2021 ◽  
Vol 22T (1 (tematyczny)) ◽  
pp. 7-16
Kinga Pawłowska

This paper explores the issue of building beneficiaries’ commitment to the social project. Building beneficiaries’ commitment is difficult and complicated, but necessary to achieve the project’s goals. The paper presents experiences of individuals who organise activities in the Potentials… project, namely activities of those who have been responsible for building involvement of the projects’ benfciaries. The author presents conclusions of her qualitative research into the local community/project concerning commitment building methods, the difficulties connected with it and some suggestions concerning the project implementation in the future.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>The main problem in this study was how the social significance of the existence of Desa autonomy regulation through the Law No. 6 of 2014. The existence of new regulation must be influence to desa’s order, especially in  local authority, Because of the local authority is the most important thing in local organization like Desa.The specific question tried to be answered in this study  whether the Law could serve, integrate, and organize the local authority in Desa. The result of this research indicate three points. First, local authority existing that called “hak asal usul desa” coexist with local community and desa government. Second, the field of local authority as organization the governance of desa, implementation of the building of desa, and commmunity development will blossom out in the future depend on the needs of local community.Finally, design of local authority based on the Law No. 6 of 2014 can integrate and organize the local authority, if the national government still commit and consist to recognize the local authority whatever Desa has.</em></p><p><strong><em>Kata kunci</em></strong><em>: local authority, local community, state law, recognition.</em></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Masalah utama dalam studi ini adalah bagaimana implikasi  berlakunya UU No. 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa terhadap kewenangan desa. Kewenangan desa yang dimaksud adalah kewenangan desa yang berasal dari hak asal usul dan kewenangan lokal berskala desa, karena kedua bentuk kewenangan desa tersebutlah yang merupakan ruh otonomi desa. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa desa tidak bisa diperlakukan sama sebagaimana memperlakukan daerah kabupaten, karena hakekat otonomi desa berbeda dengan otonomi daerah. Kabupaten dibentuk sebagai pelaksana desentralisasi, yang melaksanakan sebagian kewenangan yang diberikan oleh Pusat. Desa berbeda, karena memiliki kewenangan yang berasal dari hak asal usul, bukan pemberian dari pusat. Otonomi desa sudah ada jauh sebelum republik ini berdiri, dan meski didesain ulang berkali-kali melalui kebijakan pusat tentang desa , namun otonomi desa tetep eksis, salah satunya adalah dengan keberadaan kewenangan hak asal usul yang melekat pada status sosial kepala desa dan pamong desa , apapun nama dan penyebutannya, serta tercermin dari perilaku masyarakat desa yang menjunjung tinggi kehidupan sosial budayanya.Pada akhirnya desain tentang kewenangan desa diajukan sebagai bagian dari solusi, yang mencoba mewadahi dua konstruksi tentang kewenangan desa, dimana kewenangan desa eksisting masuk dalam “wadah” yang dikonstruksi UU No.6 Tahun 2015 tentang Desa, namun dengan semangat diterapkannya taat azas yaitu azas rekognisi, dimana pemerintah pusat dan daerahmengakui apapun kewenangan yang saat ini dilaksanakan oleh desa.</p><strong>Kata kunci: </strong>kewenangan desa, hukum negara,  hak asal usul desa, kewenangan lokal berskala desa, asas rekognisi.

Ahmad Zuber

AbstractSocial capital is an important study in the field of sociology. This paper aims to find out what are social capitals in the Sapen environment for disaster mitigation, what is the role of social capital for disaster mitigation. Disaster mitigation is defined as a series of activities/ efforts to reduce or cope disasters. The method for writing this paper is qualitative research method. In qualitative research data are in the form of words or oral speech. Data obtained were done by conducting interviews, observations, or documents. The conclusions are done by the way of negotiation or mutually agreed. The results of the study show that the social capital of mutual cooperation, and RT (Rukun Tetangga) contributions are very important for disaster mitigation purposes. Mutual cooperation is carried out hand in hand, working together to be able to overcome the danger of flood water due to overflowing rainwater. Tackling the danger of flooding from rainwater overflows is done by checking, widening and deepening the water channel from housing to the roadside river. The decision of the day of the activities of the social cooperation is carried out through discussion that is quite relaxed but also serious in the RT (Rukun Tetangga) meeting forum. Then residents' contributions are made once a month through the RT Meeting (Neighborhood Association). Contributions in the form of money voluntarily or as a minimum provisions agreed upon by citizens. Voluntary money is for example money to build or repair drainage channels. Minimum regulatory money is for example the amount of pinch money Rp. 500 per night. Both of these capital are used for disaster mitigation activities primarily to maintain security, cleanliness, prevent the danger of flooding due to heavy rains, and village development in the neighborhood of the RT (Neighborhood Association) of Sapen Village.   Modal sosial merupakan kajian penting dalam bidang sosiologi. Modal sosial dan mitigasi bencana merupakan dua konsep yang sangat penting untuk dikaji dan dikaitkan dengan permasalahan perumahan di Desa Sapen, Kecamatan Mojolaban, Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Paper ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui modal apa saja yang ada di lingkungan Sapen yang berguna untuk mitigasi bencana, bagaimanakah peran modal tersebut untuk mitigasi bencana. Mitigasi bencana diartikan sebagai serangkaian aktifitas/usaha untuk mengurangi atau menanggulangi bencana. Metode penyusunan paper ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Dalam penelitian kualitatif data berupa kata-kata atau ucapan lisan. Data diperoleh dengan cara melakukan wawancara, pengamatan, atau dokumen. Hasil kesimpulan dilakukan dengan cara perundingan atau disepakati bersama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modal sosial gotong royong, dan iuran Rukun Tetangga (RT) sangat penting untuk keperluan mitigasi bencana. Keputusan hari kegiatan Gotong royong warga Sapen dilakukan melalui pembahasan yang cukup santai namun juga serius dalam wadah pertemuan RT (Rukun Tetangga). Gotong royong dilakukan dengan cara saling bahu membahu, bekerjasama untuk dapat menanggulangi bahaya air banjir karena luapan air hujan. Penanggulangan bahaya banjir dari luapan air hujandilakukan dengan cara memeriksa, memperlebar dan memperdalam saluran air dari perumahan menuju sungai pinggir jalan raya. Kemudian iuran warga dilakukan setiap satu bulan sekali melalui forum Pertemuan RT (Rukun Tetangga). Iuran berupa uang secara sukarela ataupun secara ketentuan minimal yang disepakati warga. Sukarela misalnya uang untuk membangun atau memperbaiki saluran drainase. Iuran ketentuan minimal seperti besaran uang jimpitan yaitu Rp. 500 per malam. Kedua modal tersebut digunakan untuk kegiatan mitigasi bencana terutama untuk menjaga keamanan, kebersihan, penanggulangan bahaya banjirakibat hujan yang deras, dan pembangunan di lingkungan RT (Rukun Tetangga) Desa Sapen. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Diding Rahmat

Brutality motorcycle gang is due to the social phenomenon of metamorphosis and development of information technology then is not filtered and not accommodated komferhensip about how pencegahanya action , it is the analysis that the majority of gang members are children that have motors and often commit crimes and violate social norms there . As a result of the brutal and unlawful actions that ultimately the future of motorcycle gang members tend to be aged under child protection laws they are still called the future of their children because they have to face a bleak life in bars and deprived of their freedom of expression , it is different with children outside bars detainees who have the freedom to express and execute education as befits a normal child his age . Factors behind them consists of internal factors and external factors , internal factors such as for some is not healthy mental attitude of a motorcycle gang members , disharmony in the family , an outlet disappointment , the economy needs a boost , aberrant learning process , lack of attention and affection as well as low levels of education among them while external factors , namely the need for law enforcement officers to always take preventive actions in handling cases motorcycle gangs and local community participation in order to swiftly carry out Keywords: Problems , Gank , Motorcycle , Sociological

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-122
Abd. Halim K. ◽  
Mahyuddin Mahyuddin

This research aims to explain the role of the social capital of local community in integration process of inter-sociocultural. Discourse of multicultural society is important to be known because the difference of social community has a big potential to be a social disintegration. Nevertheless, the social life, which has different of culture, was not always occurred the disunion. Local wisdoms of community as social capital could facilitate an adhesive social so that they lived in social harmony. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative describing inter-ethnic social integration by taking place Wonomulyo, Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi, one of provinces in Indonesia. The data collection techniques were observation, depth interview, and documentation. Withdrawal informants were done by purposive sampling. The theory used in this study was social capital by Robert Putnam and Pierre Bourdieu. This theory explained social capital by studying social habitus of local community. The results showed that social capital of local community had a role on processing integration of community that differ ethnic and culture. As a result, the ethnic groups integrated well was characterized by social relationships among ethnic groups remain in a stable state and bound in the integration of groups. Then, the equilibrium of groups created assimilation and acculturation of culture in the society. The ethnic groups cooperated each other in economy and social activity and there was no social conflict among them.

2021 ◽  
pp. 91-104
Monika Adamczyk

When looking for new solutions to the old social problems, people pay attention to important issues for the good functioning of today’s society, including interpersonal relations, trust, or standards. The term “social capital” has been used for several decades to describe and explain social and political as well as economic changes that took place as a result of the social and economic transformation. It also refers to activities including, among others, the creation of partnerships and democratic relations in local communities in which the social capital forms a basis of permanent networks of social involvement, trust, and mutuality. The purpose of this article is to present the benefits of the local community arising from social capital resources and their positive impact on public safety.

2012 ◽  
pp. 7-21
Hans Westlund

In the last nineteen years we have witnessed an explosion of research on social capital in almost all the social sciences. The question addressed by this paper is the following one: what has been achieved during these years? The first part of the discussion is devoted to a review of the most influential definitions of social capital. The second point concerns the theoretical arguments on social capital's impact on regional development: how social capital affects production, incomes and other output that we normally consider to be development. Starting from these considerations, the main theoretical problems in literature will be pointed out. Finally, the last part of this work refers to the future for studies on social capital and local and regional development.

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