
Este estudio pretende aportar algunas ideas para contribuir a un debate más sereno sobre el abuso en el nombramiento de personal funcionario interino y su sanción a través de los llamados procesos de estabilización. El análisis resulta muy oportuno en este momento, pues se está tramitando un proyecto de ley en las Cortes que proviene del Real Decreto-ley 14/2021, de 6 de julio, de medidas urgentes para la reducción de la temporalidad en el empleo público. Algunos grupos parlamentarios han solicitado expresamente la conversión automática del personal funcionario interino afectado en personal funcionario de carrera o la creación de una nueva categoría de empleado público fijo ¿a extinguir¿. Otros han propuesto su directa estabilización mediante un concurso o mediante la realización de un concurso-oposición, sin que los ejercicios de la fase de oposición tengan carácter eliminatorio. En este análisis se parte de una visión centrada especialmente en lo público, que resalta la necesidad de que las soluciones que finalmente se adopten para proteger al funcionario interino ¿abusado¿ sean también respetuosas con la especial naturaleza pública del empleador, con los principios constitucionales rectores del acceso al empleo público y con las potestades organizatorias y de planificación de las Administraciones Públicas. Azterlan honek ideia batzuk eman nahi ditu, lasaiago eztabaidatu daitezen bitarteko funtzionarioen izendapenean izandako gehiegikeria eta hori saihesteko eta, hala badagokio, zehatzeko neurriak. Azterketa oso egokia da une honetan, enplegu publikoan behin-behinekotasuna murrizteko premiazko neurriei buruzko uztailaren 6ko 14/2021 Errege Lege Dekretutik datorren lege-proiektu bat izapidetzen ari baitira Gorteetan. Legebiltzarreko talde batzuek berariaz eskatu dute tartean dauden bitarteko funtzionarioak karrerako funtzionario bihurtzea automatikoki, edo «iraungi» beharreko enplegatu publiko finkoaren kategoria berri bat sortzea. Beste batzuek lehiaketa baten bidez edo oposizio-lehiaketa baten bidez zuzenean egonkortzea proposatu dute, oposizio-faseko ariketak baztertzaileak izan gabe.Azterketa horretan, bereziki arlo publikoan oinarritutako ikuspegi batetik abiatzen da, eta azpimarratzen du beharrezkoa dela bitartekoa babesteko azkenean hartzen diren konponbideek enplegatzailearen izaera publiko berezia, enplegu publikoa lortzeko printzipio konstituzionalak eta administrazio publikoen antolaketa- eta plangintza-ahalak errespetatzea. This study aims to offer a number of ideas contributing to a more measured debate as to abuse in the appointment of interim civil servants, and measures to avoid and, where applicable, to penalise this practice. This is now a particularly timely analysis, as the Spanish Parliament is currently considering a bill derived from Royal Decree-Law 14/2021, of 6 July 2021, on urgent measures to reduce the use of temporary contracts in public employment. A number of parliamentary groupings have explicitly called for the interim staff affected to be automatically given permanent civil service contracts, or otherwise for the creation of a new category of permanent public employee "to be extinguished". Others have proposed their direct stabilization by means of a competition (exceptional system in which merits like job experience are assessed) or by means of a competition-examination (competitive tests and merit assessment), with non-eliminatory tests in the examination phase.This analysis is based on a perspective focused in particular on the public sector, highlighting the need that any solutions that might ultimately be adopted to protect interim staff, likewise respect the specific public nature of the employer, with the constitutional principles which govern access to public employment, and the organisational and planning powers of public administration bodies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-91 ◽  
Tim Jäkel ◽  
George Alexander Borshchevskiy

This article investigates who wants, or does not want to work in Russian public administration, and why. A majority of Russians believe that public servants are concerned with improving their personal well-being rather than serving the public interest. Understanding working sector choices is thus the first step to attract talent into the civil service. We study public employment intention among a group of students of public administration in two elite Moscow universities who are relatively early undergraduates. Parents working in the civil service are the most important public sector career motivators of students in Russia, more important than positive perceptions of public sector compensation and its impact on society. Our findings imply that early-stage career plans are shaped outside university lecture rooms. We conclude that teaching public administration in Russia will have to focus on drawing a line between behavior that falls below standards of the profession and efforts to contribute to the well-being of citizens.

Antoni Gili Pascual

En relación con las penas de inhabilitación para el ejercicio de la función pública, a menudo la atención del penalista termina en el momento de su imposición. Sin embargo, la fase de ejecución e incluso la fase posterior al cumplimiento de su efecto temporal sigue planteando cuestiones de enorme relevancia, pues estas penas se ven afectadas por disposiciones legales y reglamentarias capaces de acabar perfilando, en el fondo, su propio contenido, como se estudia en este trabajo. Tal es el caso de la normativa que regula hoy la rehabilitación administrativa del funcionario, representada fundamentalmente por el R.D. 2669/1998, de 11 de diciembre. Teniendo en cuenta la unidad de la potestad punitiva del Estado y los principios fundamentales que deben limitarla, como la prohibición de bis in ídem, el presente artículo revisa los criterios actualmente establecidos en dicha regulación. Desentrañar en qué cabe legítimamente fundamentar —si es que cabe hacerlo— esta posibilidad excepcional de reincorporar al servicio público, por decisión administrativa, a quien fue condenado por sentencia penal firme a quedar excluido definitivamente de ella, constituye en este trabajo el paso previo para poder efectuar después, de forma razonada, dicha revisión crítica. El artículo evidencia que, al igual que ocurre con otras instituciones penales utilitarias de nuestro ordenamiento, como puede ser, salvando las distancias, el caso del indulto, también la rehabilitación de la condición de funcionario requiere una reinterpretación de su fundamento acorde con los principios constitucionales, conforme a la cual adaptar después su regulación y funcionamiento. With penalties involving disqualification from public office, legal experts’ attention comes to an end once the sentence has been imposed. However, the execution phase and even the phase following compliance with its temporary effects continue to raise issues of huge relevance, since these sentences are affected by legal provisions and regulations which can basically finally shape their actual content, as studied in this paper. This is the case of the legislation that today regulates civil servants’ re-admittance to the public administration, mainly represented by Spanish Royal Decree 2669/1998, of December 11th. Bearing in mind the unity of the State’s ius puniendi and the fundamental principles that must limit the said right, like the non bis in idem principle, this paper reviews the current criteria that regulate these limits. It strives to determine the legitimate grounds, if they do indeed exist, for that exceptional possibility in which someone who has been finally sentenced to perpetual disqualification should be re-admitted to public service under an administrative ruling. This is followed by a reasoned critical review of the situation.


LABURPENA: Bi gauza aztertzen dira lan honetan: erosketa publikoek zer egin dezaketen ekonomiaren susperraldia bultzatzeko, eta “Next Generation EU” funtsak kudeatzeko eta exekutatzeko neurriak. Funts horiek -gogora dezagun- 36/2020 Errege Lege Dekretuaren bidez taxutu ziren, dekretu horrek premiazko neurri batzuk onartu ondoren Administrazio Publikoa modernizatzeko eta Errekuperazio, Eraldaketa eta Erresilientzia Plana gauzatzeko. Arauak kontratazio publikoaren arloan jasotzen dituen berezitasunak aztertuko dira. Ez dira edonoiz aplikatzen; ikusi behar da sektore publikoko edozein entitatek zer egiten duen funts europarren bidez finantza daitezkeen proiektuak eta jarduerak kudeatzeko eta exekutatzeko, orduan soilik aplika daitezke. Ondorioztatu dugunez, egintza horiek ez dira asko, eta ez dira urrun iristen. ABSTRACT: The work analyzes the role of public purchases to promote economic reactivation and the measures for the management and execution of the “Next Generation EU” funds adopted through Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, which approves urgent measures to the modernization of the Public Administration and for the execution of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. The public procurement specialties included in the standard are the object of study, which will apply only to the actions of any of the public sector entities aimed at the management and implementation of projects and actions that are financed with European funds and that at work it is concluded that they are limited and of little scope. RESUMEN: El trabajo analiza el papel de las compras públicas para impulsar la reactivación económica y las medidas para la gestión y ejecución de los fondos “Next Generation EU” adoptadas por medio del Real Decreto-ley 36/2020, por el que se aprueban medidas urgentes para la modernización de la Administración Pública y para la ejecución del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia. Son objeto de estudio las especialidades en materia de contratación pública que recoge la norma, que se aplicarán sólo a las actuaciones de cualesquiera de las entidades del sector público dirigidas a la gestión y ejecución de proyectos y actuaciones que sean financiables con los fondos europeos y que en el trabajo se concluye que son limitadas y de escaso alcance.

Joseph Heath

It is generally understood that civil servants, in carrying out their work, should be committed to promoting the “public interest” or the “common good.” This ideal, however, is too abstract to serve as a practical guide without further institutional specification. This chapter examines three different models of public-sector ethics, based on different ways of institutionalizing this commitment to the public interest: hierarchical, populist, and vocational. A critical survey of the strengths and weaknesses of each model is presented, leading to a qualified endorsement of the vocational model.

2021 ◽  
pp. 49-66
Constantin Marius PROFIROIU ◽  
Tudorel ANDREI ◽  
Dragoș DINCĂ

Regarding remuneration, the last 20 years in the Romanian public sector have been marked by extensive debates on the discrepancies between the incomes of the different categories of public personnel, the differences in the application of the legal framework, as well as the lack of correlation between the results of individual work performance and the level of remuneration. The low level of remuneration and the lack of legal forms for rewarding public personnel for their achievements as a form of developing motivation, led to low performance in the public sector. In 2017, the Romanian authorities conducted a reform regarding public personnel remuneration through the adoption of Law no. 153/2017 on the unitary remuneration of the personnel paid from public funds. The purpose of the mentioned law was to ensure a uniform remuneration framework in the public sector by applying clearly formulated principles and criteria as well as to decentralize the decisions taken in this area. From this perspective, the purpose of the present study is to analyze the impact of the implementation of Law no. 153/2017 on the unitary remuneration of the personnel paid from public funds from the perspective of its application, its effects, and the correlation of individual performance with the level of payment. Within the framework of the research, the process of applying the new rules, the principles underlying the new payment system, the criteria for adopting the new payment system, the level of income increases, the correlation between civil servants’ activities and the level of remuneration as well as, the objectivity of the individual evaluations were considered. The research methodology consists of an opinion survey conducted in public administration institutions using as a research instrument, a self-administered questionnaire where 320 civil servants participated. The study revealed a high degree of dissatisfaction among civil servants regarding the new remuneration system as well as the existence of certain factors that are more relevant and important than the income level, for developing civil servants’ motivation, such as the hierarchical superiors’ attitudes and the appreciation expressed by the beneficiaries of the provided services. The study also revealed that the current remuneration system does not support sufficiently the modernization process in the public administration and more than that, it led to an increase in the costs of implementing the regulations of the normative act because a significant proportion of public servants have contested in court the manner in which this law was applied


El art. 2 del Real Decreto-ley 14/2021, de 6 de julio, de medidas urgentes para la reducción de la temporalidad en el empleo público, prevé nuevos procesos de estabilización de empleo temporal para atajar la excesiva temporalidad en las Administraciones Públicas y cumplir con las indicaciones de la Unión Europea a nuestro país en este sentido. En el presente artículo se estudia el régimen jurídico aplicable a estos procesos de estabilización de empleo temporal y muy en particular la compensación económica que se reconoce en favor del personal funcionario interino o el personal laboral temporal afectado por los procesos de estabilización de empleo temporal que, estando en activo como tal y habiendo participado en el proceso selectivo de estabilización, viera finalizada su relación con la Administración por la no superación del proceso selectivo, el carácter potestativo u obligatorio de los procesos de estabilización de empleo temporal, los sistemas selectivos, la valoración de los méritos, las pruebas y las notas de corte. Enplegu publikoan behin-behinekotasuna murrizteko premiazko neurriei buruzko uztailaren 6ko 14/2021 Errege Lege Dekretuak, 2. artikuluan, aldi baterako enplegua egonkortzeko prozesu berriak aurreikusten ditu, administrazio publikoetan dagoen gehiegizko behin-behinekotasunari aurre egiteko eta Europar Batasunak gure herrialdeari ildo horretan emandako jarraibideak betetzeko. Artikulu honetan, aldi baterako enplegua egonkortzeko prozesu horiei aplikatu beharreko araubide juridikoa aztertzen da, eta, bereziki, aldi baterako enplegua egonkortzeko prozesuetan sartuta dauden bitarteko funtzionarioen edo aldi baterako lan-kontratuko langileen alde aitortzen den konpentsazio ekonomikoa, baldin eta, halakotzat jardunean egonik eta egonkortzeko hautaketa-prozesuan parte hartu ondoren, Administrazioarekin zuen harremana amaituta ikusten badu hautaketa-prozesua ez gainditzeagatik, hautapen-probak aukerakoak edo nahitaezkoak izateagatik, aldi baterako enplegua egonkortzeko prozesuengatik, balorazio-notengatik eta balorazio-sistemengatik. Art. 2 of Royal Decree-Law 14/2021, of July 6, on urgent measures to reduce the use of temporary contracts in public employment, provides for new stabilization processes for temporary employment to tackle the excessive use of temporary contracts at public administration bodies and comply with the indications of the European Union in Spain in this regard. This article studies the legal regime applicable to these temporary employment stabilization processes, and in particular, the economic compensation provided for temporary civil servants or temporary employees affected by temporary employment stabilization processes who, while in active employment as such and having participated in the selective stabilization process, find their relationship with the administration terminated due to their failure to pass the selection process, the optional or mandatory nature of the temporary employment stabilization processes, the selective systems, the assessment of merits, tests and the cut-off grades.

2018 ◽  
pp. 64-68
George V. Boos ◽  
Elena Yu. Matveeva

The problematic aspects related to the implementation of energy saving policy in the budget sphere are examined in the article. The factors hindering the mass and effective implementation of energysaving measures are highlighted in the article. Among these factors, there is the technical complexity of energysaving projects, the presence of innovative and investment risks, problems with the financial provision of costs in the face of increasing debt burden in most public budgets. The article concludes that in these circumstances only the energy service contract is a tool that allows implementing energy­saving measures without the first participation of budgetary funds in financing and allows transferring the risks of making technically inefficient decisions directly to the investor. In the article, the authors substantiate the importance of the institutional development of energy services directly in the public sector and analyze the measures of the comprehensive plan to improve the energy efficiency of the economy of the Russian Federation aimed at expanding the scope of energy service contracts in the public sector.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 1919-1923
Tatijana Ashtalkoska-Baloska ◽  
Aleksandra Srbinovska-Doncevsk

A number of abuses of power and position, daily committed for acquisition of unlawful profit, beyond of permitted and envisaged legal jobs, starting from the lowest level, to the so-called, daily corruption, which most often is related to existential needs and it acts harmless, not even grow into another form, to one that uses such profits as the main motive for generating huge illegal gains for a longer period of time, by exploiting and abusing high social position, corruption in public sector, but today already in private sector too, are part of corruption in the broadest sense, embracing all its forms, those who do not enter in zone of punishment and those who means committing of serious crime. It has many forms, but due to focusing on a particular problem, as a better way to contribute a solution, this paper will focus on the analysis of corruption in the public administration in the Republic of Macedonia, and finding measures for its prevention and reduction, which we hope will give a modest contribution to its real legal protection, not only in declarative efforts in some new strategy for its prevention and suppression.

Public Voices ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 8 ◽  
Michelle C. Pautz ◽  
Laura Roselle

Perceptions of government and civil servants are shaped by a variety of factors including popular culture. In the public administration literature the significant role that film and other narrative forms have on citizens’ perceptions is duly noted, and there is ample research on politicians and military heroes in film, but a focus on civil servants remains largely elusive. Among the sparse literature centered on civil servants are studies that employ a case study approach or focus on a few films. In contrast, our research employs a large sample of 150 films. These films comprise the top ten box-office grossing films from 1992 through 2006; therefore we examine the films most likely to have been seen by a majority of movie-watching Americans. More than 60 percent of the films in our sample portray government as bad, inefficient, and incompetent. However, the data on more than 300 civil servants yield intriguing findings. Surprising, in light of the negative depiction of government, is the positive depiction of individual civil servants. Half of civil servants were positively portrayed, and only 40 percent were negatively depicted. Americans may view government negatively, but they see in film positive depictions of how individual civil servants can and do make a positive difference.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 58
Lars Fuglsang ◽  
Anne Vorre Hansen ◽  
Ines Mergel ◽  
Maria Taivalsaari Røhnebæk

The public administration literature and adjacent fields have devoted increasing attention to living labs as environments and structures enabling the co-creation of public sector innovation. However, living labs remain a somewhat elusive concept and phenomenon, and there is a lack of understanding of its versatile nature. To gain a deeper understanding of the multiple dimensions of living labs, this article provides a review assessing how the environments, methods and outcomes of living labs are addressed in the extant research literature. The findings are drawn together in a model synthesizing how living labs link to public sector innovation, followed by an outline of knowledge gaps and future research avenues.

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