scholarly journals Profil Tingkat Keterampilan Bermain Bulutangkis Atlet Usia 10-12 Tahun PB. Mutiara Bandung

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-85
Surya Medal Megantara

Badminton is much favored by various groups and walks of life, ranging from children to adults and even parents. This can be proven by the many uses of the field and is marked by the establishment of clubs both from government and private institutions and has been developed in sports coaching centers such as coaching in West Java, especially like SGSE, Mutiara Bandung, PR Tasikmalaya, KOTAB, FPOK and other clubs. In the world of sports, achievement is very important. What is achieved at this level will be the basis for determining the possibility of entering the next level of achievement that is better or to pursue a career on the world stage. In an effort to improve the performance of badminton requires a systematic and continuous coaching that is programmed in the long term and starts with early age coaching. This is driven by the need to create an athlete who can excel at the international level. The problem that arises in this study is to find out how much the level of badminton playing skills in athletes aged 10-12 years in PB. Bandung Pearls. The method in this research is descriptive method, in this method the author uses a measuring instrument in the form of a test of badminton playing skills. The population and sample used are athletes aged 10-12 years in PB. Bandung Pearls. The results of this study are expected to provide meaningful input for coaches and coaches regarding the level of badminton playing skills that are expected when they want their students to be more achievers and become winners in badminton matches at the age of 10-12 years

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-24
II Sumantri ◽  
Faizal Pikri ◽  
Muhammad Aldi Lubis

This study aims to determine the process of knowing the organization of homeless and beggar coaching by the Social Rehabilitation Office of West Java Province. In addition, it is also important to know the assistance process carried out by the Social Rehabilitation Office for homeless people who have participated in the rehabilitation program. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Descriptive method aims to describe or provide a complete picture of the effectiveness of the social rehabilitation program of the Bina Karya Social Rehabilitation Office.  The results showed that in general the program of activities held at the Rehabilitation Office was very influential on the client, despite the slight changes experienced by the clients. Basically, of the many programs held at the hall, the most influencing of the lives of these clients is the skill activities.

ISRN Nursing ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
Hossein Karimi Moonaghi ◽  
Hossein Namdar Areshtanab ◽  
Leila Jouybari

The incidence of diabetes mellitus is on the rise around the world. Middle Eastern countries will be facing a vast increase in the number of diabetes mellitus cases by 2030. Diagnosis of a chronic disease such as diabetes mellitus can be a shocking and life-altering event. Conversely, a diagnosis of a chronic illness can also offer the patient opportunities to change unhealthy behaviors such as poor diet, smoking, and lack of exercise, making them healthier than before their diagnosis. This is referred to as “benefit finding”. This study reveals the many benefit findings of Iranian patients who have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and illustrates how benefit finding can be an integral part of long-term patient care.

2019 ◽  
pp. 120-129
D. L. Lopatnikov

Anthropogenic CO2 emissions are currently considered by the UN and other authoritative international organizations engaged in monitoring changes in the Earth’s biogeosphere as one of the main indicators of the global environmental situation. According to the official Doctrine of Sustainable Development, anthropogenic CO2 emissions are one of the main causes of global warming. The article examines the dynamics of CO2 emissions by countries and regions of the world from the 1970s to the 2010s. The correlation between the volume of CO2 emissions and changes in the overall territorial distribution of the world economy has been demonstrated. Over the past fifty years, the geography of anthropogenic CO2 emissions by countries and macro-regions of the world has changed dramatically. The share of the most economically developed countries in the volume of CO2 emissions has decreased. The main epicenter of anthropogenic CO2 emissions has shifted to the countries belonging to the semi-periphery of the world. The movement of the main foci of anthropogenic CO2 emissions on the world map reflects qualitative shifts in the global geoecological panorama over the past fifty years. The dynamics and spatial transformation of anthropogenic CO2 emissions is an illustration of the long-term trend of the change from negative to positive through the cycle of multidirectional shifts of one of the many ecologically significant processes on Earth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Nur Ahmad ◽  
Moh. Nur Kholis

The Progress of the World of Education with the 4.0 Industrial Revolution marked by the increasing era of digital manufacturing is driven by four factors: 1) an increase in data volume, computing power, and connectivity; 2) the emergence of analysis, capabilities, and business intelligence; 3) the occurrence of new forms of interaction between humans and machines; and 4) improvement of digital transfer instructions to the physical world, such as robotics and 3D printing. The World of Learning Education Particularly in sports is also highly developed along with the revolution of the era, namely Industrial Revolution 4.0. The emergence of this development is marked by the increasing number and sophistication of learning aids and sport science that can be connected with an exercise application or sports learning that can easily be accessed through the internet network. Physical Education in the School is a part of sports that is directly related to students, in this case, it is very appropriate and strategically ideal for finding talent or sports scenting, with such developments expected to be able to contribute significantly to the achievement of sports coaching. The minimum contribution is in the form of important information for sports practitioners related to sport height owned by students in Indonesia. Tallent sports information should be connected to an application that can be accessed by stakeholders or sports coaching practitioners so that in this case it can be directly followed up as a long-term coaching reference in determining the talent program. The emergence of advancing times that continue to grow or commonly referred to as the 4.0 industrial revolution today will provide the right opportunity for the acceleration of the progress of Indonesian sports.

Auditor ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (7) ◽  
pp. 51-56
Александра Шмырева ◽  
Aleksandra Shmyreva ◽  
Павел Баранов ◽  
Pavel Baranov ◽  
Сергей Самохвалов ◽  

The article estimate some aspects of the functioning of cryptocurrency, as a relatively new financial market instrument, the main participants in this market segment, cryptocurrency exchanges, taking into account key criteria: accessibility, mobility, operational efficiency. The aspects of regulation at the world and national levels are investigated. The authors give an assessment of the mechanism for regulating cryptocurrencies in separate countries ,which recognize this instrument and actively regulate it (Ar-gentina, Canada, Japan, Malazia, Switzerland),as well as countries, which reject (Vi-etnam) or just tolerate cryptocurrency, but do not have the regulatory framework for it use. Obviously, cryptocurrency is a relatively new instrument of the financial market, but its value not depend with amount of labour invested, as it is traditionally charac-teristic for conventional goods and services. The research shows that bitcoin still remains the most widespread type between other different kinds of cryptocurrencies. A significant aspect of cryptocurrencies functioning is their regulation. In our country there is no legislative certainty yet, but some steps have been made in this di-rection. In the long term, cryptocurrencies will be regulated at the international level, and the emphasis will be on preventing the use of their illegal financial transactions and for money laundering.

Theresa Hitchens

Governance of the use of space, both at the national and the international level, is complicated. Because most countries in the world have been reticent over the last thirty years to negotiate new legally binding commitments in space, ongoing multilateral work on space governance has concentrated primarily on voluntary measures. This chapter reviews and compares the two most salient of these initiatives: the normative recommendations of the UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) and the Guidelines for the Long-Term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities agreed by the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space Working Group. While the GGE was “top-down” focused on transparency and confidence-building to avoid conflict among States, the LTS Working Group was a “bottom-up” approach for safe and sustainable practices with regard to the use of space. The conclusion looks at how States can best implement the recommendations.

2005 ◽  
Vol 14 (01) ◽  
pp. 157-164 ◽  
N. M. Lorenzi

Healthcare worldwide is in a state of constant change. The multitude of changes require creative solutions that range from restructuring healthcare to provide better services to the effective use of information technology (e-health). Both are daunting tasks in any individual organization let alone on a national or international level. To completely cover the many e-health initiatives worldwide would require a more comprehensive document than is possible within this article. Therefore, this article represents a sample of the e-health efforts that are occurring simaltenously throughout the world.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2a) ◽  
pp. 36-45
Aldi Maulana ◽  
Nita Yunitasari ◽  
Risma Nurul Hikmah ◽  
Rusmana Rusmana ◽  
Elfan Fanhas Fatwa Khomaeny

ABSTRAK Di zaman yang semakin modern perkembangan teknologi di indonesia kian hari kian bertambah. Terbukti dengan banyaknya pengguna gadget dengan berbagai merk dan tipe tersebar luar diseluruh wilayah indosesia. Dengan kata lain ini bisa di sebut merubah aktivitas bermain anak pada saat ini yang lebih sering bermain permainan modern yang identik dengan penggunaan teknologi yang membuat anak  lebih individual. Penggunanya tidak hanya orang dewasa saja akan tetapi anak usia dini pun ikut andil didalamnya, Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Deskriptif. Hasil kajian kami menunjukkan bahwa metode bermain dengan menggunakan media ludo king mampu memberikan pembelajaran untuk anak usia dini dalam aspek kemampuan sosial sejak dini. Dengan metode bermain ludo king akan melatih kemampuan sosial dan Emosi pada anak usia dini yang akan membentuk  kemampuan sosial  yang baik terhadap lingkungannya, maka dari itu sosial anak akan terlatih jika sudah dibiasakan pada saat usia dini. Anak anak usia dini  yang sering bermain ludo king dengan otomatis sosialnya akan terlihat karena permainan ludo king ini melatih anak untuk berinteraksi dengan teman mainnya.   Kata Kuci: Ludo, Kemampuan Sosial, Anak Usia Dini   ABSTRACT                In the increasingly modern era of technological developments in Indonesia increasingly increasing days. Proven by the many users of gadgets with various brands and types scattered outside the entire region of indosesia. In other words this can be called to change the activity of children playing at this time who more often play modern games that are identical with the use of technology that makes children more individual. Users are not only adults but also early childhood participate in it, This research uses Descriptive method. The results of our study indicate that the method of playing by using media ludo king able to provide learning for early childhood in the aspect of social skills from an early age. With the method of playing ludo king will train social skills and emotions in early childhood that will form a good social ability to the environment, therefore the child's social will be trained if it has been familiarized at an early age. Early young children who often play ludo king with automatic social will be seen because this game ludo king train children to interact with his playmates.   Keywords : Ludo, Social Ability, Early Childhood

I Gede Dharma Utamayasa

Sports coaching is a very important factor for advancing the world of sports. Without properly systemized scouting, the achievement stage will not be maximally achieved. This research aims to identify the sports talents of students at Wonorejo I/312 Primary School Surabaya and the dominant sports among the students. This quantitative research employed exploratory descriptive method. The research population included ten 6th grade students. Data obtained using 10 test types from Sport Search Aussie Sport Australia were identified and analysed. Based on the ranks, the results revealed the following sports talents: Diving, Gymnastics, Weightlifting, Indoor Cricket, and Powerlifting, which can potentially be developed. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 02 (03) ◽  
pp. 347-364 ◽  
Wang Lei ◽  
Wang Rui

Since its establishment, the Group of Twenty (G20) has undergone three phases of institutional transition: from an informal forum among finance ministers and governors of central banks at the beginning, to a crisis-management mechanism mainly to cope with the global financial crisis, and increasingly to a long-term platform for global governance in recent years. With increasing representation and mandates, the G20 has been playing a key role in forging high-level consensuses and coordinating policies and actions among major economies so as to keep the world economy and development on track. Faced by the many challenges within itself and from the changing dynamics of the world economy and development, the G20 has to improve its cooperative spirit, representativeness and effectiveness before it can become a full-fledged institution for global governance.

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