Communication skills of students studying tourism

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (03) ◽  
pp. 5-8
Nərmin Əfqan qızı Verdiyeva ◽  

Today, as in any business, human resources are very important in the labor-intensive tourism sector. Continuation of vocational education is an important issue in the educational process aimed at mastering and developing communication skills of tourism students. In this regard, it is very important to determine people's communication skills during this period. The purpose of this study is to determine the communication skills of students studying at the tourism level. Key words: communication, communication skills, tourism, tourism students, communication

Valentyna Slipchuk

The article defines the directions of developing of professional communication skills of the students of higher medical education in the process of studying in higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine. It is shown that the general tendency is to improve the paradigm of a set of foreign entrants and to ensure the quality of providing educational services in order to withstand competition with China, South Korea, Poland and other countries. It is determined that the model of medical education in the USA is introduced in the domestic higher medical educational institutions, which involves cooperation with hospitals, where students can directly study «near the patient»; increase in the list of clinical databases, enabling several specialties to be covered. Taking into account the peculiarities of the vocational education of future specialists in the field of «Health» in higher educational institutions of Ukraine, the need to improve the educational process by introducing the disciplines «Communication skills of doctors», «First pre-nursing care», «Ethics and deontology in pharmacy», courses for choice («Psychology of communication», «Aesthetics», «Ethics»). The level of satisfaction with vocational education in higher medical education institutions was determined on the example of the Bohomolets National Medical University. It is proved that the main thing in the process of vocational education of specialists in higher medical institutions of Ukraine is: constant updating of the practical orientation of teaching of study subjects and elective courses aimed at developing professional communicative skills and professional culture of specialists in the field of «Health»; improvement of educational and methodological support of the educational process; an indispensable combination of theory with clinical practice.

2012 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-49
Alma Hafizi ◽  
Mirela Papa

Different groups of teachers understand and interpret the issue of quality in education in different ways, but they all converge on the same key words which are reciprocal influence, school-family, interaction, synchrony, and cooperation. The studies conducted so far show that civic education is an ongoing general and multidimensional process. The school-family partnership is an important link in the educational process, but in everyday life the interaction is more spontaneous than motivated. This study focuses on discovering the underlying reasons for the barriers faced by the school-family partnership, which shall help solve the problems which hinder the normal process of cooperation between school and family. To find out the extent and reasons for parental involvement/non-involvement in the issues related to children’s education it was used the surveying method to conduct an analysis involving 27 schools, 365 teachers and school principals, 1086 pupils and 924 parents. The data processing will indicate the degree of integration and the different forms of integration of modern elements into the Albanian educational system as well as the causes of the present state of affairs. The study reaches in some findings and proposes some recommendations for improving and reinforcing communication between families and schools. Key words: communication and interaction, cooperation, interests and opportunities, school-family, technology.

2020 ◽  
Tri Lestari Agus Murianti

Education is a process of learning and learning both in terms of knowledge and skills. From a number of sources that researchers studied, researchers can deduce from education and education administration with a broad scope. Education and education administration have the same goals and functions, namely achieving an educational goal that can benefit society and the nation. This education also serves to create intelligent students, noble character, good personality and skills that can be useful to help other communities. Educational administration and education are very related, because they are very dependent. Educational administration is all processes and joint activities that must be carried out by someone related to educational tasks. If an education without education administration is accompanied by it will not be achieved an educational goal that is good for the welfare of society. From every educational process there is a need for educational administration. The purpose of both is very clear. With this education, can improve human resources for the progress of a nation. As we know now there are still many obstacles that occur in some areas for the implementation of a learning process and learning, this is influenced by several factors. With these obstacles, a teacher must be able to provide education and education administration to all students. The science of education administration is very useful for the community and students. Administration is not only about finance but also about skills and bookkeeping and has goals in accordance with educational goals.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-83
Suhandi Suhandi ◽  
Ulfi Jefri

ABSTRACT The majority of the residents of Cinyurup village are beneng taro farmers and entrepreneurs of beneng taro chips, but the management is still simple and is not managed systematically and well-planned, so that it cannot provide maximum results. The aim of this training is to increase competitiveness for the small and medium entrepreneurs of taro chips into independent small industries. The method of implementation is through : seminars of material delivery, discussion, practice, mentoring, monitoring and evaluation. The results of this training show that not all small and medium industrial entrepreneurs are taro beneng chips those in Cinyurup village who have not implemented business management, have not processed distribution permits, halal certificates, produced product innovations and online marketing, due to limited funds and human resources. Key words: training, business management, competitiveness, UIKM   ABSTRAK Mayoritas penduduk warga kampung Cinyurup adalah petani talas beneng dan pelaku usaha keripik talas beneng, akan tetapi pengelolaannya masih sederhana dan tidak di kelola dengan sistematis dan terencana dengan baik, sehingga belum bisa memberikan hasil yang maksimal. Tujuan dari pelatihan ini untuk meningkatkan daya saing kepada para pelaku usaha industri kecil dan menengah keripik talas beneng menuju industri kecil yang mandiri. Metode pelaksanaan melalui : seminar penyampaian materi, diskusi, praktek, pendampingan, monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil dari pelatihan ini menunjukan belum semua para pelaku usaha industri kecil dan menengah keripik talas beneng yang ada di kampung Cinyurup yang  belum menerapkan manajemen usaha, belum mengurus surat ijin edar, sertifikat halal, memproduksi inovasi produk dan pemasaran online, karena keterbatasan dana dan sumber daya manusia. Kata kunci: pelatihan, manajemen usaha, daya saing, UIKM

Гүлия Эрмат кызы

Аннотация: В статье предлагается общий обзор двуязычия в Кыргызской Республике и необходимости изучения иностранных языков для развития толерантной личности. Особое внимание уделяется языковым навыкам обучающихся как одному из важных условий развития страны в целом. Соблюдение координации в преподавании иностранного, русского и родного языков является одним из главных стимулов поддержания и повышения интереса к изучению языков. Владение несколькими языками дает человеку способность осуществлять коммуникативную деятельность и стремиться к расширению лингвистического мировоззрения. Многоязыковая коммуникативная способность населения также может рассматриваться как одно из условий экономического роста в республике. Ключевые слова: Двуязычие, полиязычие, культура, национальность, конкурентоспособность, стратегия, образовательные реформы, коммуникативные навыки, лингвистическое сознание, гражданская интеграция Аннотация: Макалада Кыргыз Республикасындагы орун алган билингвизм боюнча жалпы сереп сунушталып, коомдогу толеранттуулукту илгерилетүүдө чет тилдерди үйрөнүү зарылчылыгы баяндалат. Өлкөнүн бүтүндөй өнүгүү жолунда, маанилүү шарттардын бири – бул англис, орус жана кыргыз тилдерин окутуудагы болгон координациянын сакталышы эсептелинет. Адамдын бир нече тилдерди билүүсү, ага болгон кызыгуу менен гана чектелип кала бербестен, жеке коммуникативдик жөндөмдү андан ары кеңейтүүгө өбөлгө түзөт. Жергиликтүү калктын коммуникативдик потенциалы өлкөнүн экономикалык өсүүсүнө түздөн-түз таасирин тийгизип, жарандык интеграцияга мүмкүнчүлүк түзүлөт. Түйүндүү сөздөр: Билингвизм, полилингвизм, маданият, улут, атаандаштык, стратегия, билим берүү реформасы, коммуникативдик аң-сезим, жарандык интеграция. The article offers a general overview of bilingualism in the Kyrgyz Republic and the need to learn foreign languages for advancing tolerance in a society. Special attention is paid to the language skills of people as one of the important development conditions of the country itself. Compliance with coordination in the teaching of the English, Russian and Kyrgyz languages is one of the main ways to maintain and increase interest in the study of languages. Knowledge of several languages gives a person an ability to carry out communicative activities and strive to expand own linguistic worldview. Multilingual communicative capacity of the local population can also be considered as one of the conditions for economic growth in the country. Key words and phrases: Bilingualism, polylinguism, culture, nationality, competitiveness, strategy, educational reforms, communication skills, linguistic consciousness, civil integration.

2020 ◽  
Vol 88 (3) ◽  
pp. 55-67
Lucia V. Vakhidova ◽  
Elvira M. Gabitova ◽  
Lira R. Saitova ◽  
Oksana G. Startseva ◽  

The article describes the process of training future specialists under the program "Professional education", its features, conditions for implementation, aspects of further development, as well as some of the difficulties that arise during its organization. The focus of the department on how to create a new architecture of the educational process within the program "Professional education" is set by the leading principles: modularity, integrability, flexibility and dynamism, and methodological approaches - competence, activity-based, subject-oriented, environmental – were the basis for its development. As a result the authors presented a model for training a modern specialist with formed professional skills and personal and professional qualities, capable of being in demand in the labor market. The research results can be used in the educational process in the context of how to implement relevant programs in accordance with the new requirements in the educational services market. The rapid technologization of the socio-economic development of our society was reflected in the system of vocational education, designed to prepare highly qualified and competent specialists for the modern economy, science and industry. The transformation of the educational sphere is taking place under the influence of new technologies and human practices that change the social order. The determined infrastructural spheres have the greatest impact on this transformation, we are talking about "Communication Infrastructure": the sphere of information and communication technologies that affect all processes of accumulation and transmission of information; "Infrastructure of production and consumption": a financial and investment sphere, which sets the general rules for interaction in the economic and educational system. The above said made it possible to determine the further vector of educational activities of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational Education in training the specialists in "Professional Education" field both at the bachelor and master degrees.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 107
Liudmyla I. Berezovska ◽  
Galyna D. Kondratska ◽  
Anna A. Zarytska ◽  
Kateryna S. Volkova ◽  
Taras M. Matsevko

This article sets sights on highlighting the effectiveness and efficiency of higher and vocational education and training, as well as exploring ways to address and implement the current reform agenda in the field. The research was conducted on the basis of a generalizing and comparative method, to identify the problems and development of vocational and higher education. Within the framework of the conducted research the current state of vocational and higher education has been characterized; the features of online learning at leading universities and its advantages has been clarified; the prospects of introduction of continuity of education have been studied, for the development of personality abilities, taking into account changes in society in the context of improvement of the system of vocational and higher education caused by the European integration process of education; directions for the development of vocational and higher education as part of the national education system and society in general have been outlined. It is determined, that at the present stage the domestic education system should be improved and transferred to an innovative way of development in accordance with developed countries. In the near future, such modern forms of education as: distance education, dual education, continuing vocational education and others, should be improved and implemented into the educational process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-99
N. A. Eremina ◽  

The modern sociocultural environment puts forward requirements for ensuring equal opportunities for vocational education for active members of the society. The established requirements for the organization of the educational process in mixed groups, including normo-typical students and students with disabilities, indicate the need to search for new methodological approaches to ensure the successful implementation of vocational education. The article highlights the problem of choosing didactic components of practice-oriented content for teaching students with disabilities. The aim of the work was to identify the principles of new didactics, which make it possible to adapt the structure of basic design education to the special educational needs of students and to optimally organize educational activities in a mixed group without losing the quality of professional development and an increase in general competencies. The article provides some of the fundamental meanings of design practice, which make it possible to find permits for the introduction of inclusive methods in the system of special-purpose training programs. The approaches to the formulation of combined tasks are disclosed that allow the variability of equivalent design solutions of different levels of complexity. New approaches to the choice of methodological and didactic techniques were determined in the course of a pedagogical experiment, using elements of a longitudinal study. The author gives examples from the experience of training students in secondary vocational education in mixed groups, points out aspects that have a particular impact on the achievement of equal positive results by students, names the methods of formulating practical tasks that minimize the difference in time spent by students with different abilities. The conclusion about a sufficient basis for the chosen direction of methodological and didactic support was made on the basis of signs of positive dynamics of mastering the techniques of project design activity by students with disabilities.

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