scholarly journals Hubungan Tingkat Pendidikan Masyarakat Terhadap Pengetahuan dalam Penggunaan Antibiotik Oral di Apotek Kecamatan Koto Tangah Padang

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-45
Ringga Novelni

Antibiotics are drugs that are widely used for therapeutic treatment of infections, but now the purchase of antibiotics without a doctor's prescription at pharmacies has become a global problem, especially in developing countries. This study aims to determine the relationship of community education level to knowledge in the use of oral antibiotics in pharmacies in Koto Tangah District, Padang. The method used is descriptive correlative with cross-sectional approach. The population in this study were all people who visited the pharmacy in Koto Tangah District. The sampling technique uses non-random sampling technique that is purposive sampling of 100 respondents who have met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Measuring instruments in this study used a questionnaire about knowledge in the use of oral antibiotics. Based on the results of the chi-square statistical test between the level of knowledge and the level of education obtained p = 0,000. This shows the p value is not greater than 0.05, and the relationship between the level of public education with knowledge in the use of Oral Antibiotics with the Spearman correlation test is 0.53, so it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the level of public knowledge and the level of public education in use of oral antibiotics.

2018 ◽  
pp. 179-185
Azrida Machmud ◽  
Suchi Avnalurini Sharief ◽  
Halida Thamrin

For children and adolescent girls found many health problems, especially anemia. In women with iron deficiency anemia, the amount of menstrual blood is also more. Most women do not feel the symptoms at the time of menstruation, but some feel heavy in the pelvis or feel pain (dysmenorrhoea). Various studies have shown that the incidence of dysmenorrhoea is still quite high, those who experience severe dysmenorrhoea after taking the drug should rest and it is recommended to limit even leave the school or work for 1-3 days in a month which would certainly be detrimental to women in the activity, especially in young women who are in a period of growth and development. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship between anemia with dismenorhoe incident. The approach taken in this research is quantitative. This type of research used surveyive design with cross sectional approach. In this research the sampling method using Random Sampling technique. The results showed a significant relationship between anemia with the incidence of dysmenorrhoea in UMI midwifery students where the results of Chi Square test of 9,737 with p-value 0.0001 <0,05. It can be concluded that anemia can cause dysmenorrhoea in young women, so the need to increase knowledge about nutrition for young woman to prevent the happening of anemia.          

Ronny Sutanto ◽  
Isramilda Isramilda

Background : One of the problems that must be considered by young women is their reproductive health. It is very important to inform young women about the menstrual process knowledge so that they will be able to maintain personal hygiene. Lack of knowledge about personal hygiene can increase the risk of infection. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge of young girls and personal hygiene behavior. Method : The research method used was an analytic survey with a cross sectional approach. Conducted at SMPN 036 Batam City, the study was conducted for 6 months, the population in this study were all 270 students of SMPN 036 class VIII, with a total sample of 162, the sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling technique with research instruments using a questionnaire. Data analysis using Chi square. Result :The results of the study were obtained from 162 respondents, the majority of respondents had good knowledge of 110 people (68%), and good personal hygiene behavior as many as 152 people (94%). Chi-square statistical test obtained p-value = 0.008 <0.05, conclusion : that there is a significant relationship between the knowledge of uterine adolescents with personal hygiene behavior at SMPN 036 Batam City. Advice for teenagers to maintain personal hygiene behavior.

Ana Zakiyah ◽  
Duwi Basuki ◽  
Windu Santoso

Discharge planning is one of the activities in the provision of nursing care on patients in the hospital, it will have a shortening impact on patient care in the hospital and reduce the patient's recurrence rate, but the implementation is not appropriate. so far, implementation of Discharge planning is still to be done after the patient finished having treatment by making a summary of the recording of patients return. Various characteristic factors of nurses can influence the implementation of discharge planning in hospital. The research purpose was to know the relationship of factors that influence discharge planning with the implementation of discharge planning. The research design used was cross-sectional, the instrument used was the questionnaire about the characteristics of the nurses and the implementation of discharge planning. The population of research was nurses who served in the inpatient room RSI Sakinah Mojokerto number of 80 nurses and obtained the number of 67 samples with proportional random sampling technique. The result of analysis with pearson correlation for age, education, length of work and chi-square for marital status showed that the characteristics of nurses related to discharge planning implementation were educational factor with p-value 0,023. The higher the nurse education caused more critical, logical and systematic in thinking so as to improve the quality of its work and the greater the desire to utilize the knowledge and skills it possesses keywords        : discharge planning, nurses, education

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 51
Ikawati Setyaningrum ◽  
Firman Hidayat ◽  
Ratna Widhiastuti

Preceptorship is one method of guidance with one to one relationship in the scope of nursing which is considered good enough to add skills in care, both soft skills, hard skills and attitude of the nursing profession. Many factors affect the implementation of preceptorsip in hospitals. This study aims to determine the relationship between clinical instructional motivation and the implementation of preseptorship at Dr. Soeselo Slawi. This research is a quantitative study and the type of descriptive correlation research design with cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used was a total sampling of 39 people. The research instrument uses a motivation questionnaire containing 26 statements, whereas for Preceptorship uses a questionnaire containing 10 statements. Chi square analysis results showed that the p value was 0.007 (<0.005), which means there was a significant relationship between CI motivation and the implementation of Preseptorship. The hospital is expected to be able to choose nurses who will become CIs according to certain competency and knowledge standards, as well as specializing CI assignments so that they do not overlap with patient service tasks.  Keywords: Motivation. Clinical instructure, preceptorship

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-250
Muhammad Hanafi Hanafi ◽  
Asril Asril ◽  
Ahmad Satria Efendi

Kelelahan mata adalah gangguan yang dialami mata karena otot-ototnya yang dipaksa bekerja keras terutama saat harus melihat objek dekat dalam jangka waktu lama. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah ntuk mengetahui hubungan antara karakteristik pekerja dan perangkat kerja dengan keluhan kelelahan mata pada pengguna komputer. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain studi cross sectional, dengan responden kasus adalah pekerja yang menggunakan komputer di STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 46 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada kasus adalah non probability sampling. Alat ukur yang di gunakan adalah kuesioner, dan pengukuran. Analisis yang di gunakan adalah univariat dan bivariat dengan uji statistik Chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara usia (Pvalue=0,024, nilai OR=5,409), durasi penggunaan komputer (Pvalue=0,020, nilai OR=5,143), jarak pandang mata dengan monitor (Pvalue=0,009, nilai OR=6,500) dengan kelulahan kelelahan mata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan signifikan antara penggunaan anti glare (Pvalue=0,457, nilai OR=1,929) dengan keluhan kelelahan mata. Disarankan kepada pekerja menjaga jarak mata dengan layar monitor, melakukan istirahat mata sekitar 10 menit stiap jam, dan mengatur pencahayaan monitor dalam menggunakan komputer. Eye fatigue is a disorder experienced by the eye because the muscles are forced to work hard, especially when they have to look at close objects for a long time. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the characteristics of workers and work equipment with complaints of eye fatigue in computer users. This research is a quantitative analytic study using a cross sectional study design, with case respondents being workers who use computers at STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru. The number of samples in this study were 46 people. The sampling technique in this case is non-probability sampling. The measuring instrument used is a questionnaire, and measurement. The analysis used was univariate and bivariate with Chi-square statistical test. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between age (P value = 0.024, OR value = 5,409), duration of computer use (P value = 0.020, OR value = 5.143), distance between eyes and monitor (Pvalue = 0.009, OR value = 6,500) with complaints of eye fatigue. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between the use of anti-glare (P-value = 0.457, OR = 1.929) with complaints of eye fatigue. It is recommended for workers to keep their eyes away from the monitor screen, take an eye break of about 10 minutes every hour, and adjust the lighting of the monitor when using the computer.

2013 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Havilia Ayu Haznany ◽  
Winarko .

PT Arto Metal International is one of the metal components manufacturers, where theproduction processes are using machinaries which its operations may lead to accidents. One ofthe effects that can be caused by the production machines might happen if workers are notcareful, they might got pinched by plong engine, etched plates and exposed debris grams.Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors associated with the incidence of workplaceaccidents in this company.The methods used in this study were analytical methods, because this researchexamined the relationship between 2 (two) variables. Based on its times, this study wascategorized as cross-sectional study, due to variables such as risk factors and effect factorswere observed at the same time. Sampling technique was done by simple random sampling,and analysis was used to determine the relationship between 2 (two) variables using Chi Square.The results showed that employees injured at workplace as much as 94.3%. Theresults of analysis of Chi - Square showed that there were four variables significantlyassociated with the incidence of workplace accidents, they were the use of PPD to theincidence of occupational injuries (p value = 0.025), the level of knowledge to the incidence ofoccupational injuries (p value = 0.047), the ages to the incidence of occupational injuries (pvalue 0.025) and the length of services to the incidence of occupational injuries (p value0.005).Therefore, it is suggested that the company perform incident controlling actionswhether technically, administratively as well as adding a number of Personal ProtectiveDevices (PPD) for workers so that all workers can use it while working.Keywords: Workplace Accident, Personal Protective Devices

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 227
I Gusti Agung Putu Mahendra ◽  
Farapti Farapti

Background : Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is one of the main causes of high rates of mobility and mortality in infants in developing countries in the world. In 2015 the death rate from respiratory problems was 920,136 people, the most common in South Asia and Africa. Purpose : This study aims to analyze the relationship between the physical condition of the house and the smoking behavior of family members with the incidence of ARI in infants in Sidotopo, Surabaya. Methods: This research was an observational analytic study using cross sectional design. The sample size uses simple random sampling technique where all existing data and meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria have the same opportunity to be selected as samples. This study used chi square statistical test to determine the relationship between the physical condition of the house and the incidence of ARI Results: There is a relationship between lighting (PR = 3.35; p-value = 0.01), ventilation (PR = 5.75; p-value = 0.01), kitchen smoke holes (PR = 4.05 ; p-value = 0.01), roof of the house (PR = 3.07; p-value = 0.02), smoking behavior (PR = 5.63; p-value = 0.01) with ARI incidence and not there was a relationship between the wall of the house (PR = 0.64; p-value = 0.68) with the incidence of ARI. Conclusion: There was an relationship between the physical conditions of the house (lighting, ventilation, kitchen smoke holes, roofs of houses) and smoking with incidence of ARI in infants at Sidotopo Village. 

Kamariah Kamariah ◽  
Arifin Arifin ◽  
Gunung Setiadi

Low back pain is one of the musculoskeletal disorders resulting from the wrong ergonomics. Such conditions can occur in the informal work sector, such as clothes tailors at the Martapura Bauntung Batuah Market. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of work position with complaints of lower back pain in clothes tailors at the Bauntung Batuah Market Martapura. This study is an analytical study with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique uses total sampling with criteria for male sex so that the number of samples is 43 people. Data will be analyzed using the x2 test (Chi-square). The results of the statistical analysis obtained the value of the work position p-value of 0,000 meaning that there is a relationship between the work position and complaints of lower back pain in the clothes tailor at the Martapura Bauntung Batuah Market. For other researchers, further research needs to being done on other factors such as individual factors and physical environmental factors that can cause complaints of lower back pain.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (01) ◽  
pp. 35
Anna Uswatun Qoyyimah ◽  
Cut Exshaldara Aliffia

Anna Uswatun Qoyyimah 1) , Cut Exshaldara Aliffia 2)1), 2) Prodi DIII Kebidanan, STIKES Muhammadiyah KlatenE-mail: [email protected] gigi dan mulut umumnya banyak ditemukan pada masyarakat adalah karies gigi. Data survey Bulan Kesehatan Gigi Nasional (2015), prevalensi karies anak usia 6 tahun sebanyak 74,44%. 62,4% murid sekolah tidak masuk sekolah dengan alasan karena sakit gigi. Kondisi ini menunjukkan bahwa penyakit gigi walaupun tidak menimbulkan kematian, tetapi dapat menurunkan  aktifitas. Faktor yang menyebabkan tingginya penyakit gigi berlubang pada anak adalah kebiasaan menyikat gigi pada anak. Survey 69% anak usia enam tahun menyikat gigi dua kali sehari sedangkan 11,8% menyikat gigi kurang dari dua kali sehari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara frekuensi menggosok gigi dengan kejadian karies gigi. Metode penelitian: Desain penelitiandeskriptif analitikdenganmetode  pendekatancross sectional. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa TKIT Mutiara Hati Klaten yang berjumlah 84 anak.Tehnik sampling yang di gunakan adalah total sampling.Analisis data menggunakan chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan anak yang teratur menggosok gigi tidak mengalami karies gigi sebanyak (97,1%) dan anak yang tidak teratur menggosok gigi mengalami karies gigi sebanyak (97,1%), p value 0,000 (p < 0,05).Kesimpulan penelitian adalah ada hubungan frekuensi menggosok gigi dengan kejadian karies gigi pada siswa TKIT Mutiara Hati Klaten.Saran bagi orangtua diharapkan agar senantiasa tidak lupa membantu anak untuk selalu menggosok gigi terutama setelah selesai makan dan sebelum tidur.Kata kunci : Frekuensi menggosok gigi, karies gigiFREQUENCY  OF DENTAL WASTE WITH EVEVT OF DENTAL CARE IN KB MUTIARA HATI KLATEN TK STUDENTABSTRACTTooth and mouth ailments are commonly found in the community are dental caries National Dental Health Month survey data (2015), the prevalence of caries of 6-year-old children is 74,44%. 62,4% of school student do not attend school on the grounds of toothache.This condition shows that dental disease does not cause death, but can reduce activity Factors that cause high cavities in children are the habib of brushing teeth in children survey 69% of six years-olds brush their teeth twice a day while 11,8% brush teeth less than two times a day. This study aims to determine the relationship between the frequency of brushing teeth and the incidence of dental caries. Methods Descriptive analytic research design with cross sectional approach.Respondenst in this study were 84 children of TKIT MutiaraHatiKlaten. The sampling technique  usedwa total sampling. Data analysis use chi square. The result showed that children who regulary brushed their teeth did not experience dental caries (97,1%) and children who did not regularly brush their teeth experience dental caries (97,1%), p value 0,000 (p < 0,05). The  conclusion of the study was that there was a relationship frequency of brushing teeth with the incidence of dental caries in TKIT MutiaraHatiKlaten students suggestions for parents are expected to always not forget to help children to always brush their teeth especially after finishing eating and before going to bed. Keywords : the Frequency of brushing teeth, dental caries

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Nova Mega Muryatma

Surabaya is the capital city of East Java Province and is a large city with a population of 2,807 inhabitants. According to WHO in 2011 showed that 400,000 victims under the age of 25 who died on the highway, with an average mortality rate of 1,000 children and adolescents each day. The cause of the greatest accidents is caused by human factors that do not apply discipline in traffic, low awareness, and lack of knowledge about safety riding. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between safety factor driving with saefty riding behavior on students of SMK PGRI 4 Surabaya. This research is an observational analytic research using research method with cross sectional design. The sample of 74 respondents was taken randomly using simple random sampling technique. Data collection using questionnaires tool filled by respondents. Data analysis in this study using Chi Square test with 5% significance value to see the relationship between independent variables with dependent variable. Based on the research conducted there is no significant relationship between independent variables with dependent variable with p-value exceed the value of meaning. In order to minimize the incidence of traffic accidents involving students it is good that schools always do the provision of a bound regulation that students are required to use SNI helmets when riding a motorcycle, no need to use expensive helmet but just use a helmet that complies with safety standards. Facilities for students are expected to always comply with existing traffic rules while driving.Keyword: safety riding, student, safety riding behaviour

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