scholarly journals Evaluation of the Fiscal Decentralization: Case Studies of European Union

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-92
Neringa Slavinskaite ◽  
Miloslav Novotny ◽  
Dainora Gedvilaitė

Fiscal decentralization has been widely discussed at various levels and from various perspectives. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (the OECD), similar to the World Bank, also pays great attention to it. Fiscal decentralization has always been an interesting investigation topic, and the researchers, in addition to considering the future of the economy, study this problem from different perspectives, i.e. geographic, political and others. The effect of fiscal decentralization on the economic development of the state has been investigated by various authors. Three different hypotheses provide the proofs of the positive effect of fiscal decentralization. The main advantage of fiscal federalism are efficient and adequate public services which are provided locally through the mobility of the citizens, voting power and competition between the local governments in the created ecosystem. The potential advantages of the competition among the local government powers are similar to the advantages associated with the competition on the private markets. The paper is focussed on fiscal decentralization of the state. It aims to investigate the theoretical aspect of the impact of fiscal decentralization on the economic development to calculate the index of fiscal decentralization and to evaluate the effect of fiscal decentralization on the economic development in the particular states of the European Union. Thus, Bulgaria and Lithuania have the lowest fiscal decentralization index of EU-13 (0.28), while the Czech Republic has the highest index (0.46). The researchers have proved the effect of fiscal decentralization on the economic development of the EU-13 states to be statistically significant and positive. The originality of this paper is that it introduces a theoretical model for evaluating the fiscal decentralization effect on the economic development and assesses the fiscal decentralization effect on the economic development of the particular EU-13 states.

2017 ◽  
pp. 114-127
M. Klinova ◽  
E. Sidorova

The article deals with economic sanctions and their impact on the state and prospects of the neighboring partner economies - the European Union (EU) and Russia. It provides comparisons of current data with that of the year 2013 (before sanctions) to demonstrate the impact of sanctions on both sides. Despite the fact that Russia remains the EU’s key partner, it came out of the first three partners of the EU. The current economic recession is caused by different reasons, not only by sanctions. Both the EU and Russia have internal problems, which the sanctions confrontation only exacerbates. The article emphasizes the need for a speedy restoration of cooperation.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (13) ◽  
pp. 3765
Jarosław Brodny ◽  
Magdalena Tutak ◽  
Peter Bindzár

The global economic development is, to a great extent, dependent on access to large amounts of cheap energy sources. The growing social awareness of ecology and the enormous damage to the Earth’s ecosystem due to the production of energy from conventional sources have forced fundamental changes in the energy sector. Renewable energy is considered to be an opportunity for such changes. The current state of the art allows such changes to be made without restricting economic development. Therefore, activities related to the energy transition are being taken all over the world. The European Union has definitely managed to achieve the most tangible effects in this regard. This article presents the findings of the research aimed at presenting the current state of renewable energy in the European Union and analyzing the changes reported in this sector in the last decade. The research was carried out using a selected set of 11 indicators characterizing renewable energy in individual countries. These indicators were selected on the basis of literature review and own studies of the state of renewable energy and its development prospects. Based on these indicators, changes in the energy structure of individual European Union countries between 2008–2018 were determined. The study is divided into two main stages. The principal components analysis (PCA) was used for the first analysis. In turn, the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) was adopted to assess the level of renewable energy development in the European Union countries. Both these methods and the extended statistical analysis were applied to determine the state of renewable energy development in the European Union countries in the studied period and to divide the Member States into classes with different levels of development. The results of the study showed that the EU countries are characterized by significant differences in the development of RES during the period in question. The unquestionable leaders in this respect are Sweden, Austria, Finland, and Latvia. Based on the findings, it is possible to evaluate the effects of activities related to renewable energy development and to prepare assumptions for future activities. Additionally, both the research and its findings broaden the knowledge of the directions of renewable energy development in individual European Union countries. This is particularly important in the context of changes related to the need to reduce harmful substance emissions and the implementation of the European Green Deal idea.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 474-496
Nikos Papadakis ◽  
Maria Drakaki ◽  
Sofia Saridaki ◽  
Vassilis Dafermos

Ιn the last decade, there has been a widespread expansion of both precarious work and precarious forms of employment (such as temporary and low-qualified jobs, seasonal and part-time jobs etc.), in which a growing share of young people work. The impact of precarious work on young people is likely to be permanent, while it seems to affect (even over-determine) their life courses. Non-smooth and early transitions into labour market are very likely to worsen progressively their long-term life chances (Lodovici & Semenza, 2012: 7). Undoubtedly, the long-lasting global economic Crisis and the subsequent Recession, has heavily affected the state of play in the labour market worldwide, provoking severe modifications both in the field of employment and countries’ social cohesion. Based on the above mentioned, the paper deals with precarious work in general, while it emphasizes precarious work among youth. It initially captures, briefly, the state of play in terms of the impact of the Crisis on the widening of the phenomenon of precarious work and then it focuses on theoretical insights and critical conceptual definitions concerning precariousness in the labour market. Further, based on secondary quantitative -data analysis, it analyses the key- parameters and facets of precarious work (focusing on youth) in the European Union and, mainly, in Greece. Additionally, it briefly presents parameters of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on precariousness in Greece. Finally, the paper explores the correlation between precarious work and social vulnerability, especially among young people. The present paper is based on an ongoing Research Project. More specifically, this research is co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund- ESF) through the Operational Programme «Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020» in the context of the project “Precarious Work and Youth in today’s Greece: secondary quantitative analysis, qualitative filed research and research-based policy proposals” (MIS 5048510).

2021 ◽  
Vol 120 (824) ◽  
pp. 112-117
Alexander Clarkson

European integration based on a supranational form of pooled sovereignty has taken on increasingly state-like qualities. With every move toward absorbing additional members, the European Union system has expanded its geographic reach. The state-like power of the EU is apparent in the impact its integration processes have had in societies just outside its borders. Its growing influence is most notable in misfit border territories, from Kaliningrad to Transnistria, and from Cyprus to Northern Ireland, that are tenuously under the political control of neighboring geopolitical powers.

2021 ◽  
pp. 126-143
Tereza Čejková

After expressing concerns about the state of democracy and civil rights in Poland and Germany in recent years, the European Commission proposed to implement the so-called rule of law condition in the 2021–2027 multiannual financial framework scheme, under which EU budget funding would not be allocated to those Member States which do not comply with the condition. This work will examine the financial and legal aspects of this condition and assess the impact of its application on the economy of the European Union.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 151-170
R. K. Shah

The Constitution of Nepal was formally promulgated and it declared the country as a Federal Democratic Republic on September 20, 2015 by the Second CA. Fiscal powers were shared among the federal government, the state governments and the local governments. The Constitution further defined the framework of fiscal federalism within the pattern of income and resource distribution. The primary objectives of this study is to review the modality presented in the new Constitution on the natural resources, economic rights and revenue allocation. The study finds that the fiscal decentralization initiatives have not been successful in minimizing the political, social, economic, regional and ethnic inequalities inherent for nearly 240 years of a unitary system of governance in Nepal. The study recommends that VAT, excise duties and income taxes have to be allocated at the federal, states and local levels in the ratio of 70 percent, 15 percent and 15 percent respectively by the Constitution. Intergovernmental transfer modality has included in the Constitution. Revenue sharing from hydropower has been a controversial issue in Nepal. National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission (NNRFC) has been constituted at the central level to make national level development plans and to make recommendations for additional grants and loans for the state and local governments. The Constitution has further defined the framework of fiscal federalism within the pattern of income and resource distribution. The theoretical study indicates that there is various controversial and overlapping issues required clarity in process of implementation in the years to come.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (3(68)) ◽  
pp. 206-216

Topicality. One of the main tasks of the state regional policy is to stimulate the development of the regions, and, taking into account the successful experience of the European Union countries on this issue, the primary task and the main goal of the state regional policy should be connected with to reduction of disproportions of social and ecological and economic development. Balanced development of the regions is a necessary prerequisite to achieve the effectiveness of the state regional policy, which will ensure the social and economic development of the country as a whole. State regional policy requires that achievement of its goals should be gained by means of modern mutually interconnected mechanisms, as well as, provision of them with all the necessary resources for their implementation. Taking into account the experience of developed countries and the goals set in many normative and strategic documents of Ukraine on reducing the disproportionate development of regions, it is necessary to consider positive trends in preventing and overcoming divergent processes on the basis of reducing regional development imbalances in a context of the administrative-territorial reform of Ukraine and creation of new effective tools for legal and institutional structural impact on the development of regions of Ukraine. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to study an experience of the European Union countries regarding the assessment of disproportionality in development of regions and measures aimed at reducing regional development imbalances, as well as the implementation of such experience in accordance with Ukrainian realities. Moreover, a scope of objectives of the current study includes allocation mechanisms of regional policy of the EU according to characteristics of the areas that are subject to state intervention for a further implementation of the positive experience of the EU countries in the aspect of overcoming the disproportions of regional development, as well as, development of practical recommendations for improving institutional support and assessment tools for measuring disparities of regional development in Ukraine. Research results. A foreign experience regarding assessment of regional disproportions is being considered within the article. Approaches to selection of indicators for assessment of disproportionality of regional development and features for definition of indicators, which perform as stimulators or as de-stimulators in different countries depending on local features of territorial development, - are analyzed. It was found that the practical difficulties arising from the use of GRP per capita, as a universal indicator characterizing the level of economic development of the region in the EU countries, - are related to a difficulty in choosing of method for determining the of output volume in conditions where activity goes beyond regional boundaries because of the fact that national statistical offices apply different approaches to calculation of this indicator. It was established that the development of a method for assessing of intra-regional disproportionality in the development of regions in Ukraine is complicated due to lack of a necessary statistical base provided by all necessary indicators at all levels; therefore, the proposed algorithm for comparing statistical information on monitoring of different levels of development of the country's territories will enable further development of a set of mechanisms that will stimulate socio-ecological and economic development at the regional level and will increase a regional competitiveness. The article provides recommendations on methodical provision of state evaluation of disproportionate development of the regions of the country; and proposes an algorithm for the implementation of statistical information on monitoring the levels of development of regions based on the European experience of organizing statistical and territorial division on economic grounds. Conclusions. It has been established that in different countries of the European Union there are different approaches and methods used to identify areas in which disproportions of development are inherent; factors that serve as a source of developmental imbalances are also perceived differently, hence the choice of indicators that can be used to measure the detected imbalances is a subject of consideration by each EU country separately. In some EU countries, as in Ukraine, there is a problem with the collection and processing of statistical information at the NUTS III level, which corresponds to the Ukrainian administrative-territorial division of rayon level (district) or a group of rayons (group of districts). Development of the method for assessing of intra regional disproportionality in the development of regions in Ukraine is complicated due to lack of adequate statistical base provided with all necessary indicators at all levels, therefore the proposed, within the current study, - algorithm for comparing statistical information on monitoring of different levels of development of territories of the country will provide further development of a set of mechanisms that will stimulate social and ecological and economic development and increase the regional competitiveness. Methodological basis for assessing of disproportionality of a regional development is the subject for further research in this area and provide a perspective for a study of intra-regional disproportions of development as a separate issue in the context of administrative-territorial reform in Ukraine.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
MA. Leonora Vranja

Given the fact that Kosovo was in a difficult economic situation, it became a member of CEFTA, so that domestic producers could export their goods, benefit from free trade, attract foreign investors, and also it was seen as an opportunity for integration into the European Union (EU). After the signing of this agreement, eventhough expectations were optimistic about economic development, the agreement was not fully implemented. Kosovo, compared to other SouthEast European countries that are also members of this agreement, has been discriminated against in terms of export of domestic products and the number of foreign investors has decreased.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of this agreement on Kosovo's economic development.For analyzing the macroeconomic indicators affected by this agreement, analytical methods were used, and interviews were conducted with a local producer as well as with an economic expert.The results of this research show that the CEFTA 2006 agreement did not have the expected positive impact on the development of the economy in Kosovo.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 35-45
Yana Sarnetska

The article is devoted to the problem of the distribution of intergovernmental transfers in Ukraine, taking into account fiscal decentralization trends. To perform the delegated functions, local governments need to have sufficient funding. However, the revenues of local budgets are insufficient to cover all necessary expenses. Therefore, inter-budget transfers, which in Ukraine are the main instrument of financial equalization, play an important role in ensuring the implementation of delegated powers by local governments. The aim of the article is determination of the priorities for the distribution of intergovernmental transfers in Ukraine in the context of fiscal decentralization. The research methodology combines quantitative and qualitative methods. Using quantitative methods, the principles of fiscal decentralization in Ukraine are observed through the mechanism of distribution of intergovernmental transfers. Using high-quality methods and based on the analysis, the priorities of the distribution of inter-budget transfers in the context of fiscal decentralization are formulated. An analysis of foreign publications on fiscal decentralization has shown that the uncertainty of priorities in this area reduces the effectiveness of fiscal decentralization and inhibits the economic development of regions. Prioritization of the distribution of intergovernmental transfers is preceded by the definition of principles for the distribution of intergovernmental transfers. Based on the results of a quantitative analysis, namely, the identified dynamics of fiscal decentralization indicators and the impact of the distribution of intergovernmental transfers on economic development, the following priorities for the distribution of intergovernmental transfers in fiscal decentralization are identified: supporting the prevalence of targeted transfers over non-targeted transfers, increasing the share of capital transfers, increasing the accountability of local authorities self-government regarding the use of funds received in the form of intergovernmental budget transfers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (31) ◽  
pp. 57-77
Małgorzata Jabłońska ◽  
Joanna Stawska ◽  
Radosław Dziuba ◽  
Mahmut Tekce ◽  
Marta Krasoń

The aim of the article: The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic made it necessary to involve the state in the process of rescuing numerous business entities from bankruptcy. In the European Union, the aid measure for entrepreneurs takes a form of public aid, which, as it turns out, is the necessary and the only tool to protect SME sector enterprises against bankruptcy. Social isolation caused by the virus that spread on a large scale effectively inhibited the development of entrepreneurship, which is inherently related to the economic development of countries. The aim of the article is therefore to indicate that supporting entrepreneurs within the framework of public aid may help to reverse the unfavorable economic trends related to the disturbed development of entrepreneurship. Methodology: The article analyzes and assesses the government solutions introduced to the Polish economic reality, the purpose of which is to counteract the effects of Covid-19. The paper presents the current public aid tools available to entrepreneurs along with their financial dimension. Results of the research: State aid granted by the state to entrepreneurs during the crisis caused by Covid-19 is indispensable for their further functioning. The paper presents aid instruments related to COVID-19 that are available to entrepreneurs. The analysis shows that public aid addressed to entrepreneurs injured as a result of the lockdown comes from many sources and is almost tailored to the individual entrepreneur. The entities providing aid on the basis of state aid include: banks, local government units, executive bodies of local government units, Social Insurance Fund, State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled People, financial intermediaries, bodies constituting local government units, the European Investment Bank, Polish Development Fund, district and voivodeship labor offices and BGK (Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego). Having prepared a package of systemic solutions, the government introduced them systematically, depending on the situation of individual sectors of the economy. Special solutions in the form of financial shields were addressed directly to the tourism sector (e.g. loans for tour operators) or the catering sector, which in the face of the pandemic were most exposed to a decrease in revenues. The impact of introduced solutions on the country’s economy can be assessed only in the next few years, but the multitude and diversified nature of the anti-crisis solutions introduced in Poland will certainly contribute to slowing down the negative consequences of Covid-19 in the economy.

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