scholarly journals Pemberdayaan Ibu Rumah Tangga Melalui Kewirausahaan Sabun Piring Cair

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 80
Menik Aryani ◽  
Ratna Azizah Mashami ◽  
Ahmadi Ahmadi ◽  
Dewi Rayani ◽  
Jessica Festy Maharani

Jumlah Ibu Rumah Tangga (IRT) yang banyak bisa menjadi sumber daya manusia yang potensial dalam membangun perekonomian keluarga dan daerah. Tetapi sebagian besar IRT tidak memiliki keterampilan untuk berwirausaha. Oleh karena itu, tim melakukan upaya pemberdayaan IRT melalui kewirausahaan sabun piring cair. Tujuan kegiatan ini ada dua, yakni memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan membuat sabun piring cair kepada IRT  serta meningkatkan minat IRT untuk berwirausaha. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Desa Gondang Kabupaten Lombok Utara dan diikuti oleh 24 orang IRT. Metode pelaksanaan menggunakan. Metode PRA (Participatori Rural Appraisal) dengan tahapan penyuluhan, pelatihan, dan pendampingan.  Tingkat keberhasilan kegiatan ini diukur berdasarkan respon IRT dan hasil penjualan produk. Selama satu bulan pemberdayaan IRT di Desa Gondang telah berhasil dilaksanakan. Para IRT telah mendapatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam membuat sabun cair piring. Selain itu, IRT semakin termotivasi untuk berwirausaha sabun piring cair. Antusias peserta terlihat dari awal sampai akhir kegiatan. Selain itu, penjualan sabun piring cair sudah terlihat dapat meningkatkan pendapatan IRT.Empowerment of Housewives Through Liquid Dish Soap Entrepreneurship. AbstractThe large number of housewives (IRT) can be a potential human resource in developing the family and regional economy. But most IRTs do not have the skills to entrepreneurship. Therefore, the team made efforts to empower IRT through liquid soap dish entrepreneurship. The purpose of this activity is twofold, namely providing knowledge and skills to make liquid dish soap to the IRT and increasing IRT's interest in entrepreneurship. This activity was carried out in Gondang Village, North Lombok Regency and attended by 24 IRT people. The method of implementation uses. PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) method with stages of counseling, training, and mentoring. The success rate of this activity is measured based on IRT responses and the results of product sales. For one month the empowerment of the IRT in Gondang Village was successfully carried out. The IRT has gained knowledge and skills in making liquid dish soap. In addition, IRTs are increasingly motivated to become entrepreneurs through liquid dish soap. Enthusiastic participants were seen from the beginning to the end of the activity. In addition, the sale of liquid dish soap has been seen to increase IRT revenue.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 796-801
Fitria Tsani Farda ◽  
Farida Fathul ◽  
Erwanto Erwanto ◽  
Etha Azizah Hasiib

The purpose of this service activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of breeders in Marga Agung Village, Jati Agung Subdistrict, South Lampung Regency regarding various types of forage, compiling ration formulations based on local feed, and processing feed from agricultural waste. The main issues that become priority are (1) the ability of breeders to prepare beef cattle feed rations; (2) utilization of feed processing technology to improve the nutritional quality of animal feed; and (3) livestock businesses that have not been able to boost the farmer economy. Through the Participatory Rural Appraisal method, this activity was able to increase the knowledge and skills of breeders in preparing local feed-based ration formulations and processing feed from agricultural waste.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 942
Rinaldi Rizal Putra ◽  
Vita Meylani ◽  
Diki M. Chaidir

Development and construction of regional economy based on ecotourism is one of the efforts to develop the region through the tourism sector, which not only presents natural tourist charm that still natural but also contributes to environmental conservation. Malaganti is one of the hamlets located in Sukaharja Village, Sariwangi District, Tasikmalaya Regency, which has the potential to be developed into an ecotourism area. Considering the location of Malaganti is located in a hilly area and has a spring, so this location is suitable to be used as a "Village of Biology and Conservation". The problems that arise for the management of ecotourism in this area include the limited availability of qualified human resources in managing the area and the lack of instruments to analyze the potential of the region to be used as ecotourism. The approach used in the implementation of this activity is participatory rural appraisal (PRA), using methods of training, brainstorming, and demonstration. The results obtained from the community service activities are that local communities can analyze their territory for developing ecotourism through developed instruments. The results of the analysis can be used as the basis for developing ecotourism in Malaganti Hamlet, in addition to building conservation cadres Human Resources.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 184 ◽  
Agustina Setyaningrum ◽  
Broto Widya Hartanto

Capacity Building of Fisherman’s Wife in the Processing of Fishery Product in Kuwaru, Poncosari Village, Srandakan, Bantul RegencyAbstract. Wife has an important role in helping the family economy. Dusun Kuwaru in Poncosari Village, Bantul Regency is one of Dusun that has a fishing community. During the fishing season many fish catches but some fish are unsold for sale. Fishermen’s wife has the opportunities in processing fishery products. However, there are several problem related to this opportunity, namely institutional problem, weak capacity in the processing of fishery product and the difficulty of raw materials during the high wave season. This community partnership program is expected to increase empowerment and increase the capacity of fisherman wife in processing fishery products. The Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach was used in this activity. With this approach the community has a large role in implementing it. The steps are forming a business group, FGD on mapping the potential of fishery product, socialization of entrepreneuship and business licensing, training of fishery products and training on packaging and marketing. Increasing the capacity of fishermens’s wife can be seen through the formation of fish processing groups with their organizational structure, the realization of processed fish products and the realization of more attractive packaging. Processing of fishery products is able to increase the added value of fish and has the potential to become a superior fish product in Yogyakarta.Keywords: Fishermen’s wife, capacity, fishing product Abstrak. Istri memiliki peran yang penting dalam membantu perekonomian keluarga.  Dusun Kuwaru di Desa Poncosari, Srandakan Kabupaten Bantul merupakan salah satu dusun yang memiliki masyarakat yang bermata pencaharian sebagai nelayan. Pada saat musim melaut hasil tangkapan ikan sangat banyak, dan terkadang beberapa jenis ikan kurang laku dijual. Istri nelayan dapat mengambil peluang dalam pemanfaatan hasil perikanan melalui pengolahan hasil perikanan. Mekipun demikian, terdapat beberapa permasalahan terkait dengan peluang ini yaitu permasalahan kelembagaan, lemahnya kapasitas dalam usaha pengolahan hasil perikanan dan sulitnya  bahan baku saat musim gelombang tinggi. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keberdayaan dan meningkatkan kapasitas istri nelayan dalam pengolahan hasil perikanan. Pendekatan Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) digunakan dalam kegiatan ini. Dengan pendekatan ini masyarakat memiliki peran yang besar dalam pelaksanaanya. Tahapan yang dilakukan adalah pembentukan kelompok usaha bersama, FGD pemetaan potensi dan rantai produksi hasil perikanan, Sosialisasi peningkatan jiwa kewirausahaan dan perizinan usaha, Pelatihan hasil perikanan dan Pelatihan pengemasan dan pemasaran. Peningkatan keberdayaan dan kapasitas istri nelayan dapat dilihat melalui terbentuknya kelompok istri nelayan bersama dengan struktur organisasinya, peningkatan jiwa kewirausahan dan pemahaman terkait dengan perizinan, terwujudnya produk olahan ikan serta terwujudnya labeling kemasan yang lebih menarik. Produk olahan ikan  dengan menggunakan jenis ikan yang kurang laku mampu meningkatkan nilai tambah ikan dan berpotensi menjadi produk olahan ikan unggulan di DIY.Kata Kunci: Istri nelayan, kapasitas, hasil perikanan

Andi Adam Malik

The partner's problem is the high cost of fuel If the fishing area around Siddo usually spends 50 – 100 liters pertrip (Rp250.000 – Rp 500.000). If the fishing area is very far away, then the number of operating days is usually 3 to 4 dayslater it takes 300 - 400 liters per trip (Rp1,500,000 - Rp2,000,000). The catching area was unclear, and the catch in 2009 hasdecreased, one of the problems is allegedly caused by fishermen not using the latest fishing technology, including the useof fishing aids (global position system, fish finder). How to get potential fishing locations and at the same time read fishingmaps, resulted in the search for an extensive fishing area and certainly needed a lot of fuel. The purpose of this activity isto 1). Increase catches and reduces operational costs 2). Improve the ability of purse seine fishersto use fishing aids andable to independently read fishing maps. The benefits of this activity are expected to increase fishermen's income. Themethod used is Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) And implementation methods namely counseling, training anddemonstration and evaluation. Apply fishing aids according to maps of fishing grounds issued by the Indonesian Ministryof Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. The results of this activity are very satisfying. Fisherman's mindset to use training onhow to calculate ice usage has added the ability to calculate ice usage according to the number of fish to be preservedMentoring fishers in the practice of using fishing aids and developing business partners as well as how to read a fishingmap excellent response. Finally able to use and interested in buying a similar tool. The conclusion of the activity is 1)Fishing aids have affected the catch and reduced operational costs, 2) Fishermen have been able to read fishing maps theninput into GPS independently

Iing Nasihin ◽  
Dede Kosasih ◽  
AI Nurlaila

Activities to increase the capacity of managers in managing visitors can be done by guiding visitors. So that visitors get optimal service in enjoying ecotourism objects. Meanwhile, to increase interest in the visit can be done by promoting or marketing ecotourism. The method used is through counseling, training, and assistance, namely regular meetings between the mentor and the target group. The approach model taken includes: (1) Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), (2) Entrepreneurship Capacity Building (ECB), and (3) Technology transfer (TT). The result of this PkM activity was the increase in the capacity of Kompepar members in guiding and marketing Sandbatang ecotourism, which included language style, interpretation flow, body language, and engagement with visitors. Meanwhile in the promotion of ecotourism it is done offline using conventional media such as brochures, and offline with social media Facebook.Keywords: Training; scouting; marketing; ecotourism�AbstrakKegiatan peningkatan kapasitas pengelola dalam melakukan pengelolaan pengunjung dapat dilakukan dengan pemanduan terhadap pengunjung. Sehingga pengunjung mendapatkan pelayanan yang oiptimal dalam menikmati objek ekowisata. Sementara itu, untuk meningkatkan minat kunjungan dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan promosi atau pemasaran ekowisata. Metode yang digunakan yaitu melalui penyuluhan, pelatihan, dan pendampingan yaitu pertemuan secara berkala antara pendamping dengan kelompok sasaran. Model pendekatan yang dilakukan meliputi: (1) Partisipatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), (2) Entrepreneurship Capacity Building (ECB), dan (3) Teknologi transfer (TT). Hasil kegiatan PkM ini adalah meningkatnya kapasitas anggota Kompepar dalam� melakukan pemanduan dan pemasaran ekowisata Pasirbatang, yang meliputi gaya Bahasa, alur interpretasi, Bahasa tubuh, dan pelibatan pengunjung. Sementara itu dalam promosi ekowisata dilakukan secara offline dengan menggunakan media konvensional seperti brosur, dan offline dengan media social facebook.Kata Kunci : Pelatihan; pemanduan; pemasaran; ekowisata

Febri Rakhmawati Arsj

Wanita memiliki peran yang signifikan untuk ikut  berperan aktif dan produktif dalam perekonomian. Masyarakat menjadi produktif sehingga dapat meningkatkan derajat dan taraf hidup serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga.Berwirausaha menjadi pilihan perempuan untuk dapat bekerja membantu perekonomian keluarga dan koperasi merupakan salah satu perwujudannya.Koperasi merupakan salah satu bentuk nyata dari pengamalan pancasila.Untuk mendukung majunya koperasi perlu adanya sosialisasi kewirausahaan ke anggota koperasi khususnya wanita.Koperasi wanita mempunyai karakteristik khas yang berbeda dengan koperasi pada umumnya sehingga membutuhkan pendekatan strategi pengembangan yang berbeda pula. Hal ini tak bisa terlepas dari karakteristik anggotanya di dominasi oleh ibu rumah tangga yang menyebabkan keunggulan tersendiri dibandingkan koperasi lain.Adapun tujuannya untuk membuka dan  menumbuhkan jiwa usaha sehingga anggota dapat membantu mensejahterakan dirinya serta keluarga. Studi ini diawali dengan observasi kepada anggota koperasi yang bekerja hanya sebagai ibu rumah tangga.Sosialisasi diberikan dalam satu tahap mengenai motivasi usaha dan wirausaha.Pelatihan ini memberikan dampak positif bagi peningkatan motivasi, pengetahuan dan ketrampilan anggota koperasi wanita Tanah Abang. Women have a significant role to play an active and productive role in the economy. The community becomes productive so that it can improve the degree and standard of living and improve family welfare. Entrepreneurship is the choice of women to be able to work to help the family economy and cooperatives is one of its manifestations. Cooperatives are one of the real forms of Pancasila practice. To support the advancement of cooperatives, there needs to be entrepreneurial dissemination to cooperative members, especially women. Women's cooperatives have distinctive characteristics that are different from cooperatives in general so that they require a different development strategy approach. This cannot be separated from the characteristics of its members who are dominated by housewives which causes its own superiority compared to other cooperatives. The purpose is to open and grow the business spirit so that members can help the welfare of themselves and their families. This study begins with observations to cooperative members who work only as housewives. Socialization is given in one stage regarding business motivation and entrepreneurship. This training has a positive impact on increasing the motivation, knowledge and skills of members of the Tanah Abang women's cooperative.Keywords: Women; Cooperative; Entrepreneurship

1995 ◽  
Vol 32 (5-6) ◽  
pp. 145-151
D. B. Versfeld

South Africa has hundreds of thousands of hectares of heavily populated and badly degraded landscapes. Past attempts at land management have been either through avoidance or the top-down imposition of “betterment” schemes. Participatory methods offer a new opportunity for communities living within these catchments to share their knowledge and to become involved in planning and implementing the management process. This paper discusses the use of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) in a catchment rehabilitation programme in rural KwaZulu/Natal, the lessons learnt and the prospects for wider application.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-47
Sultan Bagus Firmansyah

For good or ill, earlier fare of rural enhancement budget for the RPJMN (or National Medium Term Development Plan) 2020-2024 asks both reviving 10.000 left-behind villages and 5.000 suburbs, its enlargement schemed for 9.9% growth. Quintessentially, Indonesia has set 72 trillion rupiahs to be allocated over 74.961 rustics but, recent fact uncovers its noticeable intransparency. Driven by foregoing issue, this research led the initiative problem-solving reshapes countryside APBDes onto more transparent; later, the method named Endogenous Praxis, shall become a notion integrates rural internal element e.g. commoners, learners, neighborhoods, and hamlets. In total, seventy-two-trillion divided 74.961 suburbs equal ±960.499.459 rupiahs/ each. Amidst plenty amount finance, wider unequivocal symbiotic amongst internal element and urban village head must forthright, it would via open-colloquium-assembly through PRA or Participatory Rural Appraisal, criticizing: (i). RPJMDes, (ii). RKPDes, and (iii). Terms in Regional Transfer and Village Funds/ TKDD, thus, backwoods’ amenities furtherance per annum might less from disarray.

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