The Interactive Spectacle and the Digital Situationist

Shaleph O’Neill

The Situationists defined the increasingly spectacularized society (The Society of the Spectacle ) as the alienation of the individual by an increasingly mediated and commoditised modern world that has spread across the globe, pacifying and alienating its audience with the manufacture of lack and the control of desire. Set dead against this spread of spectacular culture, the Situationists sought to free themselves from the commoditisation and mediation of everyday experience. By employing direct action and the creation of “situations,” they attempted to make clear the restrictive boundaries, both intellectual and environmental, that the habituated processes of modern capitalism (in the form of production and consumption, work and leisure) had placed upon society. In the era of the emerging digital or interactive Spectacle that now permeates every aspect of our culture, what has been added to the Spectacle is the illusion of agency administered through the new technological conduits. Virtual environments, for example, deliver visitation and visualization of places that, despite attempts at access by the viewer, remain remote. However, in our new digitally enhanced cultural spaces, despite restrictions, Situationist style interventions can still be made. Views can be expressed that had no outlet in previous media forms, allowing for the development of communities and exchange of ideas that require, at least in some part, the agency of the individuals taking part in them. Situationist theory takes its place in helping to describe such activities, even though, in some cases, the polemic is often watered down. Here we shall consider a number of examples of this kind of intervention, in relation to the Situationist practices of the dérive and détournement, to help give some structure to the critical analysis.

2020 ◽  
pp. 204-215
Jennifer Anna Gosetti-Ferencei

This chapter shows how many existentialists conceived the individual in the modern world and the challenges of modern life to individual authenticity. It takes up Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Rilke, and the existential social theorist Georg Simmel, identifying their shared skepticism of modern mass culture and fear that it endangered human individuality. These existential thinkers could not have anticipated globalization, the breadth of mass production and consumption in the current century, or its data-driven anonymization of human culture. Yet this chapter argues that their insights are especially relevant for life in the contemporary world. It considers how the human individual may be existentially sustained despite these challenges.

2003 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 202-207
Ruqayya Ṭā Hā Jābir al-cUlwānī

An engaged and perceptive contemplation of the Qur'an forms one of the most important bases for the cultural and social advancement of Muslims in all walks of life, and the absence of such study is one of the reasons behind the general cultural attenuation in the modern world. Reflection is one of the means of the construction and formation of a civilised society. The applied faculty of intellect creates an environment which allows reflective and considered thought to be developed from a functional perspective for the general well-being of society. Meanwhile the effective neglect of such study leads to the proliferation of superstition, dissent and social conflict. Indeed it can even be argued that it diminishes the significance of the laws and conventions which serve as the backbone of society. This paper reveals a number of factors which can impede the achievement of such an engaged study of the text: thus, for instance, thoughtless obedience to societal conventions; shortcomings in educational systems and syllabi; and a failure to encompass the significance of the Arabic language. Furthermore this paper presents several effective suggestions for nurturing students' potential, encouraging an environment which allows freedom of thought, and its refinement.

David Willetts

Universities have a crucial role in the modern world. In England, entrance to universities is by nation-wide competition which means English universities have an exceptional influence on schools--a striking theme of the book. This important book first investigates the university as an institution and then tracks the individual on their journey to and through university. In A University Education, David Willetts presents a compelling case for the ongoing importance of the university, both as one of the great institutions of modern society and as a transformational experience for the individual. The book also makes illuminating comparisons with higher education in other countries, especially the US and Germany. Drawing on his experience as UK Minister for Universities and Science from 2010 to 2014, the author offers a powerful account of the value of higher education and the case for more expansion. He covers controversial issues in which he was involved from access for disadvantaged students to the introduction of L9,000 fees. The final section addresses some of the big questions for the future, such as the the relationship between universities and business, especially in promoting innovation.. He argues that the two great contemporary trends of globalisation and technological innovation will both change the university significantly. This is an authoritative account of English universities setting them for the first time in their new legal and regulatory framework.

2021 ◽  
Vol 92 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-20
A. V Kiriakova ◽  
V.V. Moroz ◽  

Interest in creativity as a subject of research has been growing exponentially since the second half of the 20th century in all areas of human history. A wide range of both domestic and foreign studies allows authors to assert that creativity is a personality trait, inherent to one degree or another. Whereas the development of such trait becomes an urgent necessity in the new reality. The entire evolutionary process of the social development illustrates its dependence on personal and collective creativity. The aim of this research is to study the phenomenon of creativity through the perspective of axiology, i.e. the science of values. Axiology allows us to consider the realities of the modern world from the perspective of not only external factors, circumstances and situations, but also of deep value foundations. Creativity has been studied quite deeply from the point of view of psychology: the special characteristics of a creative person, stages of the creative process, the relationship between creative and critical thinking, creativity and intelligence. Some psychologists emphasize motivation, creative skills, interdisciplinary knowledge, and the creative environment as the main components that contribute to the development of creativity. The authors of the article argue that values and value orientations towards cognition, creativity, self-realization and self-expression are the drivers of creativity. In a broad sense, values as a matrix of culture determine the attitude of society to creativity, to the development of creativity of the individual and the creative class, and to how economically successful a given society will be. Since innovation and entrepreneurship are embodied creativity. Thus, the study of creativity from the perspective of axiology combines the need for a deep study of this phenomenon and the subjective significance of creativity in the context of new realities

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (516) ◽  
pp. 58-64
Z. A. Atamanchuk ◽  

The scientific publication is aimed at exploring the communicative aspects of tourism, its value impact on humans, substantiating the peculiarities of the development of international tourism as a way to formation of cross-cultural tolerance. The article accentuates on the cultural values and value characterizations of international tourism, the role of the communicative culture of the individual as the main link in the concept of the theoretical model of universal human values, the importance of adherence to the principles of tolerance, which are becoming increasingly important in the modern world in the context of globalization of the economy, development of communications, growth of mobility, integration, interdependence and transformation of social cultures. The approaches to analyzing tourism as a social and cultural phenomenon are systematized, the stages of the communication process are distinguished. The author analyzes the content of the most significant documents in the sphere of international tourism adopted with the participation of the World Tourist Organization, which emphasizes the need to adhere to tolerant forms of communication. The focus is placed on the role of international organizations in strengthening cultural ties between peoples, mutual enrichment of cultures as a result of tourist exchange, observance of the principles of tolerance. On the way to the application in practice of establishing intercultural communications in international tourism, the article substantiates effectiveness of such methods as: introduction of an adequate system of acculturation, which involves such types of communication ties as integration, assimilation, division, marginalization at the levels of emotions, actions and cognition; creation of such conditions by the host party, which would contribute to increasing the level of satisfaction of tourists by establishing a constant exchange of information, maintaining feedback, disseminating content among visitors regarding the prospects for the development of tourist infrastructure of the host country.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 225
Fatima Falih Ahmed Al-Badrani ◽  
Abdullah Fawaz Al-Badarneh

The twentieth century was one of change and unrest. What characterises the age is that society, up to a high degree, was hostile to spiritual life. The spiritual values seemed to be neglected or totally abandoned for the material, more matter-of-fact values. This left society in a state of increasing confusion that was substantially realised in the outbreak of World War I. The impact of the war revealed the degeneration of the modern world with the breakdown of religion and moral and spiritual traditions. T. S. Eliot was fully aware of the ills of modern civilisation that surrounded people with a number of faiths established haphazardly to fight against the troubles of modern life. These faiths refer to political and social ideologies, parties, and allegiances. Eliot finds that all modern ideologies are poor and futile substitutions for religious faith. He finds that society should be built not upon power and its corruption, but upon a higher system of values which are mainly spiritual and moral. This research paper demonstrates how Eliot's Four Quartets affirms the possibility of spiritual regeneration and gives a positive projection of hope. The central theme of the poem is that if the heart of the individual is ever to be at rest, if his/her tormented apprehension about the transience of human life is ever to be calmed, it will be so when he/she accepts the conviction that humans’ peace is in God's will.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 345-364
Sofia Lindström

This article explores how contemporary Swedish visual artists manage and make sense of career insecurity through emotion work. The specific emotions discussed in the material are trust, hope and luck. Emotion work is related to coping in an increasingly insecure world of work in late modern capitalism, which has been theorized as relying on the creativity, passion and subjectivity of workers. Through analysing what the artists anticipate of their future careers, the study found the main desire of the artists to be the continuation of their creative endeavour—an endeavour not necessarily related to professional success but rather to identity formation. This understanding of success forms part of two overarching discourses found in the material: art as non-work discourse and the art world as arbitrary discourse, which both relate to certain emotional work when failing/succeeding to uphold the artistic creation. The prestigious arts education of the respondents is analysed as part of sustaining hope of continuation when future career prospects seem grim. Trust and luck are analysed as emotion work in relation to having experiences of success, even though the art world is discursively framed as arbitrary. The concluding argument of the article is that understanding emotion work in relation to the insecure or even failed career can shed light on resources related to social position rather than properties of the individual psyche.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 34 ◽  
Jovanka Mariana de Genova Ferreira ◽  
Gisele Pereira de Souza

Ao analisar as teorias de Pierre Bourdieu e Paulo Freire sobre educação, bem como a posição acadêmica e política dos autores sobre o tema, o artigo pretende refletir sobre projeto ‘Escola sem Partido’ e sua implicação em relação à prática dentro da sala de aula. Tal movimento que, nos últimos tempos, ganhou destaque no cenário brasileiro é contra o que chama de doutrinação política e ideológica dos alunos por parte dos professores e a usurpação dos direitos dos pais na educação moral e religiosa de seus filhos. Constatou-se que no cenário brasileiro atual existe uma iniciativa de diminuir a força da análise crítica dentro das escolas. A própria natureza do ‘Escola sem Partido’ traz essa premissa, pois a intenção de desmerecer a posição política do professor junto aos seus alunos demonstra que o propósito seja desqualificar a iniciativa de incentivar uma consciência crítica, o que, de múltiplas formas discutidas no presente estudo, colabora para que a relação oprimido e opressor prospere.Palavras-chave: Educação. Autonomia do Indivíduo. Escola sem Partido Reflections about ‘Escola sem Partido’ inspired by the theories of Paulo Freire and Pierre BourdieuAnalyzing the theories of Pierre Bourdieu and Paulo Freire on education, as well as the academic and political position of the authors on the theme, the article intends to reflect on the project “Escola Sem Partido” and its implication in relation to the practice within the classroom. This movement, which recently gained prominence in the Brazilian scenario, is against what it calls the political and ideological indoctrination of students by teachers and the usurpation of the rights of parents in the moral and religious education of their children. It was found that in the current Brazilian scenario there is an initiative to reduce the force of critical analysis within schools. The very nature of the “Escola Sem Partido” has this premise, since the intention to discredit the teacher’s political position with his students demonstrates that the purpose is to disqualify the initiative to encourage a critical conscience. What, in many ways is discussed in the present study, contributes to the oppressed and oppressive relationship to thrive.Keywords: Education. Autonomy of the Individual. Escola sem Partido. Reflexiones sobre la ‘Escola sem Partido’ inspirada por las teorías de Paulo Freire y Pierre BourdieuRESUMENAl analizar las teorías de Pierre Bourdieu y Paulo Freire sobre educación, así como la posición académica y política de los autores sobre el tema, el artículo pretende reflexionar sobre proyecto “Escola sem Partido” y su implicación con relación a la práctica dentro del aula. Tal movimiento, que en los últimos tiempos ganó destaque en el escenario brasileño está en contra lo que llama de adoctrinamiento político e ideológico de los alumnos por parte de los profesores y la usurpación de los derechos de los padres en la educación moral y religiosa de sus hijos. Se constató que en el escenario brasileño actual existe una iniciativa de disminuir la fuerza del análisis crítico dentro de las escuelas. La propia naturaleza de la “Escola sem Partido” aporta esa premisa, pues la intención de desmerecer la posición política del profesor junto a sus alumnos demuestra que el propósito sea descalificar la iniciativa de incentivar una conciencia crítica. Lo que, de múltiples formas discutidas en el presente estudio, colabora para que la relación oprimido y opresor prospere.Palabras clave: La educación. Autonomía del individuo. Escola sem Partido.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 270-281
Andrzej Gzegorczyk

The first Ukrainian translation of the text by Andrzej Grzegorczyk "Anthropological Foundations of Global Education". Andrzej Grzegorczyk (1922-2014) asks the question: is the current construction of the world educational system theoretically justified in terms of human cognitive needs in the modern world, and does it have prospects for development? The theoretical starting point for the rational substantiation of the construction of a modern educational program needed in our era can be represented by distinguishing two components of the picture of human life: 1) stages of development of knowledge of the child and 2) branches (spheres) of human activity to which the school should prepare. Andrzej Grzegorczyk offers his own vision of the sequence of formation of the student's personality. Based on the achievements of socio-evolutionary psychology, he proposes to correlate ontogenesis and phylogeny in education. The young human individual goes, in particular, through successive phases of development, in each of which in turn is dominated by the following four educational and developmental processes initiated by the natural human environment (as well as school). The stages of learning correspond, thus, to the prospects of student development: from the narrowest (family-tribal) perspective to the universalist, which is a synthesis of what tradition brings, as well as acquired knowledge and development of a sense of universal values. Thus, the stages (levels) of education can, in his opinion, be called as follows: 1) family-tribal, 2) traditionally national-religious, 3) individual-rationalist-scientific, 4) universalist-synthetic. The second dimension of the education program is the field / field of study. Presenting the problems of creative realization of values ​​in public life, they can be arranged according to certain parameters: guidelines for activity, way of seeing one's place in society, forms (mechanisms) of action to which the individual is usually subject or implements at this stage, related norms and positions. Among the positions of special attention deserves the experience of self-worth. In the formation of the educational system should include in the content of education the following topics related to culture, the following parameters: type of culture, the main idea of ​​culture of this type, characteristics of the richness of cultural production of this type and related type of knowledge.

Catherine Lyssenko

The article considers such aspects of modern English vocabulary as the names of culinary dishes, food consumption and the history of their names. In modern conditions of intercultural communication the formation, strengthening of intercultural relations, specific features of each language come to the fore. Food itself is one of the main manifestations of cultural relationships today. That is why the study of various aspects of gastronomic discourse, which are influenced by different national cuisines in our rapidly changing modern world, is gaining new impetus. Under the gastronomic discourse in our work we understand a special kind of verbal and social discourse, the purpose of which is to achieve a certain type of communication. It is a piece of text or language related to the eating process in which the participants are considered, the conditions, the ways of communication, the environment in which the conversation takes place. In modern conditions of intercultural communication, the formation, strengthening of intercultural relations, specific features of each gastronomic preference have been formed over the centuries, and, of course, features such as geographical location, climate, religion, traditions and foundations, as well as economic factors could not affect them. . It is often enough to just look at what a person eats to determine where he comes from, what beliefs he has and what lifestyle he leads. It is known that the linguistic personality exists in a certain culture and has basic values – cultural concepts. The concepts that exist in the collective consciousness are essential for both the individual and for collective cultural identity in general. The problem of defining the concept of "food" as a cultural concept in modern language theory in the 21st century is of great interest to linguists and linguistic and cultural scientists. This concept in linguistic culture is one of the least studied and defined, although its meanings and cultural values are quite high. The food and cuisine of any nation are integral to the language and are reflected in its vocabulary. In the system of national values, the cultural concept of "food" occupies one of the key places. This phenomenon can be viewed from different angles.

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