Designing English Course Learning Material for Grand Zuri Hotel Padang Employees

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-55
Sherly Franchisca

This research was aimed at designing English course handout for Grand Zuri Hotel Padang employees. The type of this research is Research and Development toward designing and producing handout for teaching and learning at Grand Zuri Hotel Padang. It is conducted for the employees of the hotel which participates for English class. In additon, there were 50 (fifty) employees involved in English teaching and learning process at Grand Zuri Hotel Padang and they were divided into two meeting. In fact, the result of the study shows that: (1) current analysis about teaching and learning process of Grand Zuri Hotel Padang related to several information of the previous teaching and learning process where the learners are in pre-intermediate level and a meeting last in 120 minutes, but there was no handout for the learners; (2) need analysis showed that the dominant skill  needed  by  the  learners  based  on  the  questionnaire  were  listening  and speaking, generally the ability of the learners in English are good, and there were 19 (nineteen) topics that could be choosen by the learners; (3) in designing handout, there were 14 (fourteen) topics in the handout and there was also a syllabus of the handout, also the activity in the handout consist of the introduction about   the   topic,   expressions,   reading,   paired   practice,   chit   chatting,   and worksheet; (4) to validate the handout, there were 4 (four) validators involved, General Manager of Grand Zuri Hotel Padang (Surni Yanti,S.Pd), two lecturers from Hotel Management Study Program at Universitas Negeri Padang, and experience  trainer  for  English  in  otel  industry.  In  conclusion,  based  on  the findings, there should be attractive and easy to understand materials or handout for the employees of Grand Zuri Hotel Padang; (5) in order to know the effectifity of handout in teaching and learning there was limited try out in Grand Zuri Hotel. Based on the result of the try out, there is a conclution that the material which is prepared for the employees were needed in teaching and learning process , such as handout, which is made by easy and understandable format to be learned.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-75
Nopriyanti Nopriyanti

This study aims to: (1) develop an electronic module based on 3D Pageflip Professional for Engineering Drawings course, (2) assess the quality of the electronic modules. The model the research is research and development (R&D). The electronic module was validated by learning media experts and learning material experts. The research subject was the 32 students of mechanical engineering education study program of FKIP UNSRI. The study concludes that: (1) the electronic module that is based on 3D Pageflip Professional for Engineering Drawing Course is appropriate to use for learning process; (2) the quality of the product is very good. The assessment from the experts resulted in a score of 85 for the display aspect (very good), 51 for the learning process aspect (good), and 54 for the learning material aspect. Whereas, from the students, it is 956 (very good) for the display aspect, 684 for the learning process aspect, and 847 for the content aspect (very good)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menghasilkan Modul Elektronik Berbasis 3D Pageflip Professional pada mata kuliah Gambar Teknik di Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Mesin, (2) mengetahui kualitas Modul Elektronik Berbasis 3D Pageflip Professional pada mata kuliah Gambar Teknik di Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Mesin FKIP Unsri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D). Validasi modul elektronik ini dilakukan oleh ahli media dan ahli materi. Subjek uji coba penelitian ini adalah 32 mahasiswa program studi pendidikan teknik mesin FKIP UNSRI. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) produk modul Elektronik Berbasis 3D Pageflip Professional pada mata kuliah Gambar Teknik layak untuk digunakan; (2) Kualitas produk modul elektronik ini sangat baik, hasil penilaian ahli media dan ahli materi ditinjau dari aspek tampilan 85 (sangat baik), aspek pembelajaran 51 (baik), dan aspek materi 54 (baik). Sedangkan hasil penialaian peserta didik uji coba lapangan pada aspek tampilan sebesar 956 (sangat baik), pada aspek pembelajaran sebesar 684 (sangat baik),  dan pada aspek isi sebesar 847 (sangat baik).

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Hustarna Hustarna ◽  
Melati Melati

Linguistics Description of English is a new subject in the curriculum of English Education Study Program in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in Jambi University. Hence, the material for this subject is not yet available. Therefore, this research aims at developing a prototype of teaching materials for Linguistics Description of English course. By designing the prototype of teaching materials for this course, the researchers expected that lecturers who will teach this subject will not find difficulties in teaching this course. Besides, the use of materials which have been designed based on students’ need and linguistic lecturers’ discussion is anticipated to be able to encourage students to be more active in teaching and learning process. Thus, the choice of the topics is suited to the characteristics of the students and drew from the result of the need analysis questionnaire and forum group discussion (FGD) with the lecturers. This research utilized research and development design, based on the theory developed by Borg and Gall (1983). The result of the research is the prototype of the teaching materials for Linguistics Description of English course.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 329
Ni Wayan Rusniati

The process and student learning outcomes in science learning material properties of light is a problem faced by class IV SD Negeri 3 Mengwi. Student activity and learning outcomes have not been maximized because the teacher delivered science learning materials using the lecture method. This is the background of the researchers to conduct research with the aim of improving the process and learning outcomes of science with material properties of light with learning models Contextual Teaching and Learning. This research is a type of classroom action research conducted in SD Negeri 3 Mengwi. The subjects of this study were fourth grade students, amounting to 27 students consisting of 14 female students and 13 male students. The implementation of this study used 2 cycles. Instruments used to collect data are observation sheets, interviews, documentation and test questions. The results of this study indicate that science learning outcomes with material properties of light using the Contextual Teaching and Learning model in SD Negeri 3 Mengwi have increased in two cycles with quite satisfactory values. There was an increase in learning outcomes from cycle 1 an average value of 68.51 to 75.37 in cycle 2. In addition, there was an increase in the learning process of students in science learning carried out by teachers using the Contextual Teaching and Learning model. Keywords: Learning process, learning outcomes, Contextual Teaching and Learning

Ivan Jaya ◽  
Mahyuddin K. M. Nasution

The COVID-19 pandemic that has recently hit various countries including Indonesia has resulted in major changes in various fields, including in the development of the education sector. The teaching and learning process has turned from face-to-face into an online method. However, there are several obstacles experienced by schools that implement an online learning system, one of them was the ability of teachers who do not understand various learning application platforms. In addition, the material provided by the teacher is not maximally acceptable to students because most teachers provide learning material from the pages of textbooks or teacher writings (scans, photos, or presentation files). For this reason, it is necessary to have variations in the provision of teaching materials to students by making interesting and creative learning videos using the Movavi Education Set. With learning videos, students can do lessons at home, repeat it, and can ask the teacher some points from it if they don't understand. By using Movavi Education Set, teachers are also free to be creative in making learning videos that can be shared through commonly used communication applications such as e-mail, WhatsApp, line, google classroom and other applications.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
NKAP Dewi ◽  
LDS Adnyani ◽  
LGE Wahyuni

The use of technology-based learning media, including video in English class can trigger students’ motivation to learn English and improve the learning process. This interesting and innovative media is believed to promote students’ engagement along the process. This descriptive study aims to describe the response of students related to their engagement to the use of English Learning video developed by using Camtasia Studio in second-grade students of elementary school. The data were collected through observations, interview and teacher’s questionnaire rubric. The result reveals that using technology-based media in classroom is really appropriate to increase students’ motivation and learning activeness to get a better teaching and learning process. Students and teacher gave positive responses toward the media and it was categorized into ‘Excellent’ media in which it was interesting and fulfilled the needs of second-grade students. Further, it was suggested for the next research to conduct the study in different grade. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Syamsuyurnita Syamsuyurnita ◽  
Dewi Kesuma Nasution

This study aims to describe the process of developing teaching materials by using Glasser model in the Indonesian language course in FKIP UMSU. The sample of the research is 34-second semester A morning students in the Study Program of Language and Literature of Indonesia, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah, Sumatera Utara. The questionnaire instrument was used to determine the student's response and activeness to the developed teaching material, the observation sheet used to know the condition of the students in the learning process, and the validation sheet instrument used for the development of teaching materials based on SAP using Glasser model. The result of descriptive research on student's response shows that 100% of students were happy about the teaching materials of Bahasa Indonesia (Teaching Materials, Guided Exercises and Lecture Strategies) and 91.66% of students think that the teaching materials are new to them. After using the teaching materials developed by the researcher and following the teaching and learning activities, students (100%) are interested in following the next lesson, the readability of the language of the learning material is easy to understand (91.66%) and the guidance given by the lecturer is clear (100%). While the self-employed activity is fun for students (91.66%). Students activity in learning activities was shown by their involvement in problem solving, his involvement in carrying out learning tasks, assessing his ability, digging and developing his own knowledge. Based on the validation sheet on the test of learning result 1 obtained information that from the 3 learning objectives formulated in SAP I and SAP II there is 1 learning objectives that have not yet completed. Based on the results of descriptive analysis of the test results of learning 2 it was obtained that the 3 learning objectives formulated in SAP III and SAP IV was finished learning objective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 124-130
Tri Wera Agrita ◽  
Randi Eka Putra

The teaching and learning process (learning) is an activity to carry out the core of education and curriculum at an educational institution. Teaching and learning activities contain various concepts related to the educational mission, educational foundation, and educational goals. In addition, learning is focused on what the lecturer must do as the one who provides learning. The learning process at this time is constrained by the Covid 19 pandemic faced by Indonesia, thus affecting all activities, one of which is Bungo Regency residents, especially in the academic field. Therefore, all learning activities carried out on campus are not allowed and must be done at home or online. One of them is the learning process for the Pancasila Course in the English Education Study Program (PBI), Semester II Year 2020/2021. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods in the form of photos and questionnaires via google forms which are distributed to students through whatsapp groups using 26 PBI second semester students. The results of this study indicate that students have internet signal problems, which are 81%. So the importance of the internet network is to make it easier for students to carry out the learning process effectively, due to the lack of a network. So the importance of the internet network is to make it easier for students to carry out the learning process effectively, due to the lack of a network.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Tengku Ratna Soraya ◽  
Emzir Emzir ◽  
Sabarti Akhadiah

This research aims to find out the process as well as the result of improving students’ ability in reading French texts through the approach of Linguistic Functional Systemic at Teaching French Study Program at Faculty of Arts and Language, State University of Medan. This study uses a Linguistic Functional Systemic approach with the assumption that the LFS approach examines the text used as a learning material in the course of Text Review / Etude de Texte . This approach proved able to answer various linguistic issues, either micro or macro. The research methodology used is action research developed by Kemmis & Mc Taggart with four steps: (1) planning, (2) action implementation, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. This study lasted for three cycles. In the first cycle, results were obtained as 21 students or 43.75% of 48 students earned grades above the prescribed minimum standards. Furthermore, in the second cycle the number of students who score above the minimum standard increases to 73%, and at the end of the third cycle to 85,42% students. The results of this study show that the LFS approach is very effective in helping students improve the reading ability of French texts. This research recommends to the lecturers of French courses in general understanding and using the LFS approach in the teaching and learning process of reading class in the classroom as in the subject of Text Review / Etude de Texte and Compréhension Ecrite.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Achmad Firdaus

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan efektivitas pembelajaran kelompok produktif program studi teknik komputer dan informatika yang menerapkan KTSP pada SMK Negeri ditinjau dari: 1) kelengkapan dan kesesuaian perangkat perencanaan pembelajaran; 2) proses pembelajaran, 3) penilaian pembelajaran; 4) respon peserta didik terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran; dan 5) hasil belajar peserta didik. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian survei dengan populasi penelitian dua SMK Negeri di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran kelompok produktif teknik komputer dan informatika yang menerapkan KTSP sudah efektif. Hal ini juga dilihat dari aspek berikut ini. 1) Hasil telaah kelengkapan dan kesesuaian perangkat perencanaan pembelajaran kelompok produktif baik silabus maupun RPP yang dikembangkan oleh guru berada pada kategori baik. Penyusunan dan pengembangan perangkat perencanaan tersebut sudah mengacu pada standar isi, standar kompetensi lulusan dan sudah sesuai dengan langkah-langkah maupun format KTSP. Namun masih dapat ditingkatkan khususnya pada aspek pengidentifikasian materi pembelajaran, perumusan pengalaman belajar, perumusan indikator pencapaian kompetensi, dan bentuk penilaian yang akan digunakan. 2) Hasil observasi proses pembelajaran berada pada kategori baik. Dengan demikian, proses pembelajaran dapat dikatakan telah sesuai dengan langkah-langkah yang ada pada standar proses. Namun masih dapat ditingkatkan pada aspek penerapan materi terhadap kehidupan sehari-hari, menanggapi pertanyaan peserta didik, dan pembuatan rangkuman materi pembelajaran. 3) Hasil observasi penilaian pembelajaran berada pada kategori tidak baik, karena penilaian yang dilakukan oleh guru hanya pada aspek kognitif. Dengan demikian perlu adanya peningkatan pada prinsip-prinsip penilaian dan pelaksanaan penilaian pada aspek afektif dan psikomotor. 4) Respon peserta didik berada pada kategori baik hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa kegiatan pembelajaran yang dikelola oleh guru mendapat respon yang positif dari peserta didik. 5) Hasil belajar peserta didik dapat dikatakan efektif dan berhasil dengan prosentase ketuntasan belajar sebesar 96,00%. LEARNING EFFECTIVENESS OF THE COMPUTER ENGINEERING AND INFORMATICS PRODUCTIVE GROUP APPLYING THE SCHOOL-BASED CURRICULUM IN STATE VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLAbstractThis study aims to describe the learning effectiveness of the productive group in the computer engineering and informatics study program applying the School-Based Curriculum in state vocational high schools (SVHSs) in terms of: 1) the completeness and appropriateness of the learning kits, 2) the learning process, 3) the learning assessment, 4) the students’ responses to the learning activities, and 5) the students’ learning outcomes. This was a survey study with a population comprising two SVHSs in the regency of Hulu Sungai Utara. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that learning in the computer engineering and informatics productive group applying the School-Based Curriculum has been effective. It can be seen from the following aspects. 1) The results of the review of the completeness and appropriateness of the productive learning kits consisting of syllabuses and lesson plans developed by teachers are in the good category. The formulation and development of the planning kits already refer to the content standards, competency standards and are in accordance with the steps and School-Based Curriculum format. However, the aspect of identifying learning materials, the learning experience formulation, the formulation of competency achievement indicators, and assessment forms need to be improved. 2) The results of observations on the learning process are in the good category. Thus, the learning process is already in conformity with the process standard. However, the aspects of applying the materials from daily life, responding to the students’ questions, and making a learning material summary need to be improved. 3) The results observations on the learning assessment are in the poor category, because the assessment carried out by teachers focuses only on the cognitive aspects. Thus, the principles of assessment and implementation of assessment in the affective and psychomotor aspects need to be improved. 4) The students’ responses are in the good category. This indicates that the learning activities managed by teachers get positive responses from the students. 5) The students’ learning outcomes are relatively effective and successful with a percentage of learning mastery of 96,00%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Fitrawati Fitrawati ◽  
Witri Oktavia

This article presents a part of a study conducted to develop multimedia based teaching material for Grammar 3. It aims at describing needs and problems of students in learning Grammar 3 through a descriptive study. The data were gathered from the questionnaires distributed to the students who have taken Grammar 3 course. The result of the research conveys that 1) there is a gap between the objective of Grammar 3 course and the students’ achievement in the class, 2) students get the problems in understanding Grammar 3 due to inappropriate teaching materials used in teaching and learning process, and 3) the students need a multimedia based teaching materials to improve their understanding and achievement in Grammar 3 course.Key words/phrases:teaching material development, multimedia, need analysis, Grammar 3 APAKAH MAHASISWA MEMBUTUHKAN MATERI AJAR GRAMMAR 3 BERBASIS MULTIMEDIA?AbstrakArtikel ini merupakan salah satu bagian dari rangkaian penelitian pengembangan materi ajar Grammar 3 berbasis multimedia. Penelitian deskrptif ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan masalah dan kebutuhan mahasiswa terhadap materi Grammar 3. Oleh karena itu, data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang disebar kepada seluruh mahasiswa yang telah mengambil mata kuliah Grammar 3. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1) adanya ketimpangan antara tujuan pembelajaran Grammar 3 dan kemampuan yang dikuasai mahasiswa; 2) mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami materi Grammar 3 karena kurang memadainya materi yang digunakan dalam proses belajar dan mengajar; dan 3) mahasiswa membutuhkan materi ajar berbasis multimedia yang dapat membantu meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan mereka pada materi Grammar 3.Kata Kunci/frase: pengembangan materi ajar, multimedia, analisis kebutuhan, Grammar 3

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