2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-154
Valeria G. Andreeva ◽  

For the first time in literary criticism, the author of the article turns her attention to the image of the estate in Tolstoy’s later artistic work, showing the dynamics of the writer’s views on estate life, the image of an ideal estate, which for Tolstoy was always associated with the motives of work, family life, proper attitude towards the people, etc. It is noted that in 1880–1910, the estate theme in Tolstoy’s creative imagination was directly related to the problems of land ownership, proper management and correct and gradual path of the individual and their spiritual growth. The picture of estate life In Leo Tolstoy’s novel “Resurrection” is realized in two contrasting versions: luxurious existence of the upper class and the aristocracy, not supported by any content, and transforming into a new image of the working life of the intelligentsia and landowners on the land. The author demonstrates the facts of impoverishment of estate life at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries, which are introduced in the artistic world of the novel. It is proved that the idea in the work of inseparable connection of a person with the people around him and with humanity at large, which is the key conception of the novel, is directly related to Tolstoy’s understanding of the change of the forms of estate life, important and dear for the writer himself. Of great importance in the novel is the awareness of the characters of natural life, which is presented in contrast to civilization, which deviates from the basic laws of love and goodness. On the basis of an analytical comparison of the drafts of the novel and the final text, the author substantiates the importance of the estate theme for understanding the feelings of the protagonist and his inner life, for organizing the epic artistic world of the novel. The article illustrates the stages of the dialectical movement of Dmitry Nekhlyudov and the connection between the estate and family themes. The author rethinks some episodes of the novel that have received controversial interpretations in science and reveals the artistic links that connect different chapters of the work.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (10) ◽  
pp. 280-296
I. V. Mamieva

The specific features of epic narration in the Ossetian novel prose (1940-1960) in the context of the all-Russian literary process are considered. The problem solved in the article is actualized in the light of the conceptual differences that emerged in the post-Soviet era in the interpretation of the essence of the concept of “epic novel”, in the attribution of its genre status. The purpose of the article is to specify the typology of the epic chronotope and character system, to identify the issues of the structural completeness of works. A typological method is used with the use of an axiological approach, which allows us to focus both on the spiritual and content aspect of artistic searches and on the pseudo-scale tendencies in the novel-epic practice of the aforementioned decades. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time, using the example of Ossetian prose, the process of the emergence of a new genre variety in national literatures is investigated. Special attention is paid to the aspects of deactualization of the national-ethnic in the behavioral sphere of characters in favor of sharpening their ideological identity. At the same time, it is shown that in the system of images, in the very poetics of narration, through the ideological sharpening inevitable for time, an orientation toward the foundations of national consciousness, toward the spiritual and historical experience of the people appears. It is concluded that works of an epic type, despite the tangible costs of an ideological and partly aesthetic order, were a new stage in the interpretation of epoch-making events of the past by Ossetian literature in their conjunction with the life of the people, the microcosm of the family and the individual.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-147
S. V. Sheyanova ◽  
N. M. Yusupova ◽  

Introduction: at present the reader’s audience is particularly interested in creative experiments in which the historical fate of the Russian peasantry in the «turning» eras is artistically comprehended. The article is devoted to the study of the problem-thematic range of modern Mordovian historical prose. The subject of analysis is the peculiarity of the reception of the period of collectivization and dekulakization in the story by Erzyan prose writer A. Doronin «A Wolf Ravine». Objective: to reveal the features of the artistic reconstruction of the events of the 1930s, the modeling of the relationship between a man and society in the story by A. Doronin «A Wolf Ravine».Research materials: the story by A. Doronin «A Wolf Ravine». Results and novelty of the research: the historical story « A Wolf Ravine » for the first time becomes the object of scientific understanding and is introduced into the context of Finno-Ugric literary criticism. A. Doronin artistically interprets the real events and circumstances of the resettlement of dispossessed peasants of the Volga region to the uninhabited steppes of Kazakhstan. As a result of the study, we conclude that the actualization of this problem-thematic cluster is due to the creative concept of the historical writer; the individual author’s approach to the reconstruction of historical narrative can be traced in the writer’s desire to realistically reveal the relationship of personality and society in the tragic 1930s; to analyze intentions of people and of the psychological states of the characters. Problems of a sociopolitical nature, actualized in the story, are filled with philosophical, axiological content, and lead to a multi-faceted understanding of the «man and history» problem.

Africa ◽  
1931 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-177 ◽  
Diedrich Westermann

Opening ParagraphThe following remarks are not addressed to specialists, but to those Europeans and Africans working in Africa who have for professional reasons an interest in getting to know the native better and, if possible, in making this knowledge available to a wider circle. This applies pre-eminently to missionaries. They, more than any other body of men, have an interest in studying the people among whom they work. It is their aim to transform the inner life of the tribe and of the individual. They are co-operating in creating a new religious, moral, and often social order. Only those who know the traditional environment of the native have the opportunity and the right of effecting such a transformation, as they are thus in a position to forge links between the old and the new, and in consequence will make the new ideas develop naturally from the old ways of thought. Old traditions must not be pushed on one side and ignored, on the contrary they should be carefully studied to see if there is not embedded in them something that can be incorporated in the new order, or something that has to be transformed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 267-279
E. V. Ushakova

The article reveals the specifics of the functioning of the phenomenon of duplicity  in  the novel by the English writer M. Spark “Aiding and Abetting” (2000). The scientific novelty lies in the fact that this work is viewed from this angle for the first time. An overview of a number of existing approaches to the phenomenon of duality in modern literary criticism is presented. The author analyzes pairs of the main characters of the novel, who are doubles, revealed in similar situations related to the themes of fraud and crime. It is shown that in the novel “Aiding and Abetting” the characters play the roles of both antagonists and carnival counterparts. Particular attention is paid to the  combination  inherent in M. Spark’s work in the works of satirical orientation and postmodern play, which is reflected in the change of the narrative perspective, ambiguity and uncertainty of the finale. The meaning of the title of the work is revealed in the context of the realization of the motive of duality, the main moral problems posed in the novel are revealed. The author comes to the conclusion that through the use of doubles, Spark describes the vices of society and the moral degradation of a person.


Целью данного исследования является определение ментального содержания лексики и фразеологии, вербализующей концепты женщина (сылгоймаг) и девушка (чызг) в произведениях осетинского писателя А.Б. Кайтукова. Научная новизна связана с тем, что впервые на языковом материале произведений А. Кайтукова выявлено ментальное содержание указанных концептов. Актуальность данного исследования в том, что, благодаря описанию языкового содержания концептов женщина (сылгоймаг) и девушка (чызг), читатель, с одной стороны, вводится в мир национальной лингвокультуры, содержащей информацию о менталитете народа, с другой стороны – дается характеристика индивидуальных особенностей языка писателя. В работе использованы следующие методы исследования: семантико-стилистический, методы концептуального и контекстуального анализа языковых единиц в художественном тексте. Поставлены следующие задачи: определить номинативную плотность концептов женщина и девушка; раскрыть ментальное содержание лексики и фразеологии, вербализующей названные концепты; указать когнитивные признаки исследуемых концептов; охарактеризовать лексику и фразеологию, объективирующие названные концепты как средство создания идиостиля писателя. В результате работы дана характеристика концептов женщина и девушка в произведениях А. Кайтукова в аспекте лингвокультуры и в рамках идиостиля писателя. The purpose of this study is to determine the mental contents of the vocabulary and phraseology that verbalize the concepts of woman (sylgoymag) and girl (chyzg) in the works of the Ossetian writer A. B. Kaitukov. The scientific novelty is connected with the fact that for the first time the mental content of these concepts will be revealed on the language material of A. Kaitukov's works. The relevance of this study is that due to the description of the linguistic content of the concepts woman (sylgoimag) and girl (chyzg), the reader, on the one hand, is introduced into the world of national linguoculture, containing information about the mentality of the people, on the other hand, a characteristic of the individual features of the writer’s language is given. The following research methods were used in the work: semantic and stylistic, methods of conceptual and contextual analysis of linguistic units in a literary text. The following tasks were set: to determine the nominative density of the concepts woman and girl; to reveal the mental content of lexis and phraseology, verbalizing the named concepts; indicate the cognitive features of the studied concepts; to characterize the vocabulary and phraseology that objectify the named concepts as a means of creating the idiostyle of the writer. As a result of the work, a description of the concepts of a woman and a girl in the works of A. Kaitukov is given in the aspect of linguoculture and within the framework of the writer's idiostyle.

Blaise Ngambinzoni Kombeto ◽  
Romain Bakola Dzango ◽  
Modeste Ndaba Modeawi ◽  
Gédéon Bongo Ngiala ◽  
Muhammad Ridwan ◽  

Marcel SONY LabouTansi, the author of the novel "The Shameful State", denounces the dictatorial system often practiced by most African leaders in the management of the "res publica". He paints the barbarity of man in relation to his fellow man. It also presents the duality between the traditional society characterized by democracy, peace ... and the modern society based on dictatorship in which the government behaves as a state, as absolute master, and the governed in the eternal "- mute", "voiceless". It invites the recipients to renounce to the bad principle in order to establish democracy, a system that respects the individual freedom of the people, that of human rights, of professional promotion for the harmonious development of a sovereign and democratic State. The novel "The Shameful State" unfolds the spiral of the unpleasant reign of a megalomaniacal, criminal and lustful president, Colonel Martillimi Lopez, who "shamefully" manages power and ends with the crying and gnashing of his constituents' teeth. After having committed: pedophilia, adultery, assassination of opponents, he was deposed by his relatives who created an insurrection and was forced to hand over power to civilians to return to his native village.

2021 ◽  
pp. 91-110
В.С. ПУКИШ ◽  

В статье рассматривается роман основоположника «революционно-пролетарской словацкой литературы», «словацкого Горького» Петера Йилемницкого (1901–1949) «Компас в нас» (1937). Актуальность данного рассмотрения определяется уже тем, что в романе значительное место уделено советской (русской, киргизской) и кавказ­ской (осетинской, в хронотопе, заступающем советские рамки) теме, – и при этом произведение Йилемницкого до сих пор не было переведено на русский язык и осталось, в общем, вне поля зрения отечественного литературоведения и литературной кри­тики. Отдельные, связанные с осетинской темой, главы романа в переводе на осетин­ский язык, выполненном в свое время Хасаном Малиевым и Сафаром Хаблиевым, пу­бликовались в советское время в североосетинской периодической печати, и, поскольку одним из героев Йилемницкого выступает друг Петера Йилемницкого известный осе­тинский писатель Чермен Беджызаты (1898–1937) и действие первого плана происхо­дит именно в Южной Осетии, которую, в рамках сюжета, посещает повествователь, роман «Компас в нас» несколько раз упоминался в осетинском литературоведении. Одним из авторов данной статьи (В.С. Пукишем) роман Йилемницкого в «осетин­ской» части в последнее время переведен на русский язык с языка оригинала (редакто­ром перевода, необходимого в виду этнокультурной фактуры, выступил И.С. Хугаев); соответственно, здесь, помимо необходимой биографической и библиографической справки, вводятся в литературно-критический оборот обстоятельства творческой истории романа «Компас в нас», его основные идеи и образы, а также его оценки в словацком литературном процессе; впервые на основе оригинального текста тракту­ется архитектоника, образная система, идеология, общие изобразительные приемы и идейно-эмоциональная тенденция текста Петера Йилемницкого. The article examines the novel Kompas v nás (Compass Inside Us) by Peter Jilemnický (1901–1949), the founder of “revolutionary proletarian Slovak literature,” and “the Slovak Gorki.” The topicality of this review can be proved by the fact that the novel devotes much attention to the Soviet (Russian, Kyrgyz) and the Caucasian (Ossetian – in the space-time going beyond the Soviet period) themes – however, by now it has not been translated into Russian and thus it has remained mostly out of the eye of contemporary Russian literary criticism. At the same time, the Ossetia-related chapters of the novel translated into Ossetian by Khasan Maliev and Safar Khabliev, were published in the North Ossetian press, and due to the fact that one of the central characters of the novel is Chermen Bedzhyzaty (1898–1937), a known Ossetian writer and a friend of Peter Jilemnický, and that the foreground of the story takes place in South Ossetia visited by the narrator, Compass Inside Us has more than once been mentioned by Ossetian literary critics. One of the authors of this article (V. Pukish) recently translated the ‘Ossetian’ part of the novel from Slovak into Russian (I. Khugaev edited the translated text as required by the ehtnocultural texture); this is why, the circumstances of creative history of the novel, its main ideas and images, and the assessments given to it by Slovak literary critics are hereby introduced into the scientific discourse in addition to the required biographical and bibliographical references. Based on the original text of the novel, the authors of this article are for the first time discussing the architectonics, imagery, ideology, general representational devices, and ideological and emotional trends of the text by Peter Jilemnický.

Yu. O. Chura

The article deals with the most famous of German-speaking Mazepa-works of the nineteenth century – the historical tragedy of R. Gottschal’s "Mazepa" and its Ukrainian translation by Yu. Fedkovich. An overview of the critical reception of the German-speaking Mazepa-works proves that the work has received the greatest resonance in Ukrainian literary criticism. In addition, the historical tragedy is the only German-language work on Hetman translated into Ukrainian by Yurij Fedkovich. Among the most important factors of Y. Fedkovych's appeal to work on the historical tragedy is the Ukrainian theme from the past of our people. The analysis of the Ukrainian language version is based on the following criteria for the adequacy of the translation: the translation of realities, in particular, military terminology and ranks of the Cossack army; idioms; reproduction of author syntax and style; observance of the equilibrium of the original work. The article is based on the identification of priorities in the use of expressive means. As a result of comparison of realities, it was discovered that most of the time Y. Fedkovych made a contextual translation or found a situational collocation that was understandable to the people. Military ranks and attributes of the Cossack army were translated with the help of hyperonymic renaming, which testifies to the priority of the principle of historical authenticity in Y. Fedkovych's approach as a bearer of language. It was made possible to describe the features of the creative manner and the individual author’s style of Y. Fedkovych’s translation, embodied in his interpretation of German tragedy. The role of the historical tragedy of R. von Gottschal in promoting the German-speaking Mazepa-works is decisive. Y. Fedkovich's translation remains the only Ukrainian-language version among a number of numerous German-language works devoted to Ivan Mazepa.

Yeni Sulistiyani

Aims: Describe the desertion and love of characters in the novel Gizzara (I am Waiting for You at the Boundary of Kuldenzen) by Fanny J. Poyk: a critical hermeneutic study of Jurgen Habermas. Study Design: Multidisciplinary Place and Duration of Study: Graduate Program of Indonesian Bahasa and Literature Education University of Lampung, August 2019 until now Methodology: Qualitative research is some scientific activity procedures that can be used to solve problems according to different perspectives and approaches. The process of parsing and understanding the meaning of literary works is the focus of hermeneutics. Data collection techniques in this study used reading, note-taking, and literature techniques. Content analysis is used to explore the ideas expressed by writers (authors) in the form of statements, questions, and character dialogues. This technique is to understand the message of literary works. Result: Based on the discussion, Fanny has made her work as an integral part of the problems that are happening today even though it is packaged in a past dimension with dozens of characters. Desertion may occur due to the opposing group which gives a feeling of peace, comfort, and even affection and love for him. Desertion is used to escape from psychological pressure. It is different from the material pressure, Psychology requires comfort in order to live a happier and more normal life. Although, other pressures (work, family, economic, or finance) affects a person's psychology and its culmination becomes psychological pressure too. Gizzara (I am Waiting for You at the Boundary of Kuldenzen) appeared as a literary work which is not just a representation of social or cultural, but also the alienation of the people that was shown in the past. Textually and contextually, this novel displays an awareness of human unhappiness for dealing with a world as not we desire.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Hanabillah Fatchu Zuhro

The characters in the novel are a reflection of the human condition in real life. Understanding the personality of a character in a novel means understanding the personality of people too. This provides an opportunity to understand the attitudes and behavior of the people in real life through the personality of characters in literary works. Therefore, the researcher considers to discuss the process of individuation of the main characters in Okky Madasari’s Bound. The present study is literary criticism. This research aims to describe the individuation process of the main characters, Sasana and Jaka. The main characters, want the freedom to express their true identity. Through this novel, Okky Madasari wants to convey that life is a choice. Humans have the freedom to choose what they want to be without the negative side being dominant in a person. Along these lines, we can utilize Analytical Psychology to break down this novel with the idea of the individuation process. It employs the theory of individuation process proposed by Carl Gustav Jung covering several steps to achieve the process of individuation of the main characters. There are four kinds of archetypes in order to acknowledge the individuation process. They are “persona”, “shadow”, “anima and animus”, and “Self”. The results of this study show that the main characters still cannot reach the individuation process well. Sasana and Jaka have not yet reached middle age, so Sasana and Jaka have not reached self-archetype yet, because to achieve self-archetype, the characters must reach middle age first.

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