scholarly journals Intrinsic Balance in Generation Z: Between Individualization & Massification

Elena Shlegel ◽  

The examination of the ‘incoming’ generation as a new sociocultural type of contemporary human remains relevant at all times. The eldest representatives of the new generation (so called ‘Generation Z’ or the ‘Digital generation’) are today’s alumni who crave to take over the world, re-arranging it in accordance with their interests and views, and claim to become the ‘leading generation’ of our century. Research into this generation, the attempt to understand it is undoubtedly an important task. This material is dedicated to the matter of defining the interrelation between individualisation and the massification in ‘generation Z’ representatives. The research methods used in the study are as follows: philosophic-anthropological analysis, content-analysis, and scientific data interpretation. The research work contains the thesis that tendencies of individualisation and massification in the lives of ‘digital children’ are inextricable and consistent. The role of the Internet in general and social networks in particular in the process of individualisation of Generation Z is discussed, touching on the problem of ‘stereotypness’, by which individualisation of a person begins to be built in cyberspace. The new generation, on the one hand, is somewhat disconnected from the real world, feeling and creating its uniqueness and individuality, and on the other hand, maintaining a sense of community, unity and solidarity, but only often through a virtual environment. At the same time, consolidating quickly and going offline as needed.

10.33287/1195 ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 49-57
Ю. І. Коломоєць

Russian political emigration from the beginning of its birth in the first half of the nineteenth century was constantly in search of forms and methods of struggle with royal power in the homeland. Detachment from Russia, the feeling of isolation that was inherent in emigration to the early twentieth century, were an important factor in the ongoing conflicts that took place in its environment. We note the conflicts between the «old» and the «young» emigration in the late 1860’s, between the Marxists and the populists of the 1880’s, between the revolutionary Marxists and the «economists» at the end of the 1890’s. All of these, as a rule, were due to excessive the ambitions of some leaders, the attempt to become the «rulers of ideas» for revolutionary youth, due to significant financial problems. In the list of these and similar conflicts there are events of 1870, when in the environment of political emigration there are two serious confrontations between the leader of anarchists M. Bakunin on the one hand and S. Nechaev or «Russian section of the First International» - on the other. These conflicts significantly influenced the situation in emigration, disorganized it, weakened the ability to fight the tsarist regime. They were accompanied by sharp accusations, searches for compromising materials, attempts to get support from leaders of the world revolutionary movement. The ambitions of young revolutionaries such as S. Nechaev or M. Utin were also connected with the attempt to take the main place among the emigrants, moving to the background of former leaders M. Bakunin, M. Ogarev, P. Lavrov. All this led to split in emigrant colonies, which consisted mainly of student youth. Violent discussions, accusations, boycotts became a hallmark of emigrant life. Basically, all these events took place in Switzerland, which at that time already became the center of not only Russian, but also international political emigration. Conflicts were directed at the political annihilation of the opponents, which subsequently resulted in the arrest and extradition to the Russian government of S. Nechaev in 1872, the cessation of the activities of the Russian Section of the First International and the return of M. Utin to Russia and the cessation of revolutionary activity in general. The positive side of these conflicts was the rallying of emigrants around their leaders, better information on the state of affairs in their environment, the development of new forms and methods of interaction and the strengthening of the role of revolutionaries from Russia itself.

Elena Ramona Cenușe

In the Romanian educational system, the concept of competence is relatively new, its appearance and use being related to the curricular perspective of educational organization. Synthetically, competence can be defined as ”an ensamble of `savoir faire` (know how) and `savoir-e’tre’ (manners) allowing a good accomplishment of a role, of a function or of an activity” (D`Hainaut). The model of curricular projection centered on competences is meant to improve the efficiency of the internal structure of the curriculum, and of the teaching, learning and evaluation processes. This ”new educational target” aims to: -focus on the final learnig acquisitions; accenuate the action-related dimension of the pupil’s personality; clearly define the school offer according to the pupil’s interests and skills, and to social expectations. Thus it is possible for the modern education to assume an increasing autonomy for the one who learns, so that the differences between the world of education/school/ the didactic process and the real (social, professional) world may palpably decrease.

Robert van Wessel ◽  
Henk J. de Vries

We all take the ubiquity of the Internet for granted: anyone, anywhere, anytime, any device, any connection, any app…but for how long? Is the future of the Internet really at stake? Discussions about control of the Internet, its architecture and of the applications running on it started more than a decade ago (Blumenthal & Clark, 2001). This topic is becoming more and more important for citizens, businesses, and governments across the world. In its original set-up, the architecture of the Internet did not favor one application over another and was based on the net neutrality principle (Wu, 2003). However, architectures should be understood an “alternative way of influencing economic systems” (Van Schewick, 2010), but they should not be a substitute for politics (Agre, 2003). The architecture is laid down in standards and therefore discussions about the future of the Internet should also address the role of standards. This is what this chapter aims to do.

Tarık Kişla ◽  
Bahar Karaoğlan

It cannot be denied that environmental influence has a great effect on the characteristics of individuals: reason why people can be profiled with their generation. Generation is a collection of lifespans which fall into a time duration when major changes have occurred. The last decades are labeled as information and technology era where the world is witnessing great changes in lifestyles that go in parallel with the speed of evolving digital technology. Young people born after 2000 are categorized as “Generation Z,” who are born into a world of IT technology and are independent, social individuals competent in using technology and mostly interested in technology-driven/enabled events and devices. Due to this fact, portable/wearable smart devices may be used to offer new opportunities for delivering education tailored according to situational needs and preferences of these people. In this chapter, after touching distinctive characteristics of the generations, concepts regarding ubiquitous learning and how it aligns with the aspirations and values of Generation Z are highlighted.

2011 ◽  
pp. 273-285 ◽  
Alev M. Efendioglu ◽  
Vincent F. Yip

The number of Internet users around the world has been steadily growing and this growth has provided the impetus and the opportunities for global and regional e-commerce. However, as with the Internet, different characteristics (infrastructure and socio-economic) of the local environment have created a significant level of variation in the acceptance and growth of e-commerce in different regions of the world. Our research focuses on the impact of these infrastructure and socio-economic factors on e-commerce development in China and the findings provide insights into the role of culture in e-commerce, and the factors that may impact a broader acceptance and development of e-commerce in China. In this chapter, we present and discuss our findings, and propose some strategies for success for e-commerce in China.

2011 ◽  
pp. 89-100
Ali Jafari

Today’s portals bring together existing technologies in useful, innovative ways, but they don’t scratch the surface of what is possible. The constant build-up of information and resources on the World Wide Web demands a smarter more advanced portal technology that offers dynamic, personalized, customized, and intelligent services. This chapter discusses next-generation portals and the requirement that they come to know their users and understand their individual interests and preferences. It describes a new generation of portals that have a level of autonomy, making informed, logical decisions and performing useful tasks on behalf of their members. The chapter highlights the role of artificial intelligence in framing the next generation of portal technology and in developing their capabilities for learning about their users.

Chand Prakash Saini ◽  
M. K. Nair ◽  
K. Tara Shankar

The chapter examines the role of recycling and reuse of fashion in order to achieve environmental sustainability. The chapter supports its conclusion by various reports that recycling of textile waste can be solutions to many environmental issues caused by fast fashion. However, textile recycling is an old term; in recent years, it has gained attention again due to fast fashion culture in significant parts of the world, which has resulted in overconsumption of textiles and led to waste generation. Waste recycling has become a multibillion industry. New ways are being created in terms of the development of sorting machines, design inputs, and innovative high-value products to make recycling a profitable proposition. The chapter also highlights how the second-hand market of clothes and the internet as a facilitator can help in reducing textile waste.

Raúl Terol Bolinches ◽  
Nadia Alonso-López

Let the world listen to your best. The chapter discusses how the podcast can help to make academic research work more visible. Nowadays, professors can carry out a research and disseminate it among the academic community through creation of a podcast dedicated to the content of the research activity and they can share it through social networks. Creating a podcast is quite easy by following some small recommendations and using few technical resources, just an App for your smartphone and a USB microphone to get started. The chapter includes some examples how researchers can do their own podcast or can contribute to specific podcast about academic research. The chapter includes some examples of podcasts on academic dissemination and how they use social networks to share this content. Reports, interviews, and other radio genres help to spread the research that has been carried out. In this chapter, the author offers an overview of podcasts which can help you approach your audience and become more visible on the internet using the appropriate strategies.

appealed to the Queen on being besieged by the wild sense, especially in the concluding cantos, of leaving Irish (see Vi4.1n). In reading this ‘darke conceit’, an iron world to enter a golden one. But do these no one could have failed to recognize these allusions. ways lead to an end that triumphantly concludes the The second point is that Spenser’s fiction, when 1596 poem, or to an impasse of the poet’s imaginat-compared to historical fact, is far too economical ive powers? For some readers, Book VI relates to the with the truth: for example, England’s intervention earlier books as Shakespeare’s final romances relate in the Netherlands under Leicester is, as A.B. Gough to his earlier plays, a crowning and fulfilment, ‘a 1921:289 concludes, ‘entirely misrepresented’. It summing up and conclusion for the entire poem and would seem that historical events are treated from for Spenser’s poetic career’ (N. Frye 1963:70; cf. a perspective that is ‘far from univocally celebratory Tonkin 1972:11). For others, Spenser’s exclamation or optimistic’, as Gregory 2000:366 argues, or in of wonder on cataloguing the names of the waters what Sidney calls their ‘universal consideration’, i.e. that attend the marriage of the Thames and the what is imminent in them, namely, their apocalyptic Medway, ‘O what an endlesse worke haue I in hand, import, as Borris 1991:11–61 argues. The third | To count the seas abundant progeny’ (IV xii point, which is properly disturbing to many readers 1.1–2), indicates that the poem, like such sixteenth-in our most slaughterous age, especially since the century romances as Amadis of Gaul, could now go matter is still part of our imaginative experience as on for ever, at least until it used up all possible virtues Healy 1992:104–09 testifies, is that Talus’s slaughter and the poet’s life. As Nohrnberg 1976:656 aptly of Irena’s subjects is rendered too brutally real in notes, ‘we find ourselves experiencing not the allegorizing, and apparently justifying, Grey’s atrocit-romance of faith or chastity, but the romance of ies in subduing Irish rebels (see V xii 26–27n). Here romance itself ’. For still others, there is a decline: Spenser is a product of his age, as was the Speaker ‘the darkening of Spenser’s spirit’ is a motif in many of the House of Commons in 1580 in reporting studies of the book, agreeing with Lewis 1936:353 the massacre of Spanish soldiers at Smerwick: ‘The that ‘the poem begins with its loftiest and most Italians pulled out by the ears at Smirwick in solemn book and thence, after a gradual descent, Ireland, and cut to pieces by the notable Service of a sinks away into its loosest and most idyllic’; and with noble Captain and Valiant Souldiers’ (D’Ewes Neuse 1968:331 that ‘the dominant sense of Book 1682:286). As this historical matter relates to Book V, VI is one of disillusionment, of the disparity between it displays the slaughter that necessarily attends the the poet’s ideals and the reality he envisions’; or that triumph of justice, illustrating the truth of the common the return to pastoral signals the failure of chivalry in adage, summum ius, summa iniuria, even as Guyon’s Book V to achieve reform (see DeNeef 1982b). destruction of the Bower shows the triumph of tem-Certainly canto x provides the strong sense of an perance. This is justice; or, at best, what justice has ending. As I have suggested, ‘it is as difficult not to become, and what its executive power displayed in see the poet intruding himself into the poem, as it is that rottweiler, Talus, has become, in our worse than not to see Shakespeare in the role of Prospero with ‘stonie’ age as the world moves towards its ‘last the breaking of the pipe, the dissolving of the vision, ruinous decay’ (proem 2.2, 6.9). In doing so, Book and our awareness (but surely the poet’s too) that his V confirms the claim by Thrasymachus in Plato’s work is being rounded out’ (1961a:202). Republic: justice is the name given by those in power Defined as ‘doing gentle deedes with franke to keep their power. It is the one virtue in the poem delight’ (vii 1.2), courtesy is an encompassing virtue that cannot be exercised by itself but within the book in a poem that sets out to ‘sing of Knights and Ladies must be over-ruled by equity, circumvented by mercy, gentle deeds’ (I proem 1.5). As such, its flowering and, in the succeeding book, countered by courtesy. would fully ‘fashion a gentleman or noble person in vertuous and gentle discipline’ (Letter to Raleigh 8). Courtesy: Book VI

2014 ◽  
pp. 36-36

Patrice Seuwou ◽  
Vincent F. Adegoke

The opportunities offered by digital technology are enormous. The global social and economic system is being reconfigured at an incredible rate. Connectivity is increasingly reshaping our world and redefining the way we interact with our environment. The rise of digital technologies is transforming almost every aspect of modern life. More and more of our interactions are mediated by machines. Along with the rapid evolution comes the risks, threats, and vulnerabilities in the system for those who plan to exploit it. In this chapter, firstly, the authors explore the role of 5G, big data, the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous vehicles (AV), and cloud computing play in the context of smart societies; secondly, they analyse how the synergy between these technologies will be used by governments and other stakeholders around the world to improve the safety of citizens albeit increasingly relinquishing privacy rights and encouraging mass surveillance at the expense of liberty.

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