Xojametov Ajiniyaz Andriyanovich

The article describes one of the most important conditions for the formation of civil society today that is importance of educating a highly spiritual, well-rounded young generation. This article discusses actual issues and the formation of a high-spirited, morally and aesthetically educated generation, as well as scientific study of the importance of aesthetic education in the process of reforming and modernizing society. While the aesthetic form of upbringing is involved in social processes, in turn, it considers its main goal to increase people’s interest in positive work being done in society. Therefore, one of the ultimate goals of aesthetic education should be to enrich the spiritual world of a man. Aesthetic education not only encourages man to create innovations, but also teaches him to develop on the basis of the principles of sophistication, requirements of beauty. Accordingly, currently, main means of aesthetic education will include such areas as art, information technology, nature, labor, physical education and sports. Furthermore, in this article, the peculiarities of the development of women’s sports, the implementation of state programs, promotion of healthy lifestyles, strengthening reproductive health of the population, involvement of women in sports, creating the necessary conditions for their regular participation in popular sports are mentioned. KEY WORDS: aesthetic education, Physical education, sports, women, all means of aesthetic education, labor, sports aesthetics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-78
Inna Dudka

The article analyzes the formation of levels of ability of future geography teachers to the assessment of aesthetic landscapes. The relevance of the study of the problem of preparing future geography teachers for the aesthetic assessment of landscapes, as a condition for attracting the younger generation to the cultural heritage of society, is substantiated. Thus, the process of forming the readiness of future teachers of geography to assessment aesthetic landscapes involves taking into account the professional requirements and the set of available intellectual and psychological qualities of the individual necessary for the implementation of aesthetic education of students, the formation of love for their native land, the development of ecological culture. It is noted that on the basis of the analysis of educational achievement levels, criteria have been developed for characterizing the readiness levels of future geography teachers for the assessment of aesthetic landscapes. Each individual criterion may have a system of indicators that are observable and act as characteristic, intensive, qualitative criteria for identifying the criterion. In this regard, the readiness of future geography teachers to assessment aesthetic landscapes involves the formation of content, activity and value components that are closely related since they have a single purpose. Based on the analysis of scientific literary sources and the study of advanced pedagogical experience, it is determined that the essence of the readiness of future geography teachers to assessment aesthetic landscapes as a complex multilevel personal formation that arises on the basis of a combination of the system of specific geographic knowledge acquired, skills and abilities, synergistic geographical thinking, values and establishes a fundamental condition for the successful study of geography, environmental education, aesthetic education of students. The study substantiates such equal readiness of future geography teachers to the assessment of aesthetic landscapes: elemental, reproductive, reconstructive and creative.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 148-154
Nataliia Vivcharyk

The article proves that the implementation of a comprehensive approach to the aesthetic education of students in NUS involves, along with the traditional teaching of subjects, their integration, in particular in the humanitarian, artistic cycle. “The concept of artistic and aesthetic education of students in secondary schools” indicates the need to take into account interdisciplinary, intersectoral links within modern school education because educational processes provide rational, aesthetic, and emotional understanding of the phenomena of the surrounding reality. The article points out that the concept of landscape is interdisciplinary and is used in various fields of art, including literature, which influences the formation of personality, helps gain some knowledge about the environment, the relationship between people and nature. The article analyzes the functions of landscapes in children's stories “Christmas Tree” by Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi and “Pine Tree” by Olena Pchilka in detail. Attention is paid to the consonance of the names of works of art. It is proved that titles implicitly outline the time of action and are projected on the plot. The creative style of Olena Pchilka and Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi is characterized by the “revival” of nature. On the background of winter landscapes, the writers depict the lives of different segments of the population, customs and traditions associated with Christmas. It is indicated that landscapes perform both pictorial and characterological functions. Describing the preparation for Christmas, the writers appeal to the use of contrasts, which helps reveal social issues. In both works, the symbolic marker of wealth/poverty is a Christmas tree/pine tree. Descriptions of the winter elements evoke tragic premonitions. The emotionality of the story emphasizes the rupture of phrases, the accumulation of exclamatory and interrogative constructions. It is shown that landscapes convey the inner experiences of the characters, who successfully overcome all the difficulties and return home. By resorting to the synthesis of arts, using visual materials and musical accompaniment, teachers can develop students' associative thinking and teach to comprehensively analyze information. Analyzing the stories “Christmas Tree” by Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi and “Pine Tree” by Olena Pchilka, students consider not only the topics and issues, but also comprehend the processes of human interaction with nature, which serves to form a humane attitude to the environment and develops aesthetic feelings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1(82)) ◽  
pp. 44-47
Л. Сорокина ◽  
Е. Мусатова ◽  
В. Сорокина

The article discusses the role of physical education at the University in the comprehensive development of students' personality, which manifests itself in three main areas (development of motor qualities, acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for their successful implementation, preservation and strengthening of health, introduction of students to systematic studies physical exercises, their active participation in the sports life of our university, the development of socially significant character traits, the formation of the spiritual world and the moral development of the student's personality). Teaching a theoretical and practical course in the context of the Covid-19 coronavirus infection using a remote mode of work (self-isolation). Ways to maintain active physical fitness and reduce sedentary lifestyles in a home quarantine are proposed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 375-396
Benjamin Poore

The misfortunes of the clerk Leonard Bast in E. M. Forster's Howards End have frequently been read as a symptom of modernism's disdain for the lower-middle classes and their aspirations for cultural education. But Howards End is better seen as an extended meditation on the relationship of art and labour, and a criticism of the aesthetic education that Bast receives from the wealthy Schlegel sisters. Using Jacques Rancière's idea that aesthetic form and social power alike distribute speaking and non-speaking roles, the article discerns in the foreclosure of Bast's life and experiences an educational and aesthetic failure which Forster's bourgeois narrator is too keen to reproduce. By offering the possibility of resisting its own narrator, Howards End opens up another form of modernist pedagogy which does not create the pupil in the image of the teacher.

Tishkina T. ◽  

Since the 1960s, art schools have been created in Barnaul for the aesthetic education of children and adolescents. There are currently seven art schools for children and one art school in the city. Teachers attach great importance to the organization of exhibitions of students ‘ works, which are arranged in classrooms and recreation areas. Specialized exhibition halls operate in Children’s Art Schools No. 1 and No. 6. Since 2003, the Children’s Art Gallery “Lukomorye” has been in operation. The collections of works of art are formed and demonstrated in some museums of municipal budgetary educational institutions of the city. They include the works of professional masters (F.S. Torkhov, A.P. Shchetinin, etc.). These collections play a significant role in the aesthetic education of students. All interested persons are invited to get acquainted with the expositions. Creative meetings with artists and sculptors help to introduce participants to culture and art. Under the guidance of teachers, students ‘ educational and research activities are carried out. Students can present their works on the platforms of galleries and exhibition halls. Keywords: art collection, museum, gallery, exhibition, Barnaul

Sierykh Larisa Vladimirovna

The article reveals the main results of scientific research on the implementation of the system of interaction of general secondary and out-of-school education institutions in the aesthetic education of teenagers. Methods of diagnosing the aesthetic education of students at the stages of the ascertaining and formative stages of the study, which were used during the experiments, confirmed the need and correctness of the conclusions. The main purpose of improving the aesthetic education of adolescents - the integration of the existing system and new forms of interaction, event technology in education as a technology of impressions and a component of the system of socio-pedagogical activities in educational institutions, methods of interaction, and methods of aesthetic education aimed at creative activities, promotes acme success, creative self-realization of teenagers. As a result of introduction of multi-vector model the tendencies of development of aesthetic education of modern teenagers in the conditions of application of system of interaction of establishments of general secondary and out-of-school education in aesthetic education of teenagers are allocated. A general trend for both control and experimental groups is a decrease in the number of teenagers who show a "low" level of aesthetic education. This allows us to argue about the feasibility of the proposed system of interaction of general secondary and out-of-school education in the aesthetic education of teenagers, the introduction of new forms, methods of interaction in the practice of school and out-of-school. With such interaction, the out-of-school education institution is able to solve a range of tasks aimed at aesthetic education of teenagers in particular and humanization of general secondary education in general: integrate resources of out-of-school and general secondary education, equalize initial opportunities at the same time to each pupil acme success, to promote self-realization of the personality of the child and the teacher.

Гүлжан Ногойбаева

Аннотация: Бул макалада Кыргыз Республикасынын Эл акыны, жазуучу-драматург М.Мамазариеванын “Аймаран” романы жөнүндө сөз болот. “Аймаран” романы жаңы доордогу адамзатын руханий аруулукка, адеп-ахлактыкка үндөгөн чыгарма. “Аймаран” романынын сюжетиндеги окуялар реалдуу турмуш менен байланыштуу өнүгүп, доордун көйгөйлүү маселелери чагылдырылат. Жаңы доордун жаштарынын дүйнөгө болгон гуманисттик көз карашын, турмуштук активдүү позициясын, адеп-ахлактык ишенимин, рухий маданиятын калыптандыруу менен эстетикалык табитин тарбиялоо максатында, романдын мазмунунда, сюжеттинин өзөгүндө сүрөт- төлгөн окуяларына байланыштырып чыгарманы практикалык сабактарда талдоо сунушталат. Адабият сабагындагы башкы маселенин бири чыгармага талдоо жүргүзүү, талдоо аркылуу адабият боюнча терең билим берилет жана ал аркылуу аң-сезимди өстүрүп, адеп-ахлактык тарбия бере алабыз. Түйүндүү сөздөр: адабият, чыгарма, адеп-ахлактык, мекенчил, жаңы заман, муун, тарбия, мазмун, окуя. Аннотация: В этой статье рассматривается роман “Аймаран” Народной поэтессы Кыргызской Республики, писателя-драматурга М.Мамазариевой. “Аймаран” здесь выступает как вызов к духовному миру современности, как оплот чистоты и гармонии, гуманистические взгляды молодого поколения, воспитывает эстетическое восприятие мира. На основе анализа сюжета, роман предлага- ется на практических занятиях. Один из главных задач в изучении литературы анализировать произведение, литературное анализирование дает глубокие знания и развивает нравственно-эстетическое воспитание. Ключевые слова: литература, произведение, нравственность, патриотизм, современность, поколение, воспитание, содержание, событие. Annotation: This article deals with the novel "Aimaran" of the folk poetess of the Kyrgyz Republic, the writer of playwright of M.Mamazarieva. Here "Aimaran" comes out as a challenge to the spiritual world of modernity,as a stronghold of purity and harmony, humanistic views of the young generation, trains the aesthetic vision of world. One of the main tasks in the study of literature is to analyze the opus,analyzing literature it gives deep knowledge and develops consciousness,morality and aesthetic training. Key words: literature, opus, morality, patriotism, modernity, generation, training, content, occasion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 18113
Mikhail Gorlov ◽  
Yulia Mezentseva

The purpose of the present study is to test and determine the effectiveness of the unique method for quantifying the aesthetic and psychological criteria of aesthetic education of middle and senior school-age students. This method allows conducting a group study on the criteria of aesthetic education of students for a limited time (one academic hour). The results allow performing a comparative analysis of the level of aesthetic education of individual students on certain criteria of aesthetic education in general (as well as on the components of these criteria), and conducting a comparative analysis of the aesthetic education between individual groups. The method is based on the use of some already known technics of psychological diagnosis of teenagers and young persons, developed by R.S. Nemov, as well as methods for researching the activity of thinking by I.M. Lushikhina. The new interpretive schemes of well-known methods proposed by the authors allow quantifying not only the cognitive abilities of students, but also assessing the level of development of their visual skills. The latter is particularly important because, when combined with a quantitative assessment of the social criterion of aesthetic upbringing, it provides the most complete picture of the level of aesthetic development of students at a certain period.

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