scholarly journals L’expression de l’opinion

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-108
Ana Zwitter Vitez

Users of forums, social networks and news portals now have the opportunity to publicly express their opinions on current political events, social issues, or their everyday lives. The analysis of opinion expression, which primarily represented a research topic in the field of language learning, has now become an important research challenge in the field of computational linguistics, which provides relevant solutions for various companies and organizations. The aim of this article is to analyse messages by which users of the social network Twitter reacted to an incident in which Emmanuel Macron was slapped in the face by a man as he went out to meet the public. We analysed the tweets that express agreement, disagreement and a neutral attitude towards the action. The analysis includes 80 tweets and refers to the textual, syntactic and lexical levels. The results show that tweets expressing disagreement have a typical declarative or exclamatory form, simple sentence structure and include explicit vocabulary expressing the author’s opinion (shameful, disrespectful). Tweets demonstrating agreement are more likely to have an exclamatory form, simple sentence structure and include an explicit term (well done, deserve a slap). Opinion-neutral tweets, on the other hand, are more likely to be formulated as declarative sentences with complex sentence structure and do not include an explicit term expressing the author’s opinion. The presented method is established on basic grammatical criteria (number of sentences, sentence structure, sentence form, keywords), which can also be applied to computational analysis of large collections of texts. In the future, the presented model could be applied to investigate various political, societal or healthcare challenges (elections, corruption or pandemic issues).

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-201
Fiqhi Nahdhiah Makhmud ◽  
Rudiansyah Rudiansyah

AbstrakInterferensi dikenal sebagai suatu penyebab dalam kesulitan belajar dan kesalahan dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa kedua. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan interferensi terhadap struktur kalimat bahasa Mandarin yang ditulis oleh mahasiswa semester VI stambuk 2013 Program Studi Sastra Cina, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Sumatera Utara. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah karangan narasi bertemakan berlibur (eGP [fàngjià]) oleh mahasiswa semester VI stambuk2013 Program Studi Sastra Cina, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) yang berbahasa ibu bahasa Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pada tahap analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan metode Agih Sudaryanto. Adapun teori yang digunakan dalam menganalis interferensi struktur kalimat pada penelitian ini adalah hipotesis analisis kontrastif. Hipotesis analisis kontrastif merupakan penjabaran dari perbedaan antara dua bahasa yang menjadi dasar penyebab kesulitan belajar bahasa dan kesalahan berbahasa yang dihadapi oleh pelajar. Perbedaan yang terjadi diidentifikasi dari perbandingan struktur antara dua bahasa, bahasa pertama dan kedua yang dipelajari pelajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: interferensi terjadi pada penempatan posisi fungsi sintaksis pada kalimat bahasa Mandarin yang mengikuti struktur kalimat tunggal dan kalimat majemuk bahasa Indonesia, terdapat pada fungsi sintaksis keterangan (K), tataran posisi predikat (P), dan subjek (S) yang mengikuti struktur pola kalimat bahasa Indonesia, serta pada struktur pola atau penempatan klausa dan kata penghubung. Kata kunci: interferensi, bahasa Indonesia-Mandarin, struktur kalimat  AbstractInterference is known as a cause of learning difficulty and mistakes in learning second language. The purpose of this research is to describe the interference of Indonesian sentence structure on the chinese structure in narrative writing by the sixth semester students of the Chinese Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, The University of Sumatera Utara. The source data of this research was narrative writing by the sixth semester students of the Chinese Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, The University of Sumatera Utara (USU) that using Indonesian as their mother language. The theme of that narrative writing was holiday(eGP) [fàngjià]. This research was a descriptive qualitative method. The Sudaryanto’s Agih method is used to analyze data. This research used Hypothesis of Contrastive Analysis. The Hypothesis of Contrastive Analysis was the description of differences between two languages which become a platform of difficulty and mistakes in language learning which is felt by students. The differencees that exist were identified from the comparison of two languages’ structures, the first and second languages. The result of research is: the interference of Indonesian sentence structure on the chinese structure narrative writing occurs on syntax function of chinese sentence, that used Indonesian sentence structure in simple sentence and also complex sentence. The interferences in the form of syntax function were at: complement, predicate and subject that used Indonesian sentence structure, and the using of Indonesian structure on clause and conjunction placement. Keywords: interference, Indonesian-Mandarin language, sentence structure

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-26 ◽  
Noermanzah Noermanzah

The objective of this research is to give the understanding about the simple sentence structure Sindang Language ini Lubuklinggau and describe the effect in Indonesian language learning process. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The result of this research shows that the simple sentence structure of Bahasa Sindang in Lubuklinggau in the form of verbal-verbed simple sentence which consists of intransitive sentence and single-transitive sentence; adjectival-verbed simple sentence, nominal-verbed simple sentence, numeral-verbed simple sentence, preposisional-verbed simple sentence, and adverbial-verbed simple sentence. Majority of the data finding is the verbal-verbed simple sentence on Sindang language and it is more used by the people who use Sindang language. Intransitive sentence has 62 sentences or 79.5%. Sentence of Sindang Language seen from the aspect of function for the type of intransitive sentence has the function structure: 1) S,P; 2) K,S,P; 3) S,P,Vokatif; 4) S,P,K; 5) P,K; 6) P,S; 7) P; 8) S,P,S, and 9) S,P,Pel. The type of single-transitive sentence has the structure function: 1) K,S,P,O,K; 2) S,P,O,Vokatif; 3) P,O,K; 4) P,O; 5) P,O,K,S; 6) S,P,O; dan 7) P,O,S.  Adjectival-verbed sentence has the structure function of structure K,S,P and P,S. Nominal-verbed simple sentence has the function structure S,P. Numeral-verbed simple sentence has the function structure P,S and S,P. Prepositional Frase-verbed simple sentence has the function structure S,P,Vocative. Then, adverbial-verbed simple sentence has the function structure S,P. The single sentence structure of the Sindang language positively influences the learning of the native speakers of the language. Keywords: simple sentence structure, Sindang language, Lubuklinggau   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan pemahaman tentang struktur kalimat tunggal bahasa Sindang di Kota Lubuklinggau dan mendeskripsikan pengaruhnya dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di kota tersebut. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa struktur kalimat tunggal bahasa Sindang di Kota Lubuklinggau berbentuk kalimat tunggal berpredikat verbal  yang terdiri atas kalimat intransitif dan kalimat tungggal ekatransitif; kalimat tunggal berpredikat adjektival, kalimat tunggal berpredikat nominal, kalimat tunggal berpredikat numeral, kalimat tunggal berpredikat preposisional, dan kalimat tunggal berpredikat adverbial. Sebagian besar kalimat tunggal berpredikat verbal pada bahasa Sindang lebih banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat penuturnya yaitu kalimat intransitif dengan 62 kalimat atau 79,5%. Kalimat bahasa Sindang ditinjau dari segi fungsi untuk jenis kalimat intransitif memiliki struktur fungsi: 1) S,P; 2) K,S,P; 3) S,P,Vokatif; 4) S,P,K; 5) P,K; 6) P,S; 7) P; 8) S,P,S, dan 9) S,P,Pel. Jenis kalimat ekatransitif memiliki struktur fungsi: 1) K,S,P,O,K; 2) S,P,O,Vokatif; 3) P,O,K; 4) P,O; 5) P,O,K,S; 6) S,P,O; dan 7) P,O,S. Kalimat tunggal berpredikat adjektival memiliki struktur fungsi yaitu berstruktur K,S,P dan P,S. Kalimat tunggal berpredikat nominal memiliki struktur fungsi S,P. Kalimat tunggal berpredikat numeral memiliki struktur fungsi P,S dan S,P. Kalimat tunggal berpredikat frase preposisional memiliki struktur fungsi S,P,Vokatif. Kemudian, kalimat tunggal berpredikat adverbia memiliki struktur fungsi S,P. Struktur kalimat tunggal bahasa Sindang memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia penutur asli bahasa tersebut. Kata kunci: struktur kalimat tunggal, bahasa Sindang, Lubuklinggau  

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 361-377
Berhanu Asaye Agajie

Awgni is spoken by more than one million people in a widespread area in northwest Ethiopia. The objective of this study was to apply Labeling Algorithm {XP, YP} to examine Syntactic Object representations found in Awgni sentences contained by their structure. A descriptive design and purposive sampling technique were used to look at research objective. Tools used during collecting data were interview and focused group discussion. The finding showed that simple sentence structures of Awgni have no more than one Verbal head. On the other hand, compound, complex and compound complex sentence may perhaps have two and more verbal heads in their hierarchical structures. Sentences in terms of their outward appearances, structure, syntactic entity expressions they enclose were dissimilar. Thus, every sentence structure has phrasal categories that include Determiner Phrase (DP), Prepositional phrase (PP), Noun Phrase (NP), Adverb Phrase (ADVP), Verb Phrase (VP) and Adjective Phrase (AP). As a final point, it is suggested that a further research on how Labeling Algorithm {XP, H} and {X, Y} applies to examine Syntactic Object representations found within simple, compound, complex and compound complex sentences of Awgni.     Keywords: Awgni, Labeling Algorithm, syntactic object, sentence PENERAPAN LABEL ALGORITMA DALAM KLASIFIKASI STRUKTUR KALIMAT BAHASA AWGNIAbstrak               Awgni dituturkan oleh sekitar satu juta orang di daerah yang tersebar luas di barat laut Ethiopia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menerapkan Labeling Algorithm {XP, YP} untuk menguji representasi Objek Sintaksis yang terdapat pada kalimat Awgni yang dikandung oleh strukturnya. Desain deskriptif dan teknik purposive sampling digunakan untuk melihat tujuan penelitian. Alat yang digunakan selama pengumpulan data adalah wawancara dan diskusi kelompok terfokus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa struktur kalimat sederhana Awgni tidak lebih dari satu kepala Verbal. Di sisi lain, kalimat majemuk, kompleks, dan majemuk mungkin memiliki dua atau lebih kepala verbal. Kalimat dalam hal penampilan luar, struktur, ekspresi entitas sintaksis yang mereka lampirkan tidak sama. Dengan demikian, setiap struktur kalimat memiliki kategori frasa yang meliputi Determiner Phrase (DP), Prepositional phrase (PP), Noun Phrase (NP), Adverb Phrase (ADVP), Verb Phrase (VP) dan Adjective Phrase (AP). Sebagai poin akhir, direkomendasikan untuk penelitian lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana Labeling Algorithm {XP, H} dan {X, Y} berlaku untuk memeriksa Objek Sintaksis yang ditemukan dalam kalimat sederhana, majemuk, kompleks dan kompleks majemuk dari Awgni. Kata kunci: Awgni, label algoritma, objek sintakis, kalimat

Viktor S. OTT

This article looks at the image of Russia constructed by French quality papers (Le Monde, Le Figaro, Le Parisien). In today’s world, the role of the media as a regulator of public opinion is becoming increasingly important. The linguistic techniques used by journalists allow the media to influence the reader’s perceptions, opinions, and views. The issue of neutrality of a country’s image inspires academic interest, since such perceptions affect bilateral and international relations. France and Russia are among the key global actors, and their dialogue is thus crucial. However, the two countries often disagree on human rights. Domestic violence and its decriminalisation in Russia are today widely covered in French media. Russia’s image in France has been studied by a number of Russian and foreign scholars. Their works are primarily focused on political events and conflicts, while the image in the context of social issues requires additional research. Unlike previously conducted studies, the scientific value of this work is that it does not only describe the image itself but specifically analyses linguistic tools employed for image construction. The purpose of this study is to determine the dynamics of Russia’s image in the light of domestic violence related events. The functional, narrative, and discourse analysis of the publications have revealed the general tone of the image and identified the main methods of manipulating readers’ consciousness. In the face of recent events, the French papers demonise Russia’s image pointing to the inconsistency of the authorities, decriminalisation of domestic violence, conservative values and violation of human rights. The negative image is mostly created by means of linguistic tools that can be divided into three categories: derogatory language, consciousness manipulation methods and implicit connotations. This classification and the results of the research could serve as a basis for linguistic examinations of media texts and be used for a wide range of journalism and linguistics related courses.

Liana Mumrikoh ◽  
Eka Agustina ◽  
Hastuti Retno Kuspiyah

This study is an analysis of sentence structure by using a syntactic approach that portrayed in the tree diagram. This study focused only on the discussion covering the identification of types of sentence and sentence structure. It was found that there are 191 sentences from the six selected text in the textbook consisting of the simple sentence which has 53 sentences (27,75%), the compound sentence has 79 sentences (41,36%), the complex sentence has 33 sentences (17,27% ) and the compound-complex sentence has 26 sentences (13,61%) from the total number of the data. The finding of the analysis shows that the English textbook has all types of sentences, based on both several clauses and their syntactic properties. A drawing tree diagram is a fundamental skill in the study of syntactic structure; it is a common practice to provide a visual representation of the internal structure of phrase and clause. Tree diagrams are a clear way of representing syntactic structure graphically.

Rika Arista ◽  
Dewi Yana ◽  
Sri Sugiharti

This research was aimed to describe the kind of the classification and the dominant of error that made by the student in writing application letter at the twelfth grade of SMKN 5 Batam in the academic year 2015/2016. The analysis of error in the foreign language learning was important to help the teacher to take an immediate action to avoid the re-occurrence of error. This study was limited only in the classification of error in the element of sentence and the application letter format. The research was conducted in April 2016 and was held on twelfth grade with the number of sample was 50 students. Data was collected by the written test and analyzed by descriptive method to describe the students’ error. The result of the research presented there was 1188 errors in the application letter format and sentence structure in writing application letter. There were 45.03% with number 535 errors of omission, 14.06% with number 167 errors of addition, 36.03% with number 428 errors of selection, and 4.88% with number 58 errors of ordering. The dominant sentence structure error was 7.15% with number 85 errors of omission in the adverbial and adverbial complement element of the simple sentence. A lot of error in the element of the sentence structure in writing application letter caused by the omission, selection, and addition of some letter in the element. The error also caused by the application of the capital letter, punctuation, and conjunction while the error of ordering was due to the sequence of the element in the sentence structure was incorrect placed. Based on the finding of the research, the researcher suggested that the teacher should pay more attention in the writing subject learning and correct the error directly to avoid the re-occurrence of the error, while for the school should facilitate the overall English teaching. Keywords: error analysis and sentence structure

1981 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-56 ◽  
Dorothy L. Tyack

This report presents a case study of a ten-year-old girl referred for language training. Diagnostic labels included "learning disabilities, especially in the area of receptive and expressive language," "poor auditory processing, " and "poor auditory memory. " Careful analysis of both expressive and receptive language revealed that this girl had mastered rules governing simple sentence structure, but her failure to acquire rules for complex sentence structure had apparently affected comprehension of classroom instruction and reading comprehension. This case study suggests that many other children, similarly labeled, may have difficulty with highly specific features of English grammar, rather than global auditory deficits. Examples of testing for specific complex sentence types, two training programs, and pre- and post-test data are included.

Human Arenas ◽  
2021 ◽  
Paul Croce

AbstractThis article addresses the call of the Psychology of Global Crises conference for linkage of academic work with social issues in three parts: First, examples from conference participants with their mix of bold calls for social transformation and realization of limits, a combination that generated few clear paths to achieving them. Second, presentation of Jamesian practical idealism with psychological insights for moving past impediments blocking implementation of ideals. And third, a case study of impacts from the most recent prominent crisis, the global pandemic of 2020, which threatens to exacerbate the many crises that had already been plaguing recent history. The tentacles of COVID’s impact into so many problems, starting with economic impacts from virus spread, present an opportunity to rethink the hope for constant economic growth, often expressed as the American Dream, an outlook that has driven so many of the problems surging toward crises. Jamesian awareness of the construction of ideological differences and encouragement of listening to those in disagreement provide not political solutions, but psychological preludes toward improvements in the face of crises.

1996 ◽  
Vol 83 (2) ◽  
pp. 615-618 ◽  
Gary Holdgrafer

This study examined the syntactic abilities of neurologically normal and suspect preterm children at preschool age to characterize their language skills and to assess specific differences between groups. The Index of Productive Syntax was used to score language transcripts. The children exhibited reduced syntactic performance, particularly in the use of questions, negatives, and complex sentence structure. Children considered to be neurologically suspect had more difficulty with development of verb phrases than did neurologically normal children.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Hurriyatus Sa'adiyah ◽  
Indra Saputra

<em>Textbooks are one of the things that are very important in the learning process. Therefore, teachers and educators must prepare it very well so that the desired learning objectives can be achieved. The use of textbooks must adapt to the methods, objectives, and learning media. The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents of the book Durus al Lughah al Arabiyah Juz I by Imam Zarkasyi and Imam Syubani from one aspect of the language, namely tarkib (sentence structure). As is known, mastery of tarkib is very important in understanding Islamic teachings, because the source, the Quran, Hadith, and the books of Islamic scholars, use Arabic. Without good mastery, texts that speak Arabic can be wrong and difficult to understand. The method used in this study is the method of content analysis by analyzing this book Durus al Lughah al Arabiyah Juz I. The results of the research are that the author did not find special material on tarkib learning in this book. In accordance with the purpose of writing, namely the application of speech, the tarkib is directly learned in a sentence. This sentence is given from a simple form and gradually changes to a more complex sentence accompanied by exercises on each material. Among the forms of tarkib training are question and answer, word changes, sentence improvement, etc.</em>

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