Shampoos: Hair Care Cosmetics

Sneha K Sonawane ◽  
Prajakta P Shinde ◽  
Suvarna J. Shelke

In this article we studied hair care product shampoos which are for topical preparation on the hair. Recent advances in hair science and hair care technologies have been reported in literature claiming innovations and strategies for hair treatments and cosmetic products. The treatment of hair and scalp involved the use of shampoo for an effective, gentle cleansing, the shampoo is condidered not only as a cosmetic product having purifying purpose, but it is also responsible for maintaining the health and beauty of hair, imparting gloss and improving manageability. Shampoos is hair care product which is used to remove grease, dirt, dandruff and promote hair growth, strengths a hair. It also make hair smooth,soft and lustrous.Various contents are use in shampoo,some shampoos content drug also when medicated shampoos is to be prepare.In Shampoos various natural or herbal product are also used such as aloevera,neem,jasmine etc. This review largely focus on the description of shampoo

Cosmetics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 13 ◽  
Jennifer Gubitosa ◽  
Vito Rizzi ◽  
Paola Fini ◽  
Pinalysa Cosma

Hair is an important part of the body appeal and its look is a health indicator. Accordingly, recent advances in hair science and hair care technologies have been reported in literature claiming innovations and strategies for hair treatments and cosmetic products. The treatment of hair and scalp, primarily, involved the use of shampoo for an effective, but gentle cleansing; however, for years, the shampoo is considered not only as a cosmetic product having the purifying purpose, but it is also responsible for maintaining the health and the beauty of hair, imparting gloss and improving manageability. For meeting the needs of a multitasking formulation, following also the recent marketing-trend addressed to the "natural world", new challenges for cosmetic technology are aimed towards the research of natural ingredients, as well as new techniques for shampoo formulation. Regarding the recent development of solid shampoos, little information is available about their use, formulation and advantages. This review is largely focused on the description of solid shampoos, mainly based on the use of clays, herbs or flours as washing bases alternative to the traditional ones, consisting of a combination of synthetic surfactants, together with other usual ingredients expected in a shampoo formulation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-125
Wawan Kurniawan ◽  
Novi Nurul Awaliyah ◽  
Wida Silfia ◽  
Ijang Ikbal Nawawi ◽  
Restu Febriyanto ◽  

Abstrak– Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan usaha dengan memanfaatkan potensi kunyit menjadi produk perontok bulu herbal. Produksi kunyit yang melimpah di Kabupaten Garut bertolak belakang dengan minimnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam pemanfaatannya. Disisi lain masyarakat membutuhkan produk kosmetik herbal berbahan alami dan tidak berbahaya bagi kesehatan, termasuk produk perontok bulu. Kandungan senyawa Kurkumin dan senyawa analognya pada kunyit telah dilaporkan memiliki efek biologis sebagai antiandrogenik sehingga berpotensi dalam membantu menghambat pertumbuhan rambut di bagian tubuh yang tidak inginkan seperti di area ketiak. Kunyit diolah menjadi suatu produk bernilai jual dengan membentuknya menjadi pasta kunyit sebagai produk perontok bulu herbal. Beberapa produk perontok bulu dapat ditemui dipasar. Namun perontok bulu herbal berbahan baku kunyit belum ada di pasar. Hal tersebut menjadi peluang untuk mendirikan usaha perontok bulu herbal dari kunyit. Produk ini bernama PASIKULA dikemas dalam botol kecil berisi 50 kapsul serbuk pasta kunyit dan dijual dengan harga Rp. 8.000,- yang terjangkau oleh semua kalangan  masyarakat. Promosi dan pemasaran dilakukan secara aktif melalui media online dan offline. Rata-rata penjualan yang meningkat setiap bulannya merupakan bukti bahwa PASIKULA dapat diterima oleh masyarakat. PASIKULA ini memiliki peluang usaha yang cukup potensial yang mampu meningkatkan nilai ekonomis kunyit.   Kata Kunci- Kunyit; Pasikula; Perontok Bulu.   Abstract– The aim of this study was to develop business by exploiting the potential of turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn.)  into hair removal product. The abundance production of turmeric in Garut district is contrary with the lack of public awareness in utilizing it. On the other hand, society need herbal cosmetic products made from natural and not harmfull substances to health, including hair removal product. Curcumin and its analogous compounds contained in turmeric have been reported to have biological effects as  antiandrogenic, so it has the potential to help inhibit unwanted hair growth on the body for example in the armpit area. Turmeric is processed into economic value products by forming it into turmeric paste hair removal herbal product. A wide of hair removal products can be found in the market. However hair removal herbal product made from turmeric still rarely found. It is an opportunity to establish business of hair removal herbal product from turmeric. The product is named PASIKULA which is packed in a small bottle containing 50 capsules of turmeric paste powder, the price of PASIKULA is IDR 8.000,-. It makes the product affordable by all levels of society. Promotion and marketing are done actively through online and offline media. The average sales which are increasing every month is an evidence that PASIKULA can be accepted by the society. PASIKULA has potential business opportunities that it is able to increase the economic value of turmeric.   Keywords- Turmeric; Pasikula; Hair Removal.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-27
Denok Wahyudi Setyo Rahayu

Consumer behavior has become a consumer habit in shopping. This affects the pattern of product purchasing decision. The purpose of the study was to find out whether the brand could be a driver of buying Make Over cosmetics product in the city of Blitar. The variables used are brands and purchasing decisions with samples of seller and buyers of Make Over cosmetic product in the city of Blitar. The resut of the study found that cosmetics brands Make Over became the driving force for purchasing cosmetic products in the city of Blitar. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 551 ◽  
Felipe Rebello Lourenço ◽  
Fabiane Lacerda Francisco ◽  
Márcia Regina Spuri Ferreira ◽  
Terezinha De Jesus Andreoli ◽  
Raimar Löbenberg ◽  

The use of preservatives must be optimized in order to ensure the efficacy of an antimicrobial system as well as the product safety. Despite the wide variety of preservatives, the synergistic or antagonistic effects of their combinations are not well established and it is still an issue in the development of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. The purpose of this paper was to establish a space design using a simplex-centroid approach to achieve the lowest effective concentration of 3 preservatives (methylparaben, propylparaben, and imidazolidinyl urea) and EDTA for an emulsion cosmetic product. Twenty-two formulae of emulsion differing only by imidazolidinyl urea (A: 0.00 to 0.30% w/w), methylparaben (B: 0.00 to 0.20% w/w), propylparaben (C: 0.00 to 0.10% w/w) and EDTA (D: 0.00 to 0.10% w/w) concentrations were prepared. They were tested alone and in binary, ternary and quaternary combinations. Aliquots of these formulae were inoculated with several microorganisms. An electrochemical method was used to determine microbial burden immediately after inoculation and after 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, and 168 h. An optimization strategy was used to obtain the concentrations of preservatives and EDTA resulting in a most effective preservative system of all microorganisms simultaneously. The use of preservatives and EDTA in combination has the advantage of exhibiting a potential synergistic effect against a wider spectrum of microorganisms. Based on graphic and optimization strategies, we proposed a new formula containing a quaternary combination (A: 55%; B: 30%; C: 5% and D: 10% w/w), which complies with the specification of a conventional challenge test. A design space approach was successfully employed in the optimization of concentrations of preservatives and EDTA in an emulsion cosmetic product. This article is open to POST-PUBLICATION REVIEW. Registered readers (see “For Readers”) may comment by clicking on ABSTRACT on the issue’s contents page.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1194-1204
Khofifah Fitriani ◽  
S Slamet ◽  
Dwi Bagus Pambudi ◽  
Urmatul Waznah

AbstractHair loss is a disorder or disorder of hair apart from the scalp or body skin so that it interferes with various biological functions of hair on the body. Types of hair care cosmetic that is effective in dealing with hair loss are hair tonic. Hair tonic is a preparation for the treatment of the scalp and hair. Bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.) is used by the public as medicine and hair care. The purpose of this study was to determine the formulation of hair tonic preparations from the ethanol extract of bandotan leaves according to the requirements and hair growth activity of local male rabbits. The extraction method used the maceration method with 96% ethanol and applied hair tonic extract of bandotan leaves on the skin of local male rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) which were treated as blanks without smearing, positive control (Natur), negative control hair tonic base, concentration bandotan leaf extract. (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%) for 21 days. The data obtained in the form of hair length, and hair weight. Analysis of the data obtained for hair growth activity was seen from the results of the ANOVA test and continued with the BNT test (Least Significance Different). The results of the research for evaluating hair tonic preparations included organoleptic tests, pH tests, viscosity tests, specific gravity tests, and cycling tests. Hair tonic ethanol extract of bandotan leaves has hair growth activity. Hair tonic ethanol extract of bandotan leaves with a concentration of 20% had the highest hair length and hair weight. From the results of one way ANOVA, a significant value was obtained 0.000 < 0.005, so it was concluded that there was a significant difference between treatments, and continued with the BNT test (Least Significance Different) positive control was not significantly different from hair tonic concentration of 20%.Keywords: Bandotan leaves, Hair tonic, Hair growth AbstrakKerontokan rambut adalah suatu gangguan atau kelainan rambut terlepas dari kulit kepala atau kulit tubuh sehingga mengganggu berbagai fungsi biologis rambut terhadap tubuh. Jenis kosmetik perawatan rambut yang efektif mengatasi rambut rontok adalah hair tonic. Hair tonic adalah sediaan untuk perawatan kulit kepala dan rambut. Bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.) digunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai obat dan perawatan rambut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui formulasi sediaan hair tonic dari ekstrak etanol daun bandotan yang sesuai dengan persyaratan dan aktivitas pertumbuhan rambut pada kelinci jantan lokal. Metode ekstraksi menggunakan metode maserasi dengan etanol 96% dan dilakukan pengolesan hair tonic ekstrak daun bandotan pada kulit kelinci jantan lokal (Oryctolagus cuniculus) yang diberikan perlakuan sebagai blanko tanpa pengolesan, kontrol positif (Natur), kontrol negatif basis hair tonic, ekstrak daun bandotan konsentrasi (5%,10%,15% dan 20%) selama 21 hari. Data yang diperoleh berupa panjang rambut, dan bobot rambut. Analisa data yang diperoleh untuk aktivitas pertumbuhan rambut dilihat dari hasil uji ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT (Beda Nyata Terkecil). Hasil penelitian untuk evaluasi sediaan hair tonic antara lain uji organoleptis, uji pH, uji viskositas, uji bobot jenis, dan uji cycling test. Hair tonic ekstrak etanol daun bandotan memiliki aktivitas pertumbuhan rambut. Hair tonic ekstrak etanol daun bandotan dengan konsentrasi 20% memiliki panjang rambut dan bobot rambut tertinggi. Dari hasil one way ANOVA didapatkan nilai signifikan 0,000 < 0,005 sehingga disimpulkan adanya perbedaan signifikan antar perlakuan, dan dilanjutkan uji BNT (Beda Nyata Terkecil) didapatkan kontrol positif tidak berbeda nyata dengan hair tonic konsentrasi 20%.Kata kunci : Daun bandotan; Hair tonic; Pertumbuhan rambut

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-5 ◽  
Pramod Kumar ◽  
Rekha Paulose

Background. Increasing use of cosmetics has contributed to a rise in the incidence of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) to cosmetics. It is estimated that 1–5.4% of the population is sensitized to a cosmetic ingredient. Patch testing helps to confirm the presence of an allergy and to identify the actual allergens which are chemical mixtures of various ingredients.Objectives. The aims of this study are to perform patch testing in suspected ACD to cosmetics and to identify the most common allergen and cosmetic product causing dermatitis.Methods. Fifty patients with suspected ACD to cosmetics were patch-tested with 38 antigens of the Indian Cosmetic Series and 12 antigens of the Indian Standard Series.Results. The majority (58%) of patients belonged to the 21–40 years age group. The presence of ACD to cosmetics was confirmed in 38 (76%) patients. Face creams (20%), hair dyes (14%), and soaps (12%) were the most commonly implicated. The most common allergens identified were gallate mix (40%), cetrimide (28%), and thiomersal (20%). Out of a total of 2531 patches applied, positive reactions were obtained in 3.75%.Conclusion. Incidence of ACD to cosmetics was greater in females. Face creams and hair dyes were the most common cosmetic products implicated. The principal allergens were gallate mix, cetrimide, and thiomersal.

1984 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 157-184 ◽  

The report selectively reviews the extensive literature available on the toxicity of Formaldehyde. It is concluded that Formaldehyde in cosmetic products is safe to the great majority of consumers. Because of the skin sensitivity of some individuals to this agent, the formulation and manufacture of a cosmetic product should be such as to ensure use at the minimal effective concentration of Formaldehyde, not to exceed 0.2% measured as free Formaldehyde. It cannot be concluded that Formaldehyde is safe in cosmetic products intended to be aerosolized.

Eugeniya A. Nevyerova ◽  
Victoria S. Pechyonkina ◽  
Aleksey V. Razduyev ◽  

The current article aims at studying translation peculiarities of terminological nominations describing cosmetic products that are presented on the official site of the Yves Rocher company. Some lexical-semantic peculiarities of translation of terminological nominations of Yves Rocher cosmetic products for face care were the focus of this research. During the analysis of terminological nominations of cosmetic products, the problem of partial correlation of such nominations in French and Russian has been revealed. Therefore, an attempt has been made to complete the existing official translation and present the obtained results in the form of “Yves Rocher Cosmetic Guide” with comments that can help choose from the cosmetic products of this company, as well as other French cosmetics brands.

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