scholarly journals Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Kemiskinan Kultural Dan Model Pengentasan Berbasis Kearifan Lokal

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-23
Putu Ari Mulyani

This study aims to determine the main factors leading causes of cultural poverty and developing poverty aleviation model based on local wisdom, such as Hindu based-philosophy TatTwam Asi (if I were you) in the community of Kintamani tourist area. The objectives acomplishment of the study were carried out by using the paradigm prototypical studies, combined with reflective analysis method. It was found that the main factors causing poverty in certain parts of Kintamani community were cultural values that lead them difficult to reduce the poverty, such as the cultural habit of begging, laziness, pessimistic, easy to quit, lack of motivation, resigned to fate family situation that been poor hereditary, and low education level. Poverty alleviation model was proposed by elaborating Tat Twam Asi values in the community of Kintamani tourist area through functionalization of social and culture institutions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Nasri Bachtiar ◽  
Mora J Rasbi ◽  
Rahmi Fahmi

The purpose of this study is to analyze factors that influence children poverty in West Sumatera Province based on household and parents characteristics. To address this issue, the 2013 National Socioeconomic Survey was derived from the Indonesian Statistics Agency and analyzed using logistic regression. Research results showed factors that significantly affected the probability of children fall into absolute poverty are low education level of parents, mother and head of household’s employment status, location of residences in villages, and having more than one child. Policies on poverty alleviation have been implemented by the government. However, a more comprehensive effort particularly for family with children under-five needs to be taken into account. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Alia Fajarwati ◽  
Eva Latifah Puspita Sari ◽  
Nirania Galuh Putrie Soewarno

Di Indonesia, dalam upaya untuk mengentaskan kemiskinan, Dinas Sosial mengelompokkan penduduk yang menjadi target, yaitu kelompok penduduk Penyandang Masalah Kesejahteraan Sosial (PMKS). Menurut Dinas Sosial, setidaknya terdapat 22 definisi operasional dan karakteristik dari masing-masing jenis PMKS, salah satunya adalah Wanita Rawan Sosial Ekonomi (WRSE).  Metode deskriptif baik kuantitatif maupun kualitatif digunakan dalam studi ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah  deskriptif baik dengan pendekatan  kualitatif maupuan pendekatan kuantitatif.  Lokasi penelitian adalah di Kabupaten Temanggung.  Survei lapangan dilaksanakan di Desa Tepusen, Kecamatan Kaloran.  Metode sensus digunakan dalam studi ini, yaitu dengan mewawancarai seluruh WRSE yang ada di Desa Tepusen.  Hasil studi menunujukkan: 1) jumlah WRSE terbesar di Kabupaten Temanggung menurut data statistik adalah di Kecamatan Temanggung yaitu sebanyak 691 WRSE dan terkecil di Kecamatan Bulu yaitu sebayak 22 WRSE; 2) faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan wanita menjadi WRSE di desa ini adalah perceraian/kematian suami, tingkat pendidikan rendah, pekerjaan dengan gaji rendah; 3) upaya-upaya yang telah dilakukan Dinsos untuk mengatasi WRSE yaitu dana ternak, pelatihan pembuatan kue dan pelatihan sulam pita; 4) faktor-faktor penghambat dalam upaya pengentasan WRSE adalah terbatasnya waktu senggang, tingkat pendidikan rendah, usia, jumlah tanggungan, terbatasnya akses finansial; dan 5) strategi yang dapat direkomendasikan untuk mengentaskan WRSE dari kemiskinan: akses ke pendidikan formal, pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas, bantuan dana untuk penghidupan dan anak-anak WRSE, membuka akses pada keuangan mikro, pendampingan spiritual/psikologis, memperkuat jaringan pendukung WRSE dan pelibatan WRSE dalam perencanaan maupun program pengentasan kemiskinan. In Indonesia, as an effort to a poverty alleviation, Department of Social Welfare in Indonesia has a program with the target groups such as ‘Penyandang Masalah Kesejahteraan Sosial (PMKS)- The Social Welfare Problems People’.  There are at least 22 operational definitions and characteristic from each category of PMKS.  One of group of women who included in this group is ‘Wanita Rawan Sosial Ekonomi (WRSE)- Economic Social Prone Women-group.  This study uses descriptive method, both with quantitative and  qualitative approach. The research location is in the District of Temanggung. The field survey was conducted in Tepusen Village, Kaloran District. Census method used in this study, which by interviewing the entire WRSE in the Tepusen Village. The study results show: 1) factors that cause women to be WRSE in this village is divorcement or the husband’s death, low education level, low-salary occuption; 2) the efforts that have been made to overcome WRSE’s poverty by Dinsos namely livestock funds, cullinary training and training of stitching ribbon; 3) the factors inhibiting reduction WRSE is limited leisure time, low education level, age, number of dependents, limited access to finance; and 4) strategies can be recommended to alleviate WRSE of poverty are opening access to formal education, holding trainings to improve capability, funding for WRSE’s livelihood and WRSE’s children, opening access to microfinance, mentoring WRSE’s spiritual / psychological, strengthening the WRSE’s supporters network and involving WRSE in WRSE’s poverty alleviation planning or program.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (15) ◽  
pp. 185-192
Nor Jannah Nasution Raduan ◽  
Mohd Razali Salleh ◽  
Ghazali Ahmad ◽  
Zaleha Ismail

Depression and cognitive impairment are the most common complications of patients on hemodialysis. The objective of this study is to identify contributing factors to depression and cognitive impairment in hemodialysis patients. This is a cross-sectional study involving 110 hemodialysis patients in Hospital Kuala Lumpur. The samples were recruited through universal sampling. Patients were assessed with the Beck Depression Inventory and Montreal Cognitive Assessment. This study found that 18.2% of patients had depression, and 48.2% had cognitive impairment. Factors associated with depression were unmarried status, low education level, and cognitive impairment. Factors associated with cognitive impairment were low education level, depression, and unemployment. Keywords: hemodialysis, depression, cognitive, ESRD eISSN: 2398-4287© 2020. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license ( Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI:

Ali Ahmed Abou Elmaaty ◽  
Carmen Ali Zarad ◽  
Tamer Ibrahim Belal ◽  
Tamer Sabry Elserafy

Abstract Background Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is a neurological disorder of unknown etiology and ambiguous pathophysiology due to cerebrospinal fluid dysregulation. This study is designed to evaluate the role of brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance venography (MRV) in diagnosis of IIH, to clarify the nature and extent of cognitive deficits, and to detect if there is a correlation between radiology, clinical findings, and cognitive dysfunctions in those patients. Results The study included 34 patients and 34 age-, sex-, body mass index (BMI)-, and education-matched healthy control subjects. MR brain imaging and Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) test were used for both groups. MRI and MRV sensitivity for IIH diagnosis were 85.2% and 85.3% with 100% and 94.1% specificity respectively. 44.1% had cognitive impairment, memory was the most affected domain, followed by attention, abstraction, and orientation with statistically significantly lower total MoCA score (p < 0.005). Domain comparisons reveal a statistically significantly lower memory/delayed recall (p < 0.001) and abstract scores (p < 0.007) in IIH cases versus control subjects. In comparing patients with cognitive impairment (CI) versus those without CI, there were statistically significantly higher CI in low education level, presence of diplopia, hormonal contraceptive use, abnormal MRI brain, papilledema grades, BMI, and opening pressure. Conclusions Presence of more than or equal 3 MR imaging findings, bilateral transverse sinus stenosis, and less than or equal 4 combined conduit score increase the specificity and sensitivity of MRI and MRV for IIH diagnosis. IIH had detrimental effect on different cognitive domains especially when patient have low education level, diplopia, papilledema ≥ grade III, high OP ≥ 61.5 cm H2O, and BMI ≥ 34 Kg/m2 with abnormal MRI and MRV findings.

Genus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (1) ◽  
Sergio Ginebri ◽  
Carlo Lallo

AbstractWe developed an innovative method to break down official population forecasts by educational level. The mortality rates of the high education group and low education group were projected using an iterative procedure, whose starting point was the life tables by education level for Italy, based on the year 2012. We provide a set of different scenarios on the convergence/divergence of the mortality differential between the high and low education groups. In each scenario, the demographic size and the life expectancy of the two sub-groups were projected annually over the period 2018–2065. We compared the life expectancy paths in the whole population and in the sub-groups. We found that in all of our projections, population life expectancy converges to the life expectancy of the high education group. We call this feature of our outcomes the “composition effect”, and we show how highly persistent it is, even in scenarios where the mortality differential between social groups is assumed to decrease over time. In a midway scenario, where the mortality differential is assumed to follow an intermediate path between complete disappearance in year 2065 and stability at the 2012 level, and in all the scenarios with a milder convergence hypothesis, our “composition effect” prevails over the effect of convergence for men and women. For instance, assuming stability in the mortality differential, we estimated a life expectancy increase at age 65 of 2.9 and 2.6 years for men, and 3.2 and 3.1 for women, in the low and high education groups, respectively, over the whole projection period. Over the same period, Italian official projections estimate an increase of 3.7 years in life expectancy at age 65 for the whole population. Our results have relevant implications for retirement and ageing policies, in particular for those European countries that have linked statutory retirement age to variations in population life expectancies. In all the scenarios where the composition effect is not offset by a strong convergence of mortality differentials, we show that the statutory retirement age increases faster than the group-specific life expectancies, and this finding implies that the expected time spent in retirement will shrink for the whole population. This potential future outcome seems to be an unintended consequence of the indexation rule.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
A. Bahadi ◽  
H. Lagtarna ◽  
S. Benbria ◽  
Y. Zajjari ◽  
D. Elkabbaj ◽  

Abstract Objective The evaluation of physical activity for chronic hemodialysis patients is a new approach for patient global care. The objective of this work is to evaluate the physical activity in chronic hemodialysis patients and identify the risk factors associated with reduced physical activity. This is a prospective study for 6 months including 150 chronic hemodialysis patients in the Guelmim-Oued Noun Regionin Moroccan Sahara. We use Baecke's survey, translated and validated in Arabic local language. The socio-demographic, clinical, and biological data were completed during the interrogation and from the medical records of the patients. Results The mean age of our patients was 54.6 ± 16.4 years, with male predominance (59%). Most patients have a low education level and 60% were illiterate. Hypertension was found in 54% of our patients, diabetes in 39%, and cardiovascular disease in 10% of patients. Low Physical activity was associated with gender (OR = 4.05), age (OR = 1.03) and high education level (OR = 0.2). Our work has met the various pre-established objectives, however other more specific studies must be conducted to better characterize the profile of physical activity in chronic hemodialysis patients.

2016 ◽  
Vol 858 ◽  
pp. 262-266
Yuan Yuan Zhou ◽  
Wang Da Zhu

This paper investigated and determined the subjective evaluation indicators of comfort in lighting environment for elderly in nursing institutions. Factor analysis method was utilized and the result showed that the recognition of space and figures, sense of security from even illumination, convenience of switch control and no glare were the main factors. The conclusion of the study was not only used to evaluate the lighting environment quality, but also used to guide the design of lighting environment in nursing institutions.

Chih-Hung Yeh ◽  

This paper explores and brings forth a persistent resilient self-motivated or self-growth-driven rural poverty alleviation model based on the commercializing-based rural poverty alleviation (CBRPA) model. The CBRPA model encompasses systems or mechanisms of integrated contract farming, regional integrated processing, and agricultural association. Although China has made brilliant achievements in rural poverty alleviation since opening-up in 1978, it still lacks a self-growth-driven rural poverty alleviation system or mechanism. Thus, this paper discusses the rural poverty alleviation achievements and policies of China. It explores various solutions, formulates proper structure, and proposes a CBRPA model. Implementation of the CBRPA model requires the establishment of the agricultural association, integrated contract farming companies (ICFCs), and regional integrated processing companies (RIPCs). The paper also discussed the importance and contribution of rural poverty alleviation to economic growth as well as China’s major economic strategy of double cycle growth. As the CBRPA Model generates a self-growth-driven rural poverty alleviation pattern that is implemented all over the country, it makes an important strategy for internal cycle growth to mutually facilitate external cycle growth.

Nan Li ◽  
Dan Wu

Under the dual background of underemployment and health inequality, this paper empirically analyzes the impact of education level on underemployed workers’ health based on CLDS2016 data. The results show that underemployment is significantly related to the decline of self-rated health, increased depression tendency, and morbidity in a certain period. The results indicate that underemployment can significantly reduce the health level of workers in the low education level group and the high education level group. However, it has no significant impact on workers’ health in the middle education level group; even if we change the measurement method of indicators and consider endogeneity, the research conclusion is still robust. Moreover, this kind of health inequality mainly comes from the difference in economic effect and leisure effect of underemployment to workers with different educational levels. This paper provides empirical support for increasing the labor protection mechanism of underemployed people and reducing the health inequality caused by educational level differences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (4) ◽  
pp. 132-142
Paolo Masci ◽  
Sandy Weininger

Abstract This article reports on the development of usability engineering recommendations for next-generation integrated interoperable medical devices. A model-based hazard analysis method is used to reason about possible design anomalies in interoperability functions that could lead to use errors. Design recommendations are identified that can mitigate design problems. An example application of the method is presented based on an integrated medical system prototype for postoperative care. The AAMI/UL technical committee used the results of the described analysis to inform the creation of the Interoperability Usability Concepts, Annex J, which is included in the first edition of the new ANSI/AAMI/UL 2800-1:2019 standard on medical device interoperability. The presented work is valuable to experts developing future revisions of the interoperability standard, as it documents key aspects of the analysis method used to create part of the standard. The contribution is also valuable to manufacturers, as it demonstrates how to perform a model-based analysis of use-related aspects of a medical system at the early stages of development, when a concrete implementation of the system is not yet available.

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