Potential Antiseptic of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa leaves extract on Healing wound in Male Wistar rats

Endang Sri Purwanti Ningsih ◽  
Noorlaila Noorlaila ◽  
Ikhwan Rizki Muhammad ◽  
Windy Yuliana Budianto

Background: The process of wound healing is influenced by various factors such as age, hormones, and wound care. Wound care is done to accelerate wound healing which can be done by various methods, one of them is traditional care. Traditional wound care can use medicinal plants. Rhodomyrtus tomentosa is a medicinal plant that has an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antibacterial content. Thus this study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the antiseptic solution of the Rodhomyrtus tomentosa leaf extract on wound healing in male Wistar rats. Method: this research is pure experimental research with post test only control group design. Thirty male white rats were divided into five groups, namely negative control, positive control, Rhodomyrtus tomentosa leaf extract 15%, 30%, and 60%. Rhodomyrtus tomentosa leaf extraction was carried out by maceration method with 70% ethano solvent. The extraction results are divided into 3 concentrations (15%, 30% and 60%). The wound healing process was evaluated by measuring the length of the wound manually from 0 to 10 days in each group. Meanwhile, the number of fibroblast cells was calculated through hematoxylin eosin (HE) staining and observed using an Olympus CX41 microscope with a 10x magnification and objective lens magnification in 3 fields. Result: There was a significant difference in the reduction in wound length (p =< 0,000) between the five experimental groups (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa leaf extract solution 15%, 30% and 60%, negative control and positive control. Solution of rhodomyrtus tomentosa leaf extract accelerated the increase in the number of fibroblasts compared to the negative control group (p = 0.003), but did not make a difference (p = 0.403) with the positive control group. Rhodomyrtus tomentosa leaf extraction solution had the same microscopic effect on the number of fibroblasts with a positive control group given 0.9% NaCl solution. Conclusion: There was a significant difference in the number of fibroblasts between all groups, but no difference in wound healing length.

1970 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Fajar Kurniawan Hidayat ◽  
Ulfa Elfiah ◽  
Kristianningrum Dian Sofiana

The incidence of diabetes mellitus in Indonesia continues to increase. There are some complications in the diabetic condition, one of which is diabetic ulcer. Diabetic ulcers in diabetes patient can increase the risk of amputation and expensive treatment costs, so the alternative treatmeant such as Merremia mammosa wich has antiinflamatory and antidiabetic is needed. This study aimed to determine the comparison of the number of macrophage in the incisional wound in hyperglycemic male wistar rats between treatment with Merremia mammosa extract and NaCl. The in vivo test was done by creating wound incision on the mice backs and treated with gentamycin ointment 5% in a positive control group, NaCl in a negative control group and Merremia mammosa extract in a dose of 100m), 200mg, 400mg in treatment group. The result obtained by counting the number of macrophage in histopatholgy examination. The result showed the number of macrophage were 0,36 cells/field of view in a negative control group, 0,52 cells/field of view in a positive control group, 0,48 cells/field of view in all Merremia mammosa treatment groups. The data analysis showed no significant difference with p-value of 0,729. In conclusion, there was no significant difference between the used of Merremia mammosa extract and NaCl on full thickness incisional wounds of hyperglycemic male wistar rats. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Merremia mammosa extract, incisional wound

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Umi Kulsum ◽  
Ratnawati Hendari ◽  
Siti Chumaeroh

Introduction: Research on the use of papaya and aloevera sap on wound healing each been done, but effects the combination of the two extracts on wound healing in diabetes mellitus condition has not been done.Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of a gel combination of papaya latex and aloevera flesh extracts on the traumatics ulcer healing process in diabetic rats.Methods: True experimental laboratory research with the post-test-only control group design that performed on 28 male wistar rats which were divided intofour groups: DM and non-DM rat that treatment with povidone iodine and gel combination of papaya latex and aloevera flesh extract. The treatment was done for 7 days with smearing that was given 2x/day. Traumatics ulcer healing seen from the number of fibroblasts that then were analyzed by One WayAnova and post hoc LSD test.Results: The results showed the number of fibroblasts in DM and non-DM rat with povidone iodine were 44.6 and 42.73; in the DM and non-DM rat with a gel combination of papaya latex and aloe vera flesh extracts were 61.10 and 77.03. One Way Anova test resulted p-value = 0.000, it was mean that there were at least a significant difference on the number of fibroblasts in the two groups. Differences of the number fibroblasts was shown in all groups, except in the group DM and non-DM rats with povidone iodine (p = 0.764).Conclusion: Conclusion of the study was the provision of a gel combination of papaya latex and aloevera flesh extracts effect on the traumatics ulcer healing process in diabetic rats.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Olivia Avriyanti Hanafiah ◽  
Denny Satria ◽  
Avi Syafitri

Tooth extraction is a process of removing teeth from the alveolar bone. In wound healing, fibroblast are very important cells. The main purpose of this study was to determine the effect of mobe leaf 1% and 3% extract gel (Artocarpus lakoocha) on fibroblast proliferation in post extraction tooth socket wound healing. This research used 16 samples of wistar rats, divided into 4 groups, a positive control group, a negative control group and a 1% and 3% mobe leaf extract gel group. The left mandibular incisors were extracted, then 1% and 3% gels of mobe leaf extract were applied on day 1 to day 7. Data analysis was calculated using the Kruskal-Wallis test on clinical data and one way ANOVA test for microscopic. The result of the socket wound healing activity test for a good concentration of mobe leaf extract gel was 3%. This research shows significant resultith p-value of 0.018 (< 0.05) on the closure of the socket wound clinically which means the closure of the wound accelerates because of the mobe leaf 3% extract gel treatment. The distance of fibroblast on microscopically shows significant resultith a p-value of 0.002 (< 0.05), which means that there was an enlargement of the distance fibroblast at the socket wound closure with application of mobe leaf 3% extract gel. From the results of the study it can be concluded that mobe leaf 3% extract gel has the best ability to show acceleration the closure of the socket wound either clinically or microscopically.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Nadya Nadiratika Papodi

Abstract: High blood cholesterol is a major risk factor for atherosclerosis. Gedi plants contain polyphenolic compounds that can lowering blood cholesterol levels. This study aimed to find out the effect of gedi (Abelmoschus manihot L) leaves extract on histopatologic features of aorta of those wistar rats, which had been administered an atherogenic diet. This was an experimental study on animal using 20 Wistar rats as samples. The rats were divided into 4 different groups, 5 rats for each group. Negative control group was fed only pelet, positive control group was fed pork fat as much as 2 ml/day, group C was fed on pork fat and gedi leaf extract, and group D was fed on pork fat then continued with gedi leaf extract. The results indicated that administration of 30 mg gedi leaf extract showed a histopathologic feature which is decreasing of foam cells. Conclusion: Microscopically, aorta of those rats fed on pork lard diet showed a number of foam cells in tunica intima and media whereas the rats that were fed on pork lard along with gedi leaf extract, generally there were no foam cells, but there aresome parts which contain few foam cells. On the group of Wistar rats which were fed on pork lard, continued with gedi leaf extract showed less foam cells compared to the positive control group.Keywords: Gedi leaf extract, pork lard, foam cell.Abstrak: Kadar kolesterol darah yang tinggi merupakan faktor risiko utama terjadinya aterosklerosis. Tumbuhan gedi mengandung senyawa polifenol yang dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun gedi terhadap gambaran histopatologi aorta tikus wistar dengan diet aterogenik. Hewan uji yang digunakan berupa 20 ekor tikus Wistar yang dibagi ke dalam 4 kelompok, masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 5 ekor tikus. Kelompok kontrol negatif hanya diberikan pelet biasa, kelompok kontrol positif diberikan diet lemak babi 2ml/hari, kelompok C diberikan diet lemak babi bersamaan dengan ekstrak daun gedi, dan kelompok D diberikan lemak babi kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pemberian ekstrak daun gedi. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak daun gedi 30 mg mampu memberikan gambaran histopatologi aorta berupa berkurangnya jumlah sel busa. Simpulan: Secara mikroskopik, aorta tikus wistar yang diberi lemak babi menunjukkan adanya penumpukan sel-sel busa pada tunika intima dan media, sedangkan pada aorta tikus wistar yang diberi lemak babi bersamaan dengan ekstrak daun gedi maupun yang dilanjutkan dengan ekstrak daun gedi ditemukan berkurangnya jumlah sel-sel busa.Kata Kunci : Ekstrak daun gedi, Lemak babi, Sel busa.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-14
Hanina Hanina ◽  
Sarah Madeleyne Baringbing

ABSTRACT Cockroach control can be done in various ways one of which is spraying insecticide. Natural insecticides are less dangerous than conventional insecticides. This study aimed to determined the effectiveness of kaffir lime leaf extract (Citrus hystrix) as a natural insecticide against cockroach americana (Periplaneta americana) with spray method. This research was an experimental study with a post-test only control group designed design. The sample in this study was 60 cockroaches, the sample was divided into 6 groups: negative control (aquades), positive control (transflutrin 0.06%) and and 4 test groups with concentrations of kaffir lime leaf extract (20%, 40%, 60% , and 80%) each group consisted of 10 cockroaches. Phytochemical tests were carried out to determine the content of secondary metabolites in extracts of kaffir lime leaves. Positive phytochemical test results containing flavonoids, alkaloids and essential oils. Based on probit analysis, it is known that the LC50 value = 58.5%; LC95 = 85.1%. The time of death of LT50 is fastest at a concentration of 60% (3,036 hours) and LT95 is the fastest at a concentration of 80% (5,960 hours). Anova test analysis results showed that the positive control group had no significant difference with kaffir lime leaf extract concentration of 80% Kaffir lime leaf extract has an insecticide effect, the higher the concentration of kaffir lime leaf extract, the more number of dead cockroaches and the longer the observation time, the number of cockroaches death will also increase. Keywords: American cockroach, kaffir lime leaf extract, cockroach death   ABSTRAK Pengendalian kecoa dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara salah satunya penyemprotan insektisida. Insektisida alami kurang berbahaya dibanding insektisida konvensional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas ekstrak daun jeruk purut (Citrus hystrix) sebagai insektisida alami terhadap kecoak americana (Periplaneta americana) dengan metode semprot. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental dengan rancangan post-test only control group designed. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 60 ekor kecoak, sampel dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok yaitu kontrol negatif (aquades), kontrol positif (transflutrin 0,06%) dan dan 4 kelompok uji dengan konsentrasi ekstrak daun jeruk purut (20%, 40%, 60%, dan 80%) masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 10 ekor kecoak. Uji fitokimia dilakukan untuk mengetahui kandungan senyawa metabolit sekunder pada ekstrak daun jeruk purut. Hasil uji fitokimia positif mengandung flavonoid, alkaloid dan minyak atsiri. Berdasarkan analisis probit, diketahui nilai LC50 = 58,5%; LC95 = 85,1%. Waktu kematian LT50 paling cepat pada konsentrasi 60% (3,036 jam) dan LT95 paling cepat pada konsentrasi 80% (5,960 jam). Hasil analisis uji anova menunjukkan bahwa kelompok kontrol positif tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dengan ekstrak daun jeruk purut konsentrasi 80% Ekstrak daun jeruk purut memiliki efek insektisida, semakin tinggi konsentrasi ekstrak daun jeruk purut maka jumlah kecoak yang mati semakin banyak dan semakin lama waktu pengamatan, maka jumlah kecoak yang mati juga akan semakin banyak. Kata kunci : kecoak amerika, ekstrak daun jeruk purut, kematian kecoak

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
I Made Subhawa Harsa

Wound refers to partly damage or loss of body tissue. One way that has been used by the people in helping the process of wound healing is the use of medicinal plants, such as gotu kola (Centella asiatica). Gotu kola (Centella asiatica)  is kind of plant that found almost in all territories of Indonesia which functions as a cell revitalizing substance which quickens wound healing those are burnt, skin ulcer and to prevent keloid. This study is aimed to know the effect of giving gotu kola leaf extract (Centella Asiatica) against to the healing of the wound incision on male white rats (Rattus Norvegicus) wistar strain. This study is a pure experimental research using the randomized post test only control group design with the subjects are 30 male white rats (Rattus norvegicus) wistar strain that were divided into 3 groups, namely K1, K2, and K3. The incision wound were made on the back of all white rat in each group with a length of ± 2 cm and a depth of ± 2 mm. The wound in the negative control group (K1) was not given any substance; in the positive control group (K2) was given povidone iodine 10%; and in the treatment group (K3) was given gotu kola leaf extract at a dose of 37,5 mg/150 grBB. The study was done for 10 days. Furthermore, wound observation and monitoring is held. Then the results were processed by using One Way ANOVA. The result study of wound incision healing on male white rats (Rattus norvegicus) wistar strain shows that there is significant difference among the negative control group (K1), the positive control group (K2), and the treatment group (K3) on One Way ANOVA test which significant p-value are 0,027 (p < 0.05). The result of Post-Hoc LSD test also shows a significant differences among the K1 and K3 groups, and K2 and K3 groups which significant p-values are 0,011 and 0,038 (p < 0,05). From these results, it can be concluded that gotu kola leaf extract (Centella asiatica) effective on quickens wound healing of the wound incision on male white rats (Rattus norvegicus) wistar strain.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih

Wound is considered as a serious health problem, because it can interfere with quality of life due to pain, weakness, and decreased mobility and quality of life. This study aims to determine the effect ofj jathropha multifida, linn to the number of PMN and selt mast in the process of wound healing in rats with acute injury models. This study is an experimental research laboratory using the design of post test control group design Wistar rats were used as research subjects. Based on Tukey HSD test results, the average number of PMN leukocytes third day the negative control group had no significant difference in the positive control group (0.037) and treatment group (0004). On the seventh day the number of PMN leukocytes negative control group had no significant difference in the positive control group (0.069) and had a significant difference to the treatment group (0.00). Meanwhile, on the fourteenth day the number of PMN leukocytes negative control group had no significant difference in the positive control group (0.000) and had a significant difference to the treatment group (0.00). Based on the results of data analysis Annova one direction on the third day obtained a significant level of 0:50 means there is no significant difference in the number of mast cells in each group on the seventh day. While on day three significant values ​​of 0:08 was also no significant difference, as well as on the fourteenth day found no significant difference between the group with a value of 0.68. Conclusions there was a decrease in the number of Leukocyte PMN in rat wounds given a 10% stem extract ointment, and there was a decrease in the number of mast cells in the wounds of rodents given a 10% stem extract ointment. Suggestions need to be investigated regarding the use of distance stem extract in various concentrations to obtain effective results for wound healing and the need to examine other factors related to wound healing.

Solomon E. Owumi ◽  
Jeremiah O. Olugbami ◽  
Andrew O. Akinnifesi ◽  
Oyeronke A. Odunola

Abstract Objectives Diethylnitrosamine (DEN) is found in workplaces, processed meats, tobacco smoke, whiskey, etc. It is capable of forming DNA-adducts. Fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis [To]) is a medicinal plant, and its herbal preparations have been employed variously in ethnomedicine. Furthermore, it has been reported to possess anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory properties. We investigated the possible mitigating effect of the leaf paste of To on DEN-induced deleterious effects in male Wistar rats. Methods Forty-five rats weighing between 100 and 150 g were equally divided into nine groups and treated thus: Group 1 (negative control), Group 2 (0.05 mg/kg carboxymethyl cellulose [CMC] daily), Group 3 (positive control, 25 mg/kg bw DEN administered intraperitoneally thrice per week), Group 4 (25 mg/kg bw quercetin [QUE] daily alone), Groups 5 and 6 (100 and 200 mg/kg bw To daily, respectively), Group 7 (25 mg/kg bw DEN and QUE), Groups 8 and 9 (25 mg/kg bw DEN with 100 and 200 mg/kg bw To, respectively). Blood glucose levels, liver damage biomarkers (aspartate aminotransferase [AST], alanine aminotransferase [ALT] and gamma-glutamyltransferase [γ-GT]), frequency of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocyte (mPCEs), and liver histology were assessed. Results DEN significantly (p<0.05) increased blood glucose levels, activities of ALT, AST and γ-GT, and frequency of mPCEs. Histologically, DEN caused a severe architectural anarchy. However, the intervention groups demonstrated the remarkable protective properties of To by ameliorating the adverse effects caused by DEN. Conclusions Taken together, the leaf paste of To is capable of mitigating DEN-induced hepatotoxicity and clastogenicity in male Wistar rats.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (28) ◽  
pp. 119-127
Olney Leite Fontes ◽  
Fátima Cristiane Lopes Goularte Farhat ◽  
Amarilys Toledo Cesar ◽  
Marilisa Guimarães Lara ◽  
Maria Imaculada Lima Montebelo ◽  

Aims: Homeopaths diverge on the concept of dose, i.e. the amount of drug that a patient must take to alter his or her state of disease. In order to stimulate reflections on this concept, this study sought to evaluate in vivo the effect of different concentrations of Arsenicum album 6cH prepared according to homeopathic pharmacotechnics. Methods: male Wistar rats were intoxicated with arsenic and then treated with Arsenicum album 6cH and Arsenicum album 6cH diluted at 1%, administered orally. The amount of arsenic retained in the animals’ organism and that eliminated by urine were measured through atomic absorption spectroscopy. Samples of urine were collected before and after intoxication and during treatment. The positive control group (intoxicated animals) and the negative control group (non-intoxicated animals) received only the vehicle used in the preparation of the medicine. Results: Groups treated with Arsenicum album 6cH and Arsenicum album 6cH diluted at 1% eliminated significant amounts of arsenic when compared to the control groups. The group treated with Arsenicum album 6cH eliminated significantly higher amounts of arsenic than the group treated with the diluted medicine at 1%. Conclusion: results suggest that Arsenicum album 6cH should not be diluted as not to compromise its effectiveness in the treatment of rats intoxicated with arsenic.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 312-317

Alipin K, Sari EP, Madihah, Setiawati T, Ratningsih N, Malini DM. 2017. Kidney histology in streptozotocin-induced diabetic male Wistar rats treated with combined extract of temulawak rhizome and belimbing wuluh fruit. Nusantara Bioscience 9: 312-317. Complications that are occurred in patients with Diabetes Mellitus usually followed by kidney damage. Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) and belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) were traditionally used to decrease blood glucose level. Thus, they were potential as antidiabetic drugs. This study aimed to evaluate the combination of ethanol extracts of temulawak rhizome and belimbing wuluh fruit in repairing kidney damage in diabetic male Wistar rats induced by streptozotocin (STZ). An experimental method using a completely randomized design that consist of seven treatments with three replications. Six treatment groups were injected intraperitoneally with a dose of 60 mg/kg BW STZ, and one group served as a control. The animals which have blood glucose level ≥200 mg/dl were stated as diabetic. Furthermore, the animals were treated orally with single extract i.e. temulawak 17.5 mg/kg BW or belimbing wuluh 750 mg/kg BW and combined extracts 383.75 or 767.5 mg/kg BW, as well as glibenclamide 0.45 mg/kg BW as reference, including diabetic rat as positive control and non-diabetic rat as negative control. The results showed that combine extract at dose of 383.75 mg/kg BW treatment repaired the kidney histology, i.e., glomerular diameter and Bowman space width, as well as significantly decreased the necrosis percentage of proximal tubular in diabetic rat compared with positive control group (p<0.05). In conclusion, the combined extract of temulawak rhizome and belimbing wuluh fruit has potent to cure renal failure in diabetic rats induced by streptozotocin.

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