2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 171-178
Yudi Firmansyah ◽  
Nufikha Ulfah ◽  
Prihma Sinta Utami

Kerusuhan merupakan suatu tindak kejahatan, dimana sekelompok orang berkumpul bersama dengan tujuan melakukan tindak kekerasan. Kerusuhan ini   terjadi karena maraknya berita bohong/hoax yang beredar dikalangan masyarakat, sehingga hal ini membuat suatu keresahan. Melihat fenomena ini menggambarkan terjadinya penurunan moral pada generasi bangsa. Hal ini dikarenakan sebagian besar pengguna media sosial adalah mereka yang masih duduk dibangku sekolah, kurangnya ilmu dalam menyaring setiap informasi yang ada membuat mereka menjadi mudah terprovokasi. Maka disinilah pentingnya peran pendidikan kewarganegaraan sebagai pendidikan moral dan karakter dalam membangun kecerdasan moral bangsa. Dengan membangun kecerdasan moral diharapkan dapat memperbaiki karakter penerus bangsa karena pendidikan kewarganegaraan merupakan salah satu upaya dalam membekali peserta didik sebagai generasi muda dalam memutuskan rantai penyebaran hoax, karena masa depan negara ini tergantung dari kualitas para penerus bangsanya. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan sebagai wahana Pendidikan Moral diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi kepada peserta didik dalam memahami pentingnya nilai-nilai moral dan dijadikan sebagai pedoman dalam bertingkah laku khususnya dalam menanggapi berita hoax.   Riot is a crime, where a group of people gather together with the aim of committing acts of violence. This riot occurred due to the rampant hoaxes / hoaxes circulating among the public, so that this created anxiousness. Seeing this phenomenon illustrates the occurrence of moral decline in the nation's generation. This is because most social media users are those who are still in school, the lack of knowledge in filtering every available information makes them easily provoked. So this is where the important role of education in instilling character education, to build the nation's moral intelligence. By building moral intelligence, it is hoped that it can improve the character of the nation's successor because education is the right place to break the chain of hoaxes, the future of this country depends on the quality of the nation's successors. So it is hoped that it can make students understand the importance of moral values, so that they can be used as guidelines in behavior, and behave as humans, and have the ability to understand the differences between right and wrong so that they are more careful in taking actions, such as thinking before taking action. And moral education is expected not only in theory, but the need for direct practice, so that students can get used to how to behave properly and correctly. Kata kunci:  Berita Hoax, peran PKn, moral

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Erfa Ernawati

The purpose of national education is to develop the potential of learners to become human beings who believe and cautious to God Almighty, have noble character, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible. In fact, although the number of educated people is increasing, there is still a lot of criminality, immorality, violation of law and other issues as if eliminating the identity of a nation that berpencasila. This is where the importance of morals, the role of morals in life is often beyond the role of science, for science without morality encourages people to the kebiadapan ". So it becomes a necessity for all educators, the public as well as the state to focus on matters of morality, by realizing that children's time is the right time to instill morals. An effective method is needed to instill morals to the children, and in this case we are referring to Abdullah Nasih Ulwan who has made the formula for the education of morals for children in accordance with the rules of the current education. Departing from the background mentioned above, In order for research to have direction, base and meaning, it is necessary writer to formulate the purpose of this research, namely: first, to know urgency of moral education in children according to Abdullah Nasih Ulwan, second to know the method and application of moral education on according to Abdullah Nasih Ulwan, the third to know its relevance to the current conditions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 82-118

The article studies the main stages and features of the evolution of the public administration system in the Republic of Estonia after 1992. This paper presents brief geographical and socio-economic characteristics that largely determine the development of the country’s public administration. The evolution of the institution of the presidency, executive, and legislative powers are considered. The role of parliament and mechanisms for coordinating the interests of different groups of the population for the development of the country is especially emphasized. The authors analyze the state and administrative reforms of recent years, which were aimed at improving the quality of services provided to the population, increasing the competitiveness of different parts of Estonia, as well as optimizing public spending and management structure. The introduction of digital technologies into the sphere of public administration, healthcare, education, and the social sphere is of a notable place. Such phenomena as e-residency, e-federation, and other digital projects are considered. The development of a digital system of interstate interaction between Estonia and Finland made it possible to create the world’s first e-federation, and the digitization of all strategically important information and its transfer to cloud storage speaks of the creation of the world’s first e-residency, a special residence of data outside the country’s borders to ensure digital continuity and statehood in the event of critical malfunctions or external threats.

H. Ensaff

Populations' diets typically fall short of recommendations. The implication of this on ill health and quality of life is well established, as are the subsequent health care costs. An area of growing interest within public health nutrition is food choice architecture; how a food choice is framed and its influence on subsequent food selection. In particular, there is an appeal to manipulating the choice architecture in order to nudge individuals' food choice. This review outlines the current understanding of food choice architecture, theoretical background to nudging and the evidence on the effectiveness of nudge strategies, as well as their design and implementation. Interventions emphasising the role of nudge strategies have investigated changes to the accessibility, availability and presentation of food and the use of prompts. Empirical studies have been conducted in laboratories, online and in real-world food settings, and with different populations. Evidence on the effectiveness of nudge strategies in shifting food choice is encouraging. Underpinning mechanisms, not yet fully explicated, are proposed to relate to salience, social norms and the principle of least effort. Emerging evidence points to areas for development including the effectiveness of choice architecture interventions with different and diverse populations, and the combined effect of multiple nudges. This, alongside further examination of theoretical mechanisms and guidance to engage and inspire across the breadth of food provision, is critical. In this way, the potential of choice architecture to effect meaningful change in populations' diets will be realised.

Najla Ibrahim Abdulrahman, Fatimah Ibrahim Alkhamis

This study aimed to find out the role of financial analysis using financial models to predict the financial stumble on the Saudi public utilities sector. The study was based on the financial analysis of the financial lists published by the sample of the study of the Gas and Manufacturing Company (Gasco) and the Saudi Electricity Company listed in the Saudi Capital Market Authority. During the period (2009-2018) I followed the descriptive analytical approach. The study found the effectiveness of the Abdul Rahman model to predict the financial stumble on the public utilities sector, and the low effectiveness of the Altman model and the Kida model to predict financial stumbles on the utility sector. The study also recommended encouraging audit offices to add financial analysis services to the possibility of predicting and addressing financial stumbles, directing companies using financial models that help predict financial stumbles, encouraging investors to use financial models that help predict financial stumbles to make the right decision, and directing researchers in the study of financial default forecasting on the insurance sector using the Abdul Rahman model.

John Gastil ◽  
Laura Black

The discipline of communication encompasses a broad spectrum of humanistic, interpretive, and social scientific approaches to studying public deliberation. Early work engaged Habermasian theories of the public sphere, and rhetorical scholarship has foregrounded the deliberative threads running back to the discipline’s earliest history in ancient Greece. The bulk of contemporary work, however, has examined the dynamics of deliberation, particularly in the context of face-to-face discussions and dialogues in small groups. These studies have revealed the importance of narrative and dialogic exchanges during deliberation, as well as the critical role of facilitation and the maintenance of deliberative norms. Research has also assessed the practical consequences of participating in deliberation. The discipline’s practical orientation has led some scholars to seek ways to optimize deliberative designs to maximize simultaneously the quality of their decision outputs and their civic impacts on participants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-82
Heriyanti Heriyanti ◽  
Ummanah Ummanah ◽  
Resman Maharul Tambunan ◽  

The rapid technology development and information made public (community) being so critical to the policies was taken by the government. This requires police institution to maintain of security guards, public order, enforce the law, provides protection, aegis and service to the community. Public Relations (PR) is an agency which have a duty to understand and evaluate a variety of public opinion in order to help to create harmony between particular agencies with the public. In order to increase quality of human resources in Police Department are required personnel with the ability in resolving problems the happens in society. In resolving these problems, that needed cooperation between police department, college and the community. The contribution of college to police department and the community with conducting the devotion to the community in cooperation Polresta Tangerang. The method in use in devotion community is by providing training of the role of public relations to Polresta Tangerang members through zoom cloud meeting. The role of public relations training aimed at giving public knowledge include similarity in communication, public relations function, basic principles of public relations, the management of the community and management of media relations may be good quality police. The evaluation of the training be concluded that the training that performed capable of increase understanding participants on the role of public relations.

2018 ◽  
Muh Firyal Akbar

This research is motivated by the leadership role of the aperture on the performance of the District Social Welfare Section of Bone Bolango, and addressing what led to the apparaturs can not improve its performance. Location / object of research in the Social Welfare Section of Bone Bolango District Secretariat, the research method used is descriptive qualitative data sources from the observation, interviews, and documentation. Informants were interviewed 6 (six) in the form of Deputy. Section, and staff,. Data analysis was done by analysis that includes observation, identification of the problem, determine the focus of the problem, collect the data source, making the analysis of data, and making conclusions. Results of the study found the following: 1. a leader as an innovator has yet to make staff / subordinates capable of reviewing what to expect, 2. Leadership as a motivator, in this case has not been fully motivate / encourage the morale of staff, 3. Leadership as a facilitator in accordance interviews some say has not been able to realize the needs of the staff and the organization, 4. Chief said as a mobilizer, there are leaders who have not been able to steer and drive the duties and functions, so the quality of the resulting performance apparatus has not been able to realize the needs of the organization. As for the hope of Bone Bolango District Government, is where all the apparatus that is required to dedicate itself to the development of more specialized areas within the public welfare.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 109-138
Kelly L. Winfrey ◽  
James M. Schnoebelen

Women gained the right to vote nearly 100 years ago, but it was not until 1980 that political scholars and practitioners began paying much attention to the role of women in elections and it was the so-called “Year of the Woman” in 1992 that sparked increased scholarly attention on women as political communicators. A record number of women, 117, ran for the U.S. Congress in 1992, but the number of women running and serving has been slow to increases since that time. One reason may be the unique challenges gender poses for female political communicators. Over three decades of research has proven gender stereotypes and expectations play a key role in how women (and men) communicate with voters. This review of research summarizes major findings and changes in gender and political communication research over the past three decades. Our focus is on communication by candidates and how gender shapes that communication. In all, 119 scholarly sources were reviewed; these sources included scholarly journals from related disciplines as well as books. Gender stereotypes in political communication have also been studied using a variety of methodologies, and to reflect that the research reviewed in this essay include both quantitative and qualitative methods. This summary of existing research includes a discussion of the gender stereotypes faced by candidates and how candidates present themselves to the public in light of these stereotypes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (07) ◽  
pp. 882-906
Payel Basu ◽  
Rani Somani ◽  
Deepti Jawa ◽  
Shipra Jaidka ◽  

Cleft lip and palate is one of the most common congenital anomalies requiring multidisciplinary care. Such anomaly is associated with many problems such as impaired feeding, defective speech, hearing difficulties, malocclusion, dental abnormalities, gross facial deformity as well severe psychological problems. Cleft of the lip and palate is one of the complex conditions that occur at a functionally potential area in the orofacial region and also at such a crucial time that strategic interventions at the right age by the concerned specialists becomes the need of the hour. Pediatric dentist is an integral part of the cleft rehabilitative process right from the neonatal period upto the phase of permanent dentition. Being well versed with a childs growth and development, both physical and mental, a Pedodontist helps in restoring function and esthetics in a cleft child, in a most empathetic way. This article describes the enormous challenges faced by these innocent souls and the vital role played by a Pedodontist, to provide comprehensive cleft care, be it preventive, restorative, or interventional care, in order to achieve the best possible outcome and meaningfully improve their quality of life.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-42
Nadia Sasmita Wijayanti

Sejumlah brand sukses menempatkan diri di hati konsumen, namun banyak pula yang gagal. Keberhasilan brand memikat hati customer berarti sukses menjalin hubungan dengan customer. Perlu cara dan startegi yang tepat agar brand mampu memikat kosumen dan keluar sebagai market leader. Dalam menjalankan bisnis dan memberikan pelayanan konsumen perlu memperhatikan keinginan konsumen. Di era serba modern dan informasi tanpa batas, bermunculan marketplace dan perusahaan eksponensial, menyebabkan keinginan konsumen untuk dilayani serba cepat dan ringkas. Kualitas jasa layanan online yang maksimal akan menciptakan customer loyalty yang berujung pada customer engagement. Kata kunci: E-servqual, Kualitas layanan jasa online, customer loyalty, customer engagement.  Abstract: The Role of E-Servqual in Customer Engagement. A number of brands successfully place themselves in the hearts of consumers, but many also fail. The success of the brand captivates the customer means successful relationship with the customer. Need the right way and strategy so that the brand can attract consumers and come out as the market leader. In running a business and providing customer service, it is necessary to pay attention to consumer desires. In the modern era and unlimited information, emerging marketplaces and exponential companies, cause consumers to be served quickly and concisely. The maximum quality of online services will create customer loyalty which leads to customer engagement. Kata kunci: E-servqual, Online Service Quality, customer loyalty, customer engagement.

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