scholarly journals Non-Natural Born lecturers: How to survive teaching in Dutch higher education

Charlotte Oude Alink ◽  
Alberto Martinetti ◽  
Armağan Karahanoğlu ◽  
Marije Hahnen-Florijn

Teaching in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) requests training and skills as researching. Unfortunately, on an international level the teaching training programme is not always crystal and clear, or even worse, not requested. Often researchers are asked to provide lectures without receiving proper formation. This approach creates sensible depletion in the educational quality. Offering an overview on how the Dutch HEIs are tackling the problem, the aim of this study is twofold: (i) presenting the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) from a career development perspective and (ii) giving a qualitative evaluation of the entire process from the point of view of UTQ supervisors and lecturers. Finally concluding the relevance of such a professionalization programme.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
José Renato Gatto Júnior ◽  
Cinira Magali Fortuna ◽  
Leandra Andréia de Sousa ◽  
Fabiana Ribeiro Santana

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze university teaching in nursing from an institutional dialectic approach. Method: a qualitative research based on Institutional Socioclinics. Eighteen nursing professors from four regions of Brazil and from six public institutions of higher education participated. For data production, interviews, observations, documentary analyses, individual and collective restitution and use of the research diary were performed. Data was organized for analysis by transcription/translation, recomposition/rearrangement, and final reconstruction/narration. Data analysis was produced from analyzers, based on Socioclinics, Institutional Analysis current of thought, and on the qualitative mode of analysis by questioning and writing. Results: two main analyzers made the institution ‘teaching in higher education and the nursing professor’ emerge: time-money relation and resistance. Teaching time, increasingly associated with money, in managerialist logic, has formatted the nursing professors as passive subjects in the production of knowledge, induced by the evaluation model of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel and its link to the progression in the university career. In this model, the nursing professor is driven to devote more to research than to teaching. This interferes with teaching conceptions and practices, which are more influenced by managerialism and less grounded in pedagogical theories. Resistance against this model has not yet encountered coping mechanisms. Conclusion: from the analysis produced with the participants, the choices of the nursing professor are so much more grounded in managerialism and so much less based on pedagogical references, especially those arising from dialectical theories. In this sense, resistance is transformed into a movement of adaptation.

2015 ◽  
pp. 37
Helena Montenegro Maggio

ResumenLa investigación de la docencia universitaria ha sido un campo ampliamente explorado en los países anglosajones pero escasamente abordado y debatido en nuestro país. El presente artículo tiene como propósito contribuir en el debate del fortalecimiento de la docencia universitaria chilena a través de la propuesta de “Scholarship of Teaching” desarrollada porBoyer (1990), lo cual implica nuevos desafíos para las instituciones de Educación Superiory los actores que forman parte de ella.Palabras clave: Docencia Universitaria - profesor universitario - scholarship of teaching- indagación reflexiva. Teaching in higher education contexts: the contribution of "the scholarship of teaching" to strengthen the teaching conducted by university professorsAbstractResearch on university teaching, an extensively explored field of study in Anglo-Saxons’countries, has been hardly examined and debated in Chile. By using Boyer’s “Scholarshipof Teaching”, the aim of this paper is to make a contribution on discussions on how to strengthen Chilean university teaching, which entails new challenges for higher education institutions as well as players that take part on it.Keywords: University teaching - university teacher - scholarship of teaching - practitionerinquiry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 7057
Martina Blašková ◽  
Dominika Tumová ◽  
Rudolf Blaško ◽  
Justyna Majchrzak-Lepczyk

Sustainability has to penetrate more and more into higher education. It should not focus only on traditional elements. It should also enter new, but for future improvement, extremely important areas. Based on this premise, creativity and motivation, when additionally interconnected and supported by trust that is provided and achieved, decide on the progress and sustainability of universities. This connection is gaining importance especially from the point of view of building solid foundations and mechanisms that functionally preserve the potential effects of these elements in the future. For this reason and following the nature, importance, and content of sustainable academic motivation (SAM), the paper introduces two new concepts: sustainable academic creativity (SAC) and sustainable academic trust (SAT). For further original contributions, the paper hypothesizes the existence of mutual—spiral—relations of sustainable academic motivation (SAM), sustainable academic creativity (SAC), and sustainable academic trust (SAT). The empirical section tests the validity of this claim in the universities of two countries: the Slovak Republic and Poland. A survey performed on a sample of n=181 pedagogical, scientific, management, and administrative staff in higher education confirms the existence of these spirals. The results indicate the spiral effect of motivation when connected with creativity and trust and show that it is accented by the crucial principles of sustainability (responsibility, novelty, usefulness, progress, etc.). Therefore, the paper’s conclusion contains the explanations for the potential occurrence of three types of sustainably mutual systems and complexes. These are: (a) individual sustainable systems of SAM, SAC, and SAT; (b) group/sectional sustainable systems of SAM, SAC, and SAT; and (c) the global sustainable complex of SAM, SAC, and SAT in the university.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 7373
Timo Nevalainen ◽  
Jaana Seikkula-Leino ◽  
Maria Salomaa

In the past decades, there has been a growing interest in entrepreneurship education, and many higher education institutions have developed specific programs and courses to support entrepreneurial competencies. However, there have been significant changes in how universities train competences related to business skills and entrepreneurship in practice. Whereas entrepreneurship courses used to focus on the different forms of businesses and drafting business plans, the overall perception of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial competences has shifted this toward a more holistic educational approach to develop students’ entrepreneurial competencies. In this comparative quantitative case study, we investigate the university students’ perception of the development of their entrepreneurial competencies in the case of Proakatemia (Tampere University of Applied Sciences). The aim was to examine how the entrepreneurial competencies are reflected and strengthened in their thinking and everyday functions through the concept of team learning. The survey involved, altogether, 64 students, of which 21 studied in Proakatemia. The results of this study indicate that the team learning concept of Proakatemia facilitates learning entrepreneurial competencies. Therefore, these results provide insights for universities aiming to develop their curricula, programs and pedagogy, thus promoting sustainable societal development. However, we recommend further studies, e.g., from a qualitative point of view, to assess the effective of the concept in other learning environments.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (24) ◽  
pp. 10336
Lukas Scherak ◽  
Marco Rieckmann

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) competences have been widely discussed over the past decade. A number of frameworks have been developed, and the Erasmus+ Project “A Rounder Sense of Purpose” (RSP) set out to establish a profound and practical framework of competences to be used in any European context to enable in-service and pre-service educators to demonstrate their competence in ESD. Over the course of two years at the University of Vechta, staff training was provided using the RSP competences model as a guiding framework. Data were collected through a focus group and a self-assessment survey in order to answer the research question, “Which competences do university teachers need in order to work with the concept of ESD in higher education and how can these be developed in a series of staff training workshops?” The results show that all 12 RSP competences are indeed relevant for higher education teaching, but the potential for developing them into a staff training programme is limited. There are multiple trigger points and settings that are beneficial to and necessary for the development of ESD competences. If those conditions are not met there is limited opportunity for applying ESD methods within higher education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-26
Zamzam Amhimmid Mare

This study aims to show the importance of evaluating the teaching performance level of the University teaching members. It also aims to provide the suggested mechanisms for evaluating the teaching performance of the teaching staff members of Sebha University. This study was based mainly on documents and analytic description to collect information about the importance and ways of evaluating teachers with reference to some of the international experiences on teaching performance development. This study concluded that the absence of an experienced entity that would develop the teaching performance of faculty members is one of the main reasons for the weak teaching performance at Sebha University. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended that there should be a planned system based on measured standards and criteria for evaluating staff members to improve the quality of teaching in the higher education domain. 

Hatem Abdel Maged El-Sadek , Rehab Bashir Hassan Al-Awad

The study aimed to identify the necessary requirements needed for employing e. learning in the (teaching staff) in the faculty memberof education, from the point of view of the teaching staff. In this study the researcher employed the analytical descriptive method and the size of the sample in which the study was applied was (127) individualsof the teaching staff with a degree of Assistant Professorand above The researcher has employed questionnaire technique as a study tool. The most important findings of the study are: The study has come to the fact that the majority of the researchers managed to answer the study areas which are summarized in (the requirements needed for employing e. learning by the teaching staff، which was specified by this study، these requirements are vitally important from the point of view of the teaching staff. The most important requirements for the use of e-learning in the university faculty member. It consists in possessing the competencies of preparing courses electronically, which means designing the content or electronic curriculum in accordance with the principles of educational design. The most important recommendations of the study are: Providing all the requirements needed to put e. learning into practice (for the teaching staff members) which was determine by the study to employ e. learning in the institutions of the higher education in Sudan.  

César Carbache Mora

ABSTRACTThe following analysis aims to investigate the present and the future of the Ecuadorian university, its relationship to work, citizenship and identity, higher education and learning, knowledge ecologies to link research and teaching in higher education and the pre service education: policies, programs and practices. The information society and knowledge required of citizens better prepared and more committed to the environment in which they live and develop. Aware of this reality, the university must rethink the principles that led to its creation. Moving from theorizing (conceptualization - observation) to the practical (research - reflection – criticality - involvement) valuing and respecting diversity and multiculturalism in tandem to raise awareness on the social responsibility of their knowledge. This rethinking of contemporary university must analyse as proposed by some researchers (Montero, Patricio. 2010) the megas educational trends and challenges for higher education that have implications on key educational decisions related to the relevance and validity of higher education. In particular, for curriculum development, methodologies for both teaching and assessing also the management of teaching. 1.- Globalization marked by the knowledge society. 2.- Training for a highly dynamic interdependent labour structure. 3.- The survival of organizations depends on the knowledge possessed by its staff. 4.- Changes in the design of intelligent behaviour and productivity of people. 5.- Changes on the conception of learning, emphasizing the concern of internal processes of people for learning.RESUMENEl siguiente análisis pretende investigar el presente y el futuro de la universidad ecuatoriana: su vinculación al trabajo, la ciudadanía y la identidad, la enseñanza superior y el aprendizaje, ecologías del conocimiento en cuanto a enlazar la investigación y la docencia en la educación superior, así como el pre servicio de la educación: las políticas, programas y prácticas. La sociedad de la información y el conocimiento requiere de ciudadanos mejor preparados y más comprometidos con el medio en que les toca vivir y desenvolverse. Consciente de esta realidad la universidad debe de replantearse los postulados que la llevaron a su creación. Pasar de la teorización (conceptualización - observación) a la practicidad (inves-tigación – reflexión - criticidad- involucramiento) valorando y respetando la diversidad y la multiculturalidad a la par de concienciar en la responsabilidad social de sus conocimientos. En este replanteo la universidad de hoy debe de analizar, como lo proponen algunos investigadores (Montero, Patricio, 2010) las megas tendencias educativas como desafíos para la educación universitaria que tienen implicaciones en las decisiones educacionales claves vinculadas a la pertinencia y vali-dez de la educación superior. En especial, para el desarrollo curricular, las metodologías tanto para la enseñanza como para la evaluación y para la gestión de la docencia. Cinco son las que se plantean: 1.- La globalización marcada por la sociedad del conocimiento. 2.- Formación para una estructura laboral altamente dinámica e interdependiente. 3.- La super-vivencia de las organizaciones depende centralmente del conocimiento que posee su personal. 4.- Cambios en la concepción de comportamientos inteligentes y la productividad de las personas. 5.- Cambios sobre la concepción del aprendizaje, enfatizando la preocupación de los procesos internos de las personas para el aprendizaje. Contacto principal: [email protected]

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
Olesia Tomchuk ◽  
Viktoriia Tserklevych ◽  
Olena Hurman ◽  
Valentin Petrenko ◽  
Kateryna Chymosh

The article discusses the potential opportunities for leaders of higher education to monitor and implement development management functions using a system of key performance indicators, which is often used by various business entities. The authors adapted it to the needs of higher education institutions, integrating them with their characteristics.The formation of a system of key performance indicators in the article is disclosed from the point of view of improving the management system and motivation of the management and teaching staff of higher education. Approbation of the proposed methodology was implemented in the Institution of Higher Education, where it showed its effectiveness. The new system allowed the university professors to influence directly on the bonus part of income through their own work and efficiency.

2007 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 4.1-4.21 ◽  
Jonathan Crichton ◽  
Angela Scarino

The internationalisation of education has become a major focus of international, national and institutional attention, reflected in a substantial and expanding literature on how internationalisation is manifested, how it might be promoted, its implications for areas such as government policy, strategic planning and management, educational quality, student mobility, teaching and learning, and the place of language and culture in teaching and learning. There is also general agreement in the literature on the need for internationalisation to include an ‘intercultural dimension’. In this paper, we examine how we are to understand the ‘intercultural dimension’ in higher education. Our approach is based on an analysis of current constructions of this dimension, to argue that these constructions are neither individually nor in combination capable of meeting the challenge of internationalisation. Drawing on recent studies undertaken at the University of South Australia, we propose culture as ‘intercultural’ as an alternative construction.

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