scholarly journals Technology to form Students’ Readiness for Research in Engineering Universities

The relevance of the problem under consideration is caused by the existing discrepancy between the increased need of society and the state for high quality engineering education, and the actual level of readiness of graduates of engineering universities to perform their professional functions, as well as insufficient development of the theoretical foundations of students training in research in the context of competence-oriented education. The purpose of the article is to solve the problem of training students for the research activity in the course of independent work and research during the educational process at engineering university. Based on the systematization and development of existing approaches to solving the problem of training of students of engineering universities for research, which contributes to the development of a functional model, the authors propose the method of preparing students for research. The article describes the development of practical experience in research activities during the participation of students in scientific seminars; represents the process of using the project method, end-to-end research tasks when preparing the course and qualification works; the issue is considered on consolidating and improving the experience of research activities of future engineers during all kinds of practical training. The pedagogical experiment was aimed at identifying the effectiveness of independent and research work in the course of formation of students' readiness for research activities in the framework of the functional model. The materials of the article can be used by the academic staff of engineering universities, specialists in the field of pedagogy, theory, and methodology of vocational education, as well as in the system of extended education

2021 ◽  
Vol 121 ◽  
pp. 03002
Anna Viktorovna Shapieva ◽  
Evgenii Vladimirovich Nolev ◽  
Oleg Sergeevich Ochirov

The study is aimed at determining the factors of motivation for research activities among schoolchildren of the Republic of Buryatia and the TransbaikalTerritory. The employed sociological approach in the study made it possible to analyze the cognitive and social needs of schoolchildren in research activity, to assess the influence and role of social factors (conditions of social life of students) in the formation and content of motives for research activities of schoolchildren, and also to distinguish schoolchildren’s expectations and opportunities needed to implement research activities. When organizing research work with students, developing a scientific infrastructure in education, the issues of student motivation acquire particular relevance. Taking into account the high level of the influence of a scientist’s image on the choice of student science-oriented specialization, strengthening the positive image of a scientist in society becomes an urgent task. Since teachers are the key figures in attracting schoolchildren to research, it is necessary to give priority attention to the methodical and methodological training of teachers in the field of research activities, along with providing scientific infrastructure for schoolchildren. The experience of implementation of scientific and educational projects “Scientific Accelerator” in Buryatia and the Science Festival “NAUKA 0+” in the TransbaikalTerritory showed that the competencies and methodological approaches in the field of research activities that students master within the framework of projects cannot always be developed inthe further educational process. At the same time, an important factor in motivating students is meeting with scientists who act as carriers of advanced academic knowledge and also form a positive image of the profession among students. The results of the study can be applied in the development of standards and rules for the implementation of educational activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
pp. 103
Stepan P. Velychko ◽  
Sergii V. Shulga

The introduction of modern innovative training technologies in the training of highly skilled specialists involves a significant expansion and increase of the significance of cognitive activity in the educational process of each student, and in particular his individual activity during the implementation of a laboratory practice on the course of general physics, including the study of the section "Quantum Physics". Our scientific researches convincingly prove the expediency of widespread use of computer-oriented means for the purpose of development of independent activity of students in physics and in their high efficiency in solving the problem of integration of the real and virtual experiment from the given section. For this purpose, our computer-oriented training tools and corresponding software products take into account the obligatory availability of successive modules that provide the multifunctionality of the proposed training kit for the physical workshop and practical training tasks from the corresponding section as autonomously (independently of others), for example and integrated with other modules. The isolated modules, on the one hand, are consistent with the types of educational activity of the student, and on the other hand, they contribute to the purposeful management of research work during the physical practice and thus are an important factor in the organization and management of the student's independent work. Such a technique allows the student to attain a sufficiently high level of understanding of each module and, accordingly, at the appropriate level, to master laboratory research on quantum physics, where the subject of study can be presented real or virtual, which simultaneously enhances the professional expertise of future physics teachers and professionals whose activities are " with physics, and also improves the efficiency of independent work of a future specialist.

Mariya Berehova

The article describes the main forms of work with students of the specialty special education, contributing to the effective professional training of future specialists. The analysis of innovative and interactive forms of work with future speech therapists in educational institutions. The status of teachers is changing, who become the organizers of the educational development process, which is saturated with the student's research work. In modern conditions, the teacher does not give information about certain topics, but organizes active research activities of students. In modern conditions, the forms of interaction between the teacher and students are changing. Traditional forms of learning change into forms of active, innovative learning: didactic games, analysis of problematic pedagogical situations, mutual assessment, and mutual control. Interactive learning involves modeling problematic pedagogical situations, using role-playing games, joint problem solving, developing a common strategy for overcoming difficult situations and more. It effectively contributes to the formation of future speech and language therapists, constructive creative thinking; development of values; creating an atmosphere of cooperation, interaction; enables the future specialist to develop their abilities as it is a kind of "redistribution of activity" from teacher to student. The use of interactive forms of learning promotes the formation of students' critical thinking, the ability to reasonably argue their own opinion, analyze the thoughts of others, find ways out of problematic pedagogical situations that arise in real conditions, etc. The practical experience of introducing innovative forms of education testifies to the formation of cognitive interest in the future speech therapists to study the disciplines of the professional component, allows the teacher to take into account the peculiarities of students' creative abilities development and their ability to apply them in practice, provide active practical training.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 9
E. A. Zakharova ◽  
T. M. Sorokina ◽  
E. A. Yudina

Introduction: modernization of Russian education is the central task of Russian educational policy. One of its distinctive features is the transition from the teaching and educational to the scientific and educational process, which allows the introduction of students' research work into it. A feature of the work of a practicing physician is the ability to analyze his own activities from a scientific point of view, knowledge and ability to work with methods of clinical research. Based on this, changes were made to the legislation, and in accordance with the Federal Standards2016 in the specialty of “Medicine”, a graduate who has mastered the program in his specialty should have professional competences that, along with competences in the field of medical activity, include competencies in research activities. Also, in accordance with the Federal Law of 21.11.2011 No. 323-FZ “Concerning the Basics of Citizen Health Protection in the Russian Federation”, a new system of continuous medical and pharmaceutical education was introduced, being aimed at continuous improvement of professional knowledge and skills throughout the entire working period of medical workers as well as the acquisition in practice of new professional skills.Psychological readiness of students for professional activity is a question that has been discussed by the scientific community for quite a long period of time. The structure of this construct has also been repeatedly discussed by many authors, but there is no consensus on this issue. The article presents the points of views of various scientists on the problem of readiness for research activities. The structure is proposed, which is a synthesis of several components: motivational, operational, and reflexive-evaluative ones. Many scientists studied this issue both Russian and foreign ones (L.S. Vygotsky, E.P. Ilyin, A.N. Leontyev, A.N. Poddyakov, E.A. Shashenkova, Zier K. Rosenberg I.E., Dantas J.B., Ley T.J., Rosenberg I.E., Solomon S.S., Tom S.C. et al.) Special attention is paid to the motivational component of psychological readiness for the research activities of future doctors. The problem of the necessity to develop this component is being actualized.Materials and methods: 76 students of the 1st course of the medical and pediatric faculties of thePrivolzhskyResearchMedicalUniversity were randomly selected for this study. The study was carried out in 3 stages: diagnostic, training, final diagnostic. At the initial and final stages 2 diagnostic procedures were used. The first one is the methodics for diagnosing the motives of students' learning activities according to A.A. Rean and V.A. Yakunin modified by N.Ts. Badmaeva. In this method, there are seven grading scales: scale 1 "Communicative motives"; scale 2 “Motives for avoiding failure”; scale 3 "Motives of prestige"; scale 4 "Professional motives"; scale 5 "Motives for creative self-realization"; scale 6 "Educational and cognitive motives"; scale 7 "Social motives". 2) Methods of studying the motivation of learning in the university by T.I. Ilyin ". The method presents three scales: “the acquisition of knowledge” (the desire to acquire knowledge, curiosity); “Mastering a profession” (striving to master professional knowledge and form professionally important qualities); "Obtaining a diploma" (the desire to acquire a diploma in the formal assimilation of knowledge, the desire to find workarounds for exams and tests).The results of the study: statistical results before and after the training in the framework of English language classes at the medical university demonstrate changes in the motivational field of students.Discussion and conclusions: the implementation of a collective training program in foreign language classes with the aim of the motivational component development to research activities of students at a medical university can be considered as an effective tool for the development of psychological readiness for further professional medical activity. It emphasizes the need for an integrated approach to solving this problem.

Марія Кудла

The article considers the research competence of the future teacher as a requirement of modernity and an integral part of his professional competence. The analysis of the concept of “research competence” is carried out. The definition of the term “research competence of a teacher” is offered. The main components of the structure of research competence of the future teacher are determined: cognitive, motivational-value, personal-motivational, activity-operational. It is proved that the research competence of future teachers is the result of effective research activities of students, which develops the ability to research and is carried out within the educational process by means of cognition according to the logic of scientific research. The tasks of research work of students in a higher education institution are outlined. The directions of research activity of students of institutions of higher education are characterized: research work as an integral element of the educational process (educational research activity); research work carried out outside the educational process; scientific and organizational activities. Forms of organization of research work of students serving the formation of research competence of future teachers are presented. It is proved that the effective formation of a competent, competitive, capable of self-development and self-realization of the teacher-researcher is facilitated by the creation of an active scientific environment and modernization, in accordance with the competence approach, content, forms and methods of educational process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (194) ◽  
pp. 139-144
Tetiana Kravtsova ◽  

The article is devoted to the problem of future masters’ professionalism development in the process of practical training in the institutions of out-of-school education. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the understanding of the concept of professionalism has been clarified, the peculiarities of practice in a multidisciplinary institution of out-of-school education have been revealed, the requirements to the bases of practical training of future masters of education, educational program 011 Educational, pedagogical sciences (Out-of-school education) It has been found out that the future teachers’ practical training acts as an integrating main component of personal and professional development of the specialist, the link between theoretical training and independent work in the establishments and institutions of out-of-school education. Providing performance of various tasks, which include: acquaintance with the general directions of work in a multidisciplinary institution of out-of-school education; creation of an individual educational trajectory of the applicant of out-of-school education according to abilities of talents and gifts of children and youth on the basis of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics; development of curricula, calendar and lesson plans for group and club work, development of scenarios and script plans for collective and mass events, which are included in the annual work plan of the institution of out-of-school education. It has been specified that the professionalism of the future master will be reflected in the following results of practical training: the ability to recognize and take into account the diversity of students, the ability to provide individual support in the educational process; awareness of different contexts in which training, upbringing and development of students of out-of-school education can take place; ability to implement subject-subject interaction with different participants of the educational process at different levels; the ability to contribute to the formation of a general culture of personality, socialization, conscious choice and development of additional educational programs, using a variety of forms, techniques, methods and means of teaching; to master the norms of pedagogical relations in the process of designing and implementing educational activities, search, sharing, application of innovations and creativity in the educational process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (5) ◽  
pp. 110-124
Luo Wanqi ◽  
Elena L. Bolotova ◽  

The relevance of the research is due to the need to increase the competitiveness of joint educational programs of pedagogical orientation in the system of Russian-Chinese relations in the field of higher education. The student satisfaction indicator not only indicates the attractiveness/unattractiveness of the educational program, but also allows you to identify the most vulnerable places in the organization of the educational process. The purpose of the study is to identify ways to improve the conditions for the implementation of Russian-Chinese joint educational programs of pedagogical orientation. Materials and methods. The study applied a descriptive method to conducting a survey of students studying under the bachelor's degree majors "Preschool Education", "Music Education", "Fine Arts" at the Moscow Institute of Arts of the Weinan Pedagogical University (Province Shanxi). 198 graduates participated in the questionnaire, accounting for 77% of the total number of graduates from the Moscow Institute of Arts. The study was conducted using the author's questionnaire, compiled taking into account the practice of assessing student satisfaction at Moscow Pedagogical State University and the recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China on the evaluation of joint Chinese-foreign educational programs. Results. In the study, the assessment of students' satisfaction with learning was carried out in five directions: satisfaction with the quality and content of training, satisfaction with the organization of the educational process, satisfaction with the material and technical support of the educational process, satisfaction with the organization of research activities, satisfaction with the socio-psychological climate at the institute. The study found that students' satisfaction with the organization of the educational process (68.2%) and its material and technical support (66.92%) was the highest, compared with their publishing activities in research work (60.4%). Despite the impossibility of implementing programs under the "3+1" scheme, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the internal motivation of students during online training in the "4+0" mode did not decrease, which led to the preservation of the contingent of students throughout the entire period of program implementation. Discussion and conclusion. The research results have practical significance for managers, employees and teachers of pedagogical universities participating in the implementation of Chinese-foreign joint educational programs, as well as for representatives of the scientific community dealing with the problems of ensuring the quality of such programs. Further research of students' satisfaction with studying under Russian-Chinese joint educational programs for teacher training can be aimed at analyzing the quality of implementation of such programs at the level of academic degrees of students of pedagogical universities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 230-234
Oksana Yurievna Brazhnik ◽  
Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Batrachenko

This paper describes features of students research activities organization. The authors consider possibilities of research use while studying the courses of the variable part of the educational program. This paper focuses on the role of industrial practice in the implementation of research activities. The approximate content of practices programs, as well as the typology of tasks aimed at research work intensification is given. The authors emphasize the role of research activities for general professional and professional competencies development. The paper also considers peculiarities of estimation and ways of scientific-research work optimization while studying for the Masters degree. The conducted studies have shown that the assessment of competencies development can be carried out on various indicators, the following indicators are of fundamental importance: practical nature of scientific and innovative activity (participation in fundamental landscape and geographical research, modernization and creation of landscape programs of general scientific and applied importance), originality of the idea and creative approach, use of the latest technologies of landscape planning and design.

Наталья Александровна Храмова ◽  
Надежда Георгиевна Пфаненштиль

В данной статье проанализировано основное различие понятий учебно-исследовательской и научно-исследовательской деятельности. Основной проблемой является развитие мотивации к учебной научно-исследовательской деятельности учащихся. Выявлено, что на мотивационную готовность студентов к научно-исследовательской деятельности могут оказывать влияние многие факторы, рассмотрено их воздействие. В статье приведены различные студенческие мероприятия, которые могут способствовать повышению мотивации учащихся к исследовательской деятельности. Выявлены, проанализированы научно-исследовательские умения и их компоненты (операционный, содержательный, мотивационный). Реализация в профессиональной подготовке традиционных форм обучения (лекции, лабораторные, практические, семинарские занятия, коллоквиумы, курсовые и дипломные работы, консультации, индивидуальные занятия) помогает овладению учащимися научной информацией, но не всегда способствует формированию необходимых умений и навыков. Очевидно, что внедрение новых теоретических обобщений в учебный процесс (чтение преподавателями проблемных лекций, введение новых теоретических разделов по наиболее актуальным проблемам современной науки, расширение перечня учебной литературы и интернет-источников, освоение новых методик исследования, подготовка мультимедийных презентаций) повысит интерес студентов к исследовательской деятельности. Образовательный процесс будет проходить более успешно, если в вузе сформирована эффективная образовательная и научно-исследовательская среда, направленная на развитие личности студента. This article analyzes the main difference between the concepts of educational research activity and research activity. The main problem is the development of motivation for educational research activities at students. The authors revealed that many factors can influence students’ motivation readiness for research activities; considered the impact of those factors. The article presents various student activities that can help to increase students’ motivation for research activities; identifies and analyzes the research skills and their components (operational, content, motivation). The implementation of traditional forms of education in professional training (lectures, laboratory, practical, seminars, colloquiums, term papers and theses, consultations, individual classes) helps students master scientific information, but does not always contribute to the formation of the necessary skills. It is obvious that the introduction of new theoretical generalizations in the educational process (delivering of problem lectures, introduction of new theoretical units on the most relevant problems of modern science, expanding the list of educational literature and Internet sources, development of new research methods, multimedia presentations) will increase the interest of students in research activities. The educational process will be more successful if the University has an effective educational and research environment aimed at the development of the student’s personality.

2005 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 35-38
Ida Mitkevičienė

According to the primary school natural science education curricula cognitive activity has to be diverse and its content must be permanently changed. It is purposeful to supplement the educational process with children’s literature, music, folklore, acting, drawing and games (General Curricula and Education Standards, 2003). Game is one of the most universal and efficient child’s primary education strategies. Creative and orientated combination of game and artistic activities in the process of natural science education enables to seek that primary school students both perceive the environment as the aesthetic totality and get used to take care of it, both notice the beauty of nature phenomena and objects and feel the need to take care of nature, both perceive the interdependence of animate and inanimate nature and feel the interrelation of nature with various arts and artistic activities. Observation is the activity that is accessible to primary class pupils and serves as a basis for more complex steps in the teaching and learning process. Because the observation of the nearest environment can be strongly encouraged by the wish to depict the objects of the nearest environment in various ways, this article presents the examples of games employing depiction means, which not only integrate natural science education and artistic education but also promote active cognitive environmental research activity. Key words: primary education, cognitive activity, game employing depiction means.

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