scholarly journals De la correspondencia al relato del viaje americano de Humboldt

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 137-153
Cristina G. de Uriarte

A partir de la relación histórica del viaje americano y de las cartas redactadas durante la expedición, nos acercaremos a la manera en que Humboldt se enfrenta a la redacción de su “itinerario” y comprobaremos de qué manera afecta el paso del tiempo en esta rememoración. Veremos así que, además del imprescindible proceso de selección de la información, hay una evidente preocupación por actualizar los contenidos científicos y un innegable deseo de agradar al lector. Based on the historic relationship of the American travel and the letters written during the expedition, we will make an approach to the way Humboldt faces the writing of his ‘itinerary’ and we will observe how the passing of time affects this recollection. We will see that, in addition to the indispensable information selection process, there is and evident concern about updating the scientific contents and an undeniable desire to please the reader. À partir de la relation historique de son voyage américain et des lettres écrites pendant cette expédition, notre but est de voir comment Humboldt envisage la rédaction de son « itinéraire ». Nous constaterons, ainsi, comment cette rémémoration est influencée par le passage du temps. Nous verrons, donc, que, en plus de l’incontournable procès de sélection de l’information, il existe le souci d’actualisation des contenus scientifiques et l’indéniable désir de plaire le lecteur.

2008 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-254 ◽  
U Chit Hlaing

AbstractThis paper surveys the history of anthropological work on Burma, dealing both with Burman and other ethnic groups. It focuses upon the relations between anthropology and other disciplines, and upon the relationship of such work to the development of anthropological theory. It tries to show how anthropology has contributed to an overall understanding of Burma as a field of study and, conversely, how work on Burma has influenced the development of anthropology as a subject. It also tries to relate the way in which anthropology helps place Burma in the broader context of Southeast Asia.

1995 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 363-369 ◽  
Barbara Gabella ◽  
Kathy L. Reiner ◽  
Richard E. Hoffman ◽  
Magdalena Cook ◽  
Lorann Stallones

Comunicar ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 13 (25) ◽  
María-del-Rosario Fernández-Falero

The challenge of the electronic commerce for the new century is going to be the step to the digital television, so that we go away to having to adapt at the rate of a television been founded on the diffusion, to a set of services of digital video based on the access. Of this form, the spectator of television is going to meet the possibility of interacting with the way, which supposes a change in the industry of the broadcast, so then though till now they were the distribution companies of information and entertainment the only ones with possibilities of controlling such events, the possibility of interaction the way on the part of the spectators of the digital television it will allow them intervening in the diffusion of information, which supposes a significant change for the hearing of the television. The companies must elaborate contents directed a users who are going to have access to will: it is necessary to offer them what want, when they want - this is VOD (video on demand) - Then the digital television not only is going to modify the way of doing television, but also the way of seeing television. The electronic market is guaranteeing positions in the commercial Spanish panorama, growth that becomes clear in the increase so much of the number of users as of the volume of business, of the number of economic operations by Internet and of the number of web pages of companies dedicated to the trade across the Net. This positive evolution of the market shows how a way technologically so new as it is Internet, has allowed that in only 15 years it could speak about a historical evolution of the same one. This makes foresee that the step and evolution of the electronic market from Internet to the digital television could have a similar evolution in acceptance and consolidation. Finally, the future of the electronic commerce not only is subject to the appearance of new commercial models, but also to the technology; this way, the following step, technologically speaking, it is that of the digital television, which interactive and to allow to the user a use similar to that of Internet, does to the being that the challenge of the electronic trade is to go on to this way and to evolve in agreement with the characteristics of the same one. The first problem to which one is going to face this market is that of the user's change: in Spain the Internet user (according to the AECE, Spanish Association of Electronic Trade) is for the most part a male, with an age understood between 25 and 34 years; the television, nevertheless, is a very spread way and within reach of all, which will suppose a change both in the content and in the way of presenting the information (definitively, the product that is wanted to sell). El reto del comercio electrónico para el nuevo siglo va a ser el paso a la televisión digital, de manera que nos vamos a tener que adaptar al cambio de una televisión fundada en la difusión, a un conjunto de servicios de video digital basados en el acceso. De esta forma, el espectador de televisión se va a encontrar con la posibilidad de interactuar con el medio, lo que supone un cambio en la industria de la teledifusión, pues si bien hasta ahora eran las empresas distribuidoras de información y entretenimiento las únicas con posibilidades de controlar tales eventos, la posibilidad de interacción con el medio por parte de los espectadores de la televisión digital permitirá a estos intervenir en la difusión de información, lo que supone un cambio significativo para la audiencia de la televisión. Las empresas deben elaborar contenidos dirigidos a un usuario que va a tener acceso a voluntad: hay que ofrecerle lo que quiera, cuando quiera -es decir VOD (video on demand)- Luego la televisión digital no sólo va a modificar la forma de hacer televisión, sino también la forma de ver televisión. El mercado electrónico está afianzando posiciones en el panorama comercial español, crecimiento que se hace patente en el aumento tanto del número de usuarios como del volumen de negocio, del número de operaciones económicas por Internet y del número de páginas web de empresas dedicadas al comercio a través de la Red. Esta evolución positiva del mercado muestra cómo un medio tecnológicamente tan joven como es Internet, ha permitido que en apenas 15 años se pueda hablar de una evolución histórica del mismo. Esto hace prever que el paso y evolución del mercado electrónico desde Internet a la televisión digital pueda tener una evolución parecida en aceptación y consolidación. Finalmente, el futuro del comercio electrónico no sólo está sujeto a la aparición de nuevos modelos comerciales, sino también a la tecnología; así, el siguiente paso, tecnológicamente hablando, es el de la televisión digital, la cual por ser interactiva y permitir al usuario un uso parecido al de Internet, hace que el reto del comercio electrónico sea pasar a este medio y evolucionar de acuerdo con las características del mismo. Uno de los primeros problemas a los que se va a enfrentar este mercado es el del cambio de usuario: en España el usuario de Internet (según la AECE, Asociación Española de Comercio Electrónico)es mayoritariamente varón, con una edad comprendida entre 25 y 34 años; la televisión, sin embargo, es un medio muy difundido y al alcance de todos, lo que supondrá un cambio tanto en el contenido como en la forma de presentar la información (en definitiva, el producto que se desea vender).

Luis Raul Meza Mendoza ◽  
María Elena Moya Martinez ◽  
Angelica Maria Sabando Suarez

Since the beginning of humanity, an attempt has been made to explain the way in which man acquires knowledge, the way in which he assimilates, processes and executes it in order to develop the teaching-learning process that people need throughout of his life, which forces to change the learning schemes using new study methodologies, such as neuroscience, which is a discipline that studies the functioning of the brain, the relationship of neurons to the formation of synapses creating immediate responses which transmits to the body voluntarily and involuntarily, in addition to controlling the central and peripheral nervous system with their respective functions. It is necessary to change the traditional scheme and implement new strategies that allow the teacher to venture into neuroscience, in order to individually understand the different learning processes that students do. As some authors of neuroscience say, the brain performs processes of acquisition, storage and evocation of information, which form new knowledge schemes that generate changes in the attitude of the human being, for this reason teachers are responsible for taking advantage of what It is known about the multiple functions of the brain and be clear about the various ways of acquiring knowledge.

Enrollment is the way toward scanning for planned representatives and animating them to apply for employments in the association. Choice could be defined as the operation by which the organization watches over among the applicants, those people they think would best fulfill the precondition of the exercise, thinking about the present natural situation. In the current quickly changing business condition, associations have to to retort rapidly to prerequisites for individuals. It is therefore vital to set up a well-characterized enlistment policy that can be properly performed in order to get the greatest suits for vacant roles. Choosing an inappropriate competitor or rejecting the right up-and-comer could result in the partnership being exorbitant mistakes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (13) ◽  
Javier Alfredo Fayad

En este artículo se propone valorar las formas, prácticas y propuestas que las comunidades indígenas han elaborado en función de sus proyectos de educación propia, como resultado de presiones y luchas ante el modelo de educación oficial. La historia de implementación de la educación en las comunidades indígenas ha sido la negación de sus idiomas y formas culturales a partir del modelo de educación evangelizadora, republicana y estandarizada. Los cambios en ese camino muestran el paso de la etnoeducación a la educación propia indígena, que se reconoce en Colombia gracias a la Constitución de 1991 y a las luchas de las comunidades por transformar el modelo institucionalizado de educación, al proponer una educación que reconozca los principios culturales, los idiomas, las lógicas otrasde los pueblos indígenas. Los aportes de los pueblos Nasa y Misak en el departamento del Cauca demuestran la riqueza de cómo se viene investigando, indagando y tratando de fortalecer una propuesta educativa desde las comunidades. THE PATH OF EDUCATION OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES IN THE DEPARTMENT OF CAUCA, COLOMBIA:from ethnoeducation to own education ABSTRACTThe purpose of this article is to discuss the practices and proposals of education projects that indigenous communities have elaborated, against the official education model. The history of implementation of education in indigenous communities has been the negation of their languages and cultural forms based on the evangelizing, republican and standardized education model. The changes in this path show the passage from ethnoeducation to indigenous education itself, recognized in the 1991 Constitution. The contributions of the Nasa and Misak peoples in the department of Cauca demonstrate the way that they are trying to strengthen an educational proposal from the communities.Key-words: Ethnoeducation. Own education. Accompaniment. Recognition of differences. Knowledge relationships.  

Thomais Kordonouri

‘Archive’ is a totality of records, layers and memories that are collected. A city is the archive that consists of the conscious selection of these layers and traces of the past and the present, looking towards the future. Metaxourgio is an area in the wider historic urban area of Keramikos in Athens that includes traces of various eras, beginning in the Antiquity and continuing all the way into the 21st century. Its archaeological space ‘Demosion Sema’ is mostly concealed under the ground level, waiting to be revealed. In this proposal, Metaxourgio is redesigned in light of archiving. Significant traces of the Antiquity, other ruins and buildings are studied, selected and incorporated in the new interventions. The area becomes the ‘open archive’ that leads towards its lost identity. The proposal aims not only to intensify the relationship of architecture with archaeology, but also to imbue the area’s identity with meanings that refer to the past, present and future.

Cristóbal Pera

ABSTRACTIf the human body is really a fabric, should surgeons be considered architects, as some surgeons describe themselves today? The author raises and analyzes this question, and he concludes that vsurgeons cannot be considered as such: the architect is the creator of his work —fabric or building—, but the surgeon is not the creator of this complex biological fabric —vulnerable and subject to deterioration and with an expiration date— which is the human body. This body is the object upon which his hands and instruments operate. The surgeon cures and heals wounds, immobilizes and aligns fractured bones in order to facilitate their good and timely repair, and cuts open the body’s surface in order to reach its internal organs. He also explores the body with his hands or instruments, destroys and reconstructs its ailing parts, substitutes vital organs taken from a donor’s foreign body, designs devices or prostheses, and replaces body parts, such as arteries and joints, that are damaged or worn out. In today’s culture, dominated by the desire to perfect the body, other surgeons keep retouching its aging façade, looking for an iconic and timeless beauty. This longing can drive, sometimes, to surgical madness. The surgeon is not capable of putting into motion, from scratch, a biological fabric such as the human body. Thus, he can’t create the subject of his work in the way that an architect can create a building. In contrast, the surgeon restores the body’s deteriorated or damaged parts and modifies the appearance of the body’s façade.RESUMEN¿Si el cuerpo humano fuera realmente una fábrica, podría el cirujano ser considerado su arquitecto, como algunos se pregonan en estos tiempos? Esta es la cuestión planteada por el autor y, a tenor de lo discurrido, su respuesta es negativa: porque así como el arquitecto es el artífice de su obra —fábrica o edificio— el cirujano no es el artífice de la complejísima fábrica biológica —vulnerable, deteriorable y caducable— que es el cuerpo humano, la cual le es dada como objeto de las acciones de sus manos y de sus instrumentos. El cirujano cura y restaña sus heridas, alinea e inmoviliza sus huesos fracturados para que su reparación llegue a buen término, penetra por sus orificios naturales o dibuja sobre la superficie corporal incisiones que le permitan llegar a sus entrañas, las explora con sus manos o mediante instrumentos, destruye y reconstruye sus partes enfermas, sustituye órganos vitales que no le ayudan a vivir por los extraídos de cuerpos donantes, y concibe, diseña y hace fabricar artefactos o prótesis, como recambio fragmentos corporales deteriorados o desgastados, como arterias o articulaciones. Otros cirujanos, en la predominante cultura de la modificación del cuerpo, retocan una y otra vez su fachada envejecida ineludiblemente por el paso del tiempo, empeñados en la búsqueda incesante de una belleza icónica y mediática e intemporal, una pretensión que puede conducir, y a veces conduce, al desvarío quirúrgico. En definitiva, el cirujano es incapaz de poner de pie, ex novo, una fábrica biológica como la del cuerpo humano y, por lo tanto, no puede ser su artífice, como lo es el arquitecto de su edificio. A lo sumo, es el restaurador de sus entrañas deterioradas y el modificador de su fachada, de su apariencia.

2005 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-67 ◽  

This paper argues for the inclusion of ethnography as a research methodology for understanding the effects of public health policy. To do this, the implementation of DOTS (Directly Observed Therapy, Short-course) – the World Health Organization (WHO) prescribed policy for the control of the infectious disease tuberculosis – is explored in the context of Nepal. A brief history of DOTS and its implementation in Nepal is outlined, and the way it has been represented by those within the Nepal Tuberculosis Programme (NTP) is described. This is followed by an outline of the research done in relation to this, and the ethnographic methods used. These ethnographic data are then interpreted and analysed in relation to two specific areas of concern. Firstly, the effects around the epidemiological uses of ‘cases’ is explored; it is argued that a tightening of the definitional categories so necessary for the programme to be stabilized for comparative purposes has profound material effects in marginalizing some from treatment. Secondly, the paper examines some of the implications and effects relating to the way that the ‘directly observed’ component was implemented. The discussion explores how current debate on DOTS has been played out in some medical journals. It argues for the importance of ethnography as a method for understanding certain questions that cannot be answered by particular, and increasingly dominant, research ideologies informed by randomized controlled trials. This raises important issues about the nature of ‘evidence’ in debates on the relationship of research to policy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (21) ◽  
pp. 0-0

Aim: The aim of this research is to identify the Novak’s relationship of ‘liquid architecture and music’ as an approach that diverges from the architecture music relationships that have been built throughout the historical process. Method: In describing the approach, initially, the intellectual and critical foundations and features of liquid architecture were emphasized, and subsequently, its relationship with music was discussed through case studies in comparison to the current relationship between architecture and music. Results: When the current relationships of the architecture and music are evaluated, the attitude apart from the arising sensations and affections doesn’t exist within the relationship of liquid architecture and music. Liquid architecture, which has characteristics such as continuity, timelessness, plurality, poetry and obscurity, acquires the characteristics of the individual varying based on his/her body, senses, perceptions, and emotions as the way of producing architecture. It is claimed that the liquidity approach will influence music and architecture in different ways than is known, and that music will transform into a new form of architecture, while architecture becoming a new form of music. In this context, it extends ‘beyond (trans-)’ the limits of current approaches. Conclusion: The sixth category of methodical approaches in architecture music interaction can be defined as the relationship of liquid architecture and music. The way it relates to music and the way it produces architecture also suggests a direction of development to concrete architecture and virtually warns about renewing its theory and tools.

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