scholarly journals Spirituality in modern education: necessity or excess?

Elena Vladimirovna Gryaznova ◽  
Aleksey Goncharuk ◽  
Irina Evgen'evna Fedorenko ◽  
Aleksei Il'ich Treushnikov

This article examines the points of view of modern scholars, pedagogues and theologians upon the problem of the loss of spirituality in the current system of education in Russia. The authors analyze the two extreme opinions. The first one consists in the need for reviving the spiritual component in education. The loss of spirituality in this sphere led to dropping of value orientations, national unity and cultural identity of the modern generation of Russians. The second opinion reflects the views of scholars that in the information society an individual can combine the qualities of intellectual ruler of life and spirituality. In this case, the loss of spirituality is considered a natural human improvement process. As a result of the analysis of both points of view on the role of spirituality within the modern education system, the authors believe that the solution should be found in harmonization of secular and religious education in the conditions of development of information society. This problem could be solved with introduction of theology as a scientific specialty, which would allow preparing theologians of new generation. The next stage in studying this problematic would consist in the examination of experience of implementation of theological education in different Russian universities, namely Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, since it features Bachelor’s and Master’s programs of Orthodox theology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 288-301
Priest Alexander Boyko ◽  

This article deals with the study of the author’s personality of the Book of Ecclesiastes as a representative of theological education. Many Western scholars of the Book of Ecclesiastes assume that its author was a Jewish teacher. Since the author calls himself Ecclesiastes (ἐκκλησία, gathering of people) or Qoheleth (qahal, gathering), it seems that he gathered people for teaching. A reference to this is in the book itself: “In addition to being a wise man, the Preacher also taught the people knowledge” (Eccl 12:9). Thus, he appears to have served as a teacher of young people (Eccl 11:9) and had a group of disciples to whom he gave practical advice about life. It was a time of great changes in Israel, new circumstances of life demanded new answers, and Ecclesiastes, through studying the Holy Scriptures and through personal experience and reflection, made a critical analysis of the reality around him and those teachings that were spread among the Israelites. On the basis of this analysis, he provided answers to young people, trying to form a holistic worldview and save them from temptations: “The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil” (Eccl 12:13–14). These words have not lost their relevance today. As a result, this work can be useful for analyzing the modern education system, through the prism of Jewish religious education, which is closely related to Christian education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 1
E. V. Gryaznova ◽  
A. G. Goncharuk

Introduction: The entry of theology into the educational sphere of modern Russia should already be considered as an accomplished fact, the fact is both academic and legal. Theology is included in the nomenclature of specialties of academic scientists of the Russian Federation, the passport of a scientific specialty is approved, in particular, "Orthodox Theology" (specialty code: 26.00.01), the work is in progress to open the corresponding dissertation council. In 48 higher educational institutions of the country, structural subdivisions of higher education institutions were opened, aimed at implementing teaching in this area.A preliminary analysis of the existing master’s degree programs in theology showed that most of them are aimed at training theologians, religious scholars, art historians, experts, educators, teachers, counselors, social specialists, church officials, etc.This article substantiates the relevance of introducing an alternative master's degree program in theology, developed at the Department of Philosophy and Theology at Minin University. The peculiarity of the program is that it does not give up the specifics of religious studies and the philosophy of religion that should be present in theological education, being its base. It is aimed at developing undergraduate competencies of research activities based on fundamental theological knowledge, the level and content of which is set by the development of science and technology of modern society. In addition, the program provides for the solution of three main problems caused by contradictions in the culture of the modern information society: 1) formation of the axiological subsystem of the culture of the modern young scientist based on traditional Christian values; 2) training of theologians who are able to participate in the development and teaching of theological disciplines at various levels and forms of education (supplementary, vocational, continuous, etc.); 3) integration of secular and religious education based on the research activities of the university.Materials and methods: in the course of writing the article, empirical and theoretical methods of research on these problems were used, in particular: a dialysis method, a synthesis of practical learning experience, an analysis of educational and methodical and scientific literature, a method of historical comparison, a prognostic method.Results: an analysis of existing master's degree programs in theology revealed that it is necessary to develop concepts for this type of education based on the integration of secular and religious education, rather than pushing out one another. The proposed model of the Master’s degree program in Theology and the “Orthodox Theology” training profile, which has been introduced at Minin University since 2019, is built on this principle. Its introduction is relevant because it is aimed at solving the main problems caused by the contradictions of modern information culture in society.Discussion and conclusions: taking into consideration the development trends of Russian society in general and the sphere of domestic education in particular, the tendencies to an ever greater “turn” in the direction of traditional religious values can be traced. In this regard, the Russian pedagogical community is experiencing the need to train qualified personnel who professionally combine pedagogical methods and research competencies related to theological issues. It is necessary to continue working to increase the number of specialists, in particular, at the level of the magistracy, who are able not only to orient themselves in the basics of world religions, but also to professionally train these competencies the future young teachers who are able to instill in the younger generation basic moral values, to conduct promising research and development educational activities that meet the requirements of the information society.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-124
Arshad Alam

Syed Ahmed Khan is understood as the harbinger of modern education amongst Muslims of South Asia. There is a general scholarly consensus that it was through his educational efforts that English medium education came to Muslims who were otherwise aligned with traditional religious education. The commentary argues that this consensus needs revision and that Muslims were already accessing modern education through the English medium even before Syed Ahmed started his college at Aligarh. Moreover, the commentary also problematizes the notion of Muslim community within Syed Ahmed’s thought. Through his writings and speeches, it is pointed out that for Syed Ahmed, the notion of Muslim community was confined to upper caste Muslims called the Ashrafs. Also, Syed Ahmed’s views were extremely regressive when it came to women’s education. Despite Aligarh being a modern university which is accessible to all castes and gender, Syed Ahmed’s legacy has not been critically analysed. The commentary is a small start in this direction

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 173
M Muslih

<p class="ABSTRACT">This paper revealed the result of research regarding the position of teacher, focusing on the importance of empowering teacher of religious education in multicultural society, such as Indonesia. Methodologically, it is a qualitative undertaking of literary research. Employing the technique of content analysis this study scrutinized features of multicultural society, an exemplary profile of teacher of religious education, as well as how to empower this kind of teacher in order to fit in with a diverse society. The findings of this research are, multicultural society can be understood as a society which consists of several cultural communities with their overlapping but the distinct conception of the world, a system of meaning, values, forms of social organizations, histories, customs, and practices. The idealized profile of teacher of religious education is a type of teacher who meets the certain qualifications prescribed by Islamic teachings and guided by the law and regulation in Indonesia, in particular.  Teacher of religious education has a very important role in preparing students to be good citizens in a multicultural society. Therefore the teacher of religious education must have an awareness that he or she is part of a multicultural society. The teacher should be empowered to instill in his or her students an inclusive religious understanding to make them tolerant and respectful of other people of different cultures and religions, which is essential in order to strengthen harmony and national unity.</p><p class="ABSTRAK">Makalah ini mengungkapkan hasil penelitian mengenai posisi guru, berfokus pada pentingnya memberdayakan guru pendidikan agama dalam masyarakat multikultural, seperti Indonesia. Secara metodologis, ini adalah sebuah upaya penelitian literatur (kualitatif). Dengan menggunakan teknik content analysis penelitian ini menganalisa features  masyarakat multikultural, profil ideal guru pendidikan agama, serta bagaimana memberdayakan guru semacam ini agar sesuai dengan kondisi masyarakat yang beraneka ragam. Temuan penelitian ini adalah, masyarakat multikultural dapat dipahami sebagai masyarakat yang terdiri dari beberapa komunitas budaya dengan konsepsi yang tumpang tindih tapi berbeda tentang dunia, sistem makna, nilai, bentuk organisasi sosial, sejarah, adat istiadat dan praktek.  Profil ideal guru pendidikan agama adalah jenis guru yang memenuhi kualifikasi tertentu yang ditentukan oleh ajaran Islam dan dipandu oleh hukum dan peraturan di Indonesia, khususnya. Guru pendidikan agama memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam mempersiapkan murid-murid untuk menjadi warga negara yang baik di tengah masyarakat multikulural. Oleh karena itu guru pendidikan agama harus memiliki kesadaran bahwa ia adalah bagian dari masyarakat multikultural. Guru tersebut harus diberdayakan untuk menanamkan dalam diri muridnya pemahaman keagamaan yang inklusif untuk membuat mereka toleran dan hormat pada orang lain yang berbeda kultur dan agama, ini penting dilakukan agar dapat mempekuat harmoni dan kesatuan nasional.</p>

2013 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-80
Wahyudin Wahyudin

The development of the character education still becomes the controversy among the educators, either from the theoretical or philosophical points of view. Actually, the core of the character education is not only viewed from philosophical difference, pedagogical ideology, or politics, but focused on the child development. Curriculum 2013 seeks to provide a problem-solving on the cultural matters and the national characters by integrating the characters / values /attitudes into the lessons, self-development, and the culture of the school. It is expected that a new generation of nation is developed in attitudes, knowledge, and skills. It has been clear that teachers thought, beliefs, and choices will influence their teaching practice. Therefore, it is necessary to build the views, beliefs, and positive selection within the teachers mind for the successful implementation of Curriculum 2013.   Perkembangan pendidikan karakter sampai sejauh ini masih penuh dengan kontroversi yang terutama berakar dalam berbagai perbedaan teoretis dan filosofis, meski sebenarnya inti dari pendidikan karakter tidak pada perbedaan filosofis, ideologi pedagogis, politik, dan sebagainya, melainkan tentang perkembangan anak. Kurikulum 2013 berupaya memberikan pemecahan persoalan budaya dan karakter bangsa dengan cara mengintegrasikan karakter/nilai/sikap ke dalam mata pelajaran, pengembangan diri, dan budaya sekolah, dengan harapan terbentuknya generasi baru bangsa yang utuh dalam sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan. Dengan menyadari bahwa pandangan, keyakinan, dan pilihan para guru akan berpengaruh pada praktek pembelajaran, maka perlu dibangun pandangan, keyakinan, dan pilihan yang positif dalam diri para guru demi keberhasilan implementasi Kurikulum 2013.

2012 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
Т. Г. Калюжна

У статті розглянуто процес формування ціннісних орієнтацій сучасного студентства педагогічних вузів, основні шляхи та методи духовного становлення особистості та модернізації сучасної освіти.Ключові слова: цінності, ціннісні орієнтації, педагогічна аксіологія, модернізація.  In this article the author examines the formation of value orientations of today's college students, basic techniques and the way of spiritual identity formation and upgrading of modern education. Key words: values, value orientations, pedagogical axiology, modernization.

2021 ◽  
pp. 200-243
Larry Abbott Golemon

The sixth chapter analyzes theological schools that realigned themselves with the modern research university. Several narratives are explored: the struggle between Thomas Jefferson’s University of Virginia and seminary founders like John Holt Rice; the influence of the German university through immigrants like Phillip Schaff and theologians who studied abroad; the pragmatic adaptation of the German encyclopedia for organizing theological studies; the impact of the American university’s pragmatism, social sciences, and social reform on seminaries; and the influence of progressive education and the religious education movement on theological schools. University Divinity schools led this movement, especially the University of Chicago built by William Rainey Harper, but a number of independent schools, like Union Theological Seminary in New York, sought such realignment as “theological universities.” This realignment of theological schools had significant benefits, as it increased elective studies, developed specialized fields of ministry, and brought the social sciences to theological education. However, the realignment had unforeseen problems as it widened the gap between academics and those of professional practice; distanced faculty from interdisciplinary work and church leadership; replaced the Bible as a unifying discipline with “the scientific method”; and replaced the integrative role of oral pedagogies with scholarly lectures and the research seminar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 55 ◽  
pp. 141-155
Olena Kryvylova ◽  
Natalya Sosnickaya ◽  
Karina Oleksenko

The role of axiological approach in the training of new generation teachers is theoretically substantiated in this article. The axiological approach makes it possible to identify a set of priority values in the education, upbringing and self-development of a person in modern society and to design their reflection in the norms and aims of future teachers in the process of psychological and pedagogical training. Possible ways of implementing an axiological approach in the educational process of higher education institutions are outlined, such as: the identification of value orientations of higher education applicants, with further adjustment regarding ethical positions in psychological and pedagogical activity; informing students of higher education about value orientations and identification of the most important ones in teaching the cycle of psychological and pedagogical disciplines; adaptation of higher education students to the system of professional value orientations through educational, practically-oriented, independent activity and interaction with teachers as carriers of moral principles and others. Thus, 45.83% of respondents found: having ethical knowledge about generally accepted norms and principles of pedagogical morality; mastering the basic requirements of pedagogical ethics; ability to act positively according to moral choice; the need to work independently to improve themselves and improve their moral qualities.

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