2020 ◽  
pp. 233-242
Tamara Janevska

/ The aim of this research is to perform the analysis of idioms containing the lexeme water in Serbian and English language. The goal was to confirm whether, and to what degree, these two languages show similarity in the lexical sense and to identify possible subtle differences in meaning that certain varieties of an idiom give rise to, which we sought to discover by conducting the semantic analysis of the examples extracted from the dictionaries. The research concluded that there are no major differences in the two languages regarding the semantic meaning overall, since we find the same categories into which these idioms can be classified. Regarding the varieties, differences are noticed only in a small number of Serbian idioms

Natalia Skrytska ◽  
Tetyana Nykyforuk

The semantic meaning of verbs to denote controversy is culturally justified language, habits and traditions of people. The analysis of verbs for designating disputes is based on a formalized method of lexical and semantic analysis. This method explores semes, combined into lexical units, as well as connections.between them. The relevance of the study lies in the need to form new semes, as well as to determine verbs of the highest and highest degrees of polysemy, the study of monosemantic series of the lexical meaning of verbs to denote disputes in English. The purpose of the article is to study the semantics of verbs to denote the manifestation of disputes in the English language. Research methods: descriptive, analytical, methods of analysis andsynthesis. Conclusions. As a result of the research, the lexical and semantic features of verbs for designating disputes in English have been identified.

2020 ◽  
pp. 39-71

This article describes the derivational potential of root word combinations belonging to the noun, adjective and verb groups in the English and Uzbek languages and their grammatical functional features on the basis of comparative-typological, comparative and distributive methods at the lexical and syntactic levels of the language. Structural models of derivation of verbs, nouns and adjectives in the English and Uzbek languages and their features are considered based on component analysis, as well as morphological factors that ensure the completeness of derivation, their distinctive and similar features in both languages, the role and importance in the formation of verbal compounds is analyzed in detail. The article also identifies the factors that ensure the transposition of root verbs, nouns and adjectives in English and Uzbek, and describes their structural-functional and contextual-semantic analysis at the required level. Until today’s period of development of linguistics, many problematic processes related to the language system have been studied and researched. This situation can be observed both in the context of world linguistics and in the context of Uzbek linguistics. Linguistics, like all sciences, is constantly evolving. Due to this, it is natural that there are still problematic processes in this sphere today. The fact that the phenomenon of derivation less researched in the context of root words can be related to such problems, because in both English and Uzbek linguistics the problem of derivation of root words is not studied at the required level. Any new word that exists in a language takes its initial form from speech, and thus the speech dependence of the word formed ends, because the next life of a derived word goes on in a language. That is, the derived word takes its place in the paradigm of its own analogical forms after being tested in social speech activity for a certain period of time. Only derivatives that have fully passed such tests will receive the status of a language unit and, like their other paradigms, will begin to function as a means of enriching the language with new constructions. It is well known that the derivational sequence of linguistic units cannot be fully understood only on the basis of grammatical research, because word formation in its extralinguistic basis is a product of speech activity. Since related words are considered not as a finished product of the language, but as a product of speech, since they are artificial words, in speech they are activated only in the form in which they are adapted for communication. In some places, depending on the need for speech, we can also observe cases where two or more related words are involved in the process of communication or in context. In this article, the works of English and Uzbek writers are selected as a source, as well as the degree of influence of the speech situation of both languages on the choice of words is studied and scientifically substantiated on the examples taken for analysis. As a result of syntactic-semantic analysis of root word combinations in the English language, on the basis of a detailed analysis, it was shown that root words can be combined with other words in speech, forming various models.

2019 ◽  
Efendi Barus

The aim of this research is to discuss about the Semantic Analysis of Prefixes in Karo Language which will provide more information about prefixes and also to show the changes of meaning of words which are already influenced by them. The method of doing reseach is by taking some references or text-books in the library, and this types of research is called qualitative research. It is found that the prefixes in Karo language are fourteen types, such as: n_, er_, per_, ter_, i_, me_, pe_, si_, ci_, ki_, ke_, pen_, kini_, se_. By adding the prefixes to the bases, the meanings of the words may change or may not change. For example: galang “big” becomes pegalang “to make bigger size”, deher “near” becomes ndeher “near”., etc. The conclusion is that the formation of word can be done by attaching a prefix to certain base (a noun, an adjective, a verb and an adverb or a numeral). On the other hand, the addition of a prefix to the base may only result in another form of a certain class of word or the change of a word meaning.

Discourse ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 92-103
O. V. Ramantova

Introduction. The present paper aims at describing the results of researching the axiological aspect of the category “intelligent travel” functioning in the English language travel discourse. The relevance of the research is defined, firstly, by continuously developing tourist industry and the emergence of new tourist concepts which are embodied in numerous travel editions and, secondly, by insufficient knowledge of axiological aspect of certain travel-genres. The research is completed within the anthropooriented paradigm of linguistic studies and thus contributes to the development of this approach. The novelty of the study lies in revealing specific values represented in intelligent travel-texts and forming a special value line.Methodology and sources. The research is based on the English language texts about travelling. National Geographic was used as the main source of material. For the selection of travel texts, the continuously sampling method was used. The general methodology of studying the “intelligent/slow travel” concept also includes the method of semantic analysis, the method of semantic-stylistic analysis, elements of communicative-pragmatic analysis.Results and discussion. The results of the study include the description of the content of the intelligent travel category, the review of existing types of values, and the description of basic meanings forming the value picture of the world in travel-texts of this genre – sensory values, aesthetic values, morally-ethical and rationalistic value meanings. Within this research it is important to consider “anti-value” which is represented predominantly in texts about wildlife conservation and which enhances the pragmatic impact of the text on the reader. The result of the study is the conclusion about certain language specific of the category of intelligent travelling which is actualized through special value prism.Conclusion. The study reveals the specificity of the value paradigm of slow/intelligent travel texts. The semantic space of texts about intelligent travelling is filled with certain value markers in total constructing the value picture of the world through the prism o f which the travelling and experiencing author expresses not only his own vision of things, but the moral side of life aspects. The chosen methodology can be applied for further research and similar studies of other genres of travel-discourse.

Kursor ◽  
2017 ◽  
pp. 175 ◽  
Ruth Ema Febrita ◽  
Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy

In education, essay is considered as the best tool to evaluate student’s high order thinking and understanding. In the other hand, manual processing and grading essay answers by a teacher need much time and tending to subjectivity grading. Meanwhile automatic essay grading in e-learning system find the difficulties in comparing model or key answer to student’s answer because student’s can answer the question with so various way. That means a right answer also can be so various, for they have same semantic meaning. This paper proposed automatic essay grading using Latent Semantic Analysis. But before the texts being scored, they will be pre-processed using stop words removal and synonyms checking. Calibration process implemented for dealing with the various possible right answer and help to simplify the term matrix. Implementation of this approach using Java Programming Language and WordNet as lexical database for searching the synonyms of every given words. The accuracy obtained by this method is 54.9289%.

Yehorova O.I. ◽  
Kozlova Yu.V.

The article aims at analyzing the topical English pandemic (coronavirus) vocabulary from the perspective of system-functional approach. This envisages performing following tasks: 1) to identify the pandemic (coronavirus) lexical cluster, 2) to describe the word-building peculiarities of the English coronavirus vocabulary and 3) to interpret the functioning of this vocabulary within the political, every day, and Internet discourses.Methods. The methodological framework used in the study features: 1) generalization for establishing basic theoretical principles of the research; 2) structure-semantic analysis for studying the word-building specifics of the pandemic vocabulary; 3) statistical method for defining calculate the frequency and the productivity of certain word-building models within the pandemic lexical cluster; 4) the elements of discourse analysis to highlight the functional peculiarities of coronavirus vocabulary.Results. Coronacrisis, that we have experienced till the present, has become a crucial factor catalyzing nomination processes of the novel concepts, thus influencing the lexical system of the English language. We consider pandemic lexicon (coronavirus vocabulary) the novelist group of neologisms in the English language since it comprises innovative words and phrases which have been coined since the start of COVID-19 pandemic and relate to its impact on the modern life. Among the most common for coronavirus vocabulary word-building models are derivation, compounding, shortening, loan and substitution; alongside, the statistical analysis has proved blending to be the most productive word-building model. The study of functional peculiarities of the pandemic lexicon within various types of discourses shows that its biggest part has entered the usus. The use of pandemic vocabulary within the Internet discourse is marked by the development of a number of thematic groups of language units referring to: 1) routine activities and events; 2) changes in learn and work modes; 3) excess weight; 4) alcohol and 5) verbal aggressiveness.Conclusions. The study enabled categorizing the units of the English pandemic (coronavirus) vocabulary as a separate lexical cluster, which has predominantly developed with the help of the already existing language resources. The units of this innovative cluster perform nominative function by naming new concepts and realia of life, reflect social moods, for instance, the feelings of worry, fear, anguish, and hopelessness, or facilitate the humorous effect in communication. Prospects for future research lie within the expansion of discursive analysis of pandemic innovations for revealing functional of some neological units on different stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as conducting a comparative study of pandemic innovations in distant languages.Key words: word-building, lexical innovation, pandemic vocabulary, discourse. Метою пропонованого дослідження є висвітлення актуального пандемійного (коронавірусного) вокабуляру англійської мови з позицій системно-функціонального підходу. Досягненню мети сприяє виконання таких завдань: 1) ідентифікувати пандемійний (коронавірусний) лексичний кластер; 2) охарактеризувати словотвірні особливості коронавокабуляра англійської мови та 3) проінтерпретувати особливості функціонування коронавокабуляра в політичному, повсякденному та інтернет-дискурсах.Методи. Для досягнення поставленої мети застосовувалися: 1) метод узагальнення для ідентифікації базових теоретич-них положень; 2) метод структурно-семантичного аналізу для вивчення особливостей словотвору пандемійного вокабуляра; 3) статистичний метод для вирахування частотності та продуктивності словотворення пандемійного лексичного кластера за конкретними моделями; 4) елементи дискурс-аналізу для вивчення функціональних особливостей короновокабуляра.Результати. Коронакриза, що триває нині, є центральним фактором впливу на лексикографічну систему англійської мови, оскільки актуалізувала проблему номінації нових реалій. Найактуальнішою неологічною групою англійської мови нині є пандемійна лексика (коронавірусний вокабуляр), до складу якого, зокрема, входять інноваційні слова та вирази, що виникли з початку пандемії COVID-19 та пов’язані з її впливом на сучасне життя. Елементи коронавокабуляра утворюються за низкою дериваційних моделей, до числа яких відносимо деривацію, основоскладання, скорочення, запозичення, субституцію, проте найпродуктивнішою моделлю за результатами статистичного аналізу є телескопія. Дослідження особливостей функціонуван-ня коронавірусного вокабуляра в різних типах дискурсу дає змогу констатувати превалювання узуальної лексики та тісні між-дискурсивні зв’язки, зокрема між політичним дискурсом та дискурсом повсякденності. Використання пандемійної лексики на просторах інтернет-дискурсу відзначається формуванням низки лексико-семантичних груп на позначення: 1) рутинних занять та подій; 2) змін у звичному розпорядку навчальної та робочої діяльності; 3) зайвої ваги; 4) алкоголю та 5) мовної агресії.Висновки. Проведене дослідження уможливило виокремлення англомовного пандемійного (коронавірусного) вокабуляра як окремого лексичного кластера, основу якого становить загальновживана лексика. Одиниці цього інноваційного кластера виконують номінативну функцію через іменування нових реалій та концептів життя, а також рефлектують настрої суспільства, зокрема відчуття занепокоєння, остраху, туги та безнадійності, або ж сприяють реалізації гумористичного ефекту комунікації.Ключові слова: словотворення, лексична інновація, пандемійний вокабуляр, дискурс.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Anis Firdatul Rochma ◽  
Sulis Triyono

<em>As an effort to give contribution to the existing knowledge, it is expected for the undergraduate students to compose an engaging research article in order to convince the readers about the importance of the research article. However, there is only a little attention given to the articles written by the undergraduate students although it is considered very critical to examine whether the exposure of English academic writing has significantly enhances the writing competence of the students. Furthermore, as it is also very crucial to build a meaningful semantic meaning among the sentences in order to disclose the worthiness of the research article, it is essential to analyze the cohesion of the research article written by the undergraduate students. Henceforth, the present research is projected to investigate the cohesion of the research articles written by the undergraduate students of English Language Teaching. As the introduction section of research article is likely to be an area to portray the logical explanation of the research, the present research solely focuses on examining the cohesion of the introduction section of research article. By adopting a qualitative design and involving several steps to analyze the introduction section, it is revealed that the grammatical cohesion is considered to be the most utilized type of cohesion in writing the introduction section. Still, the lexical cohesion is also necessary to build an eloquent semantic meaning about the topic as well the importance of the research article.</em>

Vladimir Gurin ◽  
Elena Obletsova

The subject of this research is the proverbs and sayings with lexical components &ldquo;truth&rdquo; and &ldquo;lie&rdquo; in the English language. The relevance of their studying is substantiated by the need in theoretical conceptualization and practical implementation of these phraseological units in aspect of the problem of interrelation between cultural and language, which contributes to more profound understanding of national mentality reflected in the English linguistic worldview. The article explores and analyzes the phenomena of proverbs and sayings, determines their common and differentiating traits. Using the method of semantic analysis, the author develops the classification of proverbs and sayings with lexical components &ldquo;truth&rdquo; and &ldquo;lie&rdquo;, as well as describes theory structure. As a result of the conducted research, the author determined 31 proverbs and sayings. They reveal the multifaceted nature of human existence, elucidate the perception of truth and lie in the English-language world. Truth and lie are associated with the means of achieving something. At the same time, truth does not always has a positive connotation, but serve as a tool for causing harm to others. Lie is the reason of negative, undesired events.

2020 ◽  
pp. 89-92
Irina Sergeevna Golovanova ◽  
Elena Valerevna Bolotova

The authors of the article outline that in modern linguistics, the role of human character in language and speech is studied, new concepts such as the conceptual picture of the world, language portrait, speech portrait, the ratio of language and speech, etc. are defined. The relevance of the article is presented in the linguistic description of the speeches by politicians of the Republican party in connection with the increased international interest in political life. The language features of speeches by American politicians are reviewed. The goal-directed factor of the research is to determine the lexical features of political speeches that characterize representatives of the Republican party as well-known political figures. Methods. Accordingly, the description of the lexicon of politicians, which acts as a lexical analysis in this work, is the main method of research, which is inextricably linked with semantic analysis. The language base for the research is English-language publications, such as The Guardian, the Washington Post, and the New York Times. The results of the study are associated with the identification of words used in political speeches that show the attitude of Republicans to the needs and values of American society, special abbreviations, expressions related to political, military, and social spheres of activity. It is concluded that the lexical and semantic characteristics influence the formation of ideas about the communicative and personal qualities of politicians.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 48-50
L. Mykhailyuk

The article deals with the problem of semantic classification of the verbs of the NorthAmerican continent. 60 verbs marked in the dictionaries (Hornby, Webster, Gage) as British,American, Canadian have been chosen for the investigation. The classification of verbal lexemesaccording to their semantic meaning suggested by A.A. Ufimtseva has been taken for the basis ofthis research. According to this classification all the verbs fall into two groups: lexemes of activeaction and lexemes of nonactive action.

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