scholarly journals Possibilities of the action research

2021 ◽  
Vol XII (4 (37)) ◽  
pp. 79-100
Natalia Zygmunt

The aim of the article is to show the possibilities created by the use of the action research method in social research. The first part of the article presents a historical outline of action research and an overview of the ways of defining this method, as well as its different types, features and stages. The last part of the article presents the variety of research using a given method.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-123
Anif Muchlashin ◽  
Teguh Ansori

The purpose of this study is to improve the nutritional status of toddlers whose status is still at the threshold below the red line (BGM - Bawah Garis Merah) and malnutrition that mostly caused by parenting practices that do not meet health standards. Child feeding, food menu presentation, and environmental hygiene were among several factors that cause the occurrence of BGM and malnutrition in toddlers in Bulak Banteng village of Kenjeran District, Surabaya City. In this program, the researchers used the Participatory Action Research (PAR) social research method that consists of three interconnected words (participation, research and action). In the process, researchers come with nutritionists, Posyandu cadres, and toddlers’ mothers who are affected by malnutrition. The first program creates study groups to make it easier to organize and research together, called Toddler School "Anak Aktif Ceria". The results obtained indicate that there is an increase in knowledge of toddlers’ mothers and as expectedly an increase in body weight as concrete evidence that parents are implementing the knowledge gained through the toddler school. Keywords: malnutrition, parenting, toddlers’ mother, toddlers’ nutrition, toddler school   Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan status gizi balita yang statusnya masih di ambang batas di bawah garis merah (BGM - Bawah Garis Merah) dan gizi buruk yang sebagian besar disebabkan oleh praktik pengasuhan yang tidak memenuhi standar kesehatan. Pemberian makanan anak, penyajian menu makanan, dan kebersihan lingkungan adalah beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya BGM dan gizi buruk pada balita di desa Bulak Banteng, Kecamatan Kenjeran, Kota Surabaya. Dalam program ini, para peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian sosial Participatory Action Research (PAR) yang terdiri dari tiga kata yang saling berhubungan (partisipasi, penelitian dan tindakan). Dalam prosesnya, peneliti datang dengan ahli gizi, kader Posyandu, dan ibu balita yang terkena gizi buruk. Program pertama menciptakan kelompok belajar untuk membuatnya lebih mudah untuk mengatur dan meneliti bersama, yang disebut Sekolah Balita "Anak Aktif Ceria". Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan pengetahuan ibu balita dan seperti yang diharapkan peningkatan berat badan sebagai bukti nyata bahwa orang tua menerapkan pengetahuan yang diperoleh melalui sekolah balita. Kata Kunci: ibu balita, malnutrisi, nutrisi balita, parenting, sekolah balita

2018 ◽  
Miguel Angel Ledezma Campos ◽  
Eric Reyes Lamothe ◽  
Julia Magdalena Caporal Gaytán

En la segunda mitad del siglo XX, en América, surgió un método en las ciencias sociales conocido como investigación acción participativa, el cual busca desdibujar la barrera entre el investigador y el objeto de estudio para que la comunidad que tiene un problema sea beneficiada, no a través de la publicación de un texto científico, sino mediante la solución efectiva del problema a través de acciones y estrategias colectivas en las que participan especialistas y habitantes de esa población.De manera paralela, en Alemania, Joseph Beuys desarrolló el concepto de escultura social que argumentaba que toda persona debía convertirse en creador, en un escultor o arquitecto del organismo social. Gracias a la influencia de Beuys varios artistas y colectivos han elaborado proyectos de interacción social en zonas de la periferia, en donde los creadores detectan un problema y elaboran una pieza que implica la participación de los habitantes de una comunidad o vecindario en desventaja. Estas obras tienden a transformar el entorno y la sociedad.Ambos enfoques buscan empoderar a los individuos que no tienen los beneficios del resto de la sociedad. Sin embargo, es necesario distinguir las afinidades y las diferencias entre ellos, así como las relaciones que generan los gestos simbólicos y los cambios efectivos. También es importante analizar las oportunidades y los riesgos que presentan ambos modelos.The associations between the participative action research method and social interaction art. Range and risks.A method of social research known as participative action research emerged in the Americas during the second half of the 20th, aiming to erase the barrier between the researcher and his study object hence a community with a problem is improved not through scientific publications but by means of an effective solution of the problem activated by collective strategies used by specialists and locals. At the same time, in Germany, Joseph Beuys developed the social sculpture concept suggesting that everyone should be creator, a sculptor or architect of the social organism. After Beuys’ influence many artists and collectives have elaborated social interaction projects in peripheral areas where the artists detect a problem and make a piece that involves participation of the residents of a disadvantaged community or neighborhood. These works tend to transform the environment and society. Both perspectives empower individuals with no benefits from the rest of society. Nevertheless, it is necessary to differentiate the affinities and differences between them, and the relationships caused by the symbolic gestures and the effective changes. It is important, as well, to analyze the opportunities and the risks presented in both models.

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Zusmelia Zusmelia ◽  
Zulfa Zulfa

The learning of Social Research Method subject has always had difficulties since the low of student’s creativity in seeking and finding the problem. The students prefer to cooperate in finding the problem of the subject. It is one of the reasons for the Lecturer to do a Classroom Action Research (CAR). CAR is conducted by using a Discovery Learning method. This method is a learning model developed based on the constructivism. It emphasizes the necessity of the important structures or ideas to a discipline by having an active student involvement in the learning process. On this subject, a student is required to seek and find out the problems. CAR is a reflected research of the actions taken by the Lecturers to improve the learning process as one of their responsibilities

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Juniar Siregar

This study presents a research report on improving students’ Learning results on IPA through Video. The objective was to find out whether students’ learning result improved when they are taught by using Video. It was conducted using classroom action research method. The subject of the study was the Grade IV students of SDN 187/IV Kota Jambi which is located on Jln. Adi Sucipto RT 05 Kecamatan Jambi Selatan, and the number of the students were 21 persons. The instruments used were test. In analyzing the data, the mean of the students’ score for the on fisrt sycle was 65,4 (42,85%) and the mean on cycle two was 68,5 (37,15%) and the mean of the third cycle was 81,4 (100%). Then it can be concluded that the use of video on learning IPA can improve the students’ learning result. It is suggested that teachers should use video as one of the media to improve students’ learning result on IPA.Keywords : IPA, students’ learning result, video

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 389
Otang Kurniaman ◽  
Eddy Noviana

Implementation of the 2013 curriculum is very different from the previous curriculum, there are still many obstacles that we know greatly affect the learning outcomes, both in terms of media used, the assessment in the 2013 curriculum is more complicated than the previous curriculum then the methods used to convey the learning materials that want to be taught not effective or even incompatible with the material to be conveyed. This research method is a classroom action research conducted in improving the learning process, with four meetings. The assessment taken in this study is an evaluation evaluation of each meeting in the form of attitudinal value, value of knowledge and skill value based on teacher's book on theme 4 "Healthy is Important" with sub theme 1 "Importance of Health and Environment". On the attitudes that appear attitude of self-confidence, curiosity and independence Already entrusted by 20.68% confidence, and curiosity while mandated 6.2% lower because students are still not familiar with the implementation of the curriculum 2013. Results of student knowledge seen the development in excellent value at the first meeting of 36.4%, at the second meeting decreased to 30.3%, while at the third meeting experienced a 52.25% increase again. While on the results of these students' skills on four meetings emerged every meeting with a very good category at the first meeting of 18.1%, at the second meeting increased to 27.3%, the third meeting decreased to 20.68%, while at the fourth meeting increased again by 65.62%.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 331
Ensiawati Ensiawati

Research problem is the low skill of writing poetry student in class V SDN 005 Koto Sentajo. The aim of thestudy is to improve poetry writing skills. The research method is classroom action research. The results of thefirst meeting data on the first cycle with a percentage of 39%, at the second meeting in cycle I percentage of61%, on the second cycle at the first meeting of 89% and increased to 93%, while the student activity on the firstcycle of the first meeting of 60% , increased to 71% at the second meeting. In cycle II, the first meeting of 89%increased to 92% student activity at the second meeting. Students complete in classical completeness of poetry inthe first daily re-completion reached 55% to 73% complete with classical thorough category. The conclusion ofthe research is that the application of contextual approach can improve poetry writing skills.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Marjoni Marjoni

The research aims to improve the ability of teachers in compiling an assessment of the K13 process through academic supervision. The research method in this study is School Action Research. The results of the study showed that academic supervision could improve teacher competence in compiling the assessment of the learning process with an average learning process in the first cycle of 79% which was included in the sufficient category, and experienced an increase in the second cycle to 84.5% in the good category.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 435
Lystia Nurhaliza Hasibuan ◽  
R. Triyanto ◽  
Raden Burhan ◽  
Mangatas Mangatas

AbstrakPenelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 9 Medan, Jenis penelitian yaitu Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X DKV 1 yang berjumlah 36 orang siswa terdiri dari 20 laki-laki dan 16 perempuan, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar sketsa, melalui motode demonstrasi dan latihan. Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal yang di temukan oleh peneliti, masih rendahnya hasil belajar sketsa siswa. Peneliti melakukan pre test untuk mengetahui kondisi awal sebelum dilaksanakannya tindakan persiklus. Hasil pre test menunjukkan masih rendahnya ketuntasan belajar siswa, dari 36 orang siswa hanya 7 orang siswa (19,4%) yang tuntas dalam pembelajaran sketsa. Penelitian ini menggunakan motode pembelajaran demonstrasi dan latihan. Pada siklus I diperoleh 24 orang siswa (66,7%) yang tuntas dan 12 orang siswa (33,3%) yang tidak tuntas. Dengan begitu, peneliti melanjutkan ke siklus II dengan perolehan 35 orang siswa (97,2%) yang tuntas dan 1 orang siswa (2,8%) tidak tuntas dalam pembelajaran sketsa. Terdapat peningkatan dari siklus I ke siklus II sebesar 30,5%, maka peneliti tidak melanjutkan ke siklus berikutnya. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan motode pembelajaran demonstrasi dan latihan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan belajar sketsa pada siswa kelas X DKV 1 di SMK Negeri 9 Medan Tahun Pembelajaran 2019/2020.Kata Kunci: hasil belajar, sketsa, demonstrasi, latihan.AbstractThis research was conducted at SMK Negeri 9 Medan. The research employs a classroom action research method. The research subject was the ten grade students of DKV 1 with a total of 36 students consist of 20 men and 16 women. This research aims to improve skectch learning outcomes through demonstration and training method. Based on the results of preliminary observations found by researcher, the researcher found the low student sketch learning outcomes. The researcher used a pre-test to determine the initial conditions before the pre-cycle action was carried out. The result of pre-test showed that students' learning completeness was still low. From 36 students only 7 students (19,4%) who complete in sketching learning. This research was taught by using demonstration and training learning method. In cycle I, there were 24 students (66,7%) was complete and 12 students (33,3%) was incomplete. Therefore, the researcher proceed to cycle II with the acquisition of 35 students (97,2%) was complete and 1 students (2,8%) was incomplete in sketch learning. There was increase from cycle I to cycle II of 30,5%, the researcher does not proceed to the next cycle. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of demonstration and training method can improve the ability in sketch learning of the ten grade students DKV I at SMK Negeri 9 Medan in the academic year 2019/2020. Keywords: learning outcomes, sketch, demonstration, training.

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Hamonangan Tambunan

Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui penelitian tindakan kelas dengan melibatkan subjek sebanyak 39 orang mahasiswa jurusan Pendidikan Tenik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Unimed, menyangkut permasalahahan implementasi contextual teaching-learning melalui riset mini dalam perkuliahan metode penelitian pengajaran. Masalahnya adalah apakah implementasi kontekstual teaching learning melalui riset mini dapat meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa dalam membangun proposal penelitian?. Penelitian dilakukan dalam 5 siklus dengan target capaian yaitu 85% mahasiswa mencapai skor ≥ 80. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu ada peningkatan dari siklus ke siklus berikutnya, yaitu pada siklus I ada 12 orang mahasiswa (30,76%) mencapai target; pada siklus II ada 19 orang   mahasiswa (48,71%) mencapai target; Pada siklus III ada 24 orang mahasiswa (61,53%) mencapai target; Pada siklus IV terdapat sejumlah 28 orang mahasiswa (71,79%) yang mencapai target; dan pada siklus V terdapat 34 orang mahasiswa (87,17%) sudah mencapai target. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian disimpulkan bahwa implementasi contextual teaching learning melalui riset mini dapat meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa dalam membangun proposal penelitian.   Kata Kunci: Implementasi kontekstual teaching learning   Abstract: The research was conducted through action research involving subjects as many as 39 students of electrical education department of  technical faculty Unimed, concerning the problems of contextual teaching learning implementation through mini rsearch in education research method course. The formulation of this researh problem is “whether the implementation of contextual teaching learning through mini research can improve students' competencies in building research proposal?. The study was conducted in 5 cycles with a target achievement of 85% of students achieving a score of ≥ 80. The results are an increase of the cycle to the next cycle, the first cycle, there were 12 students (30.76%) targets; in the second cycle there are 19 students (48.71%) targets; In the third cycle there were 24 students (61.53%) targets; in the fourth cycle there are a number of 28 students (71.79%) to reach the target, and the cycle of V contained 34 students (87.17%) has reached the target. Based on the findings of the study concluded that the implementation of contextual teaching learning through mini research can improve the competence of students in developing research proposals.   Keywords: Contextual teaching learning implementation

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