Investigation of Assertiveness Levels of Athletes Engaging Individual Sports in Different Branches

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (10) ◽  
pp. 2951-2953
Kenan Sivrikaya ◽  
Aygül Çağlayan Tunç ◽  
Leyla Alizadehebadi ◽  
Selçuk Tarakçi

Background: Assertiveness, which is defined as the way individuals express themselves and as a part of healthy life, is among the prominent features of people who do sports. Assertiveness is an element that increases the quality of people's relationships with their environment. Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the assertiveness scores of the athletes engaged in individual sports in different branches according to independent variables. Methods: The research was designed according to the relational screening model. The sample of the research; The sample consists of 201 participants selected by simple random sampling method among the athletes dealing with different individual sports branches. The branches of the athletes; (Consists of taekwondo and cycling sports) Results: In the study, the personal information form created by the researcher to collect information about the independent variables (gender, age,) that are thought to be effective in the research, and the Rathus Assertiveness Inventory (RAE) were used. It is seen that 1% of the participants are in the avoidant group, 88.6% are in the moderately avoidant group, and 10.6% are in the assertive group. Conclusion: When the assertiveness scale mean scores of the participants by gender are examined, it is seen that the level of assertiveness by gender does not differ statistically significantly. When the assertiveness scale mean scores of the participants according to age are examined, it is seen that the level of assertiveness according to age does not differ statistically significantly. Keywords: Assertiveness, individual sport, Taekwondo, Cycling.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 136
Abdul Haris Romdhoni ◽  
Dita Ratna Sari

This study aims to examine the influence of knowledge, service quality, product, and religiosity on customers' interest in using savings products at BMT Amanah Ummah Gumpang Kartasura, Sukoharjo. In this study for independent variables are knowledge, service quality, product, and religiosity, while for the dependent variable in this study is the interest of customers using deposit products. This study uses a sample of 100 people with sampling using a random sampling method. This study uses quantitative methods and primary data using a questionnaire that must be answered by the respondent. Data analysis in this study used Multiple Linear Regression. The results of this study can be concluded based on the t test, the variables of knowledge and religiosity have an influence on the interest of customers using savings products. While service and product quality variables do not have an influence on customer interest by using deposit products. Based on the F test shows that the knowledge, quality of service, products, and religiosity simultaneously influence the interest of customers to use savings products at BMT Amanah Ummah Gumpang Kartasura, Sukoharjo.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Telsy Fratama Dewi Samad

Halal label has an important role to make consumers recognize easily the quality of products, especially to Muslim consumers. It has enhanced the image of products’s cleaness, purity, and no harm. The non-Muslims are also give positif feedback about halal label. This study aims to determine the consumers’ perseption of halal label, the effect perception of halal label on consumers purchasing preference at the Pizza Hut and KFC Restaurant. Determine whether there are differences in consumers' perception of halal label based on gender, religion, educational background, and income. Determine whether there are differences of influence on halal label perception based on gender, religion, education background and income to consumer preferences. This research is quantitative with 200 sample respondents Pizza Hut and KFC, simple random sampling method. The data collection using a likert scale questionaire. Data were analized using Correlation Analysis, Different T-test & F-test (Anova), and Analisis Multivariat Analysis Varians (Manova). The result found that overall average level of respondents's perception of halal label positif and has significant effect on the preferences. Then the result of analysis differences perseption found that there are significant differences between the consumers’ perseption of halal label based on gender, religion, educational background, while based income level, did not occur significantly different. The result analysis in effect, discover that there were significant differences influent perception of halal label on the characteristics of the consumers purchasing preferences: gender, religion, educational background, and income.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Rr. Selli Nisrina Faradila ◽  
Harry Soesanto

This study aimed to analyze the influence of perceived ease of use and perceivedusefulness on purchase intention using trust as mediator study case on online This study used two independent variables that are perceived ease ofuse and perceived usefulness, purchase intention variable as a dependent variable andtrust variable as an intervening variable. Simple random sampling method is used for thisresearch. Sample were collected from 150 respondents who ever had website. Multiple regression analysis is used for this study. The resultsshowed that perceived ease of use have positive and significant effect on trust, perceivedusefulness have positive and significant effect on trust and perceived ease of use,perceived usefulness, and trust have positive and significant effect on purchase intention.Keywords : Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, Trust, Purchase Intention

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-98
Enny Khuswati ◽  
Dessy Triana Relita

Abstract:This study aims to determine how the influence of service quality on member satisfaction. This research is quantitative research. The population in this study were 503 members of the Bhakti Lestari Savings and Credit Cooperative who addressed the Merarai Satu Village, Sungai Tebelian District, Sintang Regency. The number of samples in this study were 80 respondents, the sampling method  Used was Simple Random Sampling. Data analysis was first carried out by looking for validity and reliability, contribution tests, and classic assumption tests. The results showed that the quality of service affects the satisfaction of members of the Cooperative Bhakti Lestari with the results of the t test, obtained a t count of 8.774 is greater than (>) t table of 1.990 and the value of Sig. 0,000 <0.05.Keywords: Service Quality, Member SatisfactionAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan anggota. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kuantitatif.Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah anggota Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) Bhakti Lestari sebanyak 503 orang yang beralamatkan di Desa Merarai Satu, Kecamatan Sungai Tebelian, Kabupaten Sintang.Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 80 responden, metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah Simple Random Sampling.Analisis data terlebih dahulu dilakukan dengan mencari validitas dan reliabilitas, uji kontribusi, serta uji asumsi klasik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan anggota Koperasi Bhakti Lestari dengan hasil uji t, diperoleh nilai thitung 8,774 lebih besar dari (>) ttabel 1,990dan nilai Sig. 0,000 < 0,05Kata Kunci: Kualitas Pelayanan, Kepuasan Anggota

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 416
Taşkın Yıldız ◽  
Gülten Hergüner ◽  
Murat Sarıkabak ◽  
Menzure Yaman

<p>The population of this research was the students of Sakarya University, School of Physical Education and Sports. The sample was 227 students, who were chosen by simple random sampling method, from the departments of Physical Education and Sports, Sport Management and Recreation in the academic year of 2009-2010. The ACL personality test and a personal information form were used as the data collection tool. Validity and reliability study of ACL was made by Savran (2006). In this process, ACL and the personal information form were applied to participants twice providing two weeks between the applications. The scores of ACL was analyzed to check whether there are significant differences according to the independent variables. Independent sample t-test is used when there are two categories in the independent variables. In this research,  there were some significant variables at level of .05. Results showed that the participants’ personality traits significantly differ according to their perception of the social status of the profession, working in this profession in future, gender and dominant personality traits.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Özet</strong></p><p>Bu araştırmanın evrenini, Sakarya Üniversitesi’nde Beden Eğitimi ve Spor eğitimi alan öğrenciler; örneklemini ise Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretmenliği, Spor Yöneticiliği Bölümü ve Rekreasyon Bölümü’nde 2009-2010 eğitim ve öğretim yılında öğrenimine devam etmekte olan ve tesadüfen seçilen gönüllü 227 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada, veri toplama aracı Savran (2006) tarafından Türkiye için geçerlik, güvenirlik ve norm çalışması yapılan Sıfat Listesi (ACL) Kişilik Testi’dir. Ayrıca araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan kişisel bilgi formu uygulanmıştır. Araştırmanın uygulama sürecinde, Beden Eğitimi adaylarına önce Sıfat Listesi (ACL) Kişilik Testi iki hafta ara ile iki kez uygulanmış ve kendilerini bu sıfatlara göre derecelendirmeleri istenmiştir. Bu liste ile birlikte Kişisel Bilgi Formu ’nu da kendilerine göre doldurmaları istenmiştir. Anket ile toplanan bağımsız değişkenlere göre ACL Ölçeğinin alt boyut puanlarının farklılıklarını belirlemek üzere hipotez testleri yapılmıştır. Bağımsız değişkenlerin iki kategoriden oluştuğu hipotez testi olarak ilişkisiz grup “t” testi kullanılmıştır. Beden Eğitimi ve spor bölümünde öğrenim görmekte olan öğrencilerin kişilik özellikleri; mesleklerinin toplumsal statüsünü algılama değişkenine, gelecekte bu alanda çalışma değişkenine, cinsiyet değişkenine göre, öğrenim görmekte olan öğrencilerin sahip oldukları baskın kişilik özelliklerine göre istatistiksel açıdan en az .05 düzeyinde anlamlı farklılıklar bulunmuştur.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 133-138
A.A. Ayu Rani Puspadewi ◽  
Etty Rekawati

Setiap orang dapat mengalami depresi, salah satunya adalah lansia, dimana lansia memiliki konsekuensi fungsional yang lebih serius dibandingkan dengan tingkat pertumbuhan lainnya, mulai dari kualitas hidup yang negatif hingga bunuh diri. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara depresi dengan kualitas hidup lansia. Sampel penelitian adalah lansia ≥ 60 tahun yang tinggal di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Budi Mulia 1 Jakarta, mampu berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Indonesia, serta bersedia menjadi responden. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional dengan metode simple random sampling yang melibatkan 101 lansia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara tingkat depresi dengan kualitas hidup lansia (p=0,017; α=0,10). Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berguna untuk pengembangan ilmu keperawatan di masa yang akan datang terkait peningkatan kualitas hidup lansia dengan cara menangani depresi lansia. Kata Kunci: Depresi, Kualitas Hidup, Lansia, Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Abstract Depression in Relation with the Quality of Life Elderly in Nursing Home Jakarta. Depression could experienced by anyone, such as elderly whose fuctional consequences is experienced more serious such as low quality of life and the worst one is suicidal. The purpose of this research was to find  the relationship between depression and quality of life in elderly. The research sample was elderly aged 60 and over who live at Institutionof Elderly Budi Mulia 01 Jakarta, speak Bahasa, and willing to be a respondent. This research used cross sectional study design with simple random sampling method which involved 101 elderly. The result of this study showed that there was significant relation between level of depression and quality of life in elderly (p=0.017; α=0.10). This research is expected to be useful for nursing science development in the future, spesificly on preventive of quality of life decreased by handling depression in elderly.  Keywords: Depression, quality of life, elderly, nursing homes

Al-Buhuts ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-15
Muhammad Haris Riyaldi ◽  
Mahda Yusra

The management of zakat should apply transparency, accountability and good amil competence in order to gain public trust in zakat management institutions. This study seeks to answer how the effect of transparency, accountability and amil competence on the trust of muzakki in Baitul Mal Aceh as a government agency that manages zakat in Aceh. Data collection using a questionnaire that was distributed to 100 muzakki selected by simple random sampling method. Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to examine the effect of transparency, accountability and amil competence on muzakki's trust. The results showed that transparency, accountability and amil competence had a positive and significant effect on the level of muzakki's trust in Baitul Mal Aceh, both simultaneously and partially. Baitul Mal Aceh is expected to improve the quality of transparency, accountability and amil competence to maintain the trust of muzakki in order to realize the optimization of the collection of zakat funds in Aceh.

Endriani Widyastuti ◽  
Nur Widiastuti

The research was conducted in Magelang Regency which aimed to determine the level of satisfaction of farmers to services of Civil Servant extension workers and Tenaga Harian Lepas-Tenaga Bantu Penyuluh Pertanian (THL-TBPP) in Badan Pelaksana Penyuluhan Dan Ketahanan Pangan (BPPKP) of Magelang Regency.Type of the research is quantitative descriptive analytical approach by using the Servqual method and followed IPA (Importance Performance Analysis) approach. Sampling of villages were randomly selected with purposif random sampling method, sample of farmers were taken by simple random sampling method. The total samples of villages were 50 and total samples of farmers were 200 persons. The results of the research showed that the services of Civil Servants extension workers in BPPKP of Magelang Regency on all dimensions of quality of extension services by farmers has not been satisfactorily assessed . Dimensions that need to be improved as the main priority were Reliability Dimension attributes that were related with mentoring and consultancy marketing of agricultural products and new technological innovations . In the service of THL-TBPP , all dimensions of quality of extension services by farmers has not been satisfactorily assessed. Dimensions that need to be improved as the main priority were Reliability Dimension attributes that were related with mentoring and consultancy marketing of agricultural products and the innovation of new technologies and Assurance Dimension attributes that primarily related to the settlement of the problems of farmers in their farm .

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-26
Mesa W. Janet ◽  
Onyancha O. Douglas ◽  
Sang Magut K Paul

The increasing economic growth in Kenya has encouraged the growth of the leather sector. Kenya in its long-term vision to become an industrialized middle-income country by 2030, has identified the key role that the leather sector will play. There is a growing number of SMEs engaged in leather goods and footwear manufacturing around the country. A large number is involved in footwear manufacturing especially school shoes. This has been encouraged by local demand for affordable footwear. Even though production of leather footwear in the informal industry has increased over the years, the country’s local footwear has low market position both locally and internationally. The market share of the SME produced footwear has been attributed to low quality and poor workmanship of the products A survey was carried out to assess the quality of leather shoes produced by SMEs in Kariokor market, Nairobi. Data was collected from 20 respondents who constituted owners and managers of footwear workshops to ascertain if they have adopted the use of quality standards in their footwear fabrication and if their products conform to any laid down quality standards. The survey was carried out using simple random sampling method. The findings showed that none of the SMEs had adopted the use of quality standards and none of them had adopted Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBs) standards. As a consequence, there was no mechanism of ensuring and maintaining conformity to footwear quality. This study recommends increased sensitization of SMEs on the importance of quality standards and quality management system in shoe fabrication.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 49 ◽  
Suat Polat

The purpose of this study is to determine of the teacher candidates’ attitudes and awareness levels towards culturalheritage and to ensure that the teacher candidates gain awareness of cultural heritage. The research is based on anexperimental model from quantitative research approaches and the population consists of teacher candidates who studyin Faculty of Education at Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University. Simple random sampling method was used to determinesample of the study. The data of the study was gathered with Personal Information Form and the Cultural HeritageAttitude Scale developed by Akbaba (2014). SPSS 22 program is used in the analysis of the data. According to theresults obtained, it is determined that gender, class and education status of the father are not effective in attitudes andawareness towards cultural heritage, whereas the undergraduate program and education of mother play an effectiverole. It has been determined that the educational trip has positively affected the transfer of cultural heritage,consciousness of cultural heritage and cultural heritage for the society.

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