Excessive Writing and Filipina Time

Harrod J. Suarez

Chapter One examines Nick Joaquin’s novella, The Woman Who Had Two Navels (which was published before the longer novel version with the same title) and two short stories from Mia Alvar’s In the Country in order to consider the critical role that writing plays in navigating the diasporic maternal. Joaquin’s novella mourns the failure of the Philippine revolution, which becomes metaphorized through a discussion about language. Alvar’s stories address both the prospects and limits of writing: “In the Country” depicts the lives of journalists working against the Marcos regime and the deleterious effects of subversive, embodied writing on the family. In “A Contract Overseas,” Alvar challenges us to think about what it means to imagine and creatively write about life abroad.

Think India ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 848-852

Dr. Indira Goswami (Mamoni Raisom Goswami) is one of the leading writers of the India today. She has won the Jnanpith Award for the year 2000, which is the highest literary award of India today. She belongs to the family of Sattra adhikars (Head of Vaisnava monastery) of South Kamrup in Assam. Her father, Late Uma Kanta Goswami, was an economist, who worked as the Director of Public Instruction of the Government of Assam. Indira did her schooling in Guwahati and Shillong. She has written eighteen novels, and several hundreds of short stories. Her novels and short stories have been translated into many Indian and Foreign languages. She tries to write from her direct experiences of her life. She only moulds her experiences with her imagination. Her language is like a velvet dress by which she endeavors to cover the restless soul in its journey through existence. But however hard, she might try, the fabric of this dress seldom takes on the texture of velvet or fine Muslim, and it comes out rather tattered. Sometimes they feel that it is a futile effort to arrest the soul with language and capture it in cold print. It is better, perhaps to feel it only in numb science. But, then, those very experiences impel a person to unload them from the psyche by creative effort which gives a sort of relief. And, the tattered fabric has a beauty which puts to shame the finest of velvets.

2021 ◽  
pp. 252-268
V. V. Dyachkov ◽  

The paper deals with the grammaticalization problems in Tomo Kan (Dogon family, Niger-Congo) and, in particular, with the diachronic relationship of polypredicative constructions and TAM markers. Dogon languages are characterized by TAM systems that seem to be dia-chronically unstable since markers with a similar range of meanings go back to different lexi-cal sources in different languages of the family. TAM markers are apparently associated with polypredicative constructions, which are very common in Dogon and preserve some of their morphosyntactic properties. At the same time, Dogon languages are characterized by complex tonal changes triggered not only by phonological context but also by the syntactic position of constituents. These tonal changes, frequently referred to as tonosyntax, accompany the formation of polypredicative constructions and other syntactic phenomena. A thorough inves-tigation of Tomo Kan TAM markers shows their tonosyntactic properties to resemble those of polypredicative constructions. Moreover, assuming that tonosyntax of polypredicative con-structions triggers certain tonal contour overlays, one can account for tonal alternations ob-served in TAM forms which would have been left otherwise unexplained. However, the anal-ysis also reveals that at least two classes of TAM forms must be distinguished in Tomo Kan: one of them inherits the tonosyntax of polypredicative constructions while the other does not. A hypothesis is put forward that the latter class has a different source of grammaticalization and is probably associated with verb stem incorporation rather than with polypredication. Methodologically, the paper shows a critical role of tonology in the analysis of grammaticalization processes in tonal languages.

2021 ◽  
Jill V. Hagey ◽  
Maia Laabs ◽  
Elizabeth A. Maga ◽  
Edward J. DePeters

AbstractThe rumen is a complex ecosystem that plays a critical role in our efforts to improve feed efficiency of cattle and reduce their environmental impacts. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene provides a powerful tool to survey shifts in the microbial community in response to feed additives and dietary changes. Oral stomach tubing a cow for a rumen sample is a rapid, cost-effective alternative to rumen cannulation for acquiring rumen samples. In this study, we determined how sampling method, as well as type of sample collected (liquid vs solid), bias the microbial populations observed. The abundance of major archaeal populations was not different at the family level in samples acquired via rumen cannula or stomach tube. Liquid samples were enriched for the order WCHB1-41 (phylum Kiritimatiellaeota) as well as the family Prevotellaceae and had significantly lower abundance of Lachnospiraceae compared with grab samples from the rumen cannula. Solid samples most closely resembled the grab samples; therefore, inclusion of particulate matter is important for an accurate representation of the rumen microbes. Stomach tube samples were the most variable and were most representative of the liquid phase. In comparison with a grab sample, stomach tube samples had significantly lower abundance of Lachnospiraceae, Fibrobacter and Treponema. Fecal samples did not reflect the community composition of the rumen, as fecal samples had significantly higher relative abundance of Ruminococcaceae and significantly lower relative abundance of Lachnospiraceae compared with samples from the rumen.

Galina I. Romanova ◽  

On the basis of thematic proximity and similarity of a number of formal features (chronotope of the noble nest; the image of the negative aspects of the es- tate life; the weakening of cause-and-effect relations between the events; the system of characters, tied by relation, but separated spiritually; the specificity of organization of speech) genre transformations in the last novel of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Old Years in Poshe khonye” (1889) and in the short stories cycle of I.A. Bunin “Black Earth” (1903) have compared. The theme of returning to their homeland also brings them closer together — a mental appeal to the past, that is, in Poshekhon’s childhood by Saltykov-Shchedrin, the road to the family estate — by Bunin. In both works embodied a persistent conflict that does not find a final solution. The sharp denial of the present state of reality, characteristic of satire, presupposes the existence of an ideal, which in the works by Saltykov-Shchedrin and appears as an idyllic picture of the world. In relation to it, the image of estate life in both “Old Years in Poshekhonye” and “Black Earth” is anti-idyllic: here everything is the opposite and contradicts the idyllic notions of peaceful life in harmony with nature. In Bunin’s story, this feature is shown in the appeal to the genre of “poem of desolation”.

Shuang Shen

Eileen Chang was one of the most unique and distinguished voices in early twentieth century China. Focusing mostly on intricate family and romantic relations in the colonial and urban settings, her early works bridge the divide between tradition and modernity by infusing the Chinese vernacular fiction tradition with modern sensibilities. Her bilingual writings in English and Chinese present a fascinating case study for cross-cultural translation in the context of immigration and Chinese diaspora. Eileen Chang grew up in a distinguished family of prominent politicians and military leaders during the last dynasty of imperial China. Many myths and memories about her famous ancestors would find their way into Chang’s essays, short stories, and novels. But the part of the family history that most affected Chang was the discord between her parents due to the divergent paths they had chosen between tradition and modernity. Her mother, a prototypical New Woman, left China when Eileen was two years old, and sojourned in Europe for a number of years.

Kathryn A. Birnie ◽  
Katelynn E. Boerner ◽  
Christine T. Chambers

The family has long been acknowledged as an important social context where children learn about and receive support for their pain. When a child is in pain, it is the family who is responsible for the initial pain assessment and seeking appropriate evaluation and care. Families may inadvertently encourage the expression of pain and play a critical role in influencing their children’s ability to cope with pain, both positively and negatively. Having a child in pain can also pose significant personal, familial, and economic strains. Therefore, consideration of the family is absolutely critical in the understanding of factors involved in children’s acute and chronic pain experiences (McGrath, 2008). A concentration of research has continued since the last comprehensive review on the topic was published (Chambers, 2003). This chapter considers relevant theoretical models and summarizes current major research themes regarding the role of the family in both acute and chronic paediatric pain. Two illustrative case examples are provided and key areas for future research are identified.

Jan L. Hagen ◽  
Irene Lurie

Front-line workers fulfill a critical role in the implementation of the Job Opportunity and Basic Skills Training Program (JOBS), a welfare-employment program authorized under the Family Support Act of 1988. This study of front-line workers suggests that workers strongly support the JOBS program and its goals. They have reservations abut the effectiveness of the JOBS program, however, and identified two major barriers to implementation: inadequate funding for education and training services and the lack of available employment opportunities in their local communities.

2015 ◽  
Vol 112 (35) ◽  
pp. 10944-10949 ◽  
Veerendra Kumar ◽  
Yun Chen ◽  
Rya Ero ◽  
Tofayel Ahmed ◽  
Jackie Tan ◽  

BPI-inducible protein A (BipA) is a member of the family of ribosome-dependent translational GTPase (trGTPase) factors along with elongation factors G and 4 (EF-G and EF4). Despite being highly conserved in bacteria and playing a critical role in coordinating cellular responses to environmental changes, its structures (isolated and ribosome bound) remain elusive. Here, we present the crystal structures of apo form and GTP analog, GDP, and guanosine-3′,5′-bisdiphosphate (ppGpp)-bound BipA. In addition to having a distinctive domain arrangement, the C-terminal domain of BipA has a unique fold. Furthermore, we report the cryo-electron microscopy structure of BipA bound to the ribosome in its active GTP form and elucidate the unique structural attributes of BipA interactions with the ribosome and A-site tRNA in the light of its possible function in regulating translation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (131) ◽  
pp. 213-238
Bo Ærenlund Sørensen

This article examines the disease motif in Lu Xun’s “Diary of a Madman” (1918) and in Ding Ling’s “Miss Sophia’s Diary” (1928) in their historical and medical contexts. At its most fundamental, the contemporaneous Chinese conception of health was thermodynamic, vesting the utmost importance in the circulation of energies and substances. This conception had immense social importance because it provided part of the ideological scaffolding for the family structure. Inside the family, established responsibilities and hierarchies purportedly served to guide this circulation in ways supportive of health, and the same considerations charged family members with maintaining strict scrutiny of the family’s barriers against any potentially illness-inducing influences that might penetrate the family fortress. Written at a time when political, social, and scientific verities were crumbling in China, these diaries record the foibles and concerns of two diseased individuals who stand alienated from their families and their immediate surroundings. By focusing on this alienation, as well as on the shared interests of the diarists in boundary crossing flows and anthropophagy, this article suggests that these short stories can profitably be read as explorations of the anxieties facing this generation of young Chinese as they sought to make a world for themselves independently of their families. What these stories dramatize is that leaving the family behind might have medical ramifications in addition to social and financial costs. In the current covid-19 context, we may not need reminding that ideas about disease and health relate in important ways to how we think of the relationship between families, boundaries, and vulnerability. 

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