Actual Nutrition of Indigenous Peoples of the North in Today’s Socio-Economic Development of the Arctic [On the Example of the Evenk District Olenek the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)]

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 255-259
Vadim Grigorievich Krivoshapk ◽  
Anna Innokentievna Sivtseva ◽  
Elena Nikolaevna Sivtseva ◽  
Svetlana Semenovna Maximova ◽  
Marina Vadimovna Krivoshapk
KANT ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 147-152
Larisa Kuleshova ◽  
Ruzanna Miroshnichenko ◽  
Natalia Splavskaya

The article presents the results of a study on determining the relationship between the parameters of socio-economic development and changes in the labor potential of the border regions of the North Caucasus, in particular the Republic of Dagestan. The study is based on the methodology for assessing the actual state of the labor potential of the Russian regions of the southern Federal University, developed by T. Y. Kryshtaleva. A composite index was calculated for each of the components of labor potential.

Resources ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 95
Evdokia Burtseva ◽  
Anatolii Sleptsov ◽  
Anna Bysyina ◽  
Alla Fedorova ◽  
Gavril Dyachkovskii

The main industry in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is the mining industry, which will continue to expand in the future. Already today there are quite a lot of investment projects for the development of minerals in the Arctic, North-West and South Yakutia, which will be implemented in the territories of indigenous minorities of the North. Indigenous Evens, Evenks, Yukaghirs make up 4.2% of the total population of the republic and are characterized by low genetic diversity, which can lead to negative consequences in relation to their health status when exposed to technogenic pollution. Purpose of the study: assessment of the state of life of indigenous minorities of the North in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) under the conditions of a new stage of industrial development of territories of traditional nature management. The planned increasing industrial development of territories of traditional nature management can cause large-scale disturbances of the earth’s surface, depletion of biological resources, environmental pollution, which will ultimately lead to deterioration in the quality of life of the population. In order to take measures to prevent and reduce the negative impacts of industrial development of the territories of residence and traditional activities of indigenous minorities of the North, when implementing new projects, the expert commission recommends concluding a trilateral agreement on cooperation and financing of specific programs between industrial companies, government bodies of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and authorized representatives of indigenous minorities of the North. Research area—the position of indigenous minorities of the North in the conditions of industrial development of the North, Siberia and the Far East. This study looks at the impact of industrial development on the natural environment and the traditional way of life of indigenous population. Compensation for damage to the nomadic tribal communities of reindeer herders has taken place. Only about 250 thousand representatives of 40 indigenous peoples live in these regions, who are included in the official list of indigenous minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East.

2019 ◽  
pp. 115-124
В. А. Носков ◽  
М. А. Шишелов ◽  
Т. Е. Дмитриева

The forestry complex plays an important role in the rural economy of the municipalities of the Komi Republic. However, due to the nature of the distribution of forest resources and types of forestry activities, its effectiveness and impact on the socio-economic development of territories is different. This provision actualizes the development of a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the forest complex in rural areas of the Komi Republic and proposals for directions and mechanisms for its improvement. The purpose of the research is to develop ways to improve the efficiency of the forest complex of rural areas of the Komi Republic. The object of the research is the methodology for assessing the efficiency of the forest complex in rural areas of the Komi Republic, as well as the directions for its improvement. The hypothesis of the research is to measure the effectiveness of the functioning of the forest complex of the region based on the structural-territorial differentiation of territories. The methods used of the research. The methodological features of the study are: structuring the efficiency of the forest complex on the production, socio-economic, spatial and bioeconomic; use of a set of indicators characterizing these aspects of efficiency; aggregation of indicators into group and final efficiency ratings by districts; analysis of the factors that determined the spatial differentiation of the efficiency of the forest complex. The statement of basic materials. As a result of a study on a structured set of indicators, a picture of the structural and territorial differentiation of the efficiency of timber industry activity was obtained, formed by the distribution of relevant indicators characterizing the influence of various factors using a rating score. The modern limitations of the development of the forest complex of municipalities of the republic with a rural economy are highlighted. The оriginality and practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of conducting a typology of rural areas according to the level of efficiency of the forest complex, as well as proposing directions and mechanisms for its improvement, applicable to each group of districts. Conclusions of the research. An integrated assessment of the efficiency of the forest complex of rural areas has allowed to identify areas with high, medium and low levels of efficiency, as well as a separate group of areas with “non-forest” specialization or with a weak forest industry. Prospects for the further use of the results obtained can be adjusted by the strategy of socio-economic development of territories, as well as new approaches to the location of productive forces in the North.


В статье представлены результаты корреляционного анализа взаимосвязи показателей численности населения Арктической зоны республики и результатов традиционного хозяйствования, которые для населения являются жизнеобеспечивающими. Стратегическое развитие Арктической зоны России и в том числе Республики Саха (Якутия) нацелено на создание опорных зон развития, формирование которых должно носить комплексный характер, учитывающий и промышленное освоение территорий, и защиту уклада жизни малочисленных коренных народов Севера. При этом статистика народонаселения свидетельствует о сокращении численности населения. Поэтому в статье была принята гипотеза о взаимосвязи показателей численности населения и показателей традиционного хозяйствования, среди которых были выбраны показатели поголовья северных оленей, крупного рогатого скота и лошадей. Для анализа взаимосвязей была использована эмпирическая база статистических данных за период 2017-2019 гг. по 13-ти арктическим районам (улусам) Арктической зоны Республики Саха (Якутия). Для проведения корреляционного анализа предварительно была изучена вариация по значениям показателей. Высокий уровень вариации показателей может быть объяснен тем фактом, что территория Арктической зоны республики достаточно обширна, включает 13 муниципальных районов, для каждого из которых характерен тот или иной вид хозяйствования. Корреляционный анализ включал расчет линейных парных коэффициентов корреляции за каждый год исследуемого периода. Значения коэффициентов корреляции показали, что взаимосвязь существует и имеет умеренно-сильный характер только по показателям поголовья КРС и лошадей, а по показателю поголовья северных оленей взаимосвязь не подтвердилась. В дополнение к показателям корреляции были рассчитаны коэффициенты эластичности, которые подтвердили данные выводы. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы для повышения степени информированности органов государственной и местной власти в части разработки и реализации государственных мероприятий по освоению Севера России. The article presents the results of a correlation analysis of the relationship between the indices of the number of indigenous peoples of northern Yakutia and the results of traditional management, which are life-supporting for the population of the Arctic zone of the republic. The strategic development of the Russian Arctic zone, including the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), is aimed at creating supporting development zones, the formation of which should be of an integrated nature, taking into account both the industrial development of territories and the protection of the way of life of the indigenous peoples of the North. At the same time, the population statistics indicate a decline in the population. Therefore, the article adopted a hypothesis about the relationship between population indicators and indicators of traditional farming (the number of reindeer, cattle, and horses). To analyze the relationships, we used an empirical database of statistical data for the period 2017-2019 for 13 Arctic districts (uluses) of the Arctic zone of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). To carry out the correlation analysis, the variation in the values ​​of the indicators was preliminarily studied. The high level of variation in indicators can be explained by the fact that the territory of the Arctic zone of the republic is quite extensive, including 13 municipal districts, each of which is characterized by one or another type of management. The correlation analysis included the calculation of linear paired correlation coefficients for each year of the study period. The values ​​of the correlation coefficients showed that the relationship exists and has a moderately strong character only in terms of the number of cattle and horses; in terms of the number of reindeer, the relationship was not confirmed. In addition to the correlation measures, elasticity coefficients were calculated, which confirmed these conclusions. The results of the study can be used to increase the awareness of state and local authorities in terms of the development and implementation of state measures for the development of the North of Russia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 568-581
A.N. Sleptsov ◽  

The article considers the role and place of nomadic tribal communities of indigenous peoples of the North in administration of traditional nature management. It is shown that the emergence of such communities is due to a profound transformation of economic relations in the Arctic in the context of the transition to new economic conditions in the 90s of the XX century. The author gives the characteristic of such tribal communities in the municipal areas of the Arctic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Using the example of the nomadic tribal community “Omoloy” in the Ust-Yansky district of the republic, he shows its role in the development of traditional nature management, ensuring employment and income of the local population. The author presents the scheme of interaction of the tribal community as a primary production unit with government authorities and other economic entities to ensure the socio-economic development of the Arctic territories and substantiates the measures for the harmonization of relations between tribal communities and mining companies in the context of the Arctic industrial development.

2019 ◽  
pp. 21-44
Ju.V. Zvorykina ◽  
K.S. Teteryatnikov

The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) in the socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of Russia. The authors believe that climate change, gradually leading to the melting of polar ice, opens up new opportunities for the development of Arctic resources and navigation in the seas of the Arctic Ocean. Of particular interest to the NSR are non-Arctic countries, critically dependent on the supply of foreign mineral and carbon resources, as well as on the export of their goods to Europe. Among them, China stands out, considering the NSR as the Arctic Blue Economic Corridor as part of the global Silk Road system. The NSR is intended to become an essential tool for further development of the Arctic zone of Russia. Development of port infrastructure and creation of a modern ocean and maritime fleet will accelerate the pace of socio-economic development of this strategically important region. To do this, it is necessary to adopt a federal law on special system of preferences for investors, including foreign ones, implementing their projects in the Arctic. Among such preferences there are preferential profit tax rates, reduction in Mineral Extraction Tax (MET) rates, a declarative procedure for VAT refunds, a simplified procedure for granting land plots and unchanged conditions for the implementation of investment projects. In addition, it is important to make the NSR safe and profitable both in terms of quality of service and of price for the shippers. In particular, the payment for icebreakers’ escort of vessels should be competitive and reasonable. The largest Russian private and state-owned companies should be involved into Arctic projects. It is important to synchronize the Arctic oil and gas projects with nuclear and LNG icebreakers’ construction, as well as with the launch of two logistics hubs in Murmansk and Kamchatka. In this case, year-round NSR navigation will be organized, which will ensure the high competitiveness of Russian products supplied to the Asian Pacific markets.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (8) ◽  
pp. 101-110
G. P. LEDKOV ◽  

The article deals with the problem of achieving sustainable development. The purpose of this study is to reveal the relationship between the components of sustainable development, taking into account the involvement of indigenous peoples in nature conservation. Climate change makes achieving sustainable development more difficult. Indigenous peoples are the first to feel the effects of climate change and play an important role in the environmental monitoring of their places of residence. The natural environment is the basis of life for indigenous peoples, and biological resources are the main source of food security. In the future, the importance of bioresources will increase, which is why economic development cannot be considered independently. It is assumed that the components of resilience are interrelated and influence each other. To identify this relationship, a model for the correlation of sustainable development components was developed. The model is based on the methods of correlation analysis and allows to determine the tightness of the relationship between economic development and its ecological footprint in the face of climate change. The correlation model was tested on the statistical materials of state reports on the environmental situation in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra. The approbation revealed a strong positive relationship between two components of sustainable development of the region: economy and ecology.

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