work organizations
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2022 ◽  
pp. 001872672210753
Richard Weiskopf ◽  
Hans Krause Hansen

Does human reflexivity disappear as datafication and automation expand and machines take over decision-making? In trying to find answers to this question, we take our lead from recent debates about People Analytics and analyze how the use of algorithmically driven digital technologies like facial recognition and drones in work-organizations and societies at large shape the conditions of ethical conduct. Linking the concepts of algorithmic governmentality and space of ethics, we analyze how such technologies come to form part of governing practices in specific contexts. We conclude that datafication and automation have huge implications for human reflexivity and the capacity to enact responsibility in decision-making. But that itself does not mean that the space for ethical conduct disappears, which is the impression left in some literatures, but rather that is modified and (re) constituted in the interplay of mechanisms of closure (like automating decision-making, black-boxing and circumventing reflexivity), and opening (such as dis-closing contingent values and interests in processes of problematization, contestation and resistance). We suggest that future research investigates in more detail the dynamics of closure and opening in empirical studies of the use and effects of algorithmically driven digital technologies in organizations and societies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
June J. Pilcher ◽  
Logan L. Dorsey ◽  
Samantha M. Galloway ◽  
Dylan N. Erikson

Although researchers have investigated the impact of social isolation on well-being, the recent quarantines due to COVID-19 resulted in a social isolation environment that was unique to any examined in the past. Because sleep is one of the endogenous drives that impacts short and long-term health and well-being, it is important to consider how social isolation during the COVID-19 government-mandated quarantines affected sleep and sleep habits. A number of researchers have addressed this question during the last 2 years by examining several concepts related to possible changes in sleep during the quarantines. To best understand these recent results, the current mini review provides a background on the pre-pandemic literature on the effects of social isolation and loneliness with a focus on sleep and then summarizes the recent literature on sleep and sleep habits. In general, sleep was negatively impacted for many people during the pandemics but not all. One group that seemed to benefit from the pandemic in terms of sleep patterns, were younger people who could more easily adapt their sleep times to match their internal chronobiology. Given the potential broad impact of sleep on health and well-being, better understanding how social isolation impacts sleep is an important consideration for individuals, work organizations, and governments.

2022 ◽  
Vol 68 ◽  
pp. 31-47
Filip Agneessens ◽  
Giuseppe (Joe) Labianca

Оксана Якимчук

У статті наголошується актуальність проблеми зростання професійного вигорання особистості, адже емоційне благополуччя фахівця є одним із визначальних факторів професійного життя. Соціально-політичні та соціально-економічні зміни висувають нові умови праці, що безумовно впливає на психологічний та соматичний стан особистості. Синдром емоційного вигорання є формою професійної хвороби, яка не тільки руйнує професійну діяльність людини, а й спричиняє виникнення психосоматичних захворювань. Найбільша небезпека синдрому професійного вигорання в тому, що розвивається він майже непомітно і якщо ігнорувати його перші ознаки, то задоволеність від професійної діяльності з кожним днем буде зменшуватись, звичні робочі завдання що зазвичай виконувались з легкістю стануть складними, досягнені результати будуть знецінюватись, колеги почнуть викликати роздратування, соматичний стан буде погіршуватись з кожним днем, що призведе до втрати працездатності. У статті приділена увага дослідженню нозологічної приналежності синдрому, оскільки не дивлячись на те, що феномен досліджується більше тридцяти років, щодо його походження та приналежності виникає безліч теорій та суперечок. Розглянуто та проаналізовано основні теоретичні моделі синдрому в сучасній та зарубіжній літературі. Охарактеризовано основні причини та симптоми, виділені основні фактори що сприяють його формуванню. Професійне вигорання не залежить лінійно від таких професійних факторів, як стаж, вік і зовнішня результативність професійної діяльності. Синдром професійного вигорання може формуватися не лише в осіб соціально орієнтованих професій, а й у представників інших професійних груп в тих випадках, коли на перше місце виходить високий ступінь відповідальності за виконувану роботу, нерівноемоційна напруга на роботі переважно в системі «людина – людина» та інші фактори. Водночас професійне вигорання особистості – це індивідуальний процес, причиною якого є поєднання суб’єктивних та об’єктивних чинників, які залежать не тільки від особистісних якостей людини а і від індивідуальної системи професійного розвитку та соціальних факторів. Література Бойко, В.В. (1999). Синдром «эмоционального выгорания» в профессиональном общении. Санкт-Петербург : Питер. Водопьянова, Н.Е. (2009). Психодиагностика стресса. Санкт-Петербург : Питер. Гринберг, Дж. (2004). Управление стрессом. Санкт-Петербург : Питер. Журавлева, Е.А., & Сергиенко, А.Л. (2011). Стресс, выгорание, совладание в современном контексте. Москва : Изд-во «Ин-т психологии РАН». Лукьянова, В.В., Водопьянова, Н.Е., Орел, В.Е., Подсадной, С.А., Юрьева, Л.Н., & Игумнова, С.А (2008). Современные проблемы исследования синдрома выгорания у специалистов коммуникативных профессий. (Монография). Курск : Изд-во «Курский государственный университет». Мозгова, Г.П., Ханецька, Т.І., & Якимчук, О.І. (2021). Психосоматика: психічне, тілесне, соціальне. Хрестоматія: Навчальний посібник. Київ : НПУ імені М.П.Драгоманова. Орел, В.Е. (1999). Исследование феномена «психического выгорания» в отечественной и зарубежной психологии. Проблемы общей и организационной психологии, 76–97. Селье, Г. (2002). Стресс без дистресса. Москва : Прогресс. Самоукина, Н.В. (2003). Психология профессиональной деятельности. Санкт-Петербург : Питер. Burisch, M., Schaufeli, B., Maslach, C., & Marek, T. (1993). In search of theory: Some ruminations on the nature and etiology of burnout. Professional burnout: Recent developments in theory and research (pp. 75–93). New York : Taylor & Francis. Enzmann, M., Berief, P., Engelkamp, C. et al. (1992). Burnout and coping will burnout. Development and evaluation of a burnout workshop. Berlin : Technische Univercitat Berlin, Institut fur Psychologie. Freundberger, J. (1974). Staff burnout. Social Scienes, 30(1), 159–165. Hakanen, J., Bakker, A., Jokisaari, B., & Markku, A (2011). 35-year follow-up study on burnout among Finnish employees. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 16(3), 345–360. Maslach, C., & Jachson, S.E. (1981). The measurement of experienced burnout. Journal of Occupational Behaviour, 2, 99–113. Pains, A., & Maslach, C. (2003). Praktikum po sotsial’noi psikhologii [Experiencing social psychology]. Saint Petersburg : Piter, 528 p. (In Russ.). Storlie, F. (1979). Burnout: the elaboration of a concept. AJN Am J Nursing, 2108–2111. Shirom, A. (1989). Burnout in Work Organizations. In C.L. Cooper, & I. Robertson (Eds.), International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (pp. 25–48). New York : Wiley.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 2
Tiina Saari ◽  
Minna Leinonen ◽  
Katriina Tapanila

Research on the meaningfulness of work has increased in recent years, yet there is a limited body of qualitative studies on the topic. This article analyzes how the four basic psychological needs, namely autonomy, competence, relatedness, and beneficence, are articulated as sources of meaningful work by blue-collar workers. The research data consist of responses (N = 679) to one open-ended question in a survey and semi-structured interviews (N = 29) with blue-collar workers from property services and the manufacturing industry in Finland. The data were analyzed by theory-driven content analysis. The main findings are: first, autonomy, competence, relatedness, and beneficence appear as sources of meaningfulness in blue-collar work. Second, blue-collar workers see their work as autonomous and requiring diverse competences. Relatedness in blue-collar work entails having good relations with co-workers and striving to maintain those relationships. Beneficence is multilevel: helping clients, co-workers, organization and even the whole society through work. Organizations should develop organizational practices that may enhance the meaningfulness of work, such as opportunities to use and develop occupational skills. This article participates in the discussion about how satisfying these four basic psychological needs can be a source of meaningful work and offers a sociological-contextual perspective on the discussion about meaningfulness of work.

2021 ◽  
pp. 073112142110600
Ann M. Beutel ◽  
Cyrus Schleifer

Drawing upon work effort and gendered organizations perspectives and using data from the Current Population Survey, we examine how family structure types (i.e., combinations of marital and parental statuses) shape within- and between-gender variation in the earnings of highlyeducated men and women working in STEM and non-STEM occupations. We find that STEM and non-STEM women earn premia for marriage and for motherhood if they are married, with higher family-related premia for STEM women. Analysis of married men and women by specific STEM category reveals the largest parenthood premium is for women in engineering. Yet, STEM men and non-STEM men generally earn more than their counterpart women, with the largest between-gender wage difference for married parents in non-STEM occupations. Taken together, these findings provide a mixed picture of movement towards gender equality in work organizations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 193-210
Sukamto Sukamto ◽  
Andika Baskara

This study aims to determine the extent to which the use of social media has an influence on knowledge sharing, absorption capacity, and collaboration of state civil servants (SCS). This study uses a quantitative descriptive method with a survey method on employees in the Central Java Provincial Government. The results of the study show that the use of social media increases knowledge sharing, absorption capacity, and collaboration in organizations. So it is necessary to strengthen the use of social media in work organizations and make rules for the use of media that can encourage collaboration and organizational performance. The limitation of this research is that this research is carried out on the civil apparatus of the Central Java Province in all parts, in the future it is necessary to conduct research in more specific fields or sections.

2021 ◽  
pp. 43-51
Foluso Adekanmbi ◽  
Wilfred Ukpere

This study assesses the effects of employee voice, perceived leadership integrity, and work-related curiosity on counterproductive meeting behaviors within Nigeria’s work organizations. The study’s sample was taken from nine work organizations in Lagos and Oyo States of Nigeria. The nine work organizations were selected from Nigeria’s financial, manufacturing, and service industries. These work organizations are Guarantee Trust Bank Plc, First City Monument Bank Plc, Full Range Microfinance Bank Limited, Seven-up Bottling Company Plc, Isoglass Industries Nigeria Limited, Atlantic Textile Company, Pixels Digital Services Limited, Pacesetters transport Services Limited, and IBFC Alliance Limited. Nevertheless, this paper has applied a cross-sectional survey approach, of which the present researcher randomly disseminated the survey forms (questionnaires). However, out of 450 questionnaires, 432 were fit for research and analyzed with statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS vs. 27). The current results established significant joint and independent negative effects of employee voice, perceived leadership integrity, and work-related curiosity on counterproductive meeting behaviors within Nigeria’s work organizations. The management of work organizations ensures adequate and consistent encouragement of employee voice by allowing employee expressions, suggestions, making the employee feel important, and rendering listening ears. They should also train and inspire leaders who stimulate and exemplify leadership integrity. Furthermore, the management of work organizations should inspire employee curiosity as it relates to their work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
د. عبده محمد داؤود حافظ

This research studiesthe efforts ofsome of the humanitarianvolunteer work organizations in order toachieve excellence inperformancewith respect tocommunicating withthe public andits beneficiariesas well as thesupportersfor their activities by using theso-calledeffective communicationstrategies.The problem ofresearch is summed up inhow to achievesuccessandleadershipinhumanitarianvolunteer workat the local and international levelby adoptingeffectivecommunicationstrategieswhich stem from the visionofthe organizations themselves, as well as by taking advantage ofemploying their financial capacity andmediaorgans. One of the mainobjectives of the researchis how toidentifythe communication management betweenvolunteeringinstitutionsand the beneficiaries of their services, as well as evaluatingthe efforts made bythese institutionsin order to establisheffective communicationbetween them and thebeneficiaries of theservicesandthe impact ontheir performance.Theresearcher used thedescriptive methodin which he relied onthe case studymethod. He chose thestudy ofthe UAE RedCrescent Committeeas a case study where the results can be generalizedtothe rest of thesimilarinstitutions. One of the mainfindings of theresearchisthat the components of strategic thinkingof theinstitutionsthat provide servicesto the communityare necessary componentsto adjust therhythm ofwork, particularly in thevolunteer workof humanitarianorganizations.  Volunteer workinstitutionsthat adopt clearadministrativeandcommunication policiesarethe more successfulthan others, and that’s due toadopting these policies. The researcher recommendsthe need tolink the strategies of thevolunteer workinstitutions;   the vision, the missionandthetaskscarried out bythe mediaworkingof these institutionsaspublic relations; and this isin order to achievethe totalgoals sought.The researcher recommended alsothe need toconsolidatethe relationship betweenvolunteer workorganizationsand themass communicationmeans even further than they are,andmove away from themarginalrolesexercised bythese meansat the present time.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104973152110516
Dan Huang ◽  
Wenyi Lin ◽  
Yingting Luo ◽  
Yang Liu

Purpose: This study examines the effectiveness of social work services designed to enhance resilience among migrant children in urban China. Methods: We selected four primary schools (i.e., two public and two private migrant schools) in the X District, Guangzhou City, China. A total of 461 valid samples were surveyed for analysis. Three regression models were employed to explain the influence of social work services on students’ resilience. Results: Social work services exert a positive and significant influence on the resilience of migrant children. Concretely, social work services in terms of educational activities, interest activities, and psychological counseling affected the resilience of migrant children after controlling for the impact of social capital, self-efficacy, and individual and household economic status. Moreover, students who participated in educational activities exhibit superior resilience. Discussion: Social work organizations should provide more participation opportunities and diversified service items to migrant children.

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