various interactive methods as well. Many respondents expressed regret that during the integrated lessons they were forced to confine to schoolrooms, i.e. had no opportunity to change the learning environment. In teachers’ opinion, the learning results of students were better after the integrated lessons.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 469-488
Clécia Messias de Souza ◽  
José Carlos Moreira de Souza

Resumo: O objetivo do artigo é apresentar uma História em Quadrinhos (HQ) como ferramenta educacional de aperfeiçoamento do Programa de Monitoria do Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Ceres. A monitoria como ferramenta pedagógica, na vida acadêmica dos alunos tem sido estudada e discutida como formação unitária, tornando-os sujeitos ativos e colaborativos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. O uso da HQ dinamiza a apresentação de temas diversos e se torna eficaz ao focar no público-alvo do Programa de Monitoria. A pesquisa foi realizada entre os anos de 2018 e 2019, a partir de uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa dos dados obtidos por meio da aplicação de questionários e entrevistas aos alunos, professores e equipe pedagógica do Campus Ceres. Os resultados indicaram a relevância do Programa de Monitoria na dinamização do processo de ensino-aprendizagem e, consequentemente, sua contribuição para a permanência e o êxito escolar. Assim, elaborou-se a HQ intitulada “A Importância da Monitoria” visando chamar a atenção de professores e alunos para a participação no programa, destacando as possibilidades de desenvolvimento pessoal das partes envolvidas e atentando para os problemas que se apresentam no percurso. Esta HQ mostrou-se uma importante ferramenta pedagógica para a melhoria das monitorias do IF Goiano - Campus Ceres.Palavras-chave: Monitoria; Produto educacional; História em quadrinhos; Ensino-aprendizagem. Abstract: The objective of the article is to present a Comic Book (HQ) as an educational tool to improve the Monitoring Program of Federal Institute Goiano - Campus Ceres. The monitoring as a educational tool in the students's academic life, has been studied and discussed as unitary formation, making them active and colaborative subjects in the teaching-learning process. The use of HQ dynamize the presentation of many diversificate themes and become effective by focusing on the target audience of the Monitoring Program. The research was carried out between the years 2018 and 2109, based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data obtained through the application of questionnaries and interviews to students, teachers and pedagogic staff of Campus Ceres. The results indicated the relevance of the Monitoring Program by the dynamization of the teaching-learning process and, consenquently, its contribution to the permanence and school success. Thus, the HQ entitled "The Importance of Monitoring" was elaborated seeking to call atention of teachers and students to participate in the monitoring program, highlighting the possibilities of personal development of students and paying attention to the problems that appearing through the way. This HQ showed to be an important pedagogic tool to the improvement of monitoring program of IF Goiano - Campus Ceres.Keywords: Monitoring; Educational product; Comics; Learning-teaching process.

Alfredo Bravo Marques Pinheiro ◽  
Maria Deuceny Da Silva Lopes Bravo Pinheiro ◽  
Carlos Manuel Folgado Barreira

Resumo: A inquietação com a formação pedagógica dos docentes, mais especificamente os que atuam na Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, tem demonstrado a distância entre a formação específica e a formação pedagógica. Neste âmbito, a preparação dos profissionais tem gerado fóruns de debates, registrando como preocupação maior, ampliar uma formação que tenha qualidade, que incorpore a preparação didático-pedagógica determinada pela primordialidade dos professores, seja na formação inicial seja na continuada. O presente artigo tem por objetivo aprofundar o que é ser professor na ótica da prática reflexiva, reunindo aspectos do saber pedagógico e teórico no horizonte de quem ensina, de forma a contribuir para a melhoria do processo ensino-aprendizagem. Os dados apresentados resultam de um questionário com a participação dos docentes do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, campus Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Espírito Santo, Brasil, onde foi possível compreender a sua percepção sobre o trabalho docente e refletir sobre a importância da formação continuada e da prática reflexiva. Palavras-chave: Formação de Professores. Formação Continuada. Educação Profissional. THE TEACHERS'  PERCEPTIONS OF THE TECHNICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL COURSES ABOUT CONTINUOUS TRAINING Abstract: The concerning about the pedagogical formation of teachers, mainly those who are working in Technical and Professional courses, show the distance between pedagogical and specific formation. The formation of teachers has given rise forums for discussion which concern the development of a high quality formation which can also integrate a didactical- pedagogical preparation guided by the needs of teachers, whether in initial or continual level of formation.  This study presents a reflection on what to be a teacher is like. It is performed from the reflective perspective bringing together characteristics of theoretical and pedagogical knowledge of every individual who teaches, this way contributing with the teaching-learning process. The data presented are the result of a questionnaire with the teachers’ participation of the Federal Institute Espírito Santo, campus Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, it was possible to register the teachers perceptions in teaching activity and to reflect on the importance continued education and reflective teaching practice. Keywords: Teachers’ training. In-service training. Professional education. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
pp. 149
José Moisés Nunes da Silva

O artigo discute a temática educação profissional. O objetivo é analisar como o IFRN vem materializando, segundo a visão dos próprios docentes, a proposta curricular dos cursos de ensino médio integrado em Eletrotécnica, Edificações, Agroecologia, Alimentos e Informática. Metodologicamente, o estudo se insere na categoria qualitativa, de caráter exploratório, tendo a dialética como fio condutor das análises. As fontes de informações são o projeto político pedagógico de 2004, os planos dos cursos, as questões que tratam apenas da integração curricular, retiradas do questionário impresso aplicado a 186 professores e as entrevistas semiestruturas, realizadas individualmente com 10 deles, sendo dois de cada curso. A não apropriação da concepção e fundamentos do currículo integrado pelos professores e as práticas pedagógicas relatadas, permite inferir que não ocorre a materialização concreta do ensino médio integrado no IFRN e, sim, que apenas algumas ações didáticas, não sistematizadas nem planejadas coletivamente, concorrem para esse fim.Palavras-chave: Ensino médio integrado. Currículo Integrado. Práticas Pedagógicas.TEACHING IN INTEGRATED AVERAGE IN THE FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF RIO GRANDE DO NORTE: the perspective of teachersAbstract: The article discusses the issue professional education. The aim is to analyze how the IFRN is materializing, according to the vision of the teachers, the curriculum proposal of high school courses integrated in Electrical, Building, Agroecology, Food and Compute Science. Methodologically, the study is included in the qualitative category, of exploratory character, having the dialectic as conductor of the analyses. The information sources are the pedagogical political project 2004, course plans, the questions that deal only with curricular integration, taken from the printed questionnaire applied to 186 teachers and the semi-structured interviews, carried out individually with 10 of them, two of each course. Failure ownership of the design and foundations of the integrated curriculum by teachers and related pedagogical practices, allowed us to infer that doesn’t occur the concrete materialization of the integrated high school in IFRN and, yes, that only a few didactic actions, not systematic or planned collectively, contribute to this purpose.Keywords: Integrated High School. Integrated Curriculum. Pedagogical Practices. LA ENSEÑANZA SECUNDARIA INTEGRADA EN EL INSTITUTO FEDERAL DE RIO GRANDE DO NORTE: la perspectiva de los profesores Resumen: El artículo aborda el problema de la educación profesional. El objetivo es analizar cómo el IFRN está materializando, según la perspectiva de los docentes, la propuesta curricular de los cursos de la enseñanza secundaria integrados en Eléctrica, Arquitectura, Agroecología, Alimentos y Tecnología de la Información. Metodológicamente, el estudio se incluye en la categoría cualitativa, de carácter exploratorio, teniendo la dialéctica como hilo conductor de los análisis. Las fuentes de información son el proyecto político pedagógico de 2004, los planes de los cursos, los asuntos que tratan solamente de integración curricular, tomadas del cuestionario impreso administran a 186 maestros y entrevistas semiestruturas llevaron a cabo de forma individual con 10 de ellos, dos de cada curso. La falta de apropiación de la concepción y fundamentos del currículo integrado por los profesores y las prácticas pedagógicas relatadas, permiten inferir que no ocurre la materialización concreta de la enseñanza secundaria integrada en el IFRN, solamente algunas acciones didácticas, no sistematizadas ni planeadas colectivamente, compiten para este fin.Palabras clave: Enseñanza Secundaria Integrada. Currículum Integrado. Prácticas Pedagógicas. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
pp. 139
José Moisés Nunes da Silva

O artigo discute a temática educação profissional. O objetivo é analisar como o IFRN vem materializando, segundo a visão dos próprios docentes, a proposta curricular dos cursos de ensino médio integrado em Eletrotécnica, Edificações, Agroecologia, Alimentos e Informática. Metodologicamente, o estudo se insere na categoria qualitativa, de caráter exploratório, tendo a dialética como fio condutor das análises. As fontes de informações são o projeto político pedagógico de 2004, os planos dos cursos, as questões que tratam apenas da integração curricular, retiradas do questionário impresso aplicado a 186 professores e as entrevistas semiestruturas, realizadas individualmente com 10 deles, sendo dois de cada curso. A não apropriação da concepção e fundamentos do currículo integrado pelos professores e as práticas pedagógicas relatadas, permite inferir que não ocorre a materialização concreta do ensino médio integrado no IFRN e, sim, que apenas algumas ações didáticas, não sistematizadas nem planejadas coletivamente, concorrem para esse fim.Palavras-chave: Ensino médio integrado. Currículo Integrado. Práticas Pedagógicas.TEACHING IN TECH HIGH SCHOOLS IN THE FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF RIO GRANDE DO NORTE: teacher perspectivesAbstract: The article discusses professional education. The aim is to analyze how IFRN is materializing according to the vision of teachers, the curriculum proposal of high school courses integrated in Electrotechnology, Agroecology, Food and Computer Science. Methodologically, the study falls into the qualitative category, of exploratory character, having the dialectic as conductor of the analyses. The information sources are the 2004 political pedagogical project, course plans, questions that deal only with curricular integration, taken from the printed questionnaire applied to 186 teachers and the semi-structured interviews, carried out individually with 10 of them, two from each course. Non-appropriation of the design and foundations of the integrated curriculum by teachers and related pedagogical practices allowed us to infer that concrete materialization of the integrated high school doesn’t occur in IFRN and, yes, that only a few didactic actions, not systematic or planned collectively, contribute to this purpose. Keywords: Integrated High School. Integrated Curriculum. Pedagogical Practices.LA ENSEÑANZA SECUNDARIA INTEGRADA EN EL INSTITUTO FEDERAL DE RIO GRANDE DO NORTE: la perspectiva de los profesoresResumen: El artículo aborda el problema de la educación profesional. El objetivo es analizar cómo el IFRN está materializando, según la perspectiva de los docentes, la propuesta curricular de los cursos de la enseñanza secundaria integrados en Eléctrica, Arquitectura, Agroecología, Alimentos y Tecnología de la Información. Metodológicamente, el estudio se incluye en la categoría cualitativa, de carácter exploratorio, teniendo la dialéctica como hilo conductor de los análisis. Las fuentes de informaciones son el proyecto político pedagógico de 2004, los planes de los cursos, los asuntos que tratan solamente de integración curricular, tomadas del cuestionario impreso, sometido a 186 maestros, y entrevistas semiestructuradas, realizadas de forma individual con 10 de ellos, dos de cada curso. La falta de apropiación de la concepción y fundamentos del currículo integrado por los profesores y las prácticas pedagógicas relatadas permiten inferir que no ocurre la materialización concreta de la enseñanza secundaria integrada en el IFRN, solamente algunas acciones didácticas, no sistematizadas ni planeadas colectivamente, compiten para este fin.Palabras clave: Tech High School. Integrated Curriculum. Pedagogical Practices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (11) ◽  
pp. 6-13
Magaly Hernández-Aragón

We live today in uncertain times, experiencing changes and uncertainties, adaptations and modifications that meet resistance. For instance, one field of reference where the Covid-19 contingency undoubtedly has had a strong impact is the educational field. To this respect, one ought to observe the subjects, the people who breathe life into the learning process, whatever the infrastructure or the implemented educational policies may be. In this context, what happens to teachers and students? How are they facing these unsettling times during their learning and teaching processes? How do they feel? What are they getting from this “new” way of teaching, learning, and “being” at school?

Sandra Terezinha Urbanetz ◽  
Michele Simonian

Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo socializar a caminhada percorrida no que se refere a processos avaliativos na Educação a Distância do Instituto Federal do Paraná (IFPR). A perspectiva avaliativa apresentada centra-se no entendimento da avaliação como processo global e processual visando principalmente à possibilidade de resolução dos problemas surgidos no transcorrer dos cursos técnicos, superiores e de pós-graduação ofertados. Os percursos avaliativos no campus têm-se debruçado sob a dimensão didático-pedagógica em: Avaliação da aprendizagem; Avaliação do material didático; e Avaliação do sistema de tutoria. Nessas dimensões, são apresentadas as ações de cada um dos sujeitos do processo de forma a contemplar a ação integrada e multidisciplinar dos profissionais que atuam na modalidade a distância, bem como o seu papel no fazer e refletir sobre a avaliação na referida modalidade. Para esse debruçar-se, são utilizados os Referenciais de qualidade para Educação a Distância do Ministério da Educação, Preti (2010), Alonso (2005), Barreto (2008) e Rios (2002). Assim sendo, tem-se buscado os elementos fundamentais que possam articular ações pedagógicas efetivas, avaliando constantemente o processo de aprendizagem do estudante, os instrumentos e procedimentos utilizados, as proposições realizadas, enfim, buscando a permanente avaliação do processo como um todo e instituindo práticas de avaliação quanto aos projetos de cursos, aos processos de ensino, aprendizagem, de uso de tecnologias educacionais pelos professores e pelos estudantes, bem como os produtos oriundos das formações ofertadas. Palavras-chave: Educação a Distância. Avaliação. Aprendizagem. Tutoria. Material Didático.  EVALUATION IN E-LEARNING OF FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PARANÁ: A PATH UNDER CONSTRUCTIONAbstract: This article aims to socialize walking distances in relation to the evaluation processes in Distance Education from the Federal Institute of Paraná (IFPR). The evaluative perspective presented focuses on the understanding of evaluation as a global process and procedural targeting mainly the possibility of solving problems that arise during the course of the technical courses, higher and postgraduate offered. The paths evaluative on campus have been addressing in the didactic-pedagogical dimension, in the following dimensions: evaluation of learning, assessment and evaluation of the teaching material of the tutoring system. These dimensions are given shares of each of the subjects of the process in order to accommodate the integrated and multidisciplinary professionals working in distance as well as their role in making and reflect on the assessment in that mode. For this look into the benchmarks are used for quality distance education the Ministry of Education, Preti (2010), Alonso (2005), Barreto (2008) and Rios (2002). Therefore, we have sought the fundamental elements that can articulate effective pedagogical actions, constantly evaluating the process of student learning, the instruments and procedures used, the propositions made​​, finally, seeking permanent evaluation process as a whole. Instituting assessment practices regarding projects courses, the processes of teaching, learning, use of educational technology by teachers and students, as well as products from the training offered. Keywords: Distance Education. Evaluation.Learning.Tutoring. Courseware.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 11483
Igor Tairone Ramos dos Santos ◽  
Denise Aparecida Brito Barreto ◽  
Claudia Vivien Carvalho de Oliveira Soares

This article aims to discuss Formative Assessment as a relevant tool for the enhancement of teaching-learning from the perspective of a teacher and 10 (ten) students of a fourth year class of the Integrated Modality of the Federal Institute of Bahia campus Vitória da Conquest. Based on authors such as Perrenoud (1999), Luckesi (2005) and Guerra (2017) we conducted a qualitative exploratory research, with data production based on objective questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. We could perceive through the analysis of the data produced that Formative Assessment enhances teaching-learning and promotes the improvement of teaching practice, generating a collaborative learning environment, through the interaction between teachers and students, even improving the relationship between all involved in the educational process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 3-19
Tatiana Antipova ◽  
Ioana Riurean ◽  
Simona Riurean

The pandemic situation at the beginning of March 2020 forced teachers to develop alternative teaching methods, and most important to find the best ways to keep teaching for every student no matter the situation, as for example, the lack of computer knowledge or hardware/software support. Teachers worldwide struggled to support, encourage, find the best ways not only to help students to keep learning but support them emotionally. At the end of the academic year, teachers made efforts to develop fair, appropriate evaluation procedures adapted to distance education. This paper summarizes the Distance Teaching-Learning-Evaluation (DTLE) evolution in Russia and Romania and some methods developed from March to December 2020 to support the educational activity. Some benefits, challenges and difficulties are identified during the same period of time in different DTLE scenarios, from the point of view of teachers and students, as well. Examples of new adapted methods, dedicated to the DTLE scenarios are al-so addressed in this work.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Arati Prabhu ◽  
Prachi Wani

The study is undertaken to understand the importance of English language skills in the Indian hospitality industry, and the gaps therein. It studies the challenge as it exists in Pune city, and how AISSMS College of Hotel Management & Catering Technology has attempted to address the issue(s). The study aims at gathering primary information by means of questionnaires. It sheds light on the gap between existing and desired standards of English proficiency. It also highlights the attempts by the three important stakeholders in order to address the issue. Though, attempts are made from the industry, teachers and students, it is recognized that joint efforts need to be made to tackle the problem collectively and from all sides. It is an urgent calling for innovative teaching learning practices and encouraging sound develop initiatives and commitment. The primary data is across the cross section of Pune hoteliers, teachers and students of the college. The findings reflect the importance of English as the universal medium of communication, and its importance in rendering quality service and importantly.

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