scholarly journals Kedaulatan Allah dan Pandemi Covid-19: Sebuah Tinjauan Biblis-Teologis

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-76
James Lola ◽  
Donna Mutiara Junita Nainggolan

Abstrac: This literature research traces the biblical-theological study of God's sovereignty related to the Pandemic. The problem of pandemic itself, in tracing the Bible, is more associated with infectious diseases especially pestilence, in which infectious diseases are given by God as a punishment for human sin, as a warning of a greater danger and also as God's way to save His chosen people.   Keywords: Pandemic, God’s Sovereignity, Infectious Diseases, pestilence   Abstrak: Penelitian kepustakaan ini menelusuri tentang kajian biblis-teologis tentang kedaulatan Allah berkaitan dengan Pandemic (penyakit menular).  Persoalan pandemic sendiri, dalam penelusuran terhadap Alkitab lebih banyak dikaitkan dengan penyakit menular terutama penyakit sampar, di mana penyakit menular itu, diberikan oleh Allah sebagai penghukuman atas dosa manusia, sebagai peringatan  akan bahaya yang lebih besar dan juga sebagai cara Allah untuk menyelamatkan umat pilihan-Nya.        

2021 ◽  
pp. 001452462110433
John Riches

This chapter outlines the history of the Scottish family firm of publishers T&T Clark, which for nearly 200 years made a significant contribution to the development of an historical and critical approach to theological study. This was chiefly effected through a series of publications of mostly German-speaking works of theology and biblical studies. It is suggested that these were principally of a mediating kind, seeking to achieve a complementarity between forms of confessional Protestant belief and theology on the one hand and historical and philosophical studies on the other. This reached a climax in the early twentieth century with the publication of major works by Ritschl and Schleiermacher. Thereafter the firm’s publishing programme became more influenced by confessional forms of theology, particularly through its translation of Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics. Its legacy, however, remains not only in the form of Barth but of Schleiermacher and historical critical studies of the Bible.

Syntax Idea ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (9) ◽  
pp. 2241
Yohanes Verdianto

Tithing is God's holy, in recognition that God is the owner and man is the servant. But in Deuteronomy 14:22-29 the fact is found that God's holy tithing can be used to buy everything he wants including intoxicating drinks, and even God ordered that the Israelites eat them together with the priests before God. The purpose of the study was to examine the history of the second tithing and its use in Deuteronomy 14:22-29 to find out the true purpose of God's commandments about spending tithing for whatever is desired, spending tithing on intoxicating beverages, and whether this is the legitimacy of God so that His people can currently consume liquor. Research methods are documentary research methods.  This is done by evaluating various historical literature in the discussion of tithing festivals and their use. This researcher will conclude research to answer these questions. First of all, in the Bible there are three types of tithing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-17
Agnes Alicia ◽  
Ayu Rotama Silitonga ◽  
Agustina Bela ◽  
Ayang Emiyati

Children's ministry is very motivating for the church and child servants because it affects the growth of the child's faith. One of them is the ministry of evangelism. Evangelism is the message of salvation and judgment in Christ Jesus. Children aged 5 - 10 years do not usually understand and interpret themselves as "Christians" because they only follow what their parents do and do. = 'So it is necessary to teach through evangelism to these children. The question is how does a minister convey the "gospel" message to children so that it can be understood easily and what are the results of the ministry? This paper has two purposes. First, the servant understands the method or way of a servant to convey the "gospel" message simply. Second, so that children better understand the true meaning of the Bible. The research method used is qualitative by interviewing sources to examine and understand the attitudes, views, feelings and behavior of an individual or group of people and literature research to support this writing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Dwi Indarti Hutami Dewi ◽  
Setiya Aji Sukma

The world of education is increasingly confronted with various challenges that complicate and demand that education increasingly innovate in developing educational products. Research Objectives: What is the meaning of Environmental Care according to the Bible and experts? Does caring about the environment support the effectiveness of learning? What is the perspective of Ephesians 5: 1-21 regarding Environmental Care as an Implementation of Religious Character Values? The research method used is exposition and literature research. The results of the study are: (1) the meaning of caring for the environment is loving the dimensions of the space into which the learning activities take place, caring for the environment is everyone's obligation. This needs to be instilled in students to grow into a generation that can take part in preserving the natural environment and the social environment. (2) environmental care attitude (in family, school, and community) is realized through obedience in realizing environmental preservation efforts. Obedience must be based on love, because by loving, humans will automatically have a sense of caring. The environment as a container for the formation of a person's character. (3) Christ is the only example in terms of love, Christians must understand Christ for themselves, then apply the love of Christ to the environment, so as to create a healthy and loving environment in the world of Indonesian education..AbstrakDunia pendidikan semakin hari semakin dihadapkan dengan berbagai tantangan yang mempersulit dan menuntut supaya pendidikan semakin berinovasi dalam mengembangkan produk pendidikan. Tujuan penelitian: Apakah makna Cinta Lingkungan menurut Alkitab dan para ahli?  Apakah sikap Cinta lingkungan menunjang efektifitas pembelajaran? Bagaimanakah perspektif Efesus 5:1-21 mengenai Cinta Lingkungan sebagai Implementasi Nilai Karakter Religius? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksposisi dan penelitian literature. Hasil penelitian adalah: (1) makna cinta lingkungan adalah mengasihi dimensi ruang yang menjadi tempat melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran, cinta lingkungan adalah kewajiban semua orang. Hal ini perlu ditanamkan kepada peserta didik agar bertumbuh menjadi generasi yang dapat ambil bagian dalam rangka melestarikan lingkungan alam maupun lingkungan pergaulan. (2) sikap cinta lingkungan (dalam keluarga, sekolah, dan masyarakat) diwujudkan melalui ketaatan dalam mewujudkan upaya pelestarian lingkungan. Ketaatan tersebut haruslah berdasarkan pada kasih, karena dengan mengasihi, manusia akan dengan otomatis memiliki rasa peduli. Lingkungan tersebut sebagai wadah pembentukan karakter seseorang. (3) Kristus adalah satu-satunya teladan dalam hal mengasihi, orang Kristen harus memahami Kristus atas diri masing-masing, lalu menerapkan kasih Kristus kepada lingkungan, agar tercipta lingkungan yang sehat dan penuh kasih di dunia pendidikan Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-157
Hasahatan Hutahaean ◽  
Elirani Gea ◽  
Adarsan Simarmata

One type of psalm is Lament. Psalms of Lament sung with weeping, weeping driven by the psalmist's sorrow. David wrote many psalms where one of them is lamentation in Psalm 12. In this article the psalmist experienced a change of mood (feeling) from lamenting, joyful hope then again lamenting. The research in this paper used a qualitative approach to library research methods. Literature research requires a study of related literature to guide researchers to achieve the research objectives of the data taken based on selected books. While the interpretation to find the meaning of the text of the Research Team uses the method of Reading the Bible (BGA). The methods of BGA are simple but practice interpretation that was designed initially for Christian quiet times. After Psalm 12 interpreted, the Research Team founded that the psalmist was still lamenting over the situation around him. Even though the psalmist experienced joy because God will save, but the wicked are still there and rottenness still arises among the sons of men. Because God works not based on the presence or absence of the wicked and rottenness among the children of men.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 285-294
Iky Sumartina Putri Prayitno ◽  
K Katarina ◽  
Theresia Tiodora Sitorus

This article discusses religiosity in the Bible in order to build religious harmony as the goal of Christian mission in Indonesia. This study uses a literature research approach using relevant sources and elaborated into a concept of the implications of religiosity in the Bible in order to build religious harmony as the goal of Christian missions in Indonesia. As a result, someone who has an attitude of religiosity will bring harmony, love one another, and produce positive changes, so that in this part the Christian mission is presented and carried out in Indonesia.

Kurios ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 114
Bobby Kurnia Putrawan

The feminist movement became a movement that moved and challenged the church from the comfort of male domination. The role of women is increasingly strengthened and developed in various aspects of life, including aspects of church leadership. This resulted in debates among male-dominated church leaders; whether women's leadership roles can be accepted or rejected. This article is presented to add to the theological study of women and their leadership in the church through the perspective of feminist hermeneutics while upholding respect and authority for the Bible. The method used is grammar-accommodative, which is a combination of grammatical understanding of the text and translatively translated. Finally, the involvement of women in the formation of Christian social ethics in the future will broaden the horizon of understanding the interaction of women and men in social structures and ecclesiastics. Abstrak Gerakan feminis menjadi sebuah gerakan yang menggugah dan meng-gugat gereja dari kenyamanannya dominasi laki-laki. Peranan perempuan semakin diperkuat dan dikembangkan di pelbagai aspek kehidupan, termasuk aspek kepemimpinan gereja. Hal ini ini berdampak perdebatan di kalangan pimpinan gereja yang didominasi laki-laki; apakah peranan kepemimpinan perempuan bisa diterima atau ditolak. Artikel ini disajikan untuk menambah kajian teologis mengenai perempuan dan kepemimpinannya di gereja melalui perspektif hermeneutika feminis, dengan tetap menjunjung tinggi penghargaan dan otoritas terhadap Alkitab. Metode yang digunakan adalah grammar-akomodatif, yang merupakan perpaduan pengertian teks secara gramatikal dan diterjemahkan secara akomo-datif. Akhirnya, keterlibatan perempuan ke dalam pembentukan etika sosial Kristen di masa depan akan memperluas cakrawala pemahaman tentang interaksi perempuan dan laki-laki dalam struktur sosial dan kegerejawian.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Zainuddin Soga ◽  
Hadirman Hadirman

Abstract. This study aimed to discuss the Semiotics in the Quran, foccused in: 1) the concept of semiotic significance in the study of the Quran; 2) the history of the application of semiotics on scripture; 3) the characteristics of the Qurani’s semiotics.  This research is a literature research (library research), that is the research conducted research of various literature related to the problem under study. The results of this study indicate that: 1) Semiotic approach in the Quran contains a meaning that is an attempt to study and interpret the Quran with the workings and functions of signs in the text of the Quran as the orientation of the study; 2) Saint Augustinus is the first founder of the sign system in the study of the Bible; 3) the characteristics of semiotics in the Quran contains the concept of ma'rifah and nakirah, the addition of letters has implications for the change of meaning; one word has many meanings. The implication of this research is that a Muslim, especially Muslim academic, is always eager to learn the Quran. Because the success of a Muslim in expressing semiotics in the Quran have a positive impact for success in the world and in the afterlife. Keywords: Semiotic of significance, structure analysis, dan Quran Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang semiotika dalam Alquran, yang difokuskan pada  1) konsep semiotik signifikansi dalam studi Alquran; 2) sejarah penerapan semiotika pada kitab suci; 3) dan karakteristik semiotika  Alquran. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kepustakaan (library research), yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan melalui riset berbagai literatur yang berkaitan dengan  masalah yang  diteliti. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Pendekatan semiotika dalam Alquran mengandung arti sebagai upaya mengkaji dan menafsirkan Alquran dengan cara kerja dan fungsi tanda-tanda dalam teks Alquran sebagai orientasi kajiannya; 2) Saint Augustinus adalah peletak pertama dasar sistem tanda dalam mengkaji al-Kitab; 3) karakteristik semiotika  dalam Alquran di antaranya; memiliki konsep ma’rifah dan nakirah, penambahan huruf berimplikasi pada perubahan makna; satu kata memiliki banyak makna. Implikasi dari penelitian ini,  yaitu hendaknya seorang muslim terutama akademisi muslim senantiasa bersemangat untuk mempelajari Alquran. Karena keberhasilan seorang muslim dalam mengungkapkan semiotika dalam Alquran, bisa berdampak positif untuk keberhasilan di dunia maupun di akhirat. Kata kunci: Semotika signifikasi, Analisis Stukktur, dan Alquran

K Katarina ◽  
Krido Siswanto

Katarina & Krido Siswanto, Exemplary Leadership of Jesus and Its Implications for Church Leadership In Today. This paper is an analysis of the exemplary leadership of Jesus and its implications in the present. The author conducts literature research by looking at the principles of Jesus' leadership in the four Gospels, then finding the implications. From the results of the study, the Bible shows that Jesus is a figure who can be an example to his community and the example of his leadership is still relevant to Christian leadership today. The Bible shows that there are at least four areas of exemplary leadership of Jesus: the character of Jesus in leading, the spirituality of Jesus in leading, the management of Jesus in leading, and the ministry of Jesus in leading. Katarina & Krido Siswanto, Keteladanan Kepemimpinan Yesus dan Implikasinya Bagi Kepemimpinan Gereja Pada Masa Kini. Tulisan ini merupakan analisis tentang keteladanan kepemimpinan Yesus dan implikasinya pada masa kini. Penulis melakukan penelitian literatur dengan mencermati prinsip kepemimpinan Yesus dalam keempat Injil, kemudian menemukan implikasinya. Dari hasil penelitian, Alkitab menunjukkan bahwa Yesus adalah sosok yang dapat menjadi teladan bagi komunitas-Nya dan keteladanan kepemimpinan-Nya masih relevan dengan kepemimpinan Kristen pada masa kini. Alkitab menunjukkan paling tidak ada empat bidang keteladanan kepemimpinan Yesus, yaitu: karakter Yesus dalam memimpin, kerohanian Yesus dalam memimpin, manajemen Yesus dalam memimpin, dan pelayanan Yesus dalam memimpin.

John Riches

This chapter outlines the history of the Scottish family firm of publishers T&T Clark, which for nearly 200 years made a significant contribution to the development of an historical and critical approach to theological study. This was chiefly effected through a series of publications of mostly German-speaking works of theology and biblical studies. It is suggested that these were principally of a mediating kind, seeking to achieve a complementarity between forms of confessional Protestant belief and theology on the one hand and historical and philosophical studies on the other. This reached a climax in the early twentieth century with the publication of major works by Ritschl and Schleiermacher. Thereafter the firm’s publishing programme became more influenced by confessional forms of theology, particularly through its translation of Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics. Its legacy, however, remains not only in the form of Barth but of Schleiermacher and historical critical studies of the Bible.

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