scholarly journals Vitamin C in Health and Disease

2004 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-13 ◽  
Samer A. Bsoul ◽  
Geza T. Terezhalmy

Abstract Vitamins are essential to maintain normal metabolic processes and homeostasis within the body. The amount of a specific vitamin required by an individual varies considerably and it is influenced by such factors as body size, growth rate, physical activity, and pregnancy. Most vitamins are stored minimally in human cells, but some are stored in liver cells to a greater extent. Vitamins A and D, for example, may be stored in sufficient amounts to maintain an individual without any intake for 5 to 10 months and 2 to 4 months, respectively. However, a deficiency of vitamin B compounds (except vitamin B12) may be noted within days, and the lack of vitamin C will manifest within weeks and may result in death in 5 to 6 months. The current recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin C is 75 mg for woman and 90 mg for men, based on the vitamin's role as an antioxidant as well as protection from deficiency. High intakes of the vitamin are generally well tolerated, however, a Tolerable Upper Level (TUL) was recently set at 2 g based on gastrointestinal upset that sometimes accompanies excessive dosages. Several populations warrant special attention with respect to vitamin C requirements. These include patients with periodontal disease, smokers, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly. Citation Bsoul SA, Terezhalmy GT. Vitamin C in Health and Disease. J Contemp Dent Pract 2004 May;(5)2:001-013.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-29
Magdalena Pracka ◽  
Marcin Dziedziński ◽  
Przemysław Łukasz Kowalczewski

AbstractIn recent years have seen increasing percentage of the elderly in the overall population. This has driven the attention to the lifestyle factors that influence the health and quality of life of this social group, including their nutrition and physical activity. Universities of the Third Age (U3A) are a valuable platform for the dissemination and broadening of the knowledge related to these topics. The nutritional habits of 61 U3A students in Poznań were evaluated on the basis of a modified KomPAN questionnaire. Their nutritional status was determined using the body mass index (BMI) and waist to hip ratio (WHR) indices. Nearly half of the respondents were overweight and 16% had first degree obesity. The WHR index in women was on average 0.8, while in men it was 1.01. Only 13% of the students declared regular eating, with 60% consuming 4-5 meals a day. Women were found to eat snacks between meals more often than men. It was also found that the majority of the elderly do not add salt to ready meals or sweeten beverages with sugars. Taking into account the observed nutritional problems and the occurrence of improper eating habits of the elderly, it is recommended to continue the education on the prevention of common diet-related diseased.

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (9) ◽  
pp. 1703-1707
Magdalena Sobiech ◽  
Magdalena Zawadka ◽  
Maciej Kochman ◽  
Jaromir Jarecki ◽  
Tomasz Blicharski ◽  

Physical activity is one of the most important element of a healthy lifestyle and determinant of the physical and mental health. According to the WHO, limited physical activity is the fourth most common premature death risk factor in the world. Regular sport and active recreation is very important for our health. Physical exercise is the most effective method used by physiotherapists to prevent and slow down the aging process of the body, and consequently, diseases of elderly (e.g. osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension and injuries). Physical activity has a positive effect on the quality of life and cognitive functions of elderly. The physiotherapeutic program should be based on functional training involving the entire human body. To plan and monitor the effectiveness of the training, different types of tests are used to assess the functional status of elderly people. These tests are based on the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment considering the state of health, physical and mental fitness as well as social and environmental determinants.

Glynn A. Leyshon

SUMMARY ABSTACTIn this book, comprised of 28 papers presented at the 1984 Olympic Congress, the research is divided somewhat arbitrarily into four categories including the sociological, physiological, psychological and program areas. The range of approaches is wide and interesting, and the research comes from seven different countries although the U.S. is predominant. The term ‘sport’ in the title is not adequately reflected in the body of the material as virtually all the research cited deals with physical activity for the aged not sports; where sport is the purview, it deals with the study of young not old people.Attitudes toward activity in the elderly, the benefits of activity to female elderly, and the effect of activity on independent living are among the more significant papers included. The questions posed for the sport scientist in the opening paper and the admission of its writer (the editor) to the eclectic nature of the research included in the book are the key to understanding and appreciating its contents.

2013 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-7 ◽  
Maria Alicja Nowak

Abstract Society's lifestyles, influenced by the evolving preferences of values of subsequent generations, are subject to gradual changes. This variation in lifestyles requires a reflection on the patterns of physical culture and values amongst the youth, adults and the elderly. Patterns of physical culture shaped in the European tradition are also present in the contemporary lifestyles of all generations. People's choices concerning physical culture depend on the type and level of their physical activity, attitudes towards of the body, age, gender and education. In the classic physical types distinguished by Polish sociologists we can identify positive traits conducive to human development, traits inducing controversial attitude, and clearly negative ones that are health-threatening. In conclusion the paper puts forward a question about the direction of the development of physical culture patterns in future and the level of recognition of particular values by different generations. Some of the contemporary lifestyles arouse concerns of educators.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Siti Fatonah ◽  
Ahmad Syauqi ◽  
Saimul Laili

Vitamins are a complex compound that is needed by the body that serves to aid in the arrangement or metabolic processes in the body. Carrots are a multi-efficacy vegetable for public health. Carrot is a potential foodstuff to alleviate the disease problem of vitamin A because the content of carotene (Pro Vitamin A) in carrots can prevent the disease twilight (Blind chicken) and the problem of malnutrition. Mustard is a horticultural crop that can improve and facilitate digestion. Contains vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C. Research aim is to  test the content of vitamin A in mustard and carrots from Bumiaji and Poncokusumo . The method in this research used  a survey method to determine the content of vitamin A in mustard greens and carrots derived from Bumiaji and Poncokusumo villages. The number of repeats used in this study was 12 times. The result of Vitamin A in carrots from Bumiaji is an average of 0.3457% of the highest value of 722.3mg and the carrot from Poncokusumo with the highest value of 672mg. The mustard has percentage value from Bumiaji village is 0.069% i.e 69mg and from Poncokusumo with a percentage value of vitamin A amounted to 66 mg with an average of 51 mg. Both are not diffrent significantly.Kata kunci: vitamin A, carrot, mustard, Bumiaji, PoncokusumoABSTRAKVitamin adalah suatu senyawa kompleks yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tubuh yang berfungsi untuk membantu pengaturan atau proses metabolisme di dalam tubuh. Wortel merupakan sayuran yang multi khasiat bagi kesehatan masyarakat.Wortel merupakan bahan biologi potensial untuk menjawab masalah penyakit kurang vitamin A yaitu kandungan karoten atau pro vitamin A, dapat mencegah penyakit rabun senja (buta ayam) dan masalah kurang nutrisi. Sawi sebagai tanaman hortikultura dapat memperbaiki dan memperlancar pencernaan.bagi yang mengkonsumsi dan mengandung vitamin A, B dan C. Telah di lakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menguji kandungan vitamin A  pada Sawi dan wortel dari Bumiaji dan Poncokusumo. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metodesurvey untuk mengetahui kandungan vitamin A pada sayuran Sawi dan wortel yang berasal dari desa Bumiaji dan Poncokucumo.Ulangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dua belas kali. Hasil yang didapat Vitamin A pada worteldari Bumiaji adalah rata-rata 0,3457% yaitu nilai tertinggi 722,3mg tiap 100 g dan wortel dari Poncokusumo dengan nilai persentasi tertinggi 0,672%, tertinggi 672 mg. Sedangkan untuk nilai persentase Sawi dari desa Bumiaji adalah 0,069% yaitu 69 mg tertinggi dan dari Poncokusumo dengan nilai 66 mg dengan rata-rata 51 mg. Keduanya tidak berbeda secara signifikan.Kata kunci: vitamin A, wortel, Sawi, Bumiaji, Poncokusumo

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (9) ◽  
pp. 1697-1702 ◽  
Magdalena Sobiech ◽  
Maciej Kochman ◽  
Małgorzata Drelich ◽  
Tomasz Blicharski ◽  
Mirosław Jabłoński

Physical activity is one of the most important element of a healthy lifestyle and determinant of the physical and mental health. According to the WHO, limited physical activity is the fourth most common premature deaths risk factor in the world. Regular sport and active recreation is very important for our health. Physical exercise is the most effective method used by physiotherapists to prevent and slow down the aging process of the body, and consequently, diseases of elderly, such as: osteoporosis, injuries caused by falls, diabetes or hypertension. Physical activity has a positive effect on the quality of life and cognitive functions of elderly. People over 65 years constitute about 40-50% of people who require specialist medical care in the world. Therefore, health and medical professionals dealing with preventive healthcare and treatment of elderly people should have basic knowledge in geriatric rehabilitation, as well as to be able to plan suitable physiotherapy program adequate to the needs of older people. To assess the functional status of the patient, as well as the effectiveness of the training, various types of functional tests are used, specially designed for the elderly. These tests are based on the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (COG) considering the state of health, physical and mental fitness as well as socio-environmental conditions. The physiotherapeutic program should be based on functional training involving the entire human body, i.e. nervous, muscular, skeletal, sensory and balance systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-54
Forman Novrindo Sidjabat ◽  
Nining Tyas Triatmaja ◽  
Amelia Bevi

One of the efforts to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) is to maintain optimal nutritional status so that it can increase immunity to infection and disease, increase energy and be more productive. This study aims to describe the nutritional status, physical activity, and perceived benefits and barriers to fulfilling the nutritional intake of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). This research was a descriptive study using mixed methods. Data were collected on 5 female PLWH informants using a 2x24 hour food recall to determine consumption patterns and measure nutritional status based on BMI and the adequacy of nutritional intake (macro includes energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates; and micro including Vit. A, Vit. B, Vit. C, Zn); and the calculation of physical activity used the Physical Activity Level (PAL). In-depth interviews were conducted to explore perceived the benefits and barriers of PLWHA to fulfilling their nutritional needs and were analyzed using the Rapid and Rigorous Qualitative Data Analysis technique with triangulation informant. The BMI status of informants was 3 normal informants, 1 overweight informant, and 1 obese informant. Types of physical activity carried out were 4 informants doing light physical activity and 1 informant doing moderate physical activity. The frequency of eating the seams of informants is 3 times a day and the number of informants with normal adequacy of fat and energy intake is 1 informant each and 2 informants protein, carbohydrate nutrition intake is not sufficient. The adequacy of normal micronutrients is vitamin b for 2 informants, vitamin c, and b for 1 informant each. The informants know that nutrients can increase immunity, but the types of consumption by the informants have not varied. Assistance services, counseling, and nutrition education are also needed during the HIV / AIDS treatment process.ABSTRAKSalah satu upaya meningkatkan kualitas hidup Orang dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) adalah mempertahankan status gizi optimal sehingga dapat meningkatkan kekebalan terhadap infeksi dan penyakit, peningkatan energi dan akan lebih produktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan status gizi, aktivitas fisik, serta persepsi manfaat dan hambatan pemenuhan asupan gizi orang dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif menggunakan metode campuran. Data dikumpulkan pada 5 informan ODHA perempuan dengan menggunakan food recall 2x24 jam untuk mengetahui pola konsumsi dan mengukur status gizi berdasar pada IMT dan kecukupan asupan gizi (makro meliputi energi, protein, lemak, karbohidrat; dan mikro meliputi vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, Zn); perhitungan aktivitas fisik menggunakan Physical Activity Level (PAL). Wawancara mendalam dilakukan untuk menggali persepsi manfaat dan hambatan ODHA mencukupi kebutuhan gizi dan dianalisa menggunakan teknik Rapid and Rigorous Qualitative Data Analysis dengan informan triangulasi. Status IMT informan adalah 3 informan normal, 1 informan gemuk, dan 1 informan obesitas. Jenis aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan adalah 4 informan melakukan aktivitas fisik ringan dan 1 informan melakukan aktivitas fisik sedang. Frekuensi makan keliman informan sebanyak 3x sehari dan jumlah informan dengan kecukupan normal pada asupan lemak dan energi masing-masing 1 informan dan protein sebanyak 2 informan, asupan gizi karbohidrat tidak tercukupi. Kecukupan gizi mikro normal adalah vitamin B pada 2 informan, vitamin C dan B masing-masing 1 informan. Informan mengetahui zat gizi dapat meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh tapi jenis konsumsi informan belum beragam. Diperlukan juga layanan pendampingan, konseling dan edukasi gizi, selama proses pengobatan HIV/AIDS.Kata kunci: HIV/AIDS, ODHA, angka kecukupan gizi

Xiao Hou ◽  
Zheng-Yan Tang ◽  
Yu Liu ◽  
Yu-Jie Liu ◽  
Jing-Min Liu

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate Chinese old adults’ different body compositions in response to various levels of physical activity (PA). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate the dose–response relationship between PA and body composition in old adults. Methods: 2664 participants older than 60 years (males: n = 984, females: n = 1680) were recruited for this cross-sectional health survey. PA was assessed by the short form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), and the body composition was measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) instruments. The differences of separate body composition indices (lean body mass, LBM; bone mass, BM; and fat mass, FM) of older participants with different PA levels (below PA recommendation and over PA recommendation) were examined using the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). To compare the differences of three body composition indices with six different multiples of PA recommendation (0–1 REC, 1–2 REC, 2–4 REC, 4–6 REC, >6 REC), the one-way ANOVA and Turkey’s test was used for the post hoc analysis to identify the upper PA-benefit threshold in different indices of body composition. Results: The LBM and BM are significantly higher and the FM are significantly lower in old adults performing more PA volume than the WHO recommendation, compared with individuals performing less PA volume than the WHO recommendation. There were significant increases in LBM for males in “1–2 REC”, “2–4 REC”, and “>6 REC” groups, compared with the “0–1 REC” group; and there were significant increases in BM for males in “1–2 REC”, “2–4 REC”, compared with the “0–1 REC” group. The best PA volume for LBM and BM in females was the PA volume of “2–4 REC”. Additionally, whether males or females, there was no significant difference in FM between the “0–1 REC” group and other separate groups. Conclusion: The PA volume that causes best benefit for body composition of the elderly occurs at 1 to 2 times the recommended minimum PA for males, while it occurs at 2 to 4 times that recommended for females. No additional harms for old adults’ body composition occurs at six or more times the recommended minimum PA.

S. Duditska ◽  
A. Hakman ◽  
A. Medvid

The research examines the problem of the impact of health and recreational physical activity on the body of the elderly by means of fitness. It is established that regular physical activity, clearly dosed and carefully selected by means, methods and interests, increases the level of efficiency, motor training, morphofunctional state of the elderly. The purpose of the study - based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature to substantiate the theoretical and methodological support of health and recreational motor activity and to identify its impact on the body of the elderly. Research methods: theoretical analysis of special scientific and methodical literature, documentary materials, abstraction, logical-theoretical analysis, method of synthesis, method of systematization. Results. It is determined that physical activity is the first factor of longevity, prolongation of life expectancy. Health and recreational motor activity improve well-being, delay the aging of the body due to organized activities, improve the functional and psychophysiological state of the body. During the scientific research the peculiarities of the influence of health and recreational physical activity on the body of the elderly were singled out. The positive effect of dosed classes of health and recreational motor activity can be traced to all the main functions of the aging organism. The main tasks of using the means of health and recreational physical activity in old age are identified. In the course of the research, the basic rules that should be followed during health fitness training with the elderly are highlighted.

Solange Convento Silveira ◽  
Ana Cristina Mancussi e Faro ◽  
Claudia Lysia Araújo Oliveira

A capacidade funcional dos sistemas do organismo diminui gradualmente desde a juventude favorecendo a ocorrência de doenças crônicas, quedas e diminuição da capacidade funcional. O sedentarismo contribui significativamente na aceleração do ritmo do declínio, de modo que a eficácia da prática de atividade física na prevenção e controle dessas condições vem sendo progressivamente estudada. O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer a produção do conhecimento, na forma de artigo, voltada para a manutenção da capacidade funcional e da autonomia em idosos por meio da atividade física, discutindo sobre as abordagens propostas para essa finalidade. Através de estudo exploratório, foi realizada uma revisão no período entre 2004 e 2008, das bases de dados Medline, Pubmed, Lilacs, Cinahal e Scielo, de onde foram selecionados artigos que verificaram as varia  das abordagens propostas em programas de atividade física. Os artigos demonstraram, em sua maioria, os benefícios da atividade física regular e adaptada aos diversos momentos e condições do idoso, na manutenção da capacidade funcional e da autonomia em idosos, confirmando inclusive a importância do incentivo à prática de atividade física em qualquer idade e principalmente ao idoso, dentro de suas amplas possibilidades e contextos.   PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, MAINTENANCE OF FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY AND AUTONOMY: LITERATURE REVIEW AND INTERFACES  OF CARE abstract The functional capacity of the body systems gradually decreases since the youth, favoring the occurrence of chronic diseases, falls and decreased functional capacity. The sedentary lifestyle contributes significantly in accelerating the pace of decline, so that the effectiveness of physical activity in the prevention and control of these conditions has been increasingly studied. The aim of this study was to know about the production of knowledge, in the form of articles, devoted to the maintenance of functional capacity and autonomy in older people through physical activity, discussing on the approaches proposed for this purpose. Through a exploratory study, a review was conducted in the period between 2004 and 2008, on the databases Medline, Pubmed, Lilacs, and Scielo Cinahal, from where were selected articles that were found in the various approaches proposed programs of physical activity. Most of the articles demonstrated the benefits of regular physical activity and adapted to different times and conditions of the elderly, the maintenance of functional capa  city and autonomy in the elderly, inclusively confirming the impor  tance of fostering physical activity at any age and especially for the elderly, within their broad scope and contexts.  

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