Prevention and Rehabilitation of Behavioral Disorders

2022 ◽  
pp. 281-309
Maria Jakovljevic ◽  
Sheryl Buckley

Behavioral disorders are progressively affecting all categories of pedagogues and educators and all strata of society with prevalently diverse manifestations and gaining the characteristics of an epidemic. It is especially important that future social pedagogues and other professionals contribute to solving socio-pathological problems. This chapter presents solutions and recommendations for behavioral problems detected amongst children and youths. Early uncovering and diagnosis of behavioral disorders is of outmost importance for prevention, rehabilitation, and elimination. The chapter examines the role of the family, the role of the school, and school professional services in the prevention and eradication of behavioral disorders. This chapter further explores the prevention measures to counteract and stop juvenile delinquency and to deal with effective rehabilitation early. This chapter will contribute to the acquisition of knowledge about current prevention programs, getting to know the etymology and measures of prevention, detection, and rehabilitation of the same.

Darko Dimovski

Hate crimes have existed throughout human history. Although in recent decades many countries have criminalized this form of violent crime in their legislation, few countries pay special attention to prevention measures aimed at countering hate crimes. In this paper, the author will present the hate crime prevention programs launched in the countries that have advanced most in the creation and implementation of such prevention measures. The first two parts of the paper are dedicated to the analysis of special hate crime prevention programs focusing on the perpetrator, while the third part presents the programs focusing on the potential victims. The last part of the paper discusses the role of the media as the bearers of hate crime prevention programs.

Ulfat Shonazarov Ibrogim Ugli ◽  

The article is devoted to the prevention of juvenile delinquency and the role of preventive inspectors in the family, school and society. In addition, the author conducts a theoretical analysis of existing problems in this area and ways to solve them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 229 (6) ◽  
pp. 62-71

cThe article is devoted to the study of the current situation in the drug use by juvenile onvicts serving sentences in educational colonies. The data of official statistics illustrating the growing dynamics of the number of persons convicted of crimes related to drug trafficking are presented. The leading role of socio-psychological factors in the development of drug-addicted behavior of juvenile criminals is noted. The aim of the study is to identify the most significant socio-psychological factors contributing to the determination of drugaddicted behavior, to determine possible areas of work for personnel of educational colonies to prevent the drug-addicted behavior. The methodological basis of the research was formed by the questionnaire, statistical method, analysis, synthesis, induction, system-structural and formallogical methods. As a result of the work carried out, it was established that the level of drug use among convicted juveniles is significantly higher than both officially recognized and declared by the adolescents themselves. The most significant sociopsychological factor leading to such behavior is the family, mistakes in family upbringing, family problems or lack of education. Attention is drawn to the fact that one of the areas of educational colonies work in the prevention of drug addicted behavior can and should be the work not only with the inmates, but also with their parents. It is proposed to strengthen the responsibility of parents for drug addicted behavior of children. Implementation of the conclusions and proposals made will help stabilize the situation and reduce juvenile delinquency related to drug trafficking.

2022 ◽  
pp. 216-249
Maria Jakovljevic ◽  
Sheryl Buckley

Behavioral disorders are on the rise at all levels of upbringing and education, among all categories of children and students, both in terms of their scope and forms of manifestation. The focus of this chapter is to elaborate on the notion of behavioral disorders to introduce a variety of definitions recognized by researchers and practitioners in different scientific disciplines studied by social pedagogy. Furthermore, the emphasis of this chapter is to investigate classifications, criteria, and categories of behavioral problems and identify risks and protective factors among children and young people. These risk factors were discovered in school settings, among peers, and in family climates instigating mild and serious behavioral challenges. The chapter provides a detailed insight into risk factors caused by genetics, family environments, school education, media influence, and free time utilization. The content of this chapter will expand the theoretical and practical knowledge of social pedagogues and other professionals who deal with diverse behavioral disorders in various societies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-155
Zaenuri Zaenuri

ABSTRACKThe responsibility of education cannot be carried out unilaterally, it requires the cooperation of three components which Ki Hajar Dewantara calls the tricenter of education: family, educational institutions, and society. All three are a unified whole and complement each other. The involvement and role of parents and the community in guarding children's education in the era of globalization is very urgent.This journal aims to discuss the importance of the Three Education Centers as a solution to overcome juvenile delinquency which is increasing in this era of globalization. The writing of this journal uses library research methods, or often also called library research, collecting data from various literatures.The three educational centers both play an important role in the success of education, which basically all are interrelated and mutually cooperate with each other. The three of them must indirectly carry out close guidance in the educational process. The three links can be seen from: Parents carry out their obligations to educate children in the family, educational institutions facilitate teaching various knowledge and skills with full support from students' parents, and the community is expected to be a facilitator for students to be able to actualize their knowledge and skills. Keywords: Responsibility, Tricenter of Education, Juvenile delinquency, Puberty.

Fauzi Isra ◽  
Neviyarni Neviyarni ◽  
Yarmis Syukur

Juvenile delinquency is one of the deviant behaviors that requires special attention and good understanding and proper handling of the resolution process because it is an important factor for the success of adolescents in the next life, considering that the teenage transition period is the most decisive period. There are several roles that parents can do in overcoming juvenile delinquency, including the process of fostering and guidance carried out by the family. Parents try to create a harmonious, communicative and comfortable family for adolescents and help adolescents in their social and adjustment processes. Family counseling is a training process that is focused on the client's parents as the most influential person in determining the system in the family. This is done not to change the personality or character of the family members involved but to change the family through changing the behavior of the parents. If the behavior of the parents changes, it will affect the members in the family.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
Nahed Nuwairah, S.Ag., MH.I

The Problems of da’wah among adolescents in line with the increasing variety of juvenile delinquency is one of the da’wah agenda that must be addressed with a good strategy. In the perspective of da’wah, should be considered seriously juvenile characteristics in accordance with the situation and their condition. This paper discusses the strategy of da’wah that can be applied to teenagers through the optimization of the role of the family as the main foundation for the personality of adolescents and increase the role of youth organizations mosque as an alternative to efforts to "pull" a teenager from the edge of the road to the mosque so that they acquire a container activity that is more serious benefits and Islamic.

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Heri Saptadi Ismanto ◽  
Joko Sulianto ◽  
Mudzanatun IKIP PGRI Semarang ◽  
Ryky Mandar Sari

AbstractParents have a vital role for growth and development of a teenager. Parents as the first actor to be an example for a teenager, so it must equip children with knowledge of the personality and the science of religion that later children can socialize in the community. Juvenile delinquency is happening is not the fault of the parents themselves, but also lies in the surrounding environment that can affect the behavior of adolescent youth. The role of parents and the environment is important for teens to form personal the better. In dealing with teenagers there are some things you should always keep in mind, namely that the soul is a soul-filled adolescent turmoil. Internal and external conditions are equally turbulent adolescence that causes more prone than other stages of mental development of adolescents. To reduce collisions between turbulence and to provide opportunities for youth to develop themselves in a more optimal, need to be created nearby environmental conditions as stable as possible, especially the family environment.Key Words: Adolescents, Personal, Moral HonorAbstrakOrang tua memiliki peran yang sangat penting terhadap tumbuh kembang seorang remaja. Orang tua sebagai aktor pertama yang menjadi contoh bagi seorang remaja, sehingga harus membekali anak dengan ilmu kepribadian dan ilmu agama supaya kelak anak dapat bersosialisasi dimasyarakat. Kenakalan remaja yang terjadi bukanlah kesalahan dari orang tua sendiri, melainkan juga terletak pada lingkungan disekitar remaja yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku remaja. Peran orang tua dan lingkungan sekitar sangatlah penting untuk membentuk pribadi remaja agar menjadi lebih baik. Dalam menghadapi remaja ada beberapa hal yang harus selalu diingat, yaitu bahwa jiwa remaja adalah jiwa yang penuh gejolak. Kondisi intern dan ekstern yang sama-sama bergejolak inilah yang menyebabkan masa remaja lebih rawan daripada tahap-tahap lain perkembangan jiwa remaja. Untuk mengurangi benturan antargejolak itu dan untuk memberi kesempatan agar remaja dapat mengembangkan dirinya secara lebih optimal, perlu diciptakan kondisi lingkungan terdekat yang sestabil mungkin, khususnya lingkungan keluarga.Kata Kunci: Remaja, Pribadi, Akhlak Mulia

1988 ◽  
Vol 170 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-106 ◽  
Mariamne H. Whatley ◽  
Bonnie Trudell

In response to the problem of child sexual abuse, there has been a proliferation of school-based prevention programs. In conjunction with the children's programs, there have also been efforts to develop a parent education component. After examining the potential roles for adult caretakers in school sexual abuse prevention programs, we raise issues that should be considered before such programs are implemented. These issues include: the necessity of developing a true “partnership” between school and community; the possible unintended consequence of deskilling parents; the recognition that adults sought as “partners” in these programs might actually be abusers; the use of such gender-neutral terms as “abusive parent” which serve to disguise who actually abuses and who is held responsible for protecting the child; the reaction to what is perceived as intervention in the family. These issues are crucial to consider, because a haphazard approach to parental involvement could cause damage to the program, as well as to the trust that is necessary between educators and parents.

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