2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Fernando Alfonso Junior

Understanding mathematics in a large dictionary of Indonesian language mathematics is the science of numbers, the relationship between numbers and operational procedures used in solving number problems. Trigonometry is an important mathematical science in everyday life. Trigonometry applications in everyday life cover all fields such as economics, engineering, and more. With trigonometry we can measure the height of a tree at a certain distance without having to climb it. And also trigonometry is to know, understand the shape and formula of a triangle. A triangle consists of 3 sides, namely the front side, side side and the sloping side. One of the main objectives of trigonometric material is to find the value of the angle or length of the side of a triangle. Thus the trigometry application is very important to be studied in the world of education, but in reality students are still having difficulty working on the questions given. From the answers that have been done by students, researchers are inspired to examine using the application of discovery learning models with grebeg suro on student learning outcomes on trigonometry topics. So that students can better understand trigonometry applications that are useful for everyday life.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-71

This study aims (1) to describe the learning process with Discovery Learning models among students; and (2) Improve the learning outcomes in subject of Bahasa Indonesia by application of discovery learning models. The subjects of this study were students of class X MIPA 5 SMA N 1 Bantul at 2018/2019 Academic Year. The study was conducted in three months from January to the end of March 2019. This study was a classroom action research (CAR), carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four activities: (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. There are five types of data collection techniques used in this study, i.e. (1) observation, (2) questionnaire, (3) guided interviews, and (4) documentation. The results of this study show that (1) Discovery learning learning models improved teacher performance in learning, improved the performance of students in learning, and obtained excellent responses from students; (2) Implementation of discovery learning models improved student learning outcomes. The average value of student learning outcomes with the discovery learning model in cycle I was 82 with sufficient predicate, then increased to 94 in cycle II with very good predicate. The learning completeness in cycle I was 81.25% and increased to 100% in cycle II.

Febriani Lukitasari ◽  
Luthfiyah Nurlaela ◽  
Rita Ismawati ◽  
Tri Rijanto

The provision of education provides a positive value for the development of the quality of Human Resources (HR), because global challenges and competition between nations in various aspects of life are increasingly competitive. This study aims to find the effect of learning models find the effect of discovery learning learning models with inquiry learning learning models to increase student learning outcomes; find the effect of student learning independence on student learning outcomes; and find interactions between discovery learning, inquiry learning and student learning independence models on student learning outcomes.This type of research is a quasi-experimental study, which is to examine student learning outcomes in food knowledge subjects using discovery learning and inquiry learning models. The research design used in this study is factorial design. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation and tests. Instrument of student learning outcomes. This study concludes that: (1) there is a significant difference in the effect of discovery learning models compared to inquiry learning models on improving student learning outcomes; (2) there is a significantly higher difference in high learning independence compared to students with low learning independence on student learning outcomes, and (3) there is an interaction between discovery learning, inquiry learning and student learning independence towards student learning outcomes. Based on the above conclusions as a whole shows there are differences in the application of learning models, the level of independence and interaction between the use of learning models, and the level of independence of student learning outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-51
Ponidi ◽  
Marilin Kristina ◽  
Noca Yolanda Sari

ABSTRAK   Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan karena rendahnya hasil  belajar siswa kelas X MM SMK N I Merbau pada mata pelajara Matematika. Berdasarkan kenyataan bahwa rendahnya hasil belajar siswa maka penulis mengadakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan maksud untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan bersama teman sejawat dengan  menggunakan model belajar discovery learning dalam pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan pada siklus I, siklus II, untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas X MM SMK N I Merbau.   Rencana perbaikan pembelajaran melalui penelitian ini ternyata dengan menggunakan model belajar coopertive learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Dari hasil evaluasi dapat terlihat kenaikan prosentase hasil belajar siswa yang dapat mencapai KKM dengan perolehan hasil prosentase pada prasiklus 53%, siklus I 69%, dan pada siklus II meningkat menjadi89% . Dengan demikian penulis merasa perlu untuk menguasai dan menggunakan berbagai model belajar dalam setiap kegiatan belajar di Sekolah.   Kata kunci: Discovery Learning, Hasil Belajar dan Pendidikan Matematika   ABSTRACT   This class action research was carried out because of the low student learning outcomes of the X MM class of SMK N I Merbau in Mathematics subjects. Based on the fact that the low student learning outcomes, the authors conducted a class action research with a view to improving student learning outcomes. This research was conducted with colleagues using the discovery learning model in learning which was carried out in cycle I, cycle II, to improve student learning outcomes in 10 MM grade students of SMK N 1 Merbau Mataram.    The plan to improve learning through this research turned out to be using cooperative learning models to improve student learning outcomes. From the results of the evaluation can be seen an increase in the percentage of student learning outcomes that can achieve KKM with the acquisition of the percentage results in prasiklus 53%, 69% in the first cycle, and in the second cycle increased to 89%. Thus the authors feel the need to master and use various learning models in every learning activity in the School.   Keywords: Discovery Learning, Learning Outcomea and Mathematics Educatioan

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-94
Sri Wahyuni

Abstract. Student activity will affect effectiveness for student learning outcomes. The effectiveness of learning consists of four indicators, namely the quality of instruction, the suitability appropriate level of instruction, incentive, and time. The purpose of this study is to: (1) Know how the effectiveness of student learning outcomes in variable calculus subjects after getting learning with discovery learning learning models. (2) Knowing whether there is an increase in student learning outcomes in many variable calculus subjects after getting learning with discovery learning learning models. The data analysis techniques are carried out from the data description test stage, then the prerequisite test is the normality and linearity test, then test the hypothesis. The steps in the study are as follows: (1) The researcher provides a stimulus for the sample class, namely the discovery learning model; (2) At the time of the learning process the partner lecturers see the activity, student learning; (3) Provide essay tests to see the level of success of students in learning; (4) Perform statistical tests to see the effectiveness of student learning outcomes using discovery learning learning models. The results of this study are that there is an effect on the effectiveness of mathematics learning using the discovery learning model of student learning outcomes in many variable calculus subjects, and there is an increase in student learning outcomes after learning with discovery learning models of many variable calculus subjects as much as 20.53.Keywords: Discovery Learning, Learning Outcomes, Calculus

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-13
Sisilia Marselina Taihuttu ◽  
La Moma ◽  
Magy Gaspersz

This research was conducted with the aim of knowing: (1) student learning outcomes using discovery learning learning models assisted by geogebra software; (2) student learning outcomes taught using problem solving learning models; (3) whether there are differences in student learning outcomes who are taught using discovery learning learning models assisted by geogebra software and problem solving learning models on geometry transformation material in class XI MIA SMA Negeri 5 Ambon. The type of this research is experimental research, using the posttest only control group design. The population in this study were all students of class XI MIA SMA Negeri 5 Ambon with a total of 170 students and the sample in this study was selected using purposive sampling, namely class XI MIA4 with a total of 34 students and class XI MIA5 with a total of 34 students, so the number of samples in this study namely 68 students. The instrument used in this study is a test instrument consisting of description questions for the final test. In this study, statistical analysis was used, namely t-test and the final results of the study were: (1) there were differences in student learning outcomes who were taught using discovery learning learning models assisted by geogebra software and problem solving learning models on geometry transformation material. This is shown in the results of the t-test calculation, namely the value of Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.017 < value of =0.05, thus causing H0 to be rejected and H1 to be accepted. rejected

Annisa Hasna QA

<p><em>This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which consists of two cycles.</em><em> </em><em>The research subjects were the fifth grade students of SDN Tambakreja 09 Cilacap, Central Java with a total of 23 students. The data technique used test and non-test techniques. The assessment instrument uses items. The data analysis used in the study included a comparative descriptive technique, namely a statistical technique by comparing the scores between cycles, the mean, the minimum score, the maximum, and the proportion.</em><em> </em><em>The results showed that the powerpoint video media with the discovery learning model could improve student learning outcomes in Theme 5 of the 5th grade ecosystem of SDN Tambakreja 09 Cilacap, this was evidenced by the learning outcomes in cycle I, namely 6 students out of 23 students or 26% who had not completed. while 17 students out of 23 students or 74% who completed. In cycle II, there were 5 students out of 23 students who had not completed, or 22%, while 18 students out of 23 students or 78% who had completed it. With online learning using discovery learning model, student learning outcomes increased by 4% from cycle I to cycle II</em><em>. </em><em>The conclusion of this research is that online learning using powerpoint video media with discovery learning models can improve student learning outcomes in Theme 5 of the fifth grade ecosystem of SDN Tambakreja 09 Cilacap. </em><em></em></p>

Yuni Maya ◽  
Lukman Ibrahim ◽  
Khusnul Safrina

The results of student mathematics learning in Indonesia are still relatively low, both at national and international levels. This is because in the learning process the teacher still uses theapproach teacher-centered. So that students are not optimal in developing their knowledge. Therefore, one learning model that can observe this needs to be pursued in a form of learning that is able to increase student activity and learning outcomes is one of thelearning models Guided Discovery Learning. The objectives of this study are (1) To compare the learning outcomes of students taught withmodels Guided Discovery Learning with student learning outcomes taught with conventional learning, (2) To find out the improvement in student learning outcomes taught withlearning models Guided Discovery Learning and ( 3) To find out the response of students after taking part in learning with thelearning model Guided Discovery Learning for students at Bandar Baru Middle School. The research method used was a type of Quasi Experiment with the type of control group pre-test post-test design. The population in this study were all eighth grade students of Bandar Baru Junior High School andsamples were taken, Random namely class VIII3 as the experimental class and VIII6 as the control class. Data collection uses learning outcomes tests, and student response questionnaires. Analysis of student learning outcomes data used t-test and N-gain while analysis of student response data was carried out through analysis of average score criteria. From the results of data processing it can be concluded that the learning outcomes learned usinglearning models Guided Discovery Learning are better than student learning outcomes taught with conventional learning,learning models Guided Discovery Learning can improve student learning outcomes and student responses to learning models Guided Discovery Learning very positive.

Dominggas Radjangolo ◽  
H Tuaputty ◽  
Ine Arini

Background: The use of the right learning model is an alternative to overcome the problem of students' low absorption of lessons, in order to improve the quality of teaching. In its implementation, an appropriate learning model is needed that is able to arouse students' motivation to learn. The use of the right learning model is to use Discovery Learning models and Problem Posing learning models. Method: This study aims to determine the differences in student learning outcomes taught using Discovery Learning models and Problem Posing learning models on the concept of the digestive system in the food of class VIII students of YPKPM Christian Middle School Ambon. Results: Based on the results of the study the use of the Discovery learning model the average value of cognitive aspects = 87.82, the affective aspect = 80.88, the psychomotor aspects = 90.4, the final value = 94.64, the final test value = 94. While the model Problem Posing learning the average value on cognitive aspects = 95.49, affective aspects = 93.76, psychomotor aspects = 93.32, final value = 93.90 and final test value = 96.17. With t count 2.04 and t table 2.01. Conclusion: Student learning outcomes in the problem posing learning model class are higher than students in the class of discovery learning models.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 272
Enol Azizirrahim ◽  
Sutrio Sutrio ◽  
Gunawan Gunawan

The purposes of this research is to improve learning outcomes of students at SMPN 8 Mataram. This is a classroom action research with two cycles. Each cycles include planning, implementation, observation, evaluation and reflection. Implementation of guided discovery learning model made 5 phases: introduction, orientation of students on the issue, conducting, presenting and evaluating results. In the first cycle, obtained an average student learning outcomes at 74.82, while in the second cycle of 81.75. Classical mastery learning in the first cycle of 64.7% and in the second cycle of 86%. Activities of students and teachers that are in the active category. Based on these results it can be concluded that the application of guided discovery learning models with science process skills approach is proven to increase physics learning outcomes of students at SMPN 8 Mataram.

Dian Wahyuni ◽  
Muchlas Samani ◽  
Theodorus Wiyanto ◽  
Tri Rijanto

The study aims to determine student learning outcomes with direct and problem-based learning models,to determine differences in student outcomes with intelligence levels in direct and problem-based learning models, and analyze the relationship between intelligence levels and direct learning models and problem-based learning models. The method  used in this study was experimentation using factorial research design. The design used is 2x2 factorial design, as this design can be used to see students ' learning outcomes before they are given learning and after learning. The results of the study found that: (1) Student learning outcomes using PBL  models are significantly higher than those using MPL;(2) student learning outcomes who have higher mathematic logic intelligence using  PBL  models  are significantly higher than students who are taught with MPL models;(3)student learning outcomes who have lower mathematic logic intelligence using MPL models are significantly higher than students who are taught with PBL models;(4) There is a significant interaction between the level of intelligence of mathematical logic, learning models in student learning outcomes. The study concluded that:  (1)  The  PBL  learning  model  can  increase  the  student learning outcomes than MPL models;  (2)  Students  who  have  a  higer mathematic logic intelligence using PBL models, higher learning outcomes than student with MPL models;(3) student who have a lower mathematic logic intelligence using MPL models, higher learning outcomes than student with PBL model, and (4) there is an interaction between the level of intelligence of mathematical logic, learning models in student learning outcomes

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