Владимир Анатольевич Унтеров

В статье рассматриваются вопросы предупреждения преступлений против жизни и здоровья, совершаемых осужденными в исправительных учреждениях. Пенитенциарные преступления против жизни и здоровья составляют 20 % от всех совершаемых в исправительных учреждениях преступлений. Противодействие преступлениям в пенитенциарных учреждениях нашей страны в настоящее время осуществляется не на должном уровне, что обусловлено происходящими изменениями в социально-политической и экономической жизни страны, подверженной экономическим санкциям со стороны ряда мировых держав, отдельными недостатками реализации реформы уголовно-исполнительного законодательства и УИС в целом. В работе отмечается, что предупреждение преступлений против жизни и здоровья в пенитенциарных учреждениях должно осуществляться как на общем уровне (общая профилактика, охватывающая неограниченное число объектов профилактики), так и на индивидуальном уровне (индивидуальная профилактика, ориентированная на конкретное лицо или криминогенную ситуацию) с использованием методов дифференциации и индивидуализации профилактического воздействия. Объектами профилактического воздействия являются детерминанты преступности, личность преступника и микросреда, в которой он находится. Общесоциальное направление предупреждения пенитенциарной преступности отличается разнообразием мер воздействия на общественные отношения и включает в себя меры социального характера, экономические меры, меры культурно-воспитательного характера, организационно-управленческого характера. The article deals with the issues of preventing crimes against life and health committed by convicts in correctional institutions. Penitentiary crimes against life and health account for 20 % of all crimes committed in correctional institutions. Counteraction to crimes in penitentiary institutions of our country is currently not carried out at the proper level, which is due to the ongoing changes in the socio-political and economic life of the country, subject to economic sanctions from a number of world powers, certain shortcomings in the implementation of the reform of the penal legislation and the penal system as a whole. The work notes that the prevention of crimes against life and health in penitentiary institutions should be carried out both at the general level (general prevention, covering an unlimited number of prevention objects) and at the individual level (individual prevention, focused on a specific person or crime situation) using methods of differentiation and individualization of preventive action. The objects of preventive action are the determinants of crime, the personality of the offender and the microenvironment in which he finds himself. The general social direction of the prevention of penitentiary crime is distinguished by a variety of measures of influence on public relations and includes measures of a social nature, economic measures, measures of a cultural and educational nature, organizational and managerial nature.

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 239-253 ◽  
Jie Xu ◽  
Yiye Wu

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of using Twitter on American stakeholders’ crisis appraisal for organizations originated from two foreign countries with distinctively different perceptions. Design/methodology/approach – This study uses a 2 (medium: Twitter vs news release)×2 (country-of-origin: China vs France) factorial experiment. The participants (n=393) are recruited through the Amazon Mechanical Turk system (Mturks). Findings – The findings suggest that using Twitter substantially mitigates participants’ negative evaluation of the organization undergoing a crisis. Country-of-origin affects how individuals perceive the organization after it has experienced a crisis. In addition, participants’ product involvement intensifies the reputational threat specifically for the organization with a less favorable country-of-origin perception. Originality/value – This study is one of the few empirically based studies in international public relations research, using an experiment to extrapolate the effects of social media and country-of-origin on consumers’ crisis appraisal. This investigation reinforces the need to consider social media not just at the individual level, but also as a form of communication that can have broader consequences at the organizational level. In addition, it is important for company leaders to understand that the organization’s home country image may exacerbate the negative management outcomes during a crisis. It is expected that this study yields theoretically indicative, empirically informative, and culturally relevant results.

Tatyana Sudakova ◽  
Natalya Vasilyeva

The effectiveness of currently implemented wide range of strategic measures aimed at reducing the corruption and criminogenic potential in many spheres of life directly depends on their effectiveness in some key areas. The institute of anti-corruption expertise (ACE) of legislation, which now incorporates a considerable theoretical and methodological basis, requires further improvement and elimination of identified drawbacks. An almost decade of its history has been characterized by a steadily growing number of expert evaluations and the corresponding increase in the number of identified corruption-generating factors and the number of changes and amendments to normative acts. However, this dynamics is subject to controversial evaluations by analysts who talk about a routine formalistic approach and stereotyped, one-size-fits-all actions of experts and other parties involved in the multilateral mechanism of ACE. The analysis of information on the websites of professional bodies implementing ACE from the standpoint of quantitative indicators shows that this institute is effective. At the same time, the true criteria of effectiveness, connected with the improvements in the quality of the lawmaking process as a desirable result of implementing ACE, cannot be reduced to the evaluation of quantitative indicators alone. The monitoring of the effectiveness of measures implemented today within the ACE framework duly stresses the qualitative criteria of such effectiveness. Using them in the expert evaluation of municipal normative legal acts (NLA) and draft acts makes it possible to update the task of improving the quality of the lawmaking process at all levels of public administration. Municipal NLAs hold an important place both in the volume of the decisions made and the scope of public relations that they regulate, which sets the task of evaluating the quality of such acts to a new level. The analysis of the regional expert evaluation of municipal NLAs (using the example of Irkutsk Region) made it possible to compare the existing practices in this sphere and to identify typical circumstances that reduce the anti-criminogenic potential of ACE. The expertise aimed at identifying the corruption-generating factors in the law enforcement acts - in the personified decisions of the municipal bodies - is not common practice. At the same time, such NLAs at the individual level act as serious regulators of the legal sphere of peoples lives because they are connected with decisions on the provision of state support, the allocation of quotas, the distribution of expenses, etc.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 347-355
D. V. Gorban’ ◽  

In practice of institutions and bodies of the penal system arise situations in which their normal activities are temporarily interrupted and they become the so-called special order of functioning. These are: natural disasters, riots of convicts, accidents, announcement of the state of emergency or imposing martial law, group disobedience of convicts, capture and release of hostages in the territory of a correctional institution, search and detention of convicts who escaped from a correctional institution, fires. In the event of these abnormal situations the operational environment is sharply complicated, and there are grounds for introducing special conditions in correctional institutions as well as pre-trial detention centers. The special conditions regime is a complex of organizational measures introduced when a state of emergency, martial law and special situations are established in the area of the correctional institution, as well as in the event of mass unrest or group disobedience of convicts. The study of the problematic issues of introducing this regime is an urgent area of research in modern penitentiary science. The article presents an attempt to comprehensively review the practical issues of introducing special conditions in penal institutions. The author considers it possible to supplement the list of grounds enshrined in the law for introducing a special conditions regime with a few more and makes suggestions for improving the current penal legislation.

2013 ◽  
Vol 77 (6) ◽  
pp. 562-582 ◽  
Ben Middleton

This article analyses the Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures (TPIM) regime, which replaced the controversial system of control orders, and examines recent jurisprudence. It suggests that changes can be made to individual TPIM notices and to constitutional oversight mechanisms both of the regime and in counter-terrorism law generally. At the individual level, reform to TPIM notices would help further the evolution of counter-terrorism law towards ideals intrinsic to the rule of law. At a more general level, increased constitutional safeguards should be considered, not just as a feature of the TPIM regime, but also as a template for evolutionary change to other counter-terrorism powers. The ultimate aim should be to relinquish the use of TPIMs in favour of prosecution and surveillance strategies.

Надежда Викторовна Грязева ◽  
Александр Петрович Некрасов

В статье изложен обзор актуальных способов совершения осужденными мошенничеств с использованием средств сотовой связи в учреждениях уголовно-исполнительной системы России. Исследованы и оценены практические материалы, в частности судебная практика по делам рассматриваемой категории, на предмет способа совершения осужденными мошенничеств с использованием средств сотовой связи в учреждениях уголовно-исполнительной системы России. Разработаны основания для классификации способов совершения мошенничеств с использованием средств сотовой связи, совершаемых осужденными в период отбывания наказания в исправительных учреждениях: в зависимости от информированности потерпевшего относительно личности мошенника (выдает себя за другого человека либо нет) и от целевого назначения легенды, используемой для совершения мошенничества (для решения личных нужд либо проблем потерпевшего). Обозначена проблема, связанная с необходимостью знания актуальных способов совершения телефонных мошенничеств в условиях нынешних реалий, сложившихся под воздействием пандемии коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19. Приведены рекомендации для граждан - потенциальных потерпевших от телефонных мошенничеств, направленные на повышение бдительности и собственной безопасности в части сохранения денежных средств от преступных посягательств мошенников. Сформулирован вывод о целесообразности изучения новых способов совершения осужденными в период отбывания наказания в исправительных учреждениях «телефонных» мошенничеств в целях повышения эффективности раскрытия и расследования рассматриваемых преступлений. The article provides an overview of current methods of committing fraud by convicted persons using cellular communications in institutions of the Russian penal system. The article examines and evaluates practical materials, in particular judicial practice in cases of this category, on the subject of how convicted persons commit fraud using cellular communications in institutions of the Russian penal system. Grounds for classification have been developed the methods of committing frauds using cellular communication means committed by convicts while serving their sentence in correctional institutions: depending on the victim's awareness of the identity of the fraudster (impersonating another person, or not) and on the purpose of the legend (for solving personal needs or problems of the victim). The problem associated with the need to know the actual methods of committing telephone fraud in the current realities that have developed under the influence of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is identified. Recommendations are given for citizens who are potential victims of telephone fraud, aimed at increasing vigilance and their own security in terms of saving money from criminal attacks by fraudsters. The conclusion is made about the expediency of studying new ways of committing "telephone" frauds by convicts while serving their sentences in correctional institutions, in order to increase the efficiency of detection and investigation of the crimes under consideration.

Владимир Анатольевич Унтеров

Эффективное предупреждение преступлений, совершаемых в местах лишения свободы, предполагает обязательный анализ криминологических особенностей преступной деятельности, представляющих собой количественно-качественные параметры конкретного вида пенитенциарной преступности. Насильственная преступность, являясь одним из наиболее опасных видов преступности, безусловно, требует особого внимания криминологов, в том числе пенитенциаристов. Совершение подобных преступлений в исправительных учреждениях свидетельствует о неэффективности уголовно-исполнительной системы России в части, прежде всего, профилактической работы. В свою очередь предупреждение насильственных преступлений в исправительных учреждениях невозможно без понимания причин и условий их совершения, личностных особенностей тех, кто их совершает, а также без анализа фактических обстоятельств их совершения. Рассмотренные автором в настоящей статье количественно-качественные параметры насильственной пенитенциарной преступности позволяют воссоздать объективную картину данного вида деликтов, что необходимо для совершенствования профилактической деятельности в учреждениях уголовно-исполнительной системы. Учет этих показателей, как представляется, позволит существенно снизить (минимизировать) насильственную преступность в местах изоляции от общества, что является одним из важнейших направлений уголовно-исполнительной политики нашего государства. Effective crimes’ prevention committed in places of deprivation of liberty presupposes an obligatory analysis of criminological features of criminal activit, which are quantitative and qualitative criteria of a specific type of penitentiary crime. Violent crime being one of the most dangerous types of crime, undoubtedly requires special attention of criminologists, including penitentiaries. Committing such crimes in correctional institutions testifies to the ineffectiveness of the penal system in Russia in terms of, first of all, preventive work. In turn, the prevention of violent crimes in correctional institutions is impossible without understanding the reasons and conditions for their commission, the personal characteristics of those who commit them, as well as without analyzing the actual circumstances of their commission. The quantitative and qualitative parameters of violent penitentiary crime considered by the author in this article make it possible to recreate an objective picture of this type of tort, which is necessary to improve preventive activities in the institutions of the penal system. Taking these indicators into account, it seems, will significantly reduce (minimize) violent crime in places of isolation from society, which is one of the most important areas of the penal policy of our state.

Олег Игоревич Денисенко

Работа посвящена организационно-правовым аспектам использования технических средств для обнаружения наркотических и психотропных веществ в ИУ и СИЗО. Рассмотрены основные способы их поступления с акцентированием внимания на таком способе, как пронос наркотических средств и (или) психотропных веществ через контрольно-пропускной пункт различных субъектов. Выявлены проблемные аспекты досмотровых мероприятий, проводимых сотрудниками УИС ФСИН России на данном пункте. Проблема заключается в не урегулированном на сегодняшний день перечне используемых технических средств обнаружения наркотических средств и (или) психотропных веществ в процессе прохода лиц на территорию исправительного учреждения или следственного изолятора. В работе рассмотрены некоторые тактико-технические данные технических средств, которые используются таможенными органами, которые могут быть использованы и сотрудниками УИС. Предложены некоторые варианты решения рассматриваемых проблем путем внесения в нормативно-правовые акты Федеральной службы исполнения наказаний норм, устанавливающих порядок и условия использования технических средств по обнаружению наркотических средств и (или) психотропных веществ на контрольно-пропускном пункте людей. The work is devoted to the organizational and legal aspects and the flow of narcotic drugs and (or) psychotropic substances into the territory of correctional institutions or pre-trial detention centers for convicts in various ways. The main methods of their receipt are considered, with an emphasis on such a method as bringing narcotic drugs and (or) psychotropic substances through the checkpoint of various subjects. The problematic aspects of the inspection activities at this point, which are carried out by penal employees, have been identified. The problem lies in the currently unregulated list of the use of technical means for detecting narcotic drugs and (or) psychotropic substances in the process of the passage of persons into the territory of a correctional institution or a pre-trial detention center. The paper considers some tactical and technical data of technical means that are used by customs authorities, which can serve as an example of their implementation in the penal system of Russia. Some options are proposed for solving the problems under consideration by introducing norms into the regulatory legal acts of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia that establish the procedure and conditions for the use of technical means for the detection of narcotic drugs and (or) psychotropic substances at the checkpoint of people.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 116-120
О. М. Pisarev ◽  
А. А. Efimenko ◽  

Currently for many domestic facilities the issue of shortage of workers has become topical. It seems that this problem can be partially solved by able-bodied citizens who are in places of detention. It is noted that a large number of convicts do not have a secondary education as well as a profession or specialty. In this regard the authors analyzed the most relevant areas of the educational process in correctional institutions in order to identify the conditions for the professional self-determination of convicts and their basic preparation for the development of working professions. In the context of the problem under consideration the main mechanism can be educational work carried out by prison staff with convicts, focused on a differentiated and integrated approach. The individual form of work will allow the convicts to form moral, physical and labor qualities to achieve material benefits through their education and work. It is important that for effective educational work from the initial stage of being in the quarantine unit, the convicted person must be given psychological support and outlined his future perspective in getting an education, choosing the working specialty. Attention is focused on building the necessary interaction with the employment service with the ability to find a job after being released from prison. The analysis of the regulatory literature regulating the organization of the educational process of convicts was carried out. The conclusion was made that the educational process in correctional institutions should be implemented taking into account the further improvement of educational and psychological work through effective interaction between the heads of the units, psychologists, school teachers and masters of vocational schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 111 ◽  
pp. 1-26
Emmanuel Saez

This paper argues that the social nature of humans, absent from the standard economic model, is crucial for understanding our large modern social states and why concerns about inequality are so pervasive. A social solution arises when a situation is resolved at the group level (rather than the individual level) through cooperation and fair distribution of the resulting surplus. In human societies, childcare and education for the young, retirement benefits for the old, health care for the sick, and income support for those in need are resolved at the social level and through the social state in advanced economies. Social situations are pervasive even outside government and play a significant role in the distribution of pretax market incomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 198-211 ◽  
Hanna Maria Salminen ◽  
Qian Wang ◽  
Iiris Aaltio

Purpose Recently, research on aging in the work-life context from the perspective of how to manage, support and retain an aging workforce has increased among management scholars, and therefore is contributing to the current societal need to extend work careers. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the articles discussing aging in the work-life context in the Finnish business magazine Talouselämä (Economic Life) during the years 2002–2017. Design/methodology/approach A total of 81 articles were included in the analysis. They were classified into seven themes as a result of a content analysis. Three levels of discussions on aging were identified: societal, organizational and individual. These levels were further analyzed in order to revel what kind of issues have been emphasized or overlooked. The results were discussed in the context of Finnish work life. Findings The findings showed that aging has been presented in a passive and deterministic (or at least neutral) tone. Most of the articles focused on the consequences and actions related to an aging workforce at the societal level. At the individual level, aging was mainly discussed in terms of changes related to work ability and functioning, with aging individuals as the actors responsible for managing and controlling the effects of their own aging process. The organizational-level discussion on aging was limited and narrow, mostly lacking any discussion of the role of organizations as responsible actors or from the perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Practical implications Organizations could take a more active and broader role in terms of supporting the longer working careers of older employees. Professional magazines could deal more with “age-aware” research as it relates to organizations, especially the potential and opportunities of the aging workforce. Aging research could promote media level publishing and applications of knowledge. Originality/value Few critically oriented management studies have investigated how aging is presented and discussed in business magazines.

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