scholarly journals Psychological and pedagogical readiness of physicians-residents for multifaceted medical practice

Т.В. Рюмина

Актуальность статьи обусловлена задачами повышения качества психолого-педагогической готовности врачей-ординаторов к многоплановой врачебной деятельности. В статье рассматриваются результаты «двуслойности» исследования, т.е. сделан важный вывод о значимости оценок роли психолого-педагогических компетенций во всех видах врачебной деятельности как со стороны научно-педагогических кадров профильных (выпускающих) кафедр университета, так и со стороны ординаторов, которые подтвердили близость их мнений. Проанализированы современные требования федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов к уровню формирования у обучающихся профессиональных и психолого-педагогических компетенций на уровне ординатуры. Статья носит исследовательский характер. Ее цель состоит в раскрытии роли и значимости готовности врачей-ординаторов к врачебной деятельности, предполагающей не только лечение пациентов, но и сохранение их здоровья посредством воспитания самосохранительного поведения и приобщения к ведению здорового образа жизни. Эмпирической базой публикации являются результаты исследования, проведенного в Медико-биологическом университете инноваций и непрерывного образования ФГБУ ГНЦ ФМБЦ им. А.И. Бурназяна ФМБА России в 2020–2021 году при участии автора статьи. Исследование включало экспертный опрос педагогических кадров университета, а также опрос ординаторов, обучающихся по 36 специальностям. Показана степень их включенности в поиск более эффективных дидактических систем реализации существующих моделей освоения ординаторами дисциплины «Педагогика», которая входит в перечень базовых дисциплин образовательной программы подготовки кадров высшей квалификации, разработанной в соответствии с действующими ФГОС ВО на уровне ординатуры и уточнения компонентов психолого-педагогической компетентности, необходимых врачам-ординаторам для успешной профессиональной деятельности в этой сфере. The relevance of the article is due to the tasks of improving the quality of psychological and pedagogical readiness of resident doctors for multifaceted medical activity. The article discusses the results of the "two-layered" research, i.e. an important conclusion is made about the importance of assessments of the role of psychological and pedagogical competencies in all types of medical activity both from the scientific and pedagogical staff of the profile (graduating) departments of the university, and from the residents, who confirmed the closeness of their opinions. The modern requirements of federal state educational standards to the level of formation of students' professional and psychological-pedagogical competencies at the residency level are analyzed. The article is of a research nature. Its purpose is to reveal the role and significance of the readiness of resident doctors for medical activity, involving not only the treatment of patients, but also the preservation of their health through training and education of self-preservation and positive behavior, healthy lifestyle and rejection of bad habits. The empirical basis of the publication is the results of a study conducted at the Biomedical University of Innovation and Continuing Education of the Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency in 2020-2021 with the participation of the author of the article. The study included an expert survey of university teaching staff, as well as a survey of residents studying in 36 specialties. The degree of their involvement in the search for more effective didactic systems for the implementation of existing models for the development of the discipline "Pedagogy" by residents, which is included in the list of basic disciplines of the educational program for the training of highly qualified personnel, developed in accordance with the current Federal State Educational Standards at the residency level and clarification of the components of psychological and pedagogical competence necessary for residents for successful professional activity in this field.

Nadezhda Emelianova

This article presents the experience of the CDIO (Conceive — Design — Implement — Operate) educational standards implementation in the context of TUNING approach: on-going reform of the higher education; introduction of the new generation of Federal State Educational standards (FSES); development of new professional standards. It analyses the results of CDIO implementation monitoring in the system of higher education of foreign language teachers based on the experience gained during the TUNING Russia Project (2010-2019). This article provides an overview of the profiling of TUNING development methodology successfully adapted and applied for the training course for the teaching staff of the foreign languages faculties. Professional competence of a teacher can be shown in a teacher’s portfolio, that is a kind of reflection of his/her professional activity and competitiveness which leads to self-assessment and self-development.

M. M. Abdurazakov ◽  
D. D Gadjiev ◽  
O. N. Tsvetkova ◽  
G. V. Tokmazov

Under the influence of the general informatization of education, the creation of the information educational environment (IEE) and the issues of preparing teachers for professional and pedagogical activity are taking place and how its functionality changes in IEE remain at the center of attention of research. One of the objectives of this article is the attempt of the authors to reveal the content, features, meaning, role of the concept, the influence of various factors on the functional of the teacher in the conditions of informatization of education.A modern teacher in his work faces a whole layer of problems: from the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards to the implementation of the main educational programs, the creation of teaching materials like teaching staff of the Federal State Educational Standards, the choice of appropriate methods and means of organizing education, etc. A modern educational institution is required to introduce new approaches to learning, which, along with fundamental training and compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, provide an information-educational environment. Therefore, the readiness of the teacher for professional activity is considered by us as professionally and personally significant qualities of a university graduate, as knowledge and skills in a particular field, and ICT competence as a readiness for innovation activity.The work emphasizes that the role and importance of the content of the course informatics in the formation of everything necessary for a full-fledged professional activity of a modern teacher of informatics in accordance with its information culture and computer literacy, as information and communication technology (ICT) become key elements in improving educational system. However, the impact of ICT on the result of a teacher’s activity will be qualitative only when ICT have a specific impact on the content of the components of his professional and pedagogical activity.The study noted a number of objective and subjective factors that have a significant impact on the ways the teacher works and the organization of training in the information educational environment, on the content of the components of professional and pedagogical activity. Thus, the need to purposely train future teachers to work in such an environment is beyond doubt.

Olga V. Minakova

Due to the release of new educational standards regulating the activities of educational structures of the Russian Federation the requirements for the results of professional training of a competent specialist with a developed set of competencies have increased. According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education in 31.05.01 “Medical Care” and 31.05.02 “Pediatrics”, the future doctor must have a whole range of skills and abilities that determines his professionalism. These include the qualitative analysis of information, the identification of cause-and-effect relationships, the structuring of source data, and the reflection of one's own activities, which ultimately lead to the formation of analytical and reflexive activities. The formation of analytical and reflexive competence of a future doctor in the course of professional training is defined as a continuous and holistic psychological and pedagogical process aimed at strengthening motivation, ability and readiness to effectively carry out analytical and reflexive activities within the framework of professional activity. This has determined the need for the development of new didactic tools that contribute to its improvement in the process of professional training: models, pedagogical conditions, technology of formation, criteria apparatus and diagnostic tools.

2021 ◽  
Dmitriy Sevost'yanov

The textbook discusses general issues of motivation and analyzes existing theories. The article presents information about financial incentives, moral incentives for personnel, organizational incentives and incentives for free time, as well as on a number of other topics that are practically important in the professional activity of a personnel manager. Special attention is paid to errors and errors in the motivation and stimulation of labor activity. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. It is intended for students studying in the direction of training 38.03.03 "Personnel Management".

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 74-84
A. I. Altukhov ◽  
M. A. Skvaznikov ◽  
A. A. Shekhonin

The article discusses the dynamics of the development of federal state educational standards (FSES) for the preparation of bachelors, masters and specialists in the field of photonics, instrumentation, optical and biotechnological systems and technologies over the past twenty-five years. The authors analyze the features, advantages and disadvantages of tiered and continuous higher education. Particular attention is paid to the development and improvement of state educational standards of higher education in the specialty “Electronic and Optical-electronic Devices and Special-purpose Systems.” The article substantiates the expansion of the scope of professional use of a specialist in the field of electronic and optoelectronic devices and systems and the need to introduce a new – information-analytical type of activity. based on the developed competency models of the results of mastering the educational programs of graduate, undergraduate and specialty studies, a comparative analysis of their orientation in various fields of activity is carried out. One of the main trends in the development of state regulation of training students in an enlarged group of specialties and areas of training “Photonics, Instrumentation, Optical and Biotechnical Systems and Technologies” is providing universities with greater freedom in the development of educational programs and the selection of applied educational technologies. It is shown that the main strategic task of the developer of the main professional educational program is to form a set of competencies that will allow the graduate to work in one of the areas of professional activity. At the same time, this set of competencies should be correlated with some labor functions formally described by professional standards and qualification requirements. It is concluded that the main result of the evolutionary development of educational programs of tiered and continuous higher education was the transition from their academic orientation to a practice-oriented character providing focus on certain professional qualifications and requirements of the employer.

2021 ◽  
Sergey Alekseev ◽  
Galina Kosteckaya

This publication is an integrative textbook covering pedagogical approaches to the formation of methodological competence of life safety teachers. It includes 132 practical works and 21 professional tasks, reflecting various sections of the BZHD (OBZH) training course and various modules of specialized educational programs of higher professional education. An attempt is made to form an innovative approach among students and teachers to the methodology of teaching and educating life safety, developing their own author's methodological style of teaching. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For undergraduate and graduate students studying in the direction of "Pedagogical education" (profile "Education in the field of life safety"), as well as the teaching staff of the higher school, teachers and students of organizations of additional professional education.

В.В. Вязанкова ◽  
А.Ю. Егорова ◽  
А.М. Геращенко

Образование – один из важнейших социальных институтов, обладающий ни с кем не делимой ответственностью за судьбу страны. Продолжающиеся изменения в системе российского непрерывного образования не могут не отражаться на функционировании образовательных сред. Несмотря на то, что компетентностный подход был официально признан ещё в конце позапрошлого десятилетия, по-прежнему модифицируются федеральные государственные образовательные стандарты (как для общего, так и для профессионального образования), в целом, и компетентностные модели выпускников образовательных учреждений, в частности. Соответственно, меняются требования к образовательном процессу и его методическому обеспечению; появляются и трансформируются такие понятия, как «компетенция», «личностно-профессиональное качество», «профессиональная деятельность», «результаты образования» и т.д. В настоящей работе ставится задача отследить динамику этих изменений, выделить неизменные составляющие, которые могут и должны быть основой для устойчивого развития компетентностного подхода в российском образовании. Авторами обосновано, что модели личностно-профессиональных качеств, а также подходы к их объективной диагностике, могут и должны быть основой для указанного развития.Теоретическая значимость результатов настоящего исследования в том, что они могут быть базой для дальнейшего научного осмысления проблемы становления конкурентоспособной личности в системе непрерывного образования, практическая значимость – в том, что они могут быть использованы в системах педагогического мониторинга. Методы исследования: анализ научной литературы, нормативных документов, передового отечественного и зарубежного опыта, моделирование, методы квалиметрии, метод экспертных оценок, методы теории множеств и графов. Методологические основы исследования: системный, социологический, компетентностный, квалиметрический и вероятностно-статистический подходы. Education is one of the most important social institutions that has an inseparable responsibility for the destiny of the country. The ongoing changes in the system of Russian continuing education cannot but affect the functioning of educational environments. Despite the fact that the competence-based approach was officially recognized at the end of the last but one decade, federal state educational standards (both for general and vocational education), in general, and competence models of graduates of educational institutions, in particular, are still being modified. Accordingly, the requirements for the educational process and its methodological support are changing; concepts such as “competence”, “personal and professional quality”, “professional activity”, “educational results”, etc. are appearing and transforming. In this paper, the objective is to track the dynamics of these changes, to identify the unchanging components that can and should be the basis for the sustainable development of the competence-based approach in Russian education. The authors substantiate that models of personal and professional qualities, as well as approaches to their objective assessment, can and should be the basis for this development. The theoretical significance of the results of this study is that they can be the basis for further scientific understanding of the problem of becoming a competitive personality in the system of continuing education, the practical significance is that they can be used in pedagogical monitoring systems. The methods of the research are the analysis of scientific literature, regulatory documents, advanced domestic and foreign experience, modeling, methods of qualimetry, the method of expert assessments, methods of set theory and graphs. The methodological foundations of the research are the systematic, sociological, competence-based, qualimetric and probabilistic-statistical approaches.

2020 ◽  
Vol 87 ◽  
pp. 00062
N.V. Savina ◽  
G.E. Ozhogova ◽  
I.N. Rasskazova

The article substantiates the importance of including several groups of universal competencies, reflecting the integral competence of interaction with other people, into the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education (FSES HE) of the Russian Federation. The article presents the results of studying the determinants of personality in this aspect – empathy, proneness to conflict, and tolerance among teachers of primary and preschool education, as well as the positions of their professional and pedagogical activities. The prospects for eliminating the identified deficiencies are shown both at the stage of training a future teacher at a university and in professional activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 98 ◽  
pp. 03014
Nataliya Nikolayeva ◽  
Nikolay Mikhaylov ◽  
Svetlana Semenova ◽  
Elvira Mikhaylova ◽  
Yelena Derevleva

The conducted research has allowed identifying the main contradictions between educational and professional standards in the field of training of teachers and determining the most vulnerable links in ensuring a systematic approach to the organization of the educational process. The conducted analysis has resulted in a scientific justification of the necessary changes and reconciliations in educational and professional standards to update them and improve the quality of training of specialists in the teaching sector. An earlier analysis of federal educational standards has shown that changes in the content of competencies were aimed at implementing education as a service rather than a pedagogical process. This makes it difficult for the teaching staff to educate the younger generation of teachers in the traditional paradigm of national education. However, the latest generation of Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) indicates the need to take into account the requirements of professional standards that correspond to the professional activities of graduates. Besides, clause 3.5 of the FSES 3++ specifies the right of an educational organization “not to include professional competencies determined independently if there are mandatory professional competencies, as well as if the recommended professional competencies are included in the bachelor’s program” (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2015 No. 1426). There is an evident discrepancy of requirements of the FSES of the last generation in terms of the scope of professional competences and the need to take into account these requirements to ensure teacher’s actions, presented in the professional standards, aimed at performing official duties by the teacher that allows considering the problem of compliance with the requirements proposed in the FSES and in professional standards of teachers to be very relevant. The research purpose is to conduct a comparative analysis of the requirements stated in the FSES and professional standards of teachers in the national education system.

10.12737/6476 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 56-67
Елена Погребова ◽  
Elena Pogrebova

This article was prepared according to the results of the scientific research conducted at Russian State University of Tourism and Service in the framework of the research project «Development of the project sectoral qualifications framework in the field of public services». The need to develop sectoral qualification frameworks is due to the need of the strategy of learning throughout life in the light of technical, technological, economic and other changes in service in general and consumer services in particular. Detailed design of the project was preceded by an exploratory phase, which main objectives were: 1) the study of the content of the federal state educational standards of primary, higher and vocational education in relation to the area of service and consumer services by parameters such as the type and characteristics of the professional activity of graduates and professional competences; 2) identification of ways to achieve the appropriate level of qualification by type of employment in consumer services by major industry groups in services in accordance with the levels of the educational system (VPO, SPO, NPO). The results obtained by the authors at the research stage formed the basis of this article. The empirical base of the study was the educational standards of professional education, which can be used directly or indirectly for the analysis of the requirements for professional activities of employees in the service, especially public services. Particular attention is paid to appropriate content types of jobs in the service and consumer services, for which the requirements are set out in the drafts of improved federal state educational standards of higher education. The result of the study was the authors´ model of continued professional education in the field of services and consumer services.

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