
El art. 2 del Real Decreto-ley 14/2021, de 6 de julio, de medidas urgentes para la reducción de la temporalidad en el empleo público, prevé nuevos procesos de estabilización de empleo temporal para atajar la excesiva temporalidad en las Administraciones Públicas y cumplir con las indicaciones de la Unión Europea a nuestro país en este sentido. En el presente artículo se estudia el régimen jurídico aplicable a estos procesos de estabilización de empleo temporal y muy en particular la compensación económica que se reconoce en favor del personal funcionario interino o el personal laboral temporal afectado por los procesos de estabilización de empleo temporal que, estando en activo como tal y habiendo participado en el proceso selectivo de estabilización, viera finalizada su relación con la Administración por la no superación del proceso selectivo, el carácter potestativo u obligatorio de los procesos de estabilización de empleo temporal, los sistemas selectivos, la valoración de los méritos, las pruebas y las notas de corte. Enplegu publikoan behin-behinekotasuna murrizteko premiazko neurriei buruzko uztailaren 6ko 14/2021 Errege Lege Dekretuak, 2. artikuluan, aldi baterako enplegua egonkortzeko prozesu berriak aurreikusten ditu, administrazio publikoetan dagoen gehiegizko behin-behinekotasunari aurre egiteko eta Europar Batasunak gure herrialdeari ildo horretan emandako jarraibideak betetzeko. Artikulu honetan, aldi baterako enplegua egonkortzeko prozesu horiei aplikatu beharreko araubide juridikoa aztertzen da, eta, bereziki, aldi baterako enplegua egonkortzeko prozesuetan sartuta dauden bitarteko funtzionarioen edo aldi baterako lan-kontratuko langileen alde aitortzen den konpentsazio ekonomikoa, baldin eta, halakotzat jardunean egonik eta egonkortzeko hautaketa-prozesuan parte hartu ondoren, Administrazioarekin zuen harremana amaituta ikusten badu hautaketa-prozesua ez gainditzeagatik, hautapen-probak aukerakoak edo nahitaezkoak izateagatik, aldi baterako enplegua egonkortzeko prozesuengatik, balorazio-notengatik eta balorazio-sistemengatik. Art. 2 of Royal Decree-Law 14/2021, of July 6, on urgent measures to reduce the use of temporary contracts in public employment, provides for new stabilization processes for temporary employment to tackle the excessive use of temporary contracts at public administration bodies and comply with the indications of the European Union in Spain in this regard. This article studies the legal regime applicable to these temporary employment stabilization processes, and in particular, the economic compensation provided for temporary civil servants or temporary employees affected by temporary employment stabilization processes who, while in active employment as such and having participated in the selective stabilization process, find their relationship with the administration terminated due to their failure to pass the selection process, the optional or mandatory nature of the temporary employment stabilization processes, the selective systems, the assessment of merits, tests and the cut-off grades.


Este estudio pretende aportar algunas ideas para contribuir a un debate más sereno sobre el abuso en el nombramiento de personal funcionario interino y su sanción a través de los llamados procesos de estabilización. El análisis resulta muy oportuno en este momento, pues se está tramitando un proyecto de ley en las Cortes que proviene del Real Decreto-ley 14/2021, de 6 de julio, de medidas urgentes para la reducción de la temporalidad en el empleo público. Algunos grupos parlamentarios han solicitado expresamente la conversión automática del personal funcionario interino afectado en personal funcionario de carrera o la creación de una nueva categoría de empleado público fijo ¿a extinguir¿. Otros han propuesto su directa estabilización mediante un concurso o mediante la realización de un concurso-oposición, sin que los ejercicios de la fase de oposición tengan carácter eliminatorio. En este análisis se parte de una visión centrada especialmente en lo público, que resalta la necesidad de que las soluciones que finalmente se adopten para proteger al funcionario interino ¿abusado¿ sean también respetuosas con la especial naturaleza pública del empleador, con los principios constitucionales rectores del acceso al empleo público y con las potestades organizatorias y de planificación de las Administraciones Públicas. Azterlan honek ideia batzuk eman nahi ditu, lasaiago eztabaidatu daitezen bitarteko funtzionarioen izendapenean izandako gehiegikeria eta hori saihesteko eta, hala badagokio, zehatzeko neurriak. Azterketa oso egokia da une honetan, enplegu publikoan behin-behinekotasuna murrizteko premiazko neurriei buruzko uztailaren 6ko 14/2021 Errege Lege Dekretutik datorren lege-proiektu bat izapidetzen ari baitira Gorteetan. Legebiltzarreko talde batzuek berariaz eskatu dute tartean dauden bitarteko funtzionarioak karrerako funtzionario bihurtzea automatikoki, edo «iraungi» beharreko enplegatu publiko finkoaren kategoria berri bat sortzea. Beste batzuek lehiaketa baten bidez edo oposizio-lehiaketa baten bidez zuzenean egonkortzea proposatu dute, oposizio-faseko ariketak baztertzaileak izan gabe.Azterketa horretan, bereziki arlo publikoan oinarritutako ikuspegi batetik abiatzen da, eta azpimarratzen du beharrezkoa dela bitartekoa babesteko azkenean hartzen diren konponbideek enplegatzailearen izaera publiko berezia, enplegu publikoa lortzeko printzipio konstituzionalak eta administrazio publikoen antolaketa- eta plangintza-ahalak errespetatzea. This study aims to offer a number of ideas contributing to a more measured debate as to abuse in the appointment of interim civil servants, and measures to avoid and, where applicable, to penalise this practice. This is now a particularly timely analysis, as the Spanish Parliament is currently considering a bill derived from Royal Decree-Law 14/2021, of 6 July 2021, on urgent measures to reduce the use of temporary contracts in public employment. A number of parliamentary groupings have explicitly called for the interim staff affected to be automatically given permanent civil service contracts, or otherwise for the creation of a new category of permanent public employee "to be extinguished". Others have proposed their direct stabilization by means of a competition (exceptional system in which merits like job experience are assessed) or by means of a competition-examination (competitive tests and merit assessment), with non-eliminatory tests in the examination phase.This analysis is based on a perspective focused in particular on the public sector, highlighting the need that any solutions that might ultimately be adopted to protect interim staff, likewise respect the specific public nature of the employer, with the constitutional principles which govern access to public employment, and the organisational and planning powers of public administration bodies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (10) ◽  
pp. 3-18
Valeriy HEYETS ◽  

Self-realization of the individual in the conditions of using the policy of “social quality” as a modern tool of public administration in a transitional society is largely related to overcoming the existing limitations of the individual in acting in such a society and economy transitioning to a market character. Given that, in particular, in Ukraine the market is hybrid (and this is especially important), the existing limitations in self-realization of the individual must be overcome, including, and perhaps primarily, through transformations in the processes of socialization, which differ from European practices and institutions that ensure its implementation. Thus, it is a matter of overcoming not only and not so much the natural selfish interests of the individual, but the existing gap in skills, which are an invisible asset to ensure the endogenous nature of economic growth. It is shown that there is an inverse relationship between the formation of socialization and the policy of “social quality”, which is characterized by the dialectic of interaction between the individual and the group and which is a process of increasing the degree of socialization. The latter, due to interdependence, will serve to increase the effectiveness of interaction between the individual and the group, which expands the possibilities of self-realization of the individual in terms of European policy of “social quality” as a tool of public administration, whose successful application causes new challenges and content of the so-called secondary sociology. The logic of Ukraine's current development shows that new approaches are needed to achieve the social development goals set out in the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union and to minimize the potential risks and threats that accompany current reforms in Ukrainian society. They should introduce new forms of public administration to create policy interrelationships of all dimensions, as proposed, in particular, by the social quality approach to socialization, the nature of which has been revealed in the author's previous publications. As a result, the socio-cultural (social) dimension will fundamentally change, the structure of which must include the transformational processes of socialization of a person, thanks to which they will learn the basics of life in the new social reality and intensify their social and economic interaction on the basis of self-realization, thereby contributing to the success of state policy of social quality and achieving stable socio-economic development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-32

The article emphasizes that modern governments, working in unique socio-economic, historical and cultural conditions, must take into account global trends, as well as the growth of citizens’ expectations associated with the rapid development of information technologies and other factors. In such circumstances, special attention is paid to the effectiveness of public administration. The article discusses some of the significant factors impacting the effectiveness of public administration, such as the professionalization of the state apparatus, the legibility of the institutional framework, the optimization of information flows and corporate culture. In accordance with this, on the basis of work experience in the public administration system and analysis of civil service reforms in the countries of the region, the main challenges and possible solutions are shown. In the professionalization of the state apparatus, the importance of the merit principles in the selection and promotion stages of personnel through the empowerment of human resource (HR) management services, the integrity of tools and approaches at all stages of selection process, and the responsibility of the selection board are noted. The author focuses on the need to ensure a balance of powers, responsibility and resources, delimitation of powers between political and administrative civil servants, optimization of information flows. Particular importance is paid to corporate culture, which is one of the main factors affecting the efficiency of the state apparatus. It is noted that central values of corporate culture and leadership in state bodies of the countries of our region, along with generally accepted in the modern leadership theory, should be respect for the dignity, work and time of employees.

Stanisław Mazur

In the early 1990s, the Central and Eastern European countries (CEE countries) saw the collapse of communist regimes and an unprecedented political and economic transformation that resulted in the establishment of democratic, law-governed states and market economies. Administrative reforms, which became an important milestone in this transformation, were considerably influenced both by administrative legacies predominant in the countries and by the Europeanization processes associated with their accession to the European Union. The administrative legacies, which combine elements of various traditions (e.g., German, Napoleonic, and Anglo-American) are still strongly affected by what is left of the communist era. Conversely, the impact of Europeanization processes on public administrations in CEE countries has proved to be much weaker than initially expected. The process of building a professional and apolitical civil service in CEE countries has been plagued by discontinuity and inconsistency, owing to the specific administrative culture of the region, the weakening pressure to modernize EU institutions, and the consequences of the 2008 financial crisis, as well as growing populist tendencies in the region. All these factors encouraged the belief that political control over public administration needs to be tightened in order for the effectiveness and quality of governance mechanisms to be improved. The quality of governance and public management varies widely across the CEE countries. What they have in common—at least to some extent—is the fairly high dynamics of change, including the reversal of the effects of previously implemented reforms. The latter factor may be interpreted as a search for country-specific reform paths, partly due to disappointment with the values and models prevailing in Western Europe, and somewhat as a consequence of growing populist tendencies in the region.

Miloš Grásgruber ◽  
Petra Mísařová

If local authorities units carry out an economic activity, are considered to be taxable under Act No. 235/2004 Coll., On Value Added Tax as amended. Adjustment of VAT in all countries of the European Union is based on Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 on the common system of value added tax as amended. The application of this directive is binding for all EU member states and national treatment of VAT may diverge from the Directive only in cases where the Directive permits. Decisions of the European Court of Justice are of considerable importance during the interpretation of the Czech VAT Act.For the municipalities and regions article defines the activities that are considered to be an economic activity and activities that are deemed to exercise of public administration and are not therefore subject to VAT. Further the paper defines the concept of turnover of local authorities. At paper there are evaluating the impact of the application of VAT on municipalities and regions in the provision of the individual fulfillment. Great attention must municipalities and region devote to the problem of correct application of claim to tax deduction if they carry out the exercise of public administration, taxable activities and fulfillments exempt from VAT.

Ewa Bonusiak ◽  

Legal sciences, raising food safety as the subject of research, focus mainly on striving to ensure sufficiently effective legal regulations and the system of bodies controlling and supervising the food market that determine the correct health quality of food. One such body is the Veterinary Inspection. And while it focuses in its tasks mainly on the protection of animal health, it directly and indirectly affects the maintenance of food health requirements. Supervision exercised by the said Inspection plays an important role in ensuring a high level of protection of human life and health, and also protects the economic interests of the consumer. These two goals are basic. Additional objectives are protection of the reliability of commercial transactions, ensuring the free movement of food in the European Union, protection of animal health and living conditions and protection of the environment. They are of particular importance for determining acceptable limits of competences that can be entrusted to public administration bodies, including the said Inspection. The article presents the activities of the Veterinary Inspection to protect food safety and selected executive forms that it uses for this purpose. These types of entities are equipped with such forms of activity because they fulfill a protective function in the public administration system. However, this function implies the obligation to protect many different values desired individually, as well as maintain (ensure) objectively desired states of affairs, phenomena and processes.

Fabrício José Rodrigues de Lemos

A INTEGRAÇÃO ECONÔMICA E O REGIME JURÍDICO DO EURO  ECONOMIC INTEGRATION AND THE LEGAL REGIME OF THE EURO  Fabrício José Rodrigues de Lemos* RESUMO: Em um mundo de relações econômicas cada vez mais complexas, as nações se veem compelidas a formalizar uniões em torno de objetivos comuns, de maneira a fazer frente à acirrada concorrência internacional. Nesse sentido, buscam a formação dos chamados espaços econômicos integrados. Para isso, são necessários diversos requisitos, tais como a livre circulação de mercadorias, a liberdade de estabelecimento, a livre circulação de trabalhadores e de capitais. Entretanto, para que seja atingido o estágio mais aprofundado da integração econômica, além das exigências já exemplificadas, se constata imprescindível a instituição de moeda única. Nesse sentido, o artigo pretende, a partir de reflexões históricas e filosóficas acerca da implantação da zona do Euro, fazer apontamentos sobre a integração econômica existente na União Europeia, detalhando o regime jurídico da moeda única europeia, para, ao final, tecer considerações sobre o futuro do mercado comum europeu. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Integração econômica. Zona do Euro. Regime jurídico. União Europeia. ABSTRACT: In a world of increasingly complex economic relations, nations find themselves compelled to formalize unions around common goals, in order to cope with the fierce international competition. In this sense, they seek the formation of the so-called integrated economic spaces. Thereunto, several requirements must be met, such as the free movement of goods, freedom of establishment, free movement of workers and capital. However, in order to achieve the furthest stage of economic integration, in addition to the requirements already explained, the institution of a single currency is imperative. In this sense, the article intends to give pointers, from historical and philosophical reflections about the implementation of the Euro zone, on the existing economic integration in the European Union, detailing the legal regime of the single European currency, to, at the end, weave considerations about the future of the common European market. KEYWORDS: Economic integration. Eurozone. Legal regime. European Union. SUMÁRIO: Introdução. 1 Reflexões Históricas e Filosóficas acerca da Implantação da Zona do Euro. 1.1 Implantação da Zona Monetária Comum e o Critério de Convergência. 1.2 Conceito de eficiência em Richard Posner e a maximização da riqueza e do bem-estar social. 2 Regime Jurídico na Zona do Euro. 2.1 Integração regional e o Mercado Comum Europeu. 2.2 Considerações sobre o futuro do Mercado Comum Europeu. Considerações Finais. Referências.  * Mestrando em Direito Público, na Linha de Pesquisa Sociedade, Novos Direitos e Transnacionalização, pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). Integrante do Núcleo de Direitos Humanos da Unisinos (NDH). Advogado. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-86
Armenia Androniceanu ◽  
Irina Georgescu

Abstract The digitalization of public administration is a necessary condition for the economic and social development of each country. In this context, e-government is developing and diversifying its forms of implementation, contributing significantly to the efficiency of public administration, to increasing the degree of transparency and to reducing corruption in public institutions. The aim of the research was to know how the states of the European Union evolved from the point of view of e-government and what influence it had on the economic development of the analyzed states and on the European citizens during the analyzed period. For this we selected ten research variables from several databases: Eurostat, the World Bank and the United Nations E-Government Development Database (UNeGovDD) of the United Nations. The period for which we did the analysis is 2010 – 2019. Using EViews 12 we applied panel Principal Component Analysis to reduce the 10-variable panel into a lower dimension of 3 principal components to find the underlying simplified structure. The three principal components retained explain about 76.5 % of the initial information. The research results show significant differences between the states analyzed, in terms of e-government, but also in terms of the impact it has on government effectiveness, controlling corruption, e-participation of European citizens and the economic development of Member States. In countries with a high level of e-government implementation, governance is efficient, corruption is low, citizen involvement is higher and economic development is faster.

Giacinto della Cananea ◽  
Mauro Bussani

This book is about judicial review of public administration. Many have regarded this as dividing European legal orders, with judicial review of administrative action in the general courts or specialized administrative courts, or with different distance from the executive. There has been considerably less comparison of the basic procedural and substantive principles. The comparative study in this book of procedural fairness and propriety in the courts reveal not only differences but also some common and connecting elements, in a ‘common core’ perspective. The book is divided into four parts. The first explains the nature and purpose of a comparison to understand the relevance and significance of commonality and diversity between the legal systems of Europe, and which considers other legal systems which are more or less distant and distinct from Europe, such as China and Latin America. The second part contains an overview of the systems of judicial review in these legal orders. The third part, which is the heart of the ‘common core’ method, contains both a set of hypothetical cases and the solutions, according to the experts of the legal systems selected for our comparison, to the cases. The fourth part serves to examine the answers in comparative terms to ascertain not so much whether a ‘common core’ exists, but how it is shaped and evolves, also in response to the influence of supranational legal orders as the European Union and the Council of Europe.

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