scholarly journals Prinsip Rendah Hati Dalam Kepemimpinan Yosua Sebagai Role Model Pemimpin Masa Kini

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Sahat Martua Sinaga ◽  
Ryna Heppy Tambunan

AbstractThe leadership capacity develops through a process to become a great leader, who carries out leadership with full responsibility, and completes it with a good reputation. With a qualitative method of applying the principles of biblical hermeneutics, an in-depth analysis of Joshua's leadership journey is carried out as a role model for today's leaders. It is clear one of the determining factors is humility. Joshua is a man of humility. He wants to be guided, equipped and through learning by doing his leadership capacity will develop optimally. Joshua's humility was in line with his spiritual maturity. He is a leader who has faith and is loyal to God, a man of faith and trust in God; a man of God's word; and a man of prayer.  It is very important for a leader to be humble as the outcome of the spiritual maturity so that person as a leader is able to achieve goals, free from scandals, and complete it with a good reputation.Keywords: Humility, Leadership, Joshua, Role Model

2021 ◽  
pp. 095394682110313
Michael Mawson

Writing in the 1920s and 1930s, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Franz Rosenzweig each provided rich reflections on how we are to understand and approach the Bible as God’s word. They each understood Scripture as revelation, while attending closely to the substance and forms of biblical texts. This article therefore explores how their approaches to Scripture can contribute to ongoing work in apocalyptic theology. In particular, it draws out the ethic of responsibility that is inherent in their biblical hermeneutics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-39
Ruat Diana

This article discusses the role of parents in educating children in the industrial revolution era 4.0 based on Christian principles. The author analyzes several library sources both books and journals related to the topic of discussion. From the results of the analysis of several literature sources, children's education is God's mandate given to parents. Parents have a role to educate them to become mature Christians. Spiritual maturity is the provision for children to face challenges in the era of the industrial revolution. Parents also play a role in educating about love and fairness. Love and fair moral values need to be instilled so that children can compete in a healthy manner in the era of the industrial revolution. The next role is to provide guidance to be able to live in groups. The development of digital media causes behavior changes that become increasingly individualistic, therefore children need to be educated to live in groups because humans cannot escape social life. Education in the era of the industrial revolution was done by example. Children need a model that is a role model for living in the digital age.Abstrak: Artikel ini memembasan tentang peran orang tua mendidik anak di era revolusi industri 4.0 berdasarkan prinsip Kristen. Penulis melakukan analisis beberapa sumber pustaka baik buku maupun jurnal yang terkait dengan topik bahasan. Dari hasil analisis beberapa sumber pustaka, pendidikan anak merupakan mandat Allah yang diberikan pada orang tua. Orang tua memiliki peran untuk mendidik mereka untuk menjadi orang Kristen dewasa. Kedewasaan rohani adalah bekal untuk anak-anak menghadapi tantangan di era revolusi industri. Orang tua juga berperan utnuk mendidik tentang kasih dan adil. Nilai moral kasih dan adil perlu ditanamkan agar anak-anak dapat bersaing secara sehat di era revolusi industri. Peran selanjutnya adalah memberikan bimbingan untuk dapat hidup dalam kelompok. Berkembangnya media digital menyebabkan perubahan perilaku yang menjadi semakin individualistis, oleh sebab itu anak-anak perlu dididik hidup dalam kelompok sebab manusia tidak dapat lepas dari kehidupan sosial. Pendidikan di era revolusi industri dilakukan melalui teladan. Anak-anak membutuhkan model yang menjadi teladan untuk hidup di era digital.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
Susanna Kathryn ◽  
Albert Andreas ◽  
Donny Charles Chandra ◽  
Wiryohadi Wiryohadi ◽  
Apin Militia Christi

<p>Postmodern menyebabkan semua menjadi relatif. Termasuk dalam melakukan kebenaran Firman Tuhan dan teladan dalam membangun karakter pemuda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat implementasi bimbingan dan konseling yang digunakan Universitas Pelita Harapan dalam menunjang perkembangan karakter mahasiswa dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor hambatan yang terjadi dalam pelaksanaannya. Hasil penelitian ini adalah implementasi yang digunakan memprioritaskan nilai-nilai firman Tuhan. Target yang ingin dicapai adalah membentuk mahasiswa untuk memiliki karakter ilahi. Proses bimbingan dan konseling diberikan melalui: (1) Penasihat akademik; (2) Organisasi rohani <em>spiritual growth for student</em>; (3) Asrama; (4) Lembaga konseling HOPE. Proses bimbingan dan konseling dilaksanakan dalam bentuk: (1) Pendekatan peraturan lembaga; (2) Pemberian nasihat; (3) Pemuridan; (4) Sistem <em>learning by doing</em>; (5) Bimbingan kolaboratif lembaga; dan (6) <em>Support academic</em>. Faktor-faktor yang menjadi penghambat adalah: (1) Kompetensi SDM yang belum memadai; (2) Mahasiswa yang kurang berminat kepada program bimbingan dan konseling; dan (3) Mahasiswa yang belum dapat bersifat dewasa.<br /><br /><strong>Abstrac :</strong>  Postmodern  causes  everything  to  be  relative.  Including  in  carrying  out  the truth  of  God's  Word  and  example  in  building  the  character  of  youth.  This  study  aims  to look at the implementation of guidance and counseling used by Pelita Harapan University  in  supporting  the development  of student  character  and  identify  the  obstacles that occur in its implementation. The result of this research is the implementation that is used to prioritize the values  of God's word. The target to be achieved is to form students to  have  divine  character.  The  process  of  guidance  and  counseling  is  provided  through: (1)  academic  advisors;  (2)  spiritual  organization  spiritual  growth  for  students;  (3) Dormitory;  (4)  HOPE  counseling  agency.  The  guidance  and  counseling  process  is carried  out  in  the  form  of:  (1) Institutional  regulatory  approach;  (2)  Giving  advice;  (3) Discipleship; (4) learning by doing system; (5) Institutional  collaborative guidance; and <br />(6)  academic  support.  The  inhibiting  factors  are:  (1)  inadequate  HR  competencies;  (2) Students  who  are  less  interested  in  the  guidance  and  counseling  program;  and  (3) Students who have not been able to become adults</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 143
Muhammad Afif Sallatu ◽  
Nurul Indarti

Nowadays, universities in many countries are encouraged to take their research products to the next level by translating them into commercialized products to benefit society at large. In doing so, they establish a firm, a so-called University Spin-Off (USO), which specializes in carrying out the mission. A USO is a firm which is established to optimize or commercialize the Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) of the university. Previous studies into USOs, documented in the extant literature, have mainly focused on investigating the initial process of the USOs’ establishment, such as the drivers to initiate the USOs. Only a little attention has been paid to investigate the various drivers affecting the development of the USOs. Studies into the survivability of USOs are relatively limited. The current study is intended to fill this gap. Additionally, the findings are expected to add to the existing literature on USOs, particularly in the context of developing countries. This study aims at identifying the factors affecting the USOs’ survival. We used the resource-based view and contingency theory to identify and understand the various factors (internal and external) that might affect a USO’s survivability. Data for this study were collected through a survey. From the literature, we identified ten relevant factors for a USO’s survivability and 41 items to operationalize them, which we then used to develop a questionnaire. The factors are the USO’s business orientation, human resources’ reputation, product innovation, business plan, business models’ innovation, social networks, export activities, capital access, government support, and the business’s incubator. The data were collected from 111 USOs established by 14 universities located in five big cities in Indonesia. The survey was conducted from February until May 2017. Before performing the regression analysis, we deployed a factor analysis to validate the instruments and found that all the 41 items were valid and fell into ten component factors. The analysis found that there were only two factors which significantly affected the USO’s survivability: Its human resources’ reputation and social networks. These findings lead us to a conclusion that building a good reputation and maintaining its social networks are very important to ensure the survivability of a USO. 

Elisa Alén González ◽  
Trinidad Domínguez Vila ◽  
Nieves Losada Sánchez

Abstract This chapter aims to identify the determining factors and the main aspects to be developed to facilitate healthy and active ageing, thus improving the life quality of elderly people based on the Spanish government's social tourism programmes designed for this population group. This chapter starts with a contextualization of the social tourism concept, followed by a review of the public policies for active and healthy ageing and their impact on the tourism industry. Finally, an in-depth analysis of social tourism programmes in Spain is presented. Included is an exploratory analysis of the impact of social tourism on seniors' quality of life.

Authored by eminent scholars, the volume aims to generate interest and debate among policymakers, practitioners, and researchers on the complexity of learning and catch-up, particularly for twenty-first century late-late developers. The volume explores technological learning at the firm level, policy learning by the state, and the cumulative and multifaceted nature of the learning process, which encompasses learning by doing, by experiment, emulation, innovation, and leapfrogging. Why is catch-up rare? And why have some nations succeeded while others failed? What are the prospects for successful learning and catch-up in the twenty-first century? These are pertinent questions that require further research and in-depth analysis. The World Bank estimates that out of the 101 middle-income economies in 1960, only thirteen became high income by 2008. This volume examines how nations learn by reviewing key structural and contingent factors that contribute to dynamic learning and catch-up. Rejecting both the one-size-fits-all approach and the agnosticism that all nations are unique and different, the volume uses historical as well as firm-level, industry-level, and country-level evidence and experiences to identify the sources and drivers of successful learning and catch-up and the lessons for late-latecomer countries. Building on the latecomer-advantage perspective, the volume shows that what is critical for dynamic learning and catch-up is not learning per se but the intensity of learning, robust industrial policies, and the pace and direction of learning. Equally important are the passion to learn, long-term strategic vision, and understanding the context in which successful learning occurs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Yonatan Alex Arifianto

Immaturity in taking an attitude and acting as they should be following the way and order of God's Word can be called a worldly man who has the impact of jealousy, strife, so as to give rise to worldly people who do not know the truth. The natural man will also represent who the believer is. Spiritual maturity that involves God's role in the work of the Holy Spirit will continue to renew the mind and passion to continue fellowship with God. Likewise, what happens for humans who are in Jesus Christ will become a person in His image and become a blessing to others. With descriptive qualitative research methods, the author can describe the classification of the worldly man which refers to the immature in Christ, whose food is still limited to milk, and has an attitude of envy, strife and lives in a worldly manner. In addition, a spiritual person is described by the indicators: leaving childishness, accepting solid food and becoming a peacemaker, so that he can continue to grow, have a changed consciousness in all good things. In the end, the spiritual man can be a blessing and give good fruit to the lives of others. Abstrak Ketidakdewasaan dalam mengambil sikap dan bertindak sebagaimana seharusnya mengikuti cara dan tatanan Firman Tuhan dapat disebut sebagai manusia duniawi yang memiliki dampak iri hati, perselisihan sehingga memunculkan manusia duniawi yang tidak mengenal kebenaran. Manusia duniawi itu juga akan mepresentasikan siapa pribadi orang percaya. Kedewasaan rohani yang melibatkan peran Tuhan dalam karya Roh Kudus akan terus memperbaharui pikiran dan gairah untuk terus bersekutu dengan Tuhan. Demikianlah juga yang terjadi bagi manusia yang ada dalam Yesus Kristus akan menjadi pribadi yang serupa dengan gambarNya dan menjadi berkat bagi sesama. Dengan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, penulis dapat mendeskripsikan klasifikasi manusia duniawi yang mengacu pada belum dewasa dalam Kristus, yang makanannya masih sebatas susu, serta memiliki sikap iri hati, perselisihan dan hidup secara duniawi. Selain itu, dideskripsikan manusia rohani dengan indikator: meninggalkan sifat kanak-kanak, menerima makanan keras dan menjadi pembawa damai, sehingga dapat terus bertumbuh, memiliki kesadaran berubah dalam segala hal yang baik. Pada akhirnya manusia rohani dapat menjadi berkat dan memberikan buah yang baik bagi kehidupan orang lain.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-42 ◽  
Kailash Chandra Pradhan ◽  
Shrabani Mukherjee

The study estimates the technical efficiency (TE) of agricultural production in India using production frontier model for both cross-section and panel data for the years 1999 and 2007. Given the persistent low productivity of agriculture in India, there is a serious need to identify the determining factors for technological lock-in for agricultural production in order to accelerate sustainable productivity and technical efficiency. The model claims that farmer’s education, household’s production process, proportion of irrigated area covered by canals, availability of wells, yielding variety of lands, government services, agricultural expenditure by local government and women reservations in local government significantly contribute to efficiency in resource utilization in farm production. Traditional techniques such as ‘learning by doing’ is, generally, preferred than the adoption of new technologies for agricultural production. It makes a constraint of technological lock-in. JEL: C23, C33, D20, O13

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-47
Waharman Waharman

The Hebrews were written to strengthen their faith in Christ by carefully explaining the superiority and firmness of God's revelation and redemption in Jesus Christ. He showed that the provision of redemption under the old covenant had been fulfilled and was no longer used because Jesus had come and established a new covenant by His death-working peace. The author also calls on all believers to maintain recognition of Christ so that at the end, the author then advises him to move forward toward spiritual maturity, and to not return to life under penalty by renouncing trust in Jesus Christ. In this study of Hebrews 11: 1-3, the writer provides understanding and understanding, as well as giving advice that faith is the basis for every believer, as well as a certain hope for Jesus Christ. As a result of the church's lack of understanding of the meaning of faith, many apostate congregations who abandoned their faith, beliefs, and perseverance before God disappeared. besides that most of the congregation have experienced the decline of faith. Therefore believers need to understand the text of God's Word from Hebrews 11: 1-3 in every step of life.

Susanne Bobzien

This chapter combines an in-depth analysis of Chrysippus’ defence of his determinism in Cicero’s On Fate with a systematic reconstruction of his theory of causes. It shows that our evidence does not support the standard view that Chrysippus’ distinction between proximate and auxiliary causes and perfect and principal causes corresponds to one between internal and external determining factors. Causes of the two types were not thought to cooperate, but were conceived as alternatives. The chapter suggests that Chrysippus neither developed a full taxonomy of causes nor had a set of technical terms for mutually exclusive classes of causes. Instead, the various adjectives he used functioned to describe or explain particular features of certain causes in particular philosophical contexts. Chrysippus’ basic theory of causes was grounded on the Stoic tenets that causes are bodies and relatives, and that all causation can ultimately be traced back to the ‘active principle’ which pervades everything.

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