2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-155
Zaenuri Zaenuri

ABSTRACKThe responsibility of education cannot be carried out unilaterally, it requires the cooperation of three components which Ki Hajar Dewantara calls the tricenter of education: family, educational institutions, and society. All three are a unified whole and complement each other. The involvement and role of parents and the community in guarding children's education in the era of globalization is very urgent.This journal aims to discuss the importance of the Three Education Centers as a solution to overcome juvenile delinquency which is increasing in this era of globalization. The writing of this journal uses library research methods, or often also called library research, collecting data from various literatures.The three educational centers both play an important role in the success of education, which basically all are interrelated and mutually cooperate with each other. The three of them must indirectly carry out close guidance in the educational process. The three links can be seen from: Parents carry out their obligations to educate children in the family, educational institutions facilitate teaching various knowledge and skills with full support from students' parents, and the community is expected to be a facilitator for students to be able to actualize their knowledge and skills. Keywords: Responsibility, Tricenter of Education, Juvenile delinquency, Puberty.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-55
Grecetinovitria Merliana Butar-butar

AbstractPurpose of this study was to describe the meaning of ezer kenegdo and to know position and role of women in the family. The research method used is qualitative research methods (library research). The term of “ ezer kenegdo” refer to a helper but her position withoutsuperiority and inferiority. “The patner model” between men and women is uderstood in relation to one another as the same function, where differences are complementary and mutually beneficial in all walks of life and human endeavors.Keywords: Ezer Kenegdo; Women; Family.AbstrakTujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengertian ezer kenegdo dan mengetahui kedudukan dan peran perempuan dalam keluarga. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif library research. Ungkapan “ezer kenegdo” menunjuk pada seorang penolong namun kedudukannya adalah setara tanpa ada superioritas dan inferioritas. “Model kepatneran” antara laki-laki dan perempuan dipahami dengan hubungan satu dengan yang lain sebagai fungsi yang sama, yang mana perbedaan adalah saling melengkapi dan saling menguntungkan dalam semua lapisan kehidupan dan usaha manusia.Kata Kunci: Ezer Kenegdo, Prerempuan, Keluarga.

Muhammad Rezki Andhika

This paper examines the role of parents as a source of character education for early childhood. This study was conducted using the library research method. The results of this study indicate that the role of parents is a determining factor for children's development, both physically and mentally, is the role of both parents as the first and main educators for children who are born until they are adults. In the process of forming knowledge, various parenting styles conveyed by parents are very important. Education in the family plays a very important role in developing the character, personality, cultural values, religious and moral values ​​, and simple skills of children. The role of parents in influencing the character of children is no longer borne by the mother only. The role of the father in shaping the character of the child is very large. Fathers are still obliged to participate in maintaining interactions with their children, such as inviting them to talk, joke, and play.

Al-Mizan ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Palwi Rakhman

Every married couple hopes that their home life will be created as a family that is confident and full of love. This article will discuss the role of the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) in creating happy families. This research is library research which is analyzed by qualitative descriptive. The approach used is a sociological legal approach. The results showed that the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) made efforts to foster happy families through religious education in the family, religious education in the community, religious education through educational institutions, bridal brokering courses, family counseling, fostering adolescents of marriage age, empowering family economies and improving nutrition. family.

Heru Mahmudin ◽  
Abdul Muhid

This study discusses the role of parents in character education for young women according to Islam. This research library research. The main and first character education for children is the family environment. Education in the family is very important and is the main pillar of character building for a child. The family as the smallest social unit is the most important educational environment and is responsible for educating their children. The education provided by parents should provide a basis for children's education regarding the socialization process and their life in society. Good parenting styles will have a good impact on children's development as well as should. The success of character building in children is influenced by the role of parents in educating children. Parents play an important role in forming an intimate and long-lasting interaction system characterized by personal loyalty, love, and affectionate relationships

2019 ◽  
Farel Yosua Sualang

This article discusses the analysis of the structural strings in Proverbs 10: 1-5 as the role of parents in the formation of children's character. The purpose of this article is to interpret Proverbs 10: 1-5 and give attention to the bridge of the context of Proverbs 1-9 about the role of parents in forming a child's character. The author uses Wisdom Genre Hermeneutics as a procedure in research, so found 4 major conclusions in making this scientific work. First, the character formation of a child always begins with the role of parents in providing the educational process. The key to affinity Structure Proverbs 10: 1-5 which provides a transition / hinge in the fundamentals of wisdom Proverbs 1-9, giving the author directions that the results of the quality of the wise child cannot be separated from the education of parents. This needs to be known where the process of education in the family also continues to apply in the midst of the life of the Israelites, even in the royal period, especially in the time of his own exile. Second, the role of parents in education seems to be carried out in a balanced manner, namely father and mother. Proverbs 10: 1 explains that the character quality of a child will have consequences for the judgment of a father and mother. The teacher of wisdom is not only to a father, but also to a mother. Therefore, education in the family is carried out by a team, namely father and mother (see Context Proverbs 4: 1; 6:20; etc.). Third, the writer of Proverbs teaches that a child can have wise character qualities. The wise character quality of children is obtained from parental education. Through the study of the author in Proverbs 10: 1-5, wise children are educated in moral teachings that are based on the teachings of God (Old Testament context). In addition, the educational process is also based on good experience of the life of a father and mother, so that a child can imitate the habits / good qualities of his parents, moreover the wise nature emphasized in Proverbs 10: 1-5 is the nature of honesty (v. 3) and perseverance (vv. 4-5) as an identity of a minded person. And fourth, the action or character shown to a child can be an evaluation for parents of the teachings of wisdom that have been conveyed (Band. Teachings of wisdom in Proverbs 10: 1), so that in the future they can teach again the teachings of wisdom for a person children, so that one day they can become wise children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-115
Nur Jannah ◽  
Khairul Umam

AbstractThis research explains the role that parents should play in the educational process of their children during the Covid-19 pandemic. By using a qualitative descriptive approach to this type of research library, the researchers concluded that the role of parents in the current pandemic is becoming more urgent to develop children's character in a better direction. Three main points need to be internalized to children, namely religious education, social education, and moral education. Religious education is related to the issue of belief in God and all aspects related to Him. Social education is related to the cultivation of the values ​​of social interaction, both those originating from culture and religion and so on which have positive values. Meanwhile, moral education is related to the refraction of moral values, both individually and socially. Individual moral values ​​are related to how to treat oneself, while social moral values ​​are related to how to treat others well. Abstrak Penelitian ini menjelaskan peran yang sewajarnya dan patut untuk dilakanakan oleh orang tua dalam proses pendidikan anak-anak mereka di masa pandemic covid-19. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif jenis library research, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa peran orang tua di masa pandemi saat ini menjadi lebih urgen dalam rangka menumbuhkembangkan karakter anak ke arah yang lebih baik. Terdapat tiga poin utama yang perlu diinternalisasikan kepada anak, yaitu pendidikan agama, pendidikan sosial dan pendidikan akhlak. Pendidikan agama terkait dengan masalah keyakinan kepada Tuhan dan segala aspek yang berhubungan dengan-Nya. Pendidikan sosial berkaitan dengan penanaman nilai-nilai interaksi sosial, baik yang bersumber dari budaya dan agama dan sebagainya yang bernilai positif. Sementara pendidikan akhlak berkaitan dengan pembiasan nilai-nilai moral, baik individual maupun sosial. Nilai moral individual berkaitan dengan bagaimana memperlakukan diri, sementara nilai moral sosial berkaitan dengan bagaimana memperlakukan orang lain dengan baik. Kata Kunci: Peran Orang Tua, Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Keluarga, Pandemi Covid-19

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Heri Saptadi Ismanto ◽  
Joko Sulianto ◽  
Mudzanatun IKIP PGRI Semarang ◽  
Ryky Mandar Sari

AbstractParents have a vital role for growth and development of a teenager. Parents as the first actor to be an example for a teenager, so it must equip children with knowledge of the personality and the science of religion that later children can socialize in the community. Juvenile delinquency is happening is not the fault of the parents themselves, but also lies in the surrounding environment that can affect the behavior of adolescent youth. The role of parents and the environment is important for teens to form personal the better. In dealing with teenagers there are some things you should always keep in mind, namely that the soul is a soul-filled adolescent turmoil. Internal and external conditions are equally turbulent adolescence that causes more prone than other stages of mental development of adolescents. To reduce collisions between turbulence and to provide opportunities for youth to develop themselves in a more optimal, need to be created nearby environmental conditions as stable as possible, especially the family environment.Key Words: Adolescents, Personal, Moral HonorAbstrakOrang tua memiliki peran yang sangat penting terhadap tumbuh kembang seorang remaja. Orang tua sebagai aktor pertama yang menjadi contoh bagi seorang remaja, sehingga harus membekali anak dengan ilmu kepribadian dan ilmu agama supaya kelak anak dapat bersosialisasi dimasyarakat. Kenakalan remaja yang terjadi bukanlah kesalahan dari orang tua sendiri, melainkan juga terletak pada lingkungan disekitar remaja yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku remaja. Peran orang tua dan lingkungan sekitar sangatlah penting untuk membentuk pribadi remaja agar menjadi lebih baik. Dalam menghadapi remaja ada beberapa hal yang harus selalu diingat, yaitu bahwa jiwa remaja adalah jiwa yang penuh gejolak. Kondisi intern dan ekstern yang sama-sama bergejolak inilah yang menyebabkan masa remaja lebih rawan daripada tahap-tahap lain perkembangan jiwa remaja. Untuk mengurangi benturan antargejolak itu dan untuk memberi kesempatan agar remaja dapat mengembangkan dirinya secara lebih optimal, perlu diciptakan kondisi lingkungan terdekat yang sestabil mungkin, khususnya lingkungan keluarga.Kata Kunci: Remaja, Pribadi, Akhlak Mulia

2019 ◽  
Farel Yosua Sualang

This article discusses the analysis of the structural strings in Proverbs 10: 1-5 as the role of parents in the formation of children's character. The purpose of this article is to interpret Proverbs 10: 1-5 and give attention to the bridge of the context of Proverbs 1-9 about the role of parents in forming a child's character. The author uses Wisdom Genre Hermeneutics as a procedure in research, so found 4 major conclusions in making this scientific work. First, the character formation of a child always begins with the role of parents in providing the educational process. The key to affinity Structure Proverbs 10: 1-5 which provides a transition / hinge in the fundamentals of wisdom Proverbs 1-9, giving the author directions that the results of the quality of the wise child cannot be separated from the education of parents. This needs to be known where the process of education in the family also continues to apply in the midst of the life of the Israelites, even in the royal period, especially in the time of his own exile. Second, the role of parents in education seems to be carried out in a balanced manner, namely father and mother. Proverbs 10: 1 explains that the character quality of a child will have consequences for the judgment of a father and mother. The teacher of wisdom is not only to a father, but also to a mother. Therefore, education in the family is carried out by a team, namely father and mother (see Context Proverbs 4: 1; 6:20; etc.). Third, the writer of Proverbs teaches that a child can have wise character qualities. The wise character quality of children is obtained from parental education. Through the study of the author in Proverbs 10: 1-5, wise children are educated in moral teachings that are based on the teachings of God (Old Testament context). In addition, the educational process is also based on good experience of the life of a father and mother, so that a child can imitate the habits / good qualities of his parents, moreover the wise nature emphasized in Proverbs 10: 1-5 is the nature of honesty (v. 3) and perseverance (vv. 4-5) as an identity of a minded person. And fourth, the action or character shown to a child can be an evaluation for parents of the teachings of wisdom that have been conveyed (Band. Teachings of wisdom in Proverbs 10: 1), so that in the future they can teach again the teachings of wisdom for a person children, so that one day they can become wise children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-193
Ely Muawanah

Family resilience consists of three things, namely physical, social, and psychological resilience. So, the application of this resilience pattern will lead to interactions between family members, so that happiness or family crises can emerge, such as juvenile delinquency. Thus the researcher is interested in comparing Elly Risman's thoughts and the concept of Islamic marriage. The focus of the studies examined in this article are: 1) What is the Pattern of Family Resilience to Prevent Juvenile Delinquency According to Elly Risman? 2) What is the pattern of family resilience to prevent juvenile delinquency according to the concept of an Islamic marriage? 3) How is the comparison between Elly Risman's thoughts and the concept of Islamic marriage in the pattern of family resilience to prevent juvenile delinquency? In this study, the authors took normative legal research. Based on the results and conclusions of research conducted by researchers, among others: 1) the concept of family resilience according to Elly Risman includes tips for being able to adapt and survive, factors of weakening family resilience, the impact of weakening family resilience, and efforts to maintain the family. 2) the concept of family resilience according to Islamic marriage includes the urgency of having a family, family goals, family wisdom, rights and obligations of family members, factors needed in family resilience as well as managing conflict and building family resilience. 3) The comparison of Elly Risman's thoughts and the concept of Islamic marriage in family resilience includes, Elly Risman's view on family resilience puts forward feelings that have an impact on psychology and family resilience that will have an impact on children's growth. Elly Risman also revealed the important role of parents in childcare. Whereas in the concept of Islamic marriage, it includes considering the purpose of having a family, prioritizing the rights and obligations of family members, and paying attention to equality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (11) ◽  
pp. 174-178
N. Yu. IVANOVA ◽  

The article is written for everyone who cares about the fate of Russia and what will happen to our youth in the future, as well as for educators, teachers, and teachers of educational institutions. Aspects of the importance of the teacher's authority for the successful education of students, the effectiveness of the educational process, increasing the prestige of the teacher's profession, the formation of students ' personality, and not only training in professional knowledge and skills are considered.

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