scholarly journals A Review of the Research on Mongolia’s Perception of China

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (113) ◽  
Shurentana Borjgin

Mutual perception is an important indicator of the degree of closeness between countries, and it can more intuitively reflect the degree of mutual favorability between the two peoples and the perception of each other's national image. Mongolia's perception of China is an important fundamental aspect in the bilateral relations. This article reviews and examines the current research status of the given topic in academic circles. In general, (1) The public opinion surveys of some research institutes on Mongolia’s perception of China are relatively objective and neutral, so their survey results have higher reference value and application value. (2) Regarding the specific studies of Mongolia’s perception of China, some studies are relatively neutral, objective and of keen insights, and some are difficult to divorce from the perspective of the ‘self’ or the western interpretation mode, often presuppose their positions and tend to place too much emphasis on historical and cultural factors. Mongolia's perception of China is the result of the interaction of various factors mainly including history, emotion/psychology, realistic issues, and external factor. Хятадын талаарх монголчуудын ойлголтын тухай судалгааны тойм Хураангуй: Монголчуудын Хятадын талаарх ойлголтын тухай асуудал бол хоёр улсын харилцааны чухал сэдвийн нэг байдаг. Энэхүү өгүүлэл нь академик судалгааны хүрээнд уг сэдвийн судалгааны өнөөгийн байдлыг ангилан дүгнэж харуулах юм. Ерөнхийдөө: (1) судалгааны байгууллагуудын монголчуудын Хятадыг танин мэдэх ойлголттой холбоотой тоо баримт санал асуулга харьцангуй бодитой, тийм учраас судалгааны үр дүн хэрэглээний ач холбогдол өндөр гэж үзэж болно. (2) Хятадын талаарх монголчуудын ойлголтын тухай нарийвчилсан судалгаанаас харахад, зарим судалгаа харьцангуй бодитой төвийг сахисан, гүнзгийрүүлж судалсан байдаг ч зарим судалгаа нь нэг талыг барьсан, соёл хоорондын мөргөлдөөний онолоор тайлбарлаж, анхнаасаа байр суурь дүгнэлт нь тодорхой, хэт түүх соёлын хүчин зүйлийг дөвийлгөсөн шинжтэй байдаг. Монголчуудын Хятадыг танин мэдэх ойлголт нь түүх, сэтгэл зүй, бодит нөхцөл байдал, гадаад хүчин зүйлс зэргийн харилцан үйлчлэлийн үр дүнд бүрэлдсэн юм. Түлхүүр үгс: Монгол, Хятадыг танин мэдэх ойлголт, судалгаа, онцлог

Eric M. Patashnik ◽  
Alan S. Gerber ◽  
Conor M. Dowling

This chapter discusses the results of national public opinion surveys that illuminate how ordinary citizens think about the medical evidence problem. The surveys demonstrate that doctors possess the influence, prestige, and standing to play a leadership role in educating the public about the inefficiencies and waste of the U.S. health care system. Because most Americans believe “doctor knows best,” they tend to have confidence in the advice of doctors, not only about individual medical problems, but also about broader health care reform issues. The surveys also reveal that Americans are naturally wary of health care reform proposals they fear could constrain physician discretion, such as requiring doctors to follow evidence-based clinical guidelines. The public's anxieties about proposals to make medicine more evidence based, however, can be overcome. Physician endorsements of such reforms significantly alleviate public fears. The survey results suggest that if doctors were to become forceful advocates for reform, their reputations as trusted, well-motivated experts position them to shape the views of ordinary citizens.

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-40 ◽  

AbstractThe current efforts of Moscow and Tokyo to unblock the territorial impasse are complicated by some barriers of a socio-psychological character, including mutual mistrust and contradictory images of past events. Public opinion surveys reveal predominant vectors in Russo-Japanese relations, which the authors believe strongly correlate with the evolution of the contradictory images. Apparently, these images surprisingly exhibit interrelated ‘mirror’ dynamics connected with the independent variable – events happening in bilateral relations. Apparently, these images surprisingly exhibit interrelated ‘mirror’ dynamics connected with the independent variable – events happening in bilateral relations. The authors also investigate how public opinion has a real impact on politics and relations between states. In the authors’ opinion, Russia and Japan definitely do not have major unresolved problems in their bilateral relations, with the exception of the territorial problem. However, why is the public so suspicious of Russia? Can the territorial dispute be the only reason? It is far from that. The analyzed arguments give grounds to believe that it is very difficult for Japan and Russia to find a mutually acceptable solution, as their relations are not free from suspicion and mutual mistrust which are deeply rooted in the history of their relations. It will be much easier to overcome the mistrust and, accordingly, to reach agreement on the territorial issue when they manage to calmly analyze the historical grudges, understand their nature and origin, and realize that this is history, which has no contemporary value.

2012 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-212 ◽  
Dagmar Radin ◽  
Aleksandar Džakula

Over the past decade, public opinion surveys have shown that Croats are deeply dissatisfied with their health care system and asses it to be one of the most important issues. However, health care hardly makes it into any political discourse in Croatia. This study analyzes the results of a public opinion survey conducted before the 2007 parliamentary elections to find out what the public sentiment on health care performance in Croatia is and to analyze the reasons why health care is not addressed by political actors. Evidence suggests that while health care is the most salient issue today, the public often understands it poorly. Thus, in a political environment of competing issues, and given the complexity of tacking health care in the policy arena, politicians strategically avoid discussing the issue.

1989 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-100 ◽  
Perry Moore

This research provides information about the health care cost containment efforts of local governments and agencies across the United States, particularly in large American cities. Survey results indicate that while the public sector lags behind the private sector, public agencies are beginning to match the cost containment efforts of private employers. While initiation of these efforts represents considerable recent progress, their tangible benefits are not yet apparent.

2017 ◽  
Vol 03 (02) ◽  
pp. 267-282
Shichen Wang

After signing a bilateral free trade agreement with China and joining in the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Switzerland has become one of China’s best partners in Europe. The bilateral relationship has been upgraded from “strategic partnership” to “innovative strategic partnership,” and is regarded by the Chinese as “a model relationship for China-European countries.” Two fundamental reasons explain why Switzerland has achieved such harmonious relations with the world’s second largest economy: first, there is no historical conflict between the two countries; second, Switzerland is more pragmatic than other European countries in strengthening bilateral cooperation with China. So far, the two countries have institutionalized dialogues and other exchanges involving both elites and the public; sensitive issues have been properly handled without obstructing the development of their bilateral relations. As ever closer ties are being built between China and Europe as a whole, the Beijing-Bern relationship can serve as a model for other European countries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-92
Marcellinus Ferdinand Suciadi ◽  
Andre Andre ◽  
Levina Novelinda

Abstract—Norse Mythology is a mythology that originated in the Scandinavian region, which is the basis of all mythologies in the area. At this time, people's knowledge of Norse mythology was only obtained from films, and the adaptation was not in accordance with the original mythology. Submission of stories remains inauthentic due to additional characters that are not present in the original story, thus affecting the authentication of the mythology being conveyed. To educate the public about Norse mythology, interesting media are needed but can also convey a message by not changing the specific elements of the mythology. The survey was conducted on 53 teen respondents and fans of the Marvel franchise. From the survey results, 88% of respondents had never used a motion comic application, but were interested in trying a motion comic application. Through the survey results, a motion comic with the theme of Norse Mythology was made to fulfill the stated goals. The results of the design will be implemented and have several options, including Starting Story, Journal, and Credit. Start Story will start the story from beginning to end, with a mini game in the middle. The journal is a collection of information about the Ragnarok War, and the Credit contains the names of those who intervened in making the Ragnarok motion comic. The making of this motion comic uses several programs. The verification and validation stage is carried out after the implementation has been completed. This application can help teens and adults to understand the mythological story of the Ragnarok War, based on the results of the validation that has been done. Keywords: motion comic, mythology, Norse, Ragnarok, war Abstrak—Mitologi Nordik merupakan mitologi yang berasal dari daerah Skandinavia, yang merupakan dasar dari segala mitologi yang berada pada daerah tersebut. Pada masa ini, pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai mitologi Nordik hanya didapat dari film, dan adaptasi tersebut tidak sesuai dengan mitologi aslinya. Penyampaian cerita tetap tidak autentik dikarenakan adanya karakter tambahan yang tidak ada dalam cerita aslinya, sehingga mempengaruhi autentikasi mitologi yang disampaikan. Untuk mengedukasi masyarakat mengenai mitologi Nordik, maka dibutuhkan media yang menarik namun juga dapat menyampaikan suatu pesan tersebut dengan tidak mengubah unsur khas dari mitologi tersebut. Survei dilakukan kepada 53 responden remaja dan fans dari franchise Marvel. Dari hasil survey, 88% responden belum pernah menggunakan aplikasi motion comic, namun tertarik untuk mencoba aplikasi motion comic. Melalui hasil survei tersebut, dibuatlah sebuah motion comic bertema Mitologi Nordik untuk memenuhi tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Hasil desain akan diimplementasikan dan memiliki beberapa pilihan, diantaranya adalah Mulai Cerita, Jurnal, dan Kredit. Mulai Cerita akan memulai cerita dari awal hingga akhir, dengan mini game di tengah-tengah. Jurnal adalah kumpulan dari informasi mengenai Perang Ragnarok, dan Kredit berisi nama-nama pihak yang turut campur tangan dalam pembuatan motion comic Ragnarok. Pembuatan motion comic ini menggunakan beberapa program. Tahap verifikasi dan validasi dilakukan setelah implementasi telah selesai. Aplikasi ini dapat membantu remaja dan dewasa untuk memahami cerita mitologi Perang Ragnarok, berdasarkan hasil validasi yang telah dilakukan. Kata kunci: mitologi, motion comic, norse, perang, ragnarok  

2019 ◽  
pp. 23-35
Anna M. Yakovleva ◽  
Alexey V. Volobuev ◽  

. The review deals with the problem of Orthodox fundamentalism in the discussion of Englishspeaking authors of different denominations, representatives of canonical and non-canonical Orthodox churches, which took place in theological discussions, in journalism and at scientific conferences mainly in recent years. The main materials are first introduced into the scientific circulation in Russian. The concepts of fundamentalism in Orthodoxy in the foreign press are presented; the definitions of Orthodox fundamentalism, the main theses of opponents and their argumentation are given. Frequently, the word “fundamentalism” in relation to Orthodoxy is used as a banal nickname for those opponents who have traditional or conservative beliefs, are prone to “ritualism”, shows intolerance and lack of readiness for dialogue, including ecumenical. However, since the beginning of the 21st century, theologians, priests and scholars have been trying to give a stricter definition of such fundamentalism as a phenomenon of the modern era, especially in its demise. It is primarily about the attitude to the works of the holy fathers of the Church. It is expressed, in particular, the opinion that the veneration of patristic writings, along with the resolutions of the Councils (which constitutes the Holy Tradition) should be revised. However, the concept of “Orthodox fundamentalism”, as follows from the given review, has not yet been formed. But one can speak of such signs of it, connected, in particular, with a wide exit to the public sphere of mass consciousness, as the striving to minimize theological provisions, absolutization of some provisions of dogma to the detriment of others, and the logos (modern) reading of the myth.

F1000Research ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 56 ◽  
Giorgio Scita ◽  
Carmen Sorrentino ◽  
Andrea Boggio ◽  
David Hemenway ◽  
Andrea Ballabeni

Basic scientific research generates knowledge that has intrinsic value which is independent of future applications. Basic research may also lead to practical benefits, such as a new drug or diagnostic method.  Building on our previous study of basic biomedical and biological researchers at Harvard, we present findings from a new survey of similar scientists from three countries.  This survey asked about the scientists’ motivations, goals and perspectives along with their attitudes concerning  policies designed to increase both the practical (i.e. public health) benefits of basic research as well as their own personal satisfaction. Close to 900 basic investigators responded to the survey; results corroborate the main findings from the previous survey of Harvard scientists.  In addition, we find that most bioscientists disfavor present policies that require a discussion of the public health potential of their proposals in grants but generally favor softer policies aimed at increasing the quality of work and the potential practical benefits of basic research. In particular, bioscientists are generally supportive of those policies entailing the organization of more meetings between scientists and the general public, the organization of more academic discussion about the role of scientists in the society, and the implementation of a “basic bibliography” for each new approved drug.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-91
Olga Alexandrova ◽  
Olga Komolova

The article is devoted to the impact of healthcare reform on the situation in the industry and the requirements for managers of medical organizations. On the data from the expert survey, participants of which were physicians with practical experience in the field of health management; economists studying the work of the public sector; lawyers involved in the protection of patients’ rights, etc., it provides characteristics of today’s financial, logistical support and staffing of medical institutions, their relationships with founders, insurance companies and patients; there are given experts’ opinions on who should be the leaders of medical organizations — managers or clinicians, how to create their personnel reserve, what should be changed in the system of professional development and retraining of medical personnel. It is shown that the working conditions of medical organizations have radically changed, and the amount of attracted extra-budgetary funds has become an important indicator of their effectiveness. At the same time, the institutional context, in which they function, is highly controversial, devoid of a number of fundamentally important elements, and is not balanced in terms of the rights and obligations of various actors involved in the provision of medical care. This significantly complicates the activity of the management of medical institutions, generates a «conflict of interests» among them, which ultimately negatively affects patients. According to experts, today an experienced manager should be at the head of the medical institution, but — with the obligatory good knowledge and understanding of the specifics of the medical industry. Since medical institutions are now managed by medics, their training in economics and management within the system of continuing professional education becomes very important. The article is divided into two parts. The second part will be published in Population 2019 No.1.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Agung Rahmat Dwiardi

<p class="JGI-AbstractIsi">This study is conducted to see the potential demand with the characteristics of the campus environment, industrial environment, and tourism environment on internet fixed broadband use, where the objective of this survey is limited to households, individuals and businesses. Analysis is carried out in a descriptive manner based on the results of qualitative discussions by experts which is reinforced by the findings of the survey results. The survey results show that the internet utilization by the public (households, businesses) is mostly for communication and entertainment, so that the cellular internet is considered adequate for public's internet need. This is relevant to the public’s opinion that 87.9% of the internet needs are met when using cellular phone. There are 3 (three) perceptible reasons of why respondents choose not to subscribe to Fixed broadband internet, namely: 1) There is no necessity for subscription, 2) Lack of Knowledge/Information related to Broadband Fixed internet, and 3) Expensive Prices. The potential demand for each characteristic is always there, however, the most dominant one comes from the businesses, such as cafes/eateries, food stores, gift shops, photocopying businesses, vehicle rental services, travel businesses, etc.<strong></strong></p>

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