Adabiyah Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
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Published By Muhammadiyah University Sidoarjo

2527-9521, 2502-0668

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 107
Luqman Wahyudi

This study aims to: 1) To know how the Multicultural education movement Tengger Tosari Pasuruan people; 2) To know how the development of the Muhammadiyah enlightenment movement in the Tengger Tosari Pasuruan Tribe community; 3) To know how far the contribution of Muhammadiyah movement in the development of Multicultural education in Tengger Tosari Pasuruan people. Qualitative research with phenomenology approach is considered most appropriate to get meaningful data in society Tengger Tosari Pasuruan. Data collection techniques were conducted on natural settings, primary data sources, and more data collection techniques on participant observatioan, in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis is done inductively based on facts found in the field and then constructed into hypotheses or theories. From the research results can be concluded that: 1) Multicultural education movement of Tengger Tosari Pasuruan Tenggerese community has been implemented by Tengger Tosari Pasuruan people: 2) The development of the Muhammadiyah enlightenment movement in the Tengger Tosari Pasuruan society so rapidly started in 1922 when KH Ahmad Dahlan Tosari Pasuruan until now, namely enlightenment conducted by PCM Tosari under the leadership of Mr. Anshori; 3) The contribution of the Muhammadiyah movement in the development of Multicultural education is evident from the Muhammadiyah families and the Muhammadiyah figures in Tosari is the spearhead of the implementation of multicultural education. It is also necessary for the implementation of Multicultural education in the formal and non-formal education sector and further research on KH's history and propagation. Ahmad Dahlan in Tosari, because it concerns the history of the Kyai and the history of Muhammadiyah Indonesia in general and Muhammadiyah Tosari Pasuruan in particular.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Asnawan Asnawan

This paper aims to understand and hope about the Islamization of science perspective al Faruqi that disciplines are not regulated and programmed from the sky. Discipline is born from the matrix of a special worldview and hierarchically always subordinated to the worldview. The disciplines of science have no autonomous  existence for themselves but evolve according to specific historical and cultural environments and have only a meaning in the world view which gives birth and evolves them. The division of knowledge into the present disciplines is a peculiar manifestation of Western civilization when formulating the problems at hand. For example, the discipline of orientalism was developed because the West regarded Islam as a problem to be studied, analyzed and dictated. Thus, accepting the division of disciplines according to Western epistemology as al Faruqi still does, is synonymous with subordinating the Islamic world-view to Western civilization.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Erfa Ernawati

The purpose of national education is to develop the potential of learners to become human beings who believe and cautious to God Almighty, have noble character, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible. In fact, although the number of educated people is increasing, there is still a lot of criminality, immorality, violation of law and other issues as if eliminating the identity of a nation that berpencasila. This is where the importance of morals, the role of morals in life is often beyond the role of science, for science without morality encourages people to the kebiadapan ". So it becomes a necessity for all educators, the public as well as the state to focus on matters of morality, by realizing that children's time is the right time to instill morals. An effective method is needed to instill morals to the children, and in this case we are referring to Abdullah Nasih Ulwan who has made the formula for the education of morals for children in accordance with the rules of the current education. Departing from the background mentioned above, In order for research to have direction, base and meaning, it is necessary writer to formulate the purpose of this research, namely: first, to know urgency of moral education in children according to Abdullah Nasih Ulwan, second to know the method and application of moral education on according to Abdullah Nasih Ulwan, the third to know its relevance to the current conditions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Suroso Suroso

Education Diniyah Formal PDF is the result of the modern development of madrasah diniyah in pesantren. PDF is a regeneration of madrasah diniyah system in non-formal pesantren to formal education system and a combination of religious science and general science. To improve the quality of PDF, there needs to be a planned management with clear objectives, in order to improve the quality of learning, it is necessary to have a learning management in accordance with the needs and abilities of students. In the implementation of learning includes planning, organizing, evaluation.The data collection used in this thesis is observation, interview and documentation. Acquisition of data is done by digging the source data from Head PDF Wustho, Waka curriculum, Assatidz and Santri. The subject of this research is the implementation of formal learning process diniyah. The purpose of this study to describe how the management of learning in PDF Wustho Pondok Pesantren Assalafi Al Fithrah Surabaya. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. From the results of this study it can be concluded that: Management of learning in PDF Pondok Pesantren Assalafi Al Fithrah has been done well with the existence of objective planning, material pelejaran, implementation of learning, time allocation and type of evaluation.Implementation of learning has been going well where in the learning process determined the allocation of time sesaui with the state of santri, materials and media used also adjust to the needs of santri. The obstacles faced from aspects of planning include infrastructure and media, implementation aspects include time and media allocation while on the aspect of assessment is the absence of relevant assessment structures. If the time allocation is added and the learning media is equipped the material will undoubtedly be easily digested by the students as a whole. Some problems related to this, need to be addressed immediately by turning the coaching program and curriculum development. Curriculum development is an effort to maintain and maintain the curriculum as it should be. Thus curriculum development is none other than to seek the implementation of the curriculum in accordance with the program and provisions that have been determined. And there needs to be a special allocation of infrastructure and funds for the procurement of RPP so that aspects of planning in management learning can take place maximum.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Dyah Rizkiani

SMP Muhammadiyah subjects Al-islam and Kemuhammadiyah (ISMU) plays a very important role to form insan a character, character and Muslim personality. Because that is the benchmark of the success of this ISMU subject is the main lies in changes in student behavior, attitude (attitude) and mental. ISMU Education which is a mandatory lesson taught in SMP Muhammadiyah must be able to realize what aspired muhammadiyah organization. But please note what is currently done related to teaching ISMU needs to be evaluated from learning to Out put from learning outcomes. The purpose of this study to determine the readiness of ISMU teachers in the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Taman-Sidoarjo in terms of planning, implementation, assessment of learning outcomes.This study uses a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires, documentation, observation. Meanwhile, the technique of examining the validity of the data used extension of participation, discussion of colleagues, Triangulation. Result of data in terms of learning process planning 76,93%, implementation of learning process 75,25%, and assessment of learning process 76,47% indicate Category Ready with range span (61% -80%).

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Zahro Nur Heliza ◽  
Amil Laila Tsuroya

One thing that is important in shaping the students who berakh lakul karimah is by providing character education to students. One of the policies made to shape the character of learners is by making a dhuha prayer policy in congregation. This study aims to find out how the implementation of dhuha prayer policy. The research method used is descriptive qualitative approach with case study research type. The study was conducted in Mts. Al-Amien Kediri. Data collection techniques used are through observation, interviews, documentation Data analysis techniques used are data reduction (brand data / summarize data), display data (presentation data), and withdrawal of verification conclusions. Validity of data used is with triangulation and peers. The results of this study indicate that, dhuha prayer policy in Mts. Al-Amien Kediri is implemented through one component of disposition or attitude, where in this disposition component includes 3 things: first, the commitment that the dhuha prayer is held because of the implementation of the curriculum 13, the two excellent student responses, and the student's understanding about the privilege of prayer dhuha.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Asmaul Husnah

Background of research entitled The Concept of Holistic Education According to Muchlas Samani Thought and Its Implementation In Education System in Indonesia is the condition of education in Indonesia especially in holistic education. And Muchlas Samani is one of the educational activists who are concerned on this issue.This research has several objectives, the first is to know the meaning of holistic education according to Muchlas Samani. And the second is to know the implementation of holistic education on education system in Indonesia according to Muchlas Samani.This research is a historical research with a kind of biography. Data analysis used by researcher in this research is (1) review all data obtained from research about concept and practice of holistic education according to Muchlas Samani's thought, (2) to further reduce the data, (4) hereinafter the data collected and arranged according to the required category, (5) at the last stage, the researcher does the meaning of the research result obtained with the sentence which is easy to understand and still has relevance to the title, the purpose and the formulation of the existing problem.The results obtained from this research is holistic education according Muchlas Samani is a concept of education intact, not partial. What makes the Islamic values as the spirit and the subjects as a container. And has a goal to develop the potency possessed by learners in facing the futurenya. For implementation of holistic education in the education system in Indonesia according to Muchlas Samani is still lacking. This is because in the education system in Indonesia is still using the general curriculum.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Budi Haryanto

Islamic education as a subsystem which cannot be separated from national education, because it not only serves as a complement but also as the foundation stone for the formulation of national education goals. This is true in Indonesia and Malaysia. Islamic education in both countries, also affected the national struggle journey, to the efforts to maintain and develop its existence after the independence so as to have a clear role in mental strengthen human resources in their respective countries. This paper aims to examine the similarities and differences in the dynamics of the development of Islamic education in Indonesia and Malaysia in order to provide a complete understanding of the actualization of Islamic education since its first deployment to development in their respective countries to take shape more adaptive to the times. Benchmarks in this paper with a few descriptive reportorial ranges include a functional link to obtain a logical understanding of the reason for the implementation of the national education policy by using a historical approach.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Rahmat Arofah ◽  
Hari Cahyadi

Human is a unifiedbody and soulin a reciprocal relationshipwithhis worldand each other. Inunity, there is a physicalelementthat makes themanwith the worldoutside himself. In the philosophy ofIslamic educationhumans are creatures who potentiallyhave opportunitiestolearn.Education is essentially aconscious activityofguidancefor man toportray himselfas aservant ofAllahappropriately andoptimally. Thus,educationis agradual activity, programmedandsustainable. Environmental factorsinfluence onhuman nature, these factors caneven affectthe human personality. Spiritualpotentialowned byhuman beingshascertain tendencies. Therefore, the task ofIslamic educationis to develop, conserve, andenhancethetendency ofbad togoodtrend.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Achmad Muslimin

This research has the purpose to explain Tahfidz al-Quran with the method halaqah and recitation in SDIT EL-HAQ Banjarsari Buduran Sidoarjo. Primary schools have a curriculum Office as usual, but typically have superior memorize the al-Quran chapters 30 and 29. So that schools implement the curriculum Tahfidz 1 hour lesson / 60 min ute the implementation, each morning. Then its implementation  tahfdiz al-Quran, schools have determine halaqah-halaqah in accordance with rote ability learners. With the aim of formation halaqah  held so much potential students can be accommodated in each halaqah. In addition in the amount of the halaqah slightly so management learning easier. While the method can strengthen the rote recitation of learners,whenI got hometheyrepeat memory. So rote learners getting stronger. Although there are some obstacles while implementing methods halaqah and recitation, the teacher has a solution which varies according to the level of understanding of learners.

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